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GERMPLASM IMPROVEMENT Breeding methodshybrid 4 Performance of IR rice hybrids in Ambasamudram, Tamil Nadu, India 4 Ease of fertility restoration in CMS lines 5 Effect of cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) on panicle exsertion and sheath rot (ShR) incidence in F2 rice hybrids 5 Identification of restorers and maintainers for male sterile lines at CLRRI Breeding methodsissue culture 6 D2026 , a promising rice dwarf mutant of Guangluai 4 6 Decline of morphogenic potential in microspore-derived calli from indica/ japonica and japonica/japonica F1 hybrids Yield potential 7 Stability for grain yield and its physiological attributes in rice genotypes 8 Differences in root volume of selected upland and lowland rice varieties 8 Variation in chlorophyll content of rice flag leaf lamina and sheath 9 Biomass, grain yield, and harvest index of F1 rice hybrids and inbreds 10 Effect of stem thickness and carbohydrate content on ratoon rice yield 10 Variation in rice hull weights 11 Computer simulation of the potential production of rice Grain quality 12 Effect of rice genotype x environment interactions on quality characters Pest resistancediseases 13 Impact of seedborne bacteria on rice seedlings 13 Identifying tolerance for rice tungro (RTV) - associated viruses in rice varieties using severity index scoring and serology 14 Production of helper component in rice tungro virus (RTSV) - infected plants 14 Effect of vector resistance on tungro (RV) transmission 15 Inheritance of resistance to bacterial blight (BB) in rice Pest 16 16 17 resistanceinsects Gall midge (GM) resistance in traditional rice varieties of Manipur Outbreak of blue beetle in India New sources of resistance to rice leaffolder (LF) CROP AND RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Soils 22 Contribution of different soil Zn fraction to Zn uptake by rice Crop management 23 Response of rice to applied P in soils of different P status 24 Two methods of land leveling 24 Effect of coated urea on yield, N uptake, recovery, and response of rice and succeeding wheat crop Fertilizer managementbiological N 25 Blue-green algae (BGA) as a partial N substitute for rainfed lowland rice 25 Decapitating young Sesbania rostrata plants to increase biomass production and nitrogen fixation 26 Effect of sesbania and azolla on rice grain and straw yields Integrated pest managementdiseases 26 Potential antagonist of rice sheath rot (ShR) pathogen 27 Toxicity of essential oils against Rhizoctonia solani Kuhn fungus causing sheath blight (ShB) in rice Integrated pest managementinsects 28 Technique for evaluating rice pest predators in the laboratory 28 Infectivity of tungro-viruliferous leafhoppers confined with seedlings in cages 29 Effect of crop age and leaf location on food consumption and development of rice leaffolder (LF) Marasmia patnalis 29 Using radar to observe brown planthopper (BPH) migration in China 31 Retention of tungro-associated viruses by leafhoppers and its relation to rice cultivars 31 Further studies on green leafhopper (GLH) feeding modes and tungro transmission 32 Attraction of rice leafhoppers and planthoppers to different light colors Integrated pest managementother pests 33 Management practices to control golden apple snail Pomacea canaliculata Lamarck damage in transplanted rice 34 Occurrence of rice root nematode Hirschmanniella oryzae in Portugal 34 Population density of nematode Pratylenchus zeae at harvest and yield of upland rice UPLRi-5 Farming systems 34 Legume residue incorporation and wetland rice yield 35 Performance of rice + maize intercropping in a drought-prone situation 36 Performance of oilseed and pulse crops in a rice-based cropping sequence Economic analysis 36 Use of bullock power in rice production ENVIRONMENT 37 Preliminary study on response of rice seedlings to enhanced UV-B radiation

Pest resistanceother pests 17 Analysis of isozymes in rice varieties tolerant of and susceptible to herbicide butachlor Stress tolerancedrought 18 Influence of water potential on germination of direct seeded rice Stress toleranceadverse temperature 18 Effect of synthetic phytohormone analog on leaf water potential during chilling 19 A new phytohormone analog for preventing rice membrane injury after chilling Stress toleranceadverse soils 19 Root cation exchange capacity (CEC) and yield-contributing parameters in rice in normal and alkali soils Integrated germplasm improvementirrigated 20 OM80, a high-yielding rice variety released in Vietnam 20 TM2011, a short-duration fine rice in Tamil Nadu Integrated germplasm improvementrainfed lowland 21 TM6012, a short-duration rainfed rice Integrated germplasm improvementupland 21 TM8602, a new upland rice Seed technology 21 Effect of wet and dry heat treatment on rice seed germination and seedling vigor

ANNOUNCEMENT 37 ICAR celebrates 25 years of rice research


Breeding methods-hybrid
Performance of IR rice hybrids in Ambasamudram, Tamil Nadu, India
P. Shanmugasundaram, K. Mohanasundaram, A. Thangasmy, M. Velusamy, and M. Rangaswamy, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University Rice Research Station (RRS), Ambasamudram 627401, Tamil Nadu, India

Yields were assessed on whole plots; biometrical observations were taken on 10 plants/replication. Entries also were screened for reaction to major pests and diseases. Only IR54752A/IR46 yielded higher than the checks, although the differ-

ence from Co 43 was not significant (Table 1). IR54752A/IR46 matured 5 d earlier, had more productive tillers and higher panicle weight than the checks. All three hybrids were resistant to stem borer, gall fly, brown planthopper, and sheath blight, and moderately resistant to grain discoloration (Table 2).

Table 2. Reaction of IRRI rice hybrids to major pests and diseases in the field at RRS, Ambasamudram, Tamil Nadu, India, 1988. Reactiona Hybrid or check Insects Stem borer 1 1 1 3 5 Gall fly 1 1 1 1 1 Brown planthopper 5 3 Sheath blight 3 3 3 3 3 Diseases Grain discoloration 5 5 5 3 3

We evaluated rice hybrids IR54752A/ IR46R, IR54752A/IR54R, and IR54752A/ARC11353R, with IR20 and Co 43 as local checks. Twenty-day-old seedlings were transplanted 26 Jun 1988 and harvested the last week of Oct. Plots were 3 1.2 m with a 15- 10-cm spacing between plants, in a randomized block design, with two replications.

IR54752A/IR46 IR54752A/IR54 IR54752A/ARC11353 IR20 Co 43


Standard evaluation system for rice scale.

Table 1. Performance of IRRI rice hybrids at RRS, Ambasamudram, Tamil Nadu, India, 1988. Hybrid or check IR54752A/IR46 IR54752A/IR54 IR54752A/ARC11353 IR20 Co 43 LSD CV (%) Duration (d) 130 135 135 133 139 Plant height (cm) 105.2 95.8 89.4 88.1 82.3 Productive tillers (no.) 11.1 10.1 9.5 8.0 8.5 Unproductive tillers (no.) 1.1 1.9 2.5 1.5 2.5 Panicle length (cm) 24.5 26.0 25.0 24.9 25.0 Panicle weight (g) 35.3 29.3 32.9 28.9 29.0 Yield (t/ha) 5.5 4.7 4.7 4.6 4.8 0.9 9.4 Increase over IR20 (%) 19.5 2.1 2.1 4.3 Increase over Co 48 (%) 14.6 -

Ease of fertility restoration in CMS lines

T. S. Bharaj, G. S. Sidhu, and S. S. Gill, PAU Rice Research Station, P.O. Box 34, Kapurthala, Punjab, India

We evaluated 36 experimental rice hybrids involving cytoplasmic male sterile (CMS) lines V20A, IR46830A, and IR48483A and 12 restorer lines and their male parents during 1987 wet season. Each line was grown in one row of 12 plants at 20- 20-cm spacing, in a randomized complete block design

with three replications. Check varieties were PR103 (125 d duration) and PR106 (144 d). Data on grain yield and percent spikelet fertility were collected from the center 10 plants of each row. None of the hybrids outyielded PR106 (see table). Most of them had short duration. When compared with short-duration check PR103, hybrid combinations V20A/PR103 (120 d) and V20A/PAU50-B-25-1-5 (128 d) had significantly higher yields. This indicates that the performance of hybrids should be compared with checks of similar duration.

The CMS lines used have the same (WA) source of cytoplasm imparting male sterility. But they exhibited different fertility restoration with different restorer lines. PAU50-B-251-5 was a good restorer for V20A (82.53% fertile spikelets), but a poor restorer for IR46830A and IR48483A (59.93 and 41.82% spikelet fertility, respectively). Responses with other restorer lines were similar. Hybrids with CMS line V20A uniformly exhibited high grain yield and percent filled spikelets, indicating that V20A was the easiest line to restore.

4 IRRN 15:2 (April 1990)

Yield, spikelet fertility, and days to maturity of hybrids using 12 restorer 1ines. a Punjab, India. Grain yield (g)/10 plants Male parent Hybrid combination with V20A PAU50-B-25-1-5 PAU158-68-1-1 PAU164-11-3-4-1 IR18341-37-3-2 IR21820-154-3-2-2-2-3 IR28178-82-31 MRC603-3-3 BR51-282-7 UPR82-1-1 Palman 579 PR103 PR106 420.33 340.00 334.67 324.67 296.00 334.33 366.67 278.33 367.33 194.00 427.67 328.00 IR46830A 138.67 123.67 309.33 148.00 195.67 209.67 85.33 155.67 135.33 76.67 300.33 245.33 LSD Grain yield 0.05-13.078 0.01-17.142
a PR106 = best check.

Spikelet fertility (%) Male parent selfed 280.00 229.00 259.00 247.00 235.67 222.67 226.33 271.33 248.00 229.00 368.33 416.67 Hybrid combination with V20A 82.53 83.96 78.15 91.35 80.47 83.02 79.26 85.55 87.59 72.25 83.20 82.66 IR46830A 59.93 60.94 76.69 75.15 68.89 72.15 60.63 73.21 71.95 46.66 75.60 72.64 IR48483A 41.82 43.63 75.93 57.65 49.24 60.77 34.48 75.29 65.93 34.32 72.39 52.08 Male parent selfed 88.85 88.26 87.12 84.48 85.74 89.01 80.05 87.21 87.88 89.15 88.46 84.96

Days to maturity Hybrid combination with V20A 128 123 140 135 138 133 126 128 118 123 120 128 IR46830A 130 123 133 138 136 126 124 126 122 128 123 132 IR48483A 138 123 138 138 137 129 121 126 120 128 122 131 Male parent 143 133 141 138 140 138 123 141 115 126 125 144

IR48483A 102.00 72.67 268.33 111.33 158.00 166.00 45.33 128.67 94.67 52.00 255.33 155.00

Spikelet fertility 0.05-1.115 0.01-2.866

Effect of cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) on panicle exsertion and sheath rot (ShR) incidence in F2 rice hybrids
K.K. Vinod, P. Vivekanandan, and M. Subramanian, Genetics and Plant Breeding Division, Agricultural College and Research Institute, Tamil Nadu Agricultural Universiy, Madurai 625104, Tamil Nadu, India

near sterile plants in all crosses. All plants with well-exserted or moderately well-exserted panicles were completely fertile. ShR incidence was severe in plants with poorly exserted panicles. The higher ShR incidence in sterile plants

was attributed to half-opened leaf sheaths covering the lower half of the panicles: that favored infection. We conclude that panicle exsertion might be under the influence of cytoplasmic-genetic factors that control CMS in rice.

Effect of CMS on panicle exsertion, fertility, and ShR incidence in the F2 of hybrid rices. Madurai, India, 1988. Hybrid Zhen Shan 97A/IR50 Panicle exsertion Partly exserted Just exserted Moderately well- or well-exserted Partly exserted Just exserted Moderately well- or well-exserted Partly exserted Just exserted Moderately well- or well-exserted Spikelet fertility (%) 0.0 - 33.7 40.3 - 96.8 >90.0 0.0 - 28.2 41.0 - 98.3 >90.0 0.0 - 43.8 60.1 - 100.0 >90.0 Pollen fertility (%) 0.0 - 30.0 30.0 - 100.0 90.0 - 100.0 0.0 - 30.0 30.0 - 100.0 90.0 - 100.0 0.0 - 30.0 30.0 - 100.0 90.0 - 100.0 ShR incidencea 7 5 1 7 3 1 7-9 5 1

We studied the F2 progenies of indica rice hybrids Zhen Shan 97A/IR50, Erjiu-nan 1A/IR50, and MS37A/IR50 carrying wild abortive CMS in 1988 wet season. Segregants were examined for pollen and spikelet fertility, panicle exsertion, and ShR incidence. All crosses segregated for fertile, partially fertile, and sterile classes on the basis of pollen and spikelet fertility (see table). Panicle exsertion was invariably poor in all the sterile and

Er-jiu-nan 1A/IR50


aStandard evaluation system for rice scale.

Identification of restorers and maintainers for male sterile lines at CLRRI

Pham Cong Voc, Pham Thi Mui, and Nguyen Van Luat, Cuu Long Delta Rice Research Institute (CLRRI), Omon, Haugiang Vietnam

We testcrossed 22 short- and mediumduration rice cultivars with cytoplasmic male sterile lines IR46829A, IR46830A, IR48483A, and IR54752A, than 10% fertility as suspected maintainers. OM576, OM80, IR66, and IR29723143-3-2-2-2-1 were identified as

effective restorers for IR46830A and IR54752A (see table). OM86-9, OM90, and IR31868-64-2-3-3-3 were effective restorers for IR48483A. to identify fertility restorers and sterility maintainers. Hybrids and their male parents were transplanted in 1987-88 dry and wet IRRN 15:2 (April 1990) 5

seasons. Spikelet fertility for each plant was evaluated visually. Varieties showing more than 80% spikelet fertility were classified as restorers, those showing 10-79% fertility as partial restorers, and those with less OM88 and IR28228-12-3-1-3 were suspected maintainers for IR46830A and IR54752A, respectively. The effectivity of maintainers will be confirmed by backcrossing and scoring individual plants of BC progenies for pollen sterility. Completely pollen sterile BC progenies would indicate that the suspected maintainer is effective, and could be converted that into a CMS line.

Restorers and maintainers for male sterile lines identified at CLRRI, Omon, Haugiang, Vietnam, 1987-89 dry and wet seasons. Male sterile line IR46829A IR46830A IR48483A IR54752A Fertility restorer lines NN3A, NN4B NN3A, OM576 IR66, IR29723-143-3-2-2-1 OM86-9, OM90, IR54 IR31868-64-2-3-3-3 IR31801-124-1-3 IR64, OM80, OM576 NN4B, NN5B, IR54 IR29723-143-3-2-1 Partial restorer lines IR19728-9-3-2-3-3 OM86-9, ITA212 IR64,OM80 IR28228-12-3-1-1-2 NN7A IR28228-12-3-1-1-2 ITA212 IR27316-60-3-2-2 Suspected maintainer lines OM88 OM88 IR31917-45-3-2-2 IR28228-12-3-1-1-2

The International Rice Research Newsletter is published to expedite communication among scientists concerned with rice research and the development of improved technology for rice and rice-based farming systems. Readers are encouraged to write authors at their published addresses to discuss the research and obtain more details.

Breeding methodstissue culture

D 2026 , a promising rice dwarf mutant of Guangluai 4
Zhu Xiaoqi, Pangboliang, and Wan Xiangquo, Institute for Application of Atomic Energy, Hunan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Changsha, Hunan 410125, China

Decline of morphogenic potential in microsporederived calli from indica/ japonica and japonica/ japonica F 1 hybrids
E. Guiderdoni, J. Luistro, and G. Vergara, Plant Breeding Department, IRRI

We irradiated seeds of Guangluai 4, a short-duration local rice variety with high yield and wide adaptability, with 60 Co r-rays (30 kR) + Ar + Laser (80 J/cm 2 ). Starting with the M 2 , plants were selected for dwarf stature. Mutant D 2026 , selected in the M 4 , has significantly shorter plants, shorter panicles, and lower 1,000-grain weight than Guangluai 4 (see table). But it has higher seed-setting. The mutant has a good plant type with plant height of 46.2-58.4 cm. It should be a good source of the dwarf character in breeding projects.
Agronomic characters of the dwarf mutant D2026 and its mother variety Guangluai 4. Hunan, China, 1988. Characteristic Mutant D2026 52.3 15.2 85.9 17.9 8.3 Guangluai 4 74.3 19.6 81.8 23.8 16.4

In large-scale anther culture plant production, the callus transfer activity consumes time, medium, and space.

Hence, it is more efficient to concentrate on cultures possessing good morphogenic potential. Rice anthers inoculated onto a semisolid induction medium produce visible microspore-derived calli from 4 to 10 wk after inoculation, in an asynchronous callus induction process. Transferring calli to the regeneration medium when they are 1-2 mm in size ensures better regeneration efficiency. But that requires repeated callus transfers.

Plant height (cm) Panicle length (cm) Seed-setting rate (%) 1,000-grain weight (g) Yield per plant (g)

Green plant regenerating ability (GPRA) of microspore-derived calli as a function of time when calli attained transferable stage, IRRI. 1989. Each liter of the callusinducing medium (N6AK) = N6 basal salts, Fe source, and vitamins supplemented with 2 mg naphthalene acetic acid (NAA), 0.5 mg kinetin, 60 g sucrose, and 5.5 g agarose; each liter of the regeneration medium (R6) = N6 basal salts, Fe source, and vitamins supplemented with 1 mg kinetin and 0.1 mg naphthalene acetic acid, 40 g sucrose, and 5.5 g acarose.

6 IRRN 15:2 (April 1990)

The production of calli and their regenerating ability are known to decline with increasing age of anther culture. This is perhaps due to a depletion of available nutrients in the unrenewed culture medium or to a release of toxic compounds from the senescent anther walls, or to both. To assess the time beyond which callus transfers are no longer profitable, we monitored the green plantregenerating ability (GPRA) of calli arising between 4 and 8 wk after anther inoculation of four rice F 1 hybrids (see figure).

GPRA of aus/japonica hybrid Kele/ IRAT216 and indica/japonica hybrids IR64/Azucena and IR64/IRAT216 calli increased slightly to week 6 of culture, then decreased (see table). The morphogenic ability of calli that attained the transferable stage 8 wk after anther plating remained at an acceptable level in Kele/IRAT216 and IR64/Azucena. However, the callus GPRA of IRAT216/Azucena, which decreased dramatically as early as week 5 of culture, was reduced to only 10% in week 8.

These results suggest that it is still worthwhile to transfer late-emerging calli in indica/japonica anther cultures, up to 2 mo after plating. However, only early microspore calli had a satisfactory GPRA in the japonica/ japonica hybrid. Such differential retentions of GPRA among the hybrids investigated may correspond to the histological differences in the calli. That merits further investigation.

Green plant regeneration in microspore-derived calli of F 1 hybrids as a function of aging in anther culture. a IRRI, 1989.

Anthen Inoculated Callusing (no.) (no.) IR64/Azucena IR64/IRAT216 Kele/IRAT216 IRAT216/Azucena Total or average

4 wk % 27.2 21.8 29.8 48.4 S R % S

5 wk R % 10.3 5.6 4.4 7.6 7 S 995 659 783 279 2,716

6 wk R 110 64 46 10 230 % 11 9.7 5.8 3.6 8.5 S 762 341 711 185 1,999

7 wk R 81 29 41 5 156 % 10.6 8.5 5.7 8.7 7.8 S 483 212 138 165 998

8 wk R 32 16 2 2 52 % 6.6 7.5 1.4 1.2 5.2 S 4,794 2,601 3,308 1,166 11,869

Total R 471 182 161 67 881 % 9.8 7 4.9 5.7 7.4

23,905 17,560 9,700 2,523 53,588

6,466 3,837 2,872 1,222 14,397

1,523 142 9.3 1,031 106 675 33 4.8 714 40 661 27 4.1 1,015 45 235 25 10.6 302 85 7.3 3,062 216

(26.9) 3,094 227

S = no. of calli subcultured onto regeneration medium, R = no. of green plant-regenerating calli.

Yield potential
Stability for grain yield and its physiological attributes in rice genotypes
S. Mohandass, N. Natarajaratnam, and M. Moosa Sheriff Crop Physiology Department, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore 641003, India Low solar radiation has been the major constraint to higher productivity of rice during the wet season (WS). A decrease of 40-60% in light intensity leads to poor productivity. Rice yield also is governed by the interaction of genetic makeup and physiological characters. Both climate and plant physiology affect the stability of rice productivity. We studied the relative stability for grain yield over three planting seasons of six medium-duration genotypes. Seedlings (26 d old) were transplanted 6 Feb 1987, 7 Jul 1988, and 23 Oct 1987. The statistical constants of the mean, regression coefficient (bi), and standard deviation from regression (S-d2i) for three parameters are given in the table. Four genotypes-Ponni, TNAU80030, CO 43, and Bhavaniregistered higher photosynthetic rates than the pooled mean, but they had varied responses to changes in the environment and stability. CO 44 and IR20 were unstable for total biomass (significant values for bi and S d2i). Ponni, TNAU80030, and CO 43 registered yields higher than the pooled mean. Nonsignificant values for bi and S - d2i indicated the absence of a genotype x environment interaction. The three varieties appear to be widely adapted across environments and performed well even under the lowlight stress environments of the wet season (Jul and Oct) plantings.

Estimation of stability parameters for three characters in rice. Coimbatore, India. Photosynthetic rate at flowering (mg CO 2/dm2 per h) Mean Ponni TNAU80030 CO 43 CO 44 Bhavani IR20 Pooled mean SE 26.7 26.0 25.8 19.2 25.8 22.5 24.3 1.3 bi 1.10* 0.67 1.01* 1.44** 1.21** 0.56 1.00 0.99 S d 2i 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.5 Mean 1175.8 1164.0 1145.2 920.4 999.6 969.4 1062.4 70.8 Total biomass 2 (g/m ) bi 0.86 0.79 0.75 1.34** 1.25** 1.17 1.00 0.23 S d 2i 191.1 159.4 145.8 1239.1** 511.8* 68.3 Mean 541.0 544.0 550.8 440.0 465.3 471.0 502.7 35.6 Grain yield 2 (g/m ) bi 0.69 0.87 0.74 1.26** 1.31** 1.71** 1.00 0.39 S d2i 32.9 7.9 75.0 47.9* 37.5* 17.2


IRRN 15:2 (April 1990) 7

Differences in root volume of selected upland and lowland rice varieties

C. Zuo-Altoveros, G. C. Loresto, M. Obien, and T. T. Chang IRRI

Table 1. Mean root volume of 13 rice varieties 44 d after seed soaking, and field reaction to drought. IRRI, 1989. Type of culturea U U RL U RL DP U U IL RL U IL IL Mean volumeb (ml) 31 a 30 ab 26 abc 23 a-d 22 bcd 21 cde 21 cde 16 def 15 def 14 def 14 def 13 ef 10 f Drought reaction c Vegetative phase 3 7 3 5 5 3 4 6 5 4 4 7 Reproductive phase 5 5 3 3 3 6 9 9 9 9

Variety Rikuto Norin Kalakeri BPI-76 Moroberekan Guang-Mao 127 Dular Kinandang Patong Salumpikit Taichung Native 1 Mahsuri Palawan IR8 IR20

Refined selection techniques that offer greater precision in screening for drought resistance are needed to assess the avoidance and tolerance mechanisms that operate at different growth stages. High root volume indicates that a plant can permeate a large volume of soil or that it has a high proportion of thick roots. Theoretically, such a plant would have greater water-gathering potential for growth and survival. We investigated differences in root volume among upland and lowland rice varieties and compared aboveground characters that might be associated with high root volume. Thirteen test varieties identified in mass field screening to have varying reactions to drought were grown in an aeroponic culture system. The trial was laid out in a randomized complete block design with three replications. Root volume was determined by displacement of water in a 1-liter graduated cylinder 44 d after seed soaking. Other root and shoot characters also were measured. Test varieties differed appreciably in root volume. Rikuto Norin 21, a Japanese upland variety, had the greatest root volume; IR20, a semidwarf drought-susceptible lowland variety, the least (Table 1). Upland varieties in general had greater root

a U = upland, RL = rainfed lowland, IL =improved lowland, DP =dual purpose. b Means followed by the same letter are c l = resistant, 9 = susceptible.

not significantly different at the 5% level by DMRT.

volumes than lowland varieties. Among the lowland varieties, BPI-76 had a greater root volume than drought-resistant check Moroberekan. (BPI-76 was moderately resistant to field drought in upland mass screening nurseries.) Root volume was negatively associated with reproductive phase drought reaction (-0.85**): varieties showing high drought resistance had greater root volumes than susceptible varieties. Interactions among plant characters are important in determining appropriate indices to select for drought resistance. Associations between root volume and root or shoot characters were positive except for tiller number (Table 2). The only significant correlations, however, were between root volume and root length and between root volume and shoot length.

Table 2. Relationship between root volume and 7 root or shoot characters of 13 test varieties. IRRI, 1989. Character Root volume vs Root length Root diameter Root number Root/shoot ratio Shoot length Tiller number Leaf number r 0.86589** 0.43166ns 0.11297ns 0.48075ns 0.68428** 0.08742 ns 0.00738 ns

In earlier studies, root length was correlated positively with shoot length. Thus, tall plants should have deep roots and large root volumes. Plant height could then be a useful criterion for selecting progenies with deep root systems and high root volume, especially for resistance to drought during the reproductive phase.

Variation in chlorophyll content of rice flag leaf lamina and sheath

M. P. Janoria, B. S. Vergara, A. M. Aguilar, and T. S. Park, Plant Physiology Department, IRRI

The chlorophyll content of the lamina, sheath, and exposed internode indicates the photosynthetic potential of these organs. One may conceptualize a 8 IRRN 15:2 (April 1990)

rice ideotype whose enhanced photosynthetic potential of the flag leaf lamina, leaf sheath, exposed internode, and panicle allows significant reduction in the size of leaf blades, without reducing the plants assimilatory potential. Such a plant type could be suitable for high density planting and high fertilizer N application. In 1989 dry season, we studied variation in chlorophyll content of the flag leaf lamina and sheath of five rice

varieties of similar flowering duration (group 1). A chlorophyll meter (Minolta SPAD 502) was used to measure chlorophyll values at heading for flag leaf blade and sheath from the main culms of 10 plants/variety per three replications. IR47686-6-2-2-1 had the highest chlorophyll content in the flag leaf blade (Table 1). Suweon 290 had the highest chlorophyll content in the sheath.

Table 1. Chlorophyll content of flag leaf blade and sheath at heading in 11 rice genotypes. IRRI, 1989 dry season. Chlorophyll content (mg/100 cm 2a ) Lamina Sheath

Genotype Group I IR47686-6-2-2-1 IR29723-143-3-2-1 IR35686-56-2-2-2 Suweon 290 IR33043-46-1-3 Mean SEM Group II IR47705-Ac5 IR47705-Ac3-2 IR47705-Ac6 IR34615-75-1-1 IR47705-Ac5-1 IR28211-43-1-1-2 Mean SEM

in both lamina and sheath. Such recombinants are likely to have higher photosynthetic potential and, thus, higher yield potential. Alternatively, high lamina and sheath chlorophyll contents could be

combined with reduced laminar area without loss of a plant's photosynthetic potential. Such a plant type could produce higher yields through more panicles/unit area under high density planting.

3.9 3.6 3.4 3.3 3.1 3.5 0.1

1.6 1.7 1.7 1.9 1.5 1.7 0.1

Table 2. Chlorophyll content of flag leaf lamina and sheath at heading in 22 rice genotypes. IRRI, 1989 wet season. Chlorophyll content (mg/100 cm2 ) Lamina 6.1 5.6 5.5 5.2 5.2 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.6 4.6 4.6 4.6 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 3.7 3.5 3.4 3.4 3.2 4.5 0.2 Sheath 2.0 1.9 2.0 2.1 2.1 2.1 1.9 1.8 1.9 1.7 1.8 2.1 1.8 2.1 2.1 2.2 2.0 2.9 2.0 1.6 1.6 1.9 2.0 0.1

Acc no. 2293 2286 26168 3236 3197 1179 1414 2531 2575 2622 2663 9277 61802 251 1 2627 3105 3123 1214 8433 1097 1588 1525

Name Zi Talc Wase Shinsu Riuc V13 Coll 7393 Paraitalica Fiacco Hung Chao Lu Hyu Tu Pien Coll 232 Ishikari Shiraj Norin 11 Shinao Mochi 3 Fujisaka 3 He Jiang 19 Suito Norin Norin 28 82 Sancio P6 Tipo Dacca 345 DNJ 133 Tawng 282 K 184 Tsu Ta Li Mean SEM

Origin Korea Korea Brazil Turkey Portugal China China Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan China Japan Japan Italy Italy China Bangladesh China China China

5.6 5.2 4.9 4.6 4.2 4.2 4.8 0.2

2.3 2.1 2.0 2.4 2.7 2.3 2.3 0.1

a SPAD 502 reading converted to chlorophyll content y = 0.0996 r 0.152, where y = chlorophyll content and r = SPAD 502 reading.

Six additional lines, growing without replication in a different field, were selected for their dark green foliage (group 2). Their flag leaf blade and sheath chlorophyll values were higher than those for the first varieties studied. IR47705-Ac5 had the highest chlorophyll content in the lamina while IR47705-Ac5-1 had the highest content in the sheath. In 1989 wet season, we screened 22 additional genotypes without replication. Genotype means were based on five culms each from separate, randomly selected hills. Acc. 2293 had 91% higher chlorophyll content in the lamina than Acc. 1525 (Table 2). ACC. 1214 had 81% higher chlorophyll content in the sheath than Acc. 1097. Evaluation of more lines would likely reveal even larger differences for these traits. Nonsignificant correlations between lamina and sheath chlorophyll content for the two groups of genotypes during 1989 dry season and 22 genotypes during 1989 wet season indicate that it should be possible to develop recombinants having high chlorophyll content

Biomass, grain yield, and harvest index of F 1 rice hybrids and inbreds
L. C. Blanco, C. Casal, S. Akita, and S. S. Virmani, Plant Physiology and Plant Breeding Departments, IRRI

Grain yield is the product of total dry matter (biomass) and harvest index (HI). Total dry weight measures the overall crop photosynthetic performance; HI is the ratio of biomass partitioned into grains. Significant heterosis for total dry matter and HI has been observed, and genetic manipulation to develop hybrids with higher biomass and HI merits consideration. We evaluated the performance of 57 F1 hybrids and 43 inbreds with growth

durations ranging from 110 to 138 d in an unreplicated irrigated field trial in 1988 dry season. Hybrids and inbreds were grouped according to maturity, with 5-d intervals for each group. Plots were fertilized basally with 80-13-25 kg NPK/ha and 40 kg N/ha was topdressed 6 wk after transplanting. Plant spacing was 20 20 cm with 1 seedling/hill. Total dry weight at maturity and grain yield were measured from 20 hills/ variety. Biomass production increased with growth duration (Fig. 1). Heterosis was observed for biomass and grain yield. F1 hybrids showed almost 10% advantage in biomass and 20% advantage in grain yield over the highyielding inbreds. Regardless of growth duration, grain yield was almost the same except for a

IRRN 12:2 (April 1990) 9

slightly lower yield by very shortduration entries. F1 hybrids and inbreds with growth durations of 125129 d had the highest grain yield. The increase in biomass with growth duration and the almost constant grain yield regardless of growth duration resulted in higher HI in short-duration

cultivars (Fig. 2). F1 hybrids showed an average 10% advantage in HI over inbreds. (HI higher than 0.50 is often observed in short-duration F1 hybrids.) F1 hybrids, regardless of duration, showed heterosis for total dry weight production and HI, with greatly increased grain yields. Stem thickness of the ratoons was measured with a screw-gauge at harvest of the main crop. Carbohydrate content of the stubble was estimated immediately after harvest by the method suggested by Somogyi, using the Spectronic-20 colorimeter. In both years, Bhavani had significantly higher ratoon crop grain yield (see table). Its stem thickness was also significantly higher than that of the two other varieties. Bhavani also had the highest carbohydrate content in the stubble. This could have induced more vigorous regeneration of ratoon tillers, resulting in the production of a larger number of tillers and higher grain yield.

Effect of stem thickness and carbohydrate content on ratoon rice yield

A. Palchamy, S. Purushothaman, and A. Rajagopal, Agricultural College and Research Institute, Madurai 6251 04, Tamil Nadu, India

We studied the effect of stem thickness and carbohydrate content on yield of ratoon rice in 1984-85 and 1985-86. Varieties were Bhavani, Ponni, and IR20, in a randomized block design with three replications. The main crops were cultivated according to recommended practices.
1. Dry matter yield and grain yield of 57 F 1 hybrids and 43 inbreds with different growth durations, IRRI, 1988 dry season. Vertical lines represent the standard error of the mean.

Stem thickness, carbohydrate content, and ratoon rice yield. 1984-85 Variety Stem thickness (mm) 3.5 2.8 2.8 0.5 Carbohydrate content (%) 8.9 7.8 7.6 0.4 Ratoon grain yield (t/ha) 1.6 1.0 0.3 0.1 Stem thickness (mm) 3.1 2.7 2.8 0.1 1985-86 Carbohydrate content (%) 8.8 7.9 7.6 0.7 Ratoon grain yield (t/ha) 2.9 1.3 0.3 0.2

Bhavani Ponni IR20 LSD (0.05)

Variation in rice hull weights

S. Akita, F. T. Parao, and Ma. R. C. Laza, IRRI

2. Harvest index of F 1 hybrids and inbreds with different growth durations, IRRI, 1988 DS. Vertical lines represent the standard error of the mean.

One way to further improve rice yields in the tropics is to increase the harvest index (HI) the ratio of grain weight to biomass. (Wheat shows higher HI than rice, whose hull weight is substantially heavier than wheat chaff.) Reducing the partitioning of dry weight to the hull could be an approach to improving HI.

We examined seasonal variations in hull weight. Early-maturing IR58 and medium-maturing IR29723-143-3-2-1 were transplanted each month for 1 yr. Spacing was 20 20 cm, fertilizer was 120 kg N/ha. Filled grains (1.06 specific gravity) of each harvest were separated by salt solution and dried at 80C for 5 d. Three 200-seed samples per transplanting month were dehulled manually, redried for 24 h, and hull and kernel weight determined. Grains of 10 different cultivars were dehulled for comparison.

10 IRRN 15:2 (April 1990)

Clear differences in HWR were found in the 10 cultivars compared (see table). (The lowest HWR found was still much higher than the ratio of wheat chaff weight to total grain weight.)

Seasonal and varietal differences in hull weights suggest the possibility of breeding rice with a lower HWR. It would be worthwhile to examine the extent of HWR variation in rice and to determine its heritability.

Computer simulation of the potential production of rice

C. G. Herrera-Reyes and F. W. T. Penning de Vries, Multiple Cropping Department, IRRI

Seasonal variation in kernel and hull weight of IR29723143-3-2-1 in the monthly planting experiment. IRRI, 1989.

In IR29723-143-3-2-1, hull and kernel weight varied remarkably with transplanting date (see figure). The trend with IR58 was similar. Hull weights of grain harvested from Sep to Nov were higher than those of grain harvested in other months. Kernel weight variations were similar to those of hull weight. Thus, the hull weight ratio (HWR-hull weight divided by grain weight) was almost constant through the year. This means that HWR could be a useful, stable indicator in screening for cultivars with lower hull weight.
Varietal difference in hull weight ratio (hull weight/grain weight). IRRI, 1989. Cultivar Binato Peta IR8 IR32 IR58 IR64 IR65 IR54752B IR25588-7-3-1 IR29723-143-3-2-1
a Av

The MACROS model simulates physiological and physical processes by which meteorological variables affect the growth and development of rice. Crop parameters, weather variables, and management factors are inputs in the model. Values of state variables, such as the weights of different plant organs, and of rate variables, such as photosynthetic rate, are computed progressively for each day of the growing season. We used MACROS to calculate potential production of rice crops. The model was evaluated using data from 1986 and 1987 dry season experi-

ments on growth of rice cultivar IR64 and breeding line IR29723-143-3-2-1. It gave reasonable estimates of the weights of different plant organs (Fig. 1). However, it requires accurate values of initial weights. Simulated canopy photosynthesis agreed well with measured canopy photosynthesis. Appropriate submodels were selected and MACROS was used to simulate potential grain yields in four situations: IR64 and IR36 in fully irrigated conditions, IR64 transplanted in rainfed lowland, and Kinandang Pula (KP) dry seeded in rainfed upland. The model was run for crops transplanted at weekly intervals for 27 yr (1960-88), and 10, 25, 75, and 90% cumulative probability yield levels for specific flowering dates computed (Fig. 2). Yield was most strongly related to flowering date because weather

Hull weight ratioa 0.26 0.28 0.29 0.28 0.30 0.27 0.28 0.32 0.25 0.23 0.005 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.008 0.007 0.004 0.001 0.002

= 0.28.

1. Simulated and observed dry matter of different plant organs. Data for IR64 obtained from IRRI Plant Physiology Department, 1986 dry season. F = observed date of flowering, M = observed date of maturity.

IRRN 15:2 (April 1990)


The International Rice Research Newsletter is mailed free to individuals and institutions engaged in rice research and training. For further information, write IRRI, Communication and Publications Dept., Division R, P.O. Box 933, Manila, Philippines.

2. Simulated potential grain yields (rough rice, 14% moisture content) for different situations in Los Baos. The yield of weekly transplantings for 1988 are shown () The lines represent the yield levels that have a 10, 25, 75, and 90% probability to be exceeded (solid lines for 25 and 75%, broken lines for 10 and 90% probability).

conditions during the reproductive phase of rice development significantly affect grain yield. Simulated potential yields can serve

as references for ongoing field trials and can facilitate interpretation of year-to-year or season-to-season differences in growth and yield.

Grain quality
Effect of rice genotype x environment interactions on quality characters
S. G. J. N. Senanayake and K. Wijeratne, Agronomy Department, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna, Matara, Sri Lanka

We tested five common rice varieties (H4, BG94-1, BG379-2, BW531, and BG34-6) at five locations in southern Sri Lanka in 1987 wet season. The locations were chosen to provide differences in annual rainfall. The cultivars were planted in a randomized

complete block design with three replications at each location. Both variety and environment effects were significant for grain elongation, amylose, and brown rice protein, and the variety environment interaction was significant (see table). This means the effects were not additive. Heterogeneity between linear regressions also was not significant. But highly significant values were found for residual deviations. Grain elongation was highest in BG34-6 and lowest in BG94-1. BW531 showed the lowest amylose content and the highest brown rice protein. BG379-2 had the highest amylose content and BG34-6 the lowest brown rice protein. Length/breadth ratio was highest in BG94-1 and lowest in BW531. Interactions between variety and environment for the characters studied cannot be explained by linear regression. This could be due to interactions that were specific to particular combinations. The length/breadth ratio did not show significant interaction with variety and environment.
Matara, Sri Lanka, 1987 wet season. Amylose (%) 25.1-29.8 27.9-29.1 Brown rice protein (%) 6.2-11.1 7.4- 8.8 F 222.50*** 227.98*** 222.13* * * 2.13 ns 173.23*** MS 1.8802 2.2510 0.9585 0.8325 1.0005 0.0061 F 308.23*** 369.02* * * 157.13*** 0.83 ns 164.02***

Range and analysis of variance for quality characteristics of 5 rice varieties in 5 rainfall environments. Length:breadth ratio Overall range Range of mean values ANOVA Source Varieties Environments Variety environment Heterogeneity Residual deviations Error

Grain elongation (%) 27.3-66.0 37.8-52.9

2.87-4.16 3.12-4.01 df 4 4 16 4 12 50 MS 0.5816 0.0412 0.0426 0.0715 0.0330 0.0267 F 21.8*** 1.4 ns 1.0 ns 2.1 ns 1.2 ns

MS 156.6527 196.5726 59.2172 12.5252 74.7811 9.3507

F 16.75*** 21.02*** 6.33*** 0.17 ns 7.99***

MS 1.3350 1.3679 1.3228 2.2118 1.0397 0.0060

P < 0.05, ** P < 0.01, *** P < 0.001, ns = not significant.

12 IRRN 15:2 (April 1990)

Pest resistancediseases
Impact of seedborne bacteria on rice seedlings
M. S. Sharada, S. A. Shetty, and H. S. Shetty, Department of Studies in Applied Botany, University of Mysore, Manasagangothri, Mysore 570006; and N. G. K Karanth, ICP Discipline, CFTRI, Mysore 570013, India

We studied the bacterial populations in seeds of different rice cultivars and evaluated their effect on seed germination and seedling vigor. We used serial dilution technique to examine seeds of rice cultivars Jaya, Gowrisanna, Rajamudi, Shakti, and Rajakayame for externally borne (from surface wash) and internally borne (from crushed seeds) bacterial populations. Colonies morphologically different in dilution plates were transferred separately to nutrient agar slants and Gram-stained. The effect of bacteria on seed quality was assessed using cultures grown in nutrient broth for 24 h at 25 2C. Surface-sterilized seeds were soaked in the bacterial cultures for 24 h. Treated seeds were tested for germination using the paper towel method. Controls were seeds soaked in uninoculated medium and in sterile water. Sprouts were counted daily for 5 d. Root and shoot lengths were measured on the 5th or 14th days and a seedling vigor index calculated. Patho-

genicity of each bacterial isolate was tested by the cut-and-inoculate method. Seeds of all five cultivars carried bacteria. Internal bacteria outnumbered external bacteria (Table 1). Most bacteria were Gram-negative and varied in size from cocco bacilli to long filamentous forms. Only one Grampositive strain was isolated from Shakti; it was internally seedborne.
Table 1. Bacteria borne externally and internally by rice seed, Mysore, India. Externally borne bacteria (102 cells/g of seed) 10.0 50.0 10.6 8.5 11.0 Internally borne bacteria (10 3 cells/g of seed) 31.0 267.0 26.0 3.0 5.0

Cultivar Jaya Gowrisanna Rajamudi Shakti Rajakayame

Sprouted rice seed showed differential responses to the presence of bacterial cultures. The response differed not only between bacteria, but also in terms of germination, root growth, shoot growth, and vigor. The stimulatory or inhibitory effects of bacteria toward allied hosts followed no particular pattern (Table 2). Vigor increased in Gowrisanna and decreased in Jaya, Rajamudi, and Shakti. Rajakayame seedlings showed both stimulatory and inhibitory effects. Most of the cultures that reduced vigor were capable of producing symptoms when inoculated to rice seedlings. Symptoms included dry appearance, curly blades, and yellow leaves. Bacterial infection in general produced varied effects. Of 18 isolates tested, only two interacted with Shakti; 15 interacted with Gowrisanna (Table 2). The vigor of Gowrisanna seedlings suggests that the bacterial colonization of its seeds may be beneficial.

Table 2. Cross interaction of bacterial isolates. a Mysore, India. Culture b isolated from cultivar Cultures tested (no.) Jaya IC (no.) VI Gowrisanna IC (no.) VI Rajamudi IC (no.) VI Shakti IC (no.) VI Rajakayame IC (no.) VI

Gs Sh Rm Rk Jaya

6 5 3 2 2

3 4 2 1 1

4 4 3 2 2

+ + + + +

3 4 2 2 2

1 Nil 1 Nil Nil

* * *

2 Nil Nil 1

* + * *

a VI = Vigorindex: = inhibition, + = stimulation, * = no effect compared b Gs = Gowrisanna, Sh = Shakti, Rm = Rajamudi, Rk = Rajakayame.

to control. IC = Cultures causing interaction.

Identifying tolerance for rice tungro (RTV)-associated viruses in rice varieties using severity index scoring and serology
R. C. Cabunagan, R. D. Daquioag, Z. M. Flores, and H. Koganezawa, IRRI

We used the new scoring method to evaluate 15 selected varieties for resistance to or tolerance for RTV.

Each variety was seeded at 20 seeds/ pot, with three replications. At 10 d after seeding, one pot/variety was batch-inoculated for 3 h in a cage containing 10 viruliferous GLH/ seedling. (GLH had fed on plants infected with rice tungro bacilliform [RTBV] and rice tungro spherical [RTSV] viruses for 4 d.) Seedlings were scored individually 4 wk after inoculation. Leaf samples were also collected and indexed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay

(ELISA) for the presence of RTVassociated viruses. Based on their severity index (score 1-3 = resistant, 4-6 = intermediate, and 7-9 = susceptible), Utri Rajapan (ACC. 16684), ARC11554, Pankhari 203, Balimau Putih, Utri Merah (Acc. 16680), and Tilockkachari can be considered resistant (see table). Based on ELISA, only ARC11554 and Utri Merah had less than 10% infection by RTV-associated viruses. Utri Rajapan, Pankhari 203, Balimau

IRRN 15:2 (April 1990) 13

Putih, and Tilockkachari had high infection by either RTBV alone or RTBV + RTSV. The very low symptoms on these varieties (average score 2.5), despite high infection by RTV-associated viruses, indicate tolerance for tungro. The varieties exhibited less than 10% reduction in plant height and no leaf discoloration, despite infection by either RTBV alone or RTBV + RTSV. Other varieties that had intermediate to susceptible reactions had high infection. Susceptible check TN1 had an average severity index score of 8.9 and 98.3% infection by RTBV + RTSV combined. These results indicate the importance of scoring RTV infection not only on the basis of symptoms, but also through serology.

Reaction of selected varieties to rice tungro-associaled viruses, using the improved mass screening method and ELISA. IRRI, 1989. Variety TN1 Utri Rajapan ARC11554 Pankhari 203 ASD7 Balimau Putih ASD8 TKM6 Utri Merah Jhingasail Goria Choron Bawla Tilockkachari Kashiabinni Palasithari 601 Acc. no. 16684 21473 5999 6303 17204 6393 237 16680 8336 26345 26323 8321 37488 12069 Average severity indexa 8.9 2.9 1.9 2.7 5.7 2.1 6.1 5.9 2.5 6.2 4.7 4.4 2.3 4.2 4.9 Plants (%) infected with RTBV 1.7 45.0 10.0 76.0 44.7 0.0 44.7 89.7 6.0 19.3 63.3 45.0 21.7 50.3 83.7 RTSV 0.0 3.7 0.0 1.7 0.0 19.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 1.7 1.7 0.0 RTBV + RTSV 98.3 32.7 0.0 0.0 6.7 61.7 6.3 0.0 0.0 78.7 28.3 49.3 3.3 1.7 0.0

a Scaleand descriptions: 1 = no symptoms, 3 = 1-10% plant height reduction with no leaf discoloration, 5 = 11-30% plant

height reduction with no distinct leaf discoloration, 7 = 31-50% plant height reduction and/or yellow to orange leaf discoloration, 9 = more than 50% plant height reduction and yellow to orange leaf discoloration.

Production of helper component in rice tungro virus (RTSV)-infected plants

A. K. Chowdhury, P. S. Teng, and H. Hibino, Plant Pathology Department, IRRI

Rice tungro bacilliform virus (RTBV) and rice tungro spherical virus (RTSV) are transmitted by the green leafhopper (GLH) Nephotettix virescens. RTBV can be acquired and transmitted only by GLH that have fed on RTSV-source plants. RTSV particles do not bear the helper function for RTBV transmission, but a hypothetical helper compo-

nent is produced in RTSV-infected plants. We exposed 7-d-old TN1 seedlings transplanted in pots separately to four or five RTSV-viruliferous GLH for 12-h inoculation feeding. At 0, 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 84, 96, and 108 h after RTSV inoculation, a seedling was confined in a cage with a batch of virusfree GLH adults for 12 h. Then, the batch of GLH was given 10-12 h inoculation feeding on TN1 plants infected with RTBV alone. After that acquisition feeding, individual GLH were given a 1-d inoculation feeding on a 7-d-old TN1 seedling in a test tube.

One month after inoculation, seedlings were indexed by ELISA for the presence of RTBV and RTSV. GLH that fed on RTSV-inoculated plants 36 h and longer after inoculation transmitted RTBV (see table). GLH that fed on RTSV-source plants at 72 h and longer after inoculation, then on RTBV-source plants, were infective for both RTBV and RTBV + RTSV. These results indicate that RTSVinfected plants began to serve as a source for the helper component 36 h after inoculation and as a source for tungro 72 h after inoculation.

Transmission of RTBV and RTSV to TN1 seedlings after a 1-d feeding by GLH that had fed 12 h on RTSV source plants 0 to 108 h after a 12-h inoculation feeding by RTSV-viruliferous GLH and then for 12 h on RTBV source plants IRRI, 1989. Feeding sequence 1st (12 h) a RTSV RTSV RTSV RTSV RTSV RTSV RTSV RTSV RTSV

Effect of vector resistance on tungro (RTV) transmission

A. K. Chowdhury, R. C. Cabunagan, E. R. Tiongco, Z. M. Flores, and H. Hibino, IRRI


Inoculation (24 h) TN1 TN1 TN1 TN1 TN1 TN1 TN1 TN1 TN1

GLH (no.) tested 35 32 44 37 23 25 32 30 27

GLH (no.) that transmitted RTBV 0 0 3 3 2 3 4 6 5 RTBV+ RTSV 0 0 0 2 0 3 3 6 3 RTSV 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3

(12) (24) (36) (48) (60) (72) (84) (96) (108)

Number in parentheses indicates hours after inoculation with RTSV.

Predominant rice tungro bacilliform virus (RTBV) transmission by RTVviruliferous green leafhopper (GLH) Nephotettix virescens has been observed in GLH-resistant IR varieties. We examined this contradiction using GLH-resistant and susceptible cultivars. ARC11554, IR5492, IR74, and IR36 were given six sequential 4-h inocula-

14 IRRN 15:2 (April 1990)

tion access feedings alternately with TN1, using male or female GLH adults. For the control, GLH were tested successively on TN1 and IR5492. Two trials were conducted, using 80 RTV-viruliferous GLH per variety. Three weeks after inoculation, plants were indexed for RTBV and rice tungro spherical virus (RTSV) by the latex test. With alternate feeding, GLH transmitted mainly RTBV alone on highly resistant ARC11554, IR5492, and IR74. On moderately resistant IR36 and susceptible TN1, either RTBV + RTSV or RTBV alone was transmitted (see figure). Transmission by GLH decreased with increases in inoculation feeding time. GLH retained virus infectivity throughout six alternate feedings on ARC11554, IR5492, IR74, IR36, and TN1 and throughout six serial feedings on TN1, but lost infectivity after two successive feedings on IR5492. Alternate feeding did not demonstrate any effect of GLH feeding on highly resistant varieties and their transmission of the virus in subsequent feedings on susceptible TN1, except for RTBV transmission in highly resistant varieties.

Infection of RTBV and RTSV in ARC1 1554, IR74, IR36, and IR5492 plants after 6 sequential 4-h inoculation feedings alternately on TN1 ( a to d) and in succession in GLH- and RTV-susceptible TN1 and GLH-resistant IR5492 plants ( e and f).

Inheritance of resistance to bacterial blight (BB) in rice

Luo Lijun, China National Rice Research Institute; and Zhang Duanpin and Xie Yuefeng, Huazhong Agricultural Universiy, China

Table 1. Type, origin, and BB resistance reaction of rice cultivars in Yunnan, China. 1986. Cultivar Yunnan Dali IR28 Nankeng 15 Guangluai 4
a For

Type Japonica Indica Japonica Indica

Origin Yunnan IRRI Jiangsu Guangdong

Score 1985 a 3.3 2.0 1.5 9.0 1986 b 3.5 1.0 1.0 9.0

Yunnan, one of the centers of origin of Orya sativa L., may also be a center of resistance genes. We screened 96 cultivars from Yunnan for resistance to BB Xanthomonas campestris pv. oryzae. Traditional cultivar Yunnan Dali was found to be resistant (Table 1). The mode of inheritance of Yunnan Dali's resistance to a bacterial strain from Jiangling 691, a representative rice and isolate in central China, was studied. We analyzed the F1, F2, and F3 populations from crosses of Yunnan Dali and three other cultivars. With susceptible Guangluai 4, Yunnan Dali

26 plants. b For 30 plants.

Table 2. Classification of F 1 and F 2 plants for BB from crosses of Yunnan Dali with resistant and susceptible cultivars. Yunnan, China, 1986. Cross Yunnan Dali/Guangluai 4 Yunnan Dali/IR28 Yunnan Dali/Nankeng 15 F1 score 8.0 1 .0 1.0 F2 R 36 371 358 S 394 103 107 T 430 474 464 2.935 0.089 0.026 Xc 2 (1:15) (49:15) (49:15)

resistance is controlled by two recessive genes with overlapping effects (Table 2). It is not allelic with the dominant

genes in IR28 and Nankeng 15 and is not allelic with xa-5, xa-8, and xa-9 genes. These are two new genes.

IRRN 15:2 (April 1990)


Pest resistanceinsects
Gall midge (GM) resistance in traditional rice varieties of Manipur
M. P. Singh, Entomology Department, Manipur Agricultural College, Iroisemba, Imphal 795001, Manipur, India

We tested 21 traditional rice varieties for resistance to GM Orseolia oryzae

Wood-Mason, a serious pest of rice in Manipur, in the field at Iroisemba 1986-88. Surekha and TN1 were the resistant and susceptible checks. Seedlings at 1 mo old were transplanted in four 10-hill rows of each variety at 20- 15-cm spacing. To ensure adequate pest pressure, TN1 was planted after every 20 rows. Plots were fertilized to induce tillering.

Damage (% silvershoots and % infested hills) was graded 45 d after transplanting. In pooled 3-yr data, Phouren and Moirangphou khokngangbi show consistent resistance (see table). Akhanphou, Taothabi, Changphai, Kohima phou, Kakchengphou, and Chakhao amubi show less than 5% infestation.

Reaction of traditional rice cultivars to GM. Iroisemba, Manipur, India, 1986-88. 1986 Variety Silvershoots (%) 0 0 2 2 2 2 1 2 7 4 6 8 4 3 8 4 10 12 10 7 9 2 16 GMinfested hills (%) 0 0 5 5 5 2 2 5 15 8 15 12 10 5 15 12 18 20 2 22 25 5 55 Silvershoots (%) 0 0 1 2 2 2 4 2 6 4 6 4 3 4 5 3 9 15 12 9 11 3 21 1987 GMinfested hills (%) 0 0 2 2 2 5 5 2 15 8 12 10 8 8 12 8 10 22 28 25 28 5 74 Silvershoots (%) 0 0 1 1 2 2 2 1 4 3 5 4 3 6 4 4 3 6 5 6 7 1 10 1988 GMinfested hills (%) 0 0 2 2 5 5 5 2 10 5 10 10 5 20 10 10 15 12 10 20 20 2 30 Silvershoots (%) 0 0 2 2 2 2 3 2 6 3 6 5 3 4 6 4 7 11 9 7 9 2 16 Mean GMinfested hills (%) 0 0 3 3 4 4 4 3 13 7 12 11 8 11 12 10 14 18 21 22 24 4 53 Resistance ratinga 0 0 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 7 7 7 7 3 9

Moirangphou khokngangbi Phouren Akhanphou Chakhao amubi Changphai Kakchengphou Kohima phou Taothabi Buman Langmanphou Changlei Chiposelak Keibuchirong Moirangphou Nahazing Rarangma Taothabi angouba Kumbi phou Sangsangba Tadukan Tangangkate Surekha (resistant check) TN1 (susceptible check)

a Based on Standard evaluation system for rice scale of 0-9: 0 = no damage, 1 = resistant, 3 = moderately resistant, 5 = moderately susceptible, 7 = susceptible, and 9 = highly

Outbreak of blue beetle in India

M. Swamiappan, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore; K S. Rajaram and V. Chandrasenan Nair, Plant Protection, Nagercoil, India

Blue beetle Leptispa pygmaea Baly. (Chrysome1idae:Coleoptera) has been considered a minor pest of rice, with incidences recorded in parts of Tamil Nadu, South Kanara, Mysore, Cochin, and Malabar District of Kerala.

A serious outbreak occurred in Kuzhithurai Division, Kanyakumari District, Tamil Nadu Nov-Dec 1988 (kumbapoo, or second season). Incidence was very severe on about 50 ha of Ponmani during maximum tillering and panicle initiation. The rice cultivation tract in Nattalam and Killiyur blocks is locally called Ela, which means low-lying rice area surrounded by hill and forest vegetation. The ricefields are situated in the valley, with coconut, banana, vegetable crops, and forest plantations on both

sides. The area is very fertile and has good irrigation from storage ponds. We surveyed blue beetle incidence, damage, and life stages during its maximum feeding stage on 40 rice leaves sampled from 40 clumps. The pest in both larval and adult stage was found feeding on the upper surface of rice leaves, causing longitudinal white streaks of scraping. In severe attack, the leaves folded longitudinally and dried up. From a distance, the affected rice patch showed severe drying symptoms resembling that caused by

16 IRRN 15:2 (April 1990)

leaffolder except that there was no webbing and tying of leaf margins. In certain pockets, the young crop was attacked, resulting in stunting and severe drying symptoms. Incidence was higher in shaded areas. The adult beetle is dark bluishgreen, shiny and metallic, elongated with fine striations or pittings on the elytra. The beetles are very weak flyers

and soft, without hardiness. The larva is a soft-bodied, campodeiform grub, pale white with a brown head, and with a sclerotized tubular process at the abdominal tip. The larvae arrange themselves in a longitudinal line on the leaf surface, with about 7/leaf on average (maximum 10-12). Fecal pellets found on the surface of affected leaves are very tiny and powdery. wet season in Balakilong, Laurel, Batangas. The progenies had been found resistant in the F2 and F3 in greenhouse screening. Seedlings raised in wet seedbeds were transplanted 21 d after seeding in 2 rows of 25 hills each. Parents and susceptible check IR36 were planted every 100 rows. At 50 d after transplanting (DT), 120 kg N/ha was applied to increase plant lushness that would attract LF adults from adjacent fields. Plants were scored for plant damage when susceptible check IR36 had more than 50% leaf damage; scoring was repeated every 7 d to harvest. Damage could not be scored beyond 86 DT, when early-maturing TKM6

A larva pupates by attaching itself to the leaf surface by its posterior end. About three pale brown pupae could be seen on each leaf. A large number of white pupal skin are seen on leaf surfaces after beetle emergence. The simultaneous presence of all stages of the pest indicates overlapping broods.

New sources of resistance to rice leaffolder (LF)

V. D. Viajante, R. C. Saxena, E. R. Angeles, and G. S. Khush, Entomology and Plant Breeding Departments, IRRI

We screened 1,430 F4 progenies of TKM6, Muthumanikam, and Ptb 33 crossed to IR4707-106-3-2 during 1988

progenies had to be harvested. Latematuring Muthumanikam progenies and Ptb 33 were damaged by a typhoon after the third scoring. All parents showed resistance to LF at 72 DT. Muthumanikam and Ptb 33 showed intermediate resistance to susceptibility at later stages, almost comparable to the female parent IR4707-106-3-2 and susceptible check IR36 (Fig. 1a). TKM6 progenies had the best resistance (Fig. 1b). Ptb 33 progenies had limited resistance (Fig. 1c). Progenies of both Ptb 33 and Muthumanikam were late-maturing and tended to show intermediate to susceptible reaction to LF at booting.

Pest resistanceother pests

Analysis of isozymes in rice varieties tolerant of and susceptible to herbicide butachlor
Zuhua He, Chunhai Si, Bobo Fang, and Zongtan Shen, Agronomy Department, Zhejiang AgriculturaI University, Hangzhou, ChinaI

Reaction pattern of parents and progenies to LF damage, Laurel, Batangas, Philippines, 1988 wet season. Each pattern indicates reaction at sequential 7-d scoring intervals. R = resistant, I = intermediate, S = susceptible.

We examined the relationships of peroxidase and esterase isozymes in indica rice varieties with tolerance for butachlor, to establish a biochemical means of screening for tolerance. Resistant Wu-Jie-Gu and LongJiang-Dao; susceptible Yuan-FengZao, B3, and IR24; and mediumresistant Lu-Hong-Zao 1 were used. Germinated seeds were sown in 5 cm soil in 45- 25- 15-cm plastic boxes.

At the 2-3 leaf stage, seedlings were soaked with 100 ppm butachlor solution or water. At 1-5 d after treatment, electrophoresis was made with 7% polyacrylamide gel system. Peroxidase isozymes were stained with acetatebenzidine and esterase isozymes with 1-naphthyl acetate and fast blue RR salt. Eleven peroxidase isozymes were separated by electrophoregram (Fig. 1). The tenth isozyme (Rf=0.88) was more active in susceptible varieties than in tolerant or medium varieties treated with butachlor, especially 3 d after treatment. In control, there was no difference between zymograms of tolerant and susceptible varieties. Six esterase isozymes were identified (Fig. 2). The third isozyme (Rf=0.79)

IRRN 15:2 (April 1990) 17

Stress tolerancedrought
Influence of water potential on germination of direct seeded rice
G. M. Panaullah, M. A. Saleque, M. Joyenuddin, and N. I. Bhuiyan, Soil Chemistry Division, Bangladesh Rice Research Institute (BRRI), Joydebpur, Gazipur, Bangladesh

1. Zymogram patterns of peroxidase isozymes at 23 leaf stage (treated with butachlor). 1 = Yuan-FengZao (S), 2 = Wu-Jie-Gu (R). 3 = Lu-Hong-Zao 1 (M), 4 = B3 (S). 5 = Long-Jiang-Dao (R), 6 = IR24 (S).

Germination of direct seeded rice is affected by soil moisture. We studied germination in local varieties Dharial and Kataktara and improved varieties BR20 and BR21 in response to water potential. Six levels of water potential (0, -176, -363, -514, -704, and -837 kPa) were created with 0, 0.5, 0.10, 0.15, 0.20, and 0.25% NaCl solutions. Ten-ml aliquots of solution were added to 9.0-cm petri dishes containing Toyo 44 filter paper. Fifty seed/variety were placed on the

soaked filter paper and the covered dishes were kept on a laboratory bench at room temperature for 9 d. Germination percentages were recorded daily from day 4. Germination was virtually completed by day 8. Germination of all four varieties was affected by water potential (see table). Maximum germination was at -176 kPa for all four varieties. However, there was a significant variety x stress interaction. No significant differences in germination were observed from 0 to -514 kPa for Kataktara and BR21. BR20 showed 75% germination at -704 kPa. At -837 kPa, Dharial failed to germinate. Although using NaCl to impose water potential could also have caused salinity stress, it appears that BR20 has good tolerance for drought during germination.

Germination of 4 rice varieties in response to water potential. BRRI, Bangladesh. Water potential (kPa) 0 176 363 514 704 837 Mean
row is 12%.

Germination a (%) Dharial 81 83 67 63 27 03 54 a a ab b Kataktara 87 90 84 85 61 37 74 a a a a BR20 88 91 91 89 75 27 77 a a a a a BR21 93 93 89 85 61 14 73 a a a ab b c Mean 87 89 83 81 56 20

2. Zymogram patterns of esterase isozymes at 2-3 leaf stage (treated with butachlor). 1 = Yuan-FengZao, 2 = Wu-Jie-Gu, 3 = Lu-Hong-Zao 1, 4 = B3, 5 = Long-Jiang-Dao, 6 = IR24.

b c

aAV of 3 replications. Mean separation in a column by DMRT at the 5% level. LSD (0.05) for comparing variety means in

existed only in susceptible varieties treated with butachlor; zymograms of samples from control and tolerant or medium varieties lacked the isozyme. The fifth peroxidase isozyme and third esterase isozyme of B3 were slightly different in position from those of other varieties (Fig. 1, 2). These results indicate that the tenth peroxidase and the third esterase isozyme of the three susceptible varieties are related to susceptibility.
Individuals, organizations, and media are invited to quote or reprint articles or excerpts from articles in the IRRN.

Stress tolerance-adverse temperature

Effect of synthetic phytohormone analog on leaf water potential during chilling
A. A. Flores-Nimedez and B. S. Vergara, Plant Physiology Department, IRRI; and K. Doerffling, Institute of General Botany, University of Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany

We investigated the effect of a new synthetic analog of the phytohormone

abscisic acid (ABA), coded LAB173711 (BASF, FRG), on the water status of rice plants during chilling. Low temperature-sensitive rice IR36 was sprayed at 36-d-old with 10-4 mol LAB173711/liter alone or a combination of LAB173711 with growthretardant tetcyclacis. At 24 h after treatment, the seedlings were transferred to a water tank in the greenhouse and kept at a room temperature of 11 C for 4 d. Leaf water potential

18 IRRN 15:2 (April 1990)

Effect of LAB173711 on leaf water potential of IR36 seedlings whose roots were kept at 11 C in the greenhouse. IRRI, 1989.

mol/liter, were sprayed on IR36 seedlings. After 24 h at 25 C, the plants were transferred to 5 C and kept for 3 d, then returned to 25 C. The second youngest leaf was cut off and immersed in 50 ml deionized distilled water, infiltrated under vacuum, and shaken for 1 h at room temperature. Electrolyte leakage was measured using a Cole-Parmer conductivity meter. Membranes were injured in plants chilled for 3 d at 5 C (see figure). Electrolyte leakage in plants sprayed with any of the three treatments was significantly lower. ABA decreased the leakage 9.18-fold; ABA analog LAB173711 alone, 6.35-fold. LAB173711 + tetcyclacis was more effective; it decreased leakage 10.73fold.

Effect of LAB 173711 an electrolyte leakage from leaves of IR36 seedlings chilled at 5C for 3 d. IRRI, 1989.

was measured using a Scholander Pressure Bomb. Leaf water potential ( w) decreased significantly during chilling (-2.0 MPa in control). The decrease was minimized by the application of LAB173711 (-1.7 MPa) (see figure). The decrease was also lower in seedlings treated with LAB173711 and tetcyclacis (-1.6 MPa). Plants in the LAB173711 and LAB173711 + tetcyclacis treatments exhibited less yellowing than control plants. The new synthetic ABA analog could be an effective tool in maintaining plant water status.

Stress tolerance adverse soils

Root cation exchange capacity (CEC) and yieldcontributing parameters in rice in normal and alkali soils
B. Singh, Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry Department, C.S. Azad University of Agriculture and Technology (CSAUAT), Kanpur; O. P. Srivastava, Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Department, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh; and H. Shanker, Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry Department, CSAUAT, Kanpur 208002, India

A new phytohormone analog for preventing rice membrane injury after chilling
A. A. Flores-Nimedez Plant Physiology Department, IRRI; K. Doerffling Institute of General Botany, University of Hamburg Federal Republic of Germany; and B. S. Vergara, Plant Physiology Department, IRRI

Alkali soils are reported to suffer from Ca deficiency and varieties with high root CEC are able to absorb relatively more cations. A relationship is reported to exist between root CEC and N uptake, and tolerance for soil alkalinity. We studied the performance of eight rice varieties in normal soil (pH 7.8) and alkali soil (pH 9.5) in a pot experiment. NPK fertilizers were applied at 120, 26, and 49 ppm. CEC of roots, air dry weight of roots, and length of roots were determined at active tillering 30 d after transplanting. Whole roots were thoroughly mixed and powdered to determine CEC. Plant height, fresh weight of shoot/plant, and grain test weight were recorded at harvest.

Table 1. Root characteristics in rice varieties grown in normal and alkali soils. Kanpur, India. Root air-dry weight (g/pot) Normal 9.54 8.31 7.39 7.63 5.2 8.64 7.71 7.58 0.42 Alkali 5.62 4.07 3.78 4.48 4.47 5.83 4.92 6.15 0.38 Root length (cm) Normal 28 30 27 35 32 37 27 29 3 Alkali 26 27 25 30 28 24 23 26 2 Root CEC (meq/100 g) Normal 10.50 9.75 14.75 11.12 12.75 8.25 8.77 12.00 1.82 Alkali 9.85 8.25 11.86 10.13 7.90 5.97 6.58 5.29 1.35

Variety IR8 Jaya M1-48 Pokkali Pusa 2-21 Damodar Saket 4 CSSR3 LSD (0.05)

We studied the effect on rice membrane stability of new abscisic acid (ABA) analog LAB173711 in combination with growth retardant tetcyclacis. Aqueous solutions of ABA, LAB173711, and LAB173711 + tetcyclacis (BASF, FRG), each at 10 -4

IRRN 15:2 (April 1990) 19

Root CEC was significantly reduced under sodic conditions (Table 1). Reduction was least in IR8, followed by Pokkali and Jaya. IR8 also had less reduction in plant height, root length, shoot weight, and grain weight. Pusa 2-21 was tolerant of alkalinity, in terms of reduction in root CEC under sodic conditions, and performed better in terms of plant height, shoot weight, and grain weight (Table 2). CSSR3 and Damodar, with the lowest root CEC, performed poorly in terms of shoot weight, grain test weight, plant height, and root length.

Table 2. Yield-contributing parameters of rice varieties in normal and alkali soils. Kanpur, India. Plant height (cm) Normal 63 70 107 104 79 77 71 73 3 Alkali 55 51 93 89 75 63 66 71 3 Fresh wt of shoot/plant (g) Normal 62.82 95.03 150.15 145.52 44.26 138.71 92.54 204.69 2.88 Alkali 55.54 60.02 102.83 84.36 40.85 83.91 64.32 146.36 2.39 Normal 22.650 24.600 26.640 28.240 19.940 21.244 26.600 19.080 1.018 1000-grain wt (g) Alkali 22.620 22.686 23.645 24.800 19.180 14.586 24.110 17.240 0.983

Variety IR8 Jaya M1-48 Pokkali Pusa 2-21 Damodar Saket 4 CSSR3 LSD (0.05)

Integrated germplasm improvementirrigated

OM80, a high-yielding rice variety released in Vietnam
Nguyen Van Loan, Do Xuan Truong Pham Cong Voc, and Nguyen Van Luat, Cuu Long Delta Rice Research Institute (CLRRI), Omon, Haugiang Vietnam
Yield and disease and insect resistance of OM80 tested at CLRRI, Omon, Haugiang, Vietnam, 1986. Variety OM80 NN6A (check) CV (%) LSD (0.05) Yield (t/ha) 6.1 5.2 20.4 0.6

Reactiona to BPH
3-5 3

3-5 7-9

7 7

7 7

OM80, a 1983 selection from the cross IR5853/NN3A in the high-yielding rice variety breeding program at CLRRI, was advanced to adaptive farmers field trials in 1986. OM80 maintained its superior performance at all test locations, averaging 6 t/ha in 1986 (see table). It was approved by the Standing Seed Board of the Ministry of Agricul-

a By the Standard evaluation system for rice scale in artificial screening condition at CLRRI in 1986.

ture and released for large-scale cultivation in the Mekong River delta in 1987 and in the Hong River delta in 1989. OM80 has 115-120 d duration, is 95-100 cm high, and has a high number of effective tillers. It was found to be 76.40 cm plant height, and seven reproductive tillers per plant. Grain yield was 1.46-12.64% higher than that of IR50 (Table 1). The culture was advanced to multilocation trials in 1988 wet season. At Bhavanisagar, Pondicherry, and Tirur, TM2011 gave 6.6-9.6% higher yields than IR50. In screening for pest resistance at Tirur, TM2011 was resistant to leaffolder and green leafhopper and moderately resistant to gall midge and stem borer. Screening results in Coimbatore, Aduthurai, Madurai, and Amba-

tolerant of slight-medium acid sulfate soils, moderately resistant to blast (Bl) and brown planthopper (BPH) biotype 2, and susceptible to bacterial blight (BB) and sheath blight (ShB). The superior feature of OM80 is high yields at low fertilizer inputs.
Table 1. Grain yield of TM2011. a RRS, Tirur, Tamil Nadu, India, 1986-88. Season Dry Dry Early wet Dry Early wet Year 1986 1987 1987 1988 1988 Grain yield (t/ha) TM2011 4.6 (116) 4.6 (115) 5.8 (108) 4.7 (110) 4.6 (110) IR50 4.6 (118) 4.2 (110) 5.6 (110) 4.2 (108) 4.2 (105) Difference (%) 101 109 104 113 111

TM2011, a short-duration fine rice in Tamil Nadu

K. S. Paramasivan, A. Thyagarajan, and K. Nilakantapillai, Rice Research Station (RRS), Tirur 602025, Tamil Nadu, India

We tested several cultivars with high yield potential and pest and disease resistance for five seasonsdry (rabi) 1986, 1987 1988 and early wet (kharif) 1987, 1988in a randomized block design with three replications. TM2011 performed well. TM2011 is a hybrid derivative of C22/TKM6//IR50 with 112-d duration, 20 IRRN 15:2 (April 1990)

a Figures in parentheses are crop duration, in days.

samudram are presented in Table 2. In varietal trials in the All India Coordinated Rice Improvement Project during 1984 kharif, TM2011

Table 2. Reaction of TM2011 to pests and diseases RRS, Tirur, Tamil Nadu, India, 1986-88. Pest or disease Bacterial blight Coimbatore Blast Aduthurai Coimbatore Brown spot Coimbatore Sheath rot Aduthurai Tungro Aduthurai Coimbatore Brown planthopper Ambasamudram

Resistance rating a TM2011 3 0 5 5 5 5 7 3 IR50 5 4 7 5 3 3 5 5

Integrated germplasm improvement rainfed lowland TM6012 has fine grain and is
TM6012, a short-duration rainfed rice
K. S. Paramasivan, A. Thyagarajan, K. Nilakantapillai, and T. B. Ranganathan, Rice Research Station, Tirur 602025, Tamil Nadu, India

resistant to blast. It has field tolerance for leaffolder, gall midge, and sheath rot.

Performance of TM6012.


PMK1 (check)

TM6012 C22/BJ1 115-120 90.00 6.80 18.50 72.50 12.00 19.50 2.3 White Long slender

Standard evaluation system for rice scale.

(IET10883) performed well in six of eight locations, with 10.6% higher yield than national check Akashi recording a mean grain yield of 3.5 t/ha.

TM6012 is a short-duration, droughtresistant rice selection derived from C22/BJ1. It has a 115-d duration and is suitable for a season with 890-940 mm rainfall. TM6012 was compared with PMKl in the 1985-88 wet seasons. It averaged 2.3 t/ha; PMKl yielded 1.8 t/ha (see table).

Parentage CO 25/ADT31 Duration (d) 110-115 Plant height (cm) 71.00 Productive tillers 4.50 (no./plant) Panicle length (cm) 15.70 Filled grains 63.60 (no./panicle) Empty spikelets 15.40 (no./panicle) 1000-grain 24.00 weight (g) 1.8 Grain yield (t/ha) Kernel color White Grain shape Short bold

Integrated germplasm improvementupland

TM8602, a new upland rice
K. Nilakantapillai, A. Thyagarajan, and K. S. Paramasivan, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University Rice Research Station, Tirur 602025, India
Performance of TM8602 under drought stress. Tamil Nadu, India. TM8602 Season Duration (d) 135 145 130 137 Yield (t/ha) 1.7 2.2 2.8 2.2 Drought score a DRT 1 1 1 1 DRR 1 1 1 1 Duration (d) 145 145 135 142 CO 31 Yield (t/ha) 1.5 2.1 1.8 1.8 Drought score a DRT 3 3 3 3 DRR 3 3 3 3

Several breeding lines were evaluated for yield potential coupled with drought tolerance. TM8602, a derivative of CO 31/C22, was found to be promising. TM8602 is medium-duration (140 d) and is well adapted to local environmental conditions. In yield trials in 1985-88 wet seasons (Aug seeding), TM8602 averaged 2.2 t/ha, 22.2% higher than local check CO 31 (see table). TM8602 is intermediate in height with moderate tillering and short bold grain. It performed well under drought conditions, and has been recommended for the upland areas of Tamil Nadu.
Individuals, organizations, and media are invited to quote or reprint articles or excerpts from articles in the IRRN.

Wet 1985 Wet 1987 Wet 1988 Mean


By the Standard evaluation system for rice, June 1988. DRT = drought tolerance, DRR = drought recovery.

Seed technology
Effect of wet and dry heat treatment on rice seed germination and seedling vigor
M. Dadlani and D. V. Seshu, IRRI

Hot water and dry heat treatments commonly are used to control a number of seedborne pathogens (fungi, nematodes, and bacteria) and to break

seed dormancy in rice. But these treatments could adversely affect seed vigor and viability. In international programs involving seed exchange, such as the International Network for Genetic Enhancement of Rice (INGER), a gap of 2-3 mo can occur between treatment and sowing, due to transit and postentry handling operations in recipient countries.

IRRN 15:2 (April 1990) 21

We studied the effects of hot water treatment (55, 60, and 65 C for 15, 30, and 45 min) and dry heat treatment (55, 60, and 65 C for 3, 5, and 7 d) on germination and seed and seedling vigor (total dehydrogenase activity as measured by optical density [OD] of seeds stained with tetrazolium chloride and seedling dry weight after 7 d germination) in IR36, IR64, and Intan Gawri. Tests were made immediately after treatment and after storing treated seeds for 3 mo under ambient conditions (22-25 C, 65-70% relative humidity). For the hot water treatment, half the seeds were presoaked for 3 h at 22 C, half were treated dry. Fungal infection was measured using the blotter method in four replications of 25 seeds each. Hot water treatment of both dry and presoaked seeds at 55 C for up to 45 min had no adverse effect on seed germination and vigor before or after storage. In fact, there was a slight improvement in seed vigor (see table). Treated seeds showed considerably lower fungal incidence than control, the difference was more pronounced with presoaked seeds. At 60 C, hot water treatment for 15 min had no adverse effect on dry seeds but it was highly deleterious to presoaked seeds. Treatment for 30 or 45 min resulted in marked reduction in germination and vigor, even in dry seeds. The adverse effects were more pronounced after storage. The most drastic reduction in germination and vigor was in seeds treated with hot water at 65 C. While dry seeds could partially withstand treatment up to-15 min, in all other cases seeds became nonviable. Dry heat treatment resulted in considerably lower fungal incidence and did not have any adverse effect on germination and vigor of seeds before or after storage. Hot water treatment of dry or presoaked seeds for 15-45 min at 55 C and dry heat treatment at 55-65 C for up to 7 d can be practiced without adverse effects on seed vigor.

Effect of hot water and dry heat treatment on germination, seedling vigor, and fungal infection of rice seed.a IRRI, 1989. Treatment After treatment Germination (%) Dehydrogenase activity (OD) Seedling dry wt (mg) Fungal infection (%) After storage b Germination (%) Seedling dry wt (mg)

Hot water No presoaking 55 C 15 min 30 min 45 min 60 C 15 min 30 min 45 min 65 C 15 min Presoakedd 55 C 15 min 30 min 45 min 60 C 15 min 30 min 45 min Dry heat 55 C 3 d 5d 7d 60 C 3 d 5d 7d 65 C 3 d 5d 7d Control

97.5 1.58 94.2 3.37 97.6 1.20 96.6 1.66 79.6 2.60 31.0 13.88 54.0 15.63 91.7 6.66 98.7 1.33 88.0 17.43 43.7 11.03 19.5 6.36 13.0 1.36 98.3 1.67 99.0 1.0 98.0 0.9 99.0 1.0 99.0 1.0 100.0 0.0 97.3 1.45 99.0 1.0 100.0 0.0 93.6 1.85

0.31 0.03 0.34 0.02 0.25 0.003 0.25 0.043 0.19 0.01 0.19 0.01 0.19 0.07 0.22 0.03 0.27 0.03 0.23 0.05 0.27 0.017 0.26 0.02 0.20 0.02 0.32 0.03 0.29 0.04 0.34 0.02 0.33 0.28 0.34 0.02 0.34 0.02 0.32 0.10 0.36 0.03 0.37 0.02 0.28 0.05

9.98 0.76 38.3 6.7 100.0 0 9.30 0.97 58.3 2.35 98.3 1.67 10.10 1.66 53.3 4.41 98.3 1.67

9.66 1.33 9.60 1.53 8.80 1.25

9.45 1.18 55.0 7.64 91.7 2.88 8.16 0.92 9.01 1.82 38.3 6.64 80.6 4.26 8.00 1.27 8.40 2.2 25.0 5.78 41.0 14.87 5.76 0.63 8.99 1.07 21.6 11.5 58.3 13.41 8.40 0.87

10.23 1.39 51.7 9.24 93.3 1.65 8.87 1.48 9.60 1.26 51.6 4.41 90.0 4.71 9.30 1.25 9.74 1.27 41.7 3.33 93.7 5.17 8.73 1.27 7.74 1.84 26.7 7.27 21.7 4.28 0 5.60 0.24 20.0 7.07 0 8.99 1.07 17.5 2.04 9.65 0.98 36.7 4.90 93.3 2.72 9.92 0.29 32.0 3.6 98.3 1.67 9.55 1.04 40.0 2.36 98.3 1.67 4.03 0.16 9.23 0.97 9.83 1.57 9.66 1.34

9.23 1.36 48.3 3.33 98.3 1.67 9.70 1.31 9.19 1.08 51.7 4.41 98.0 1.63 9.37 1.05 9.95 1.30 40.0 4.71 91.0 5.44 8.47 0.95 3.42 1.81 46.6 6.79 94.7 2.59 10.4 1.94 9.36 1.25 46.6 6.79 100.0 0.0 9.07 0.96 9.33 1.34 38.3 8.93 98.8 0.97 9.46 1.13 9.02 1.19 73.3 5.44 99.0 0.82 8.9 1.02

aMean of three cultivars (each with two replications) SEM. b Three months under ambient conditions. c At 65 C germination after treatment was zero with hot water at 30 and 45 min. d At 65 C, germination after treatment and after

storage for 15, 30, and 45 min was zero.


Contribution of different soil Zn fractions to Zn uptake by rice
S. Ahmed and S. M. Rahman, Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture, P.O. Box 4, Mymensingh, Bangladesh; and D. L. Deb, Nuclear Research Laboratory, IARI, New Delhi 110012, India

Zn in soil occurs in a number of distinct chemical fractions that differ in their solubility, and thus in the availability of the Zn to plants. We studied the contribution of these fractions to Zn uptake by rice in 15 soils of Bangladesh. Two 25-d-old rice seedlings (cv. BR3) were grown for 55 d in each earthen pot containing 2.5 kg air-dried soil and 2 cm standing water. Zn fractionation data were obtained using the scheme of Murthy, as modi-

22 IRRN 15:2 (April 1990)

Path coefficient analysis showing direct and indirect effects of different fractions of soil Zn on rice plant uptake. Variable Water-soluble Zn Exchangeable Zn Complexed Zn Organic Zn Amorphous sesquioxide Zn Crystalline sesquioxide Zn Residual Zn Water-soluble Zn 0.0094a 0.2453 0.0146 0.0556 0.0054 0.1693 0.0042 Exchangeable Zn 0.0034 0.6738a 0.9136 0.0425 0.0149 0.0462 0.2054 Complexed Zn 0.0001 0.465 1.3238a 0.2323 0.0149 0.1125 0.5081 Organic Zn 0.0009 0.0510 0.5479 0.5612a 0.0051 0.0603 0.2795 Amorphous sesquioxide Zn 0.0024 0.4770 0.9396 0.1354 0.0210 a 0.1463 0.1833 Crystalline sesquioxide Zn 0.0020 0.0389 0.1861 0.0423 0.0038 0.8000a 0.3727 Residual Zn 0.1709 0.8276 0.1923 0.0047 0.3668 0.8129 a Correlation with Zn uptake r 0.1463 0.0656 0.0091 0.2877 0.0209 0.2437 0.0136

a Direct effects. All other effects are indirect.

fied by Mandal and Mandal. Much of the native Zn (46.2-84.5%) was in the residual mineral fraction. That fraction contributed very little to plant uptake. The water-soluble, exchangeable, complexed, and organically bound fractions were the most important; content in the different soils ranged from 0.044 to 0.8, 0.073 to 1.2, 1.71 to

16.4, and 1.25 to 26.43% in different soils. Amorphous and crystalline sesquioxide-bound Zn ranged from 2.03 to 8.91 and 1.86 to 5.12%, respectively. Path coefficient analysis was used to identify the relative contribution of different fractions to Zn uptake by rice. Values were highest for the complexed soils and 3 of 5 medium-P soils responded significantly to fertilizer P the first year; 8 of 9 low-P soils and 6 of 11 medium-P soils responded significantly to P the second year. P removal by the rice crop ranged from an average 60 mg/pot in low-P soils to 119 mg/pot in high-P soils (see

Zn (1.324), followed by that for residual Zn (0.813) (see table). The other fractions showed no dominant effect on Zn uptake. The overall negative correlations of all fractions with Zn uptake indicate that native soil Zn fractionation values after incubation with applied Zn would be more useful to predict Zn uptake by rice. table). The increase in P uptake with increased applied P was significant up to 19.8 ppm P in low-P soils and 6.6 ppm P in medium-P soils the first year and up to 19.8 ppm P in both lowand medium-P soils the second year. Differences in P uptake in high-P soils were not significant either year.

Crop management
Response of rice to applied P in soils of different P status
B. S. Banga, M. S. Maskina, and O. P. Meelu, Soils Department, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana 141004, India

We conducted a 2-yr greenhouse experiment to study the response of rice to fertilizer P on soils of different agroclimatic regions of Punjab. Soils varied in available P (Olsen extractable) from low (1.72 ppm) to high (39.20 ppm) and in texture from loamy sand to silty clay loam. P was applied as monoammonium phosphate at 0, 6.6, 13.2, 19.8, and 26.4 ppm P to 7 kg soil in polyethylenelined 10-kg enamel pots. Recommended N, K, and Zn were applied. PR106 raised in sand culture was transplanted 35 d after seeding at 4 hills/pot and 2 plants/hill. Water level was maintained at 2 cm throughout. Applied P significantly increased yield both years in soils testing low and medium in available P (see table). Rice in soils high in available P did not respond to applied P. Seven of 8 low-P

Effect of P level on rice yields and P uptake in soils with different levels (0-26.4ppm) of available P. Punjab, India. Available P Low Year 1 2 Mean 1 2 Mean 1 2 Mean 1 2 Mean 1 2 Mean 1 2 Mean 0 20.2 14.6 18.4 26.0 30.4 29.2 30.5 36.9 33.7 60.0 42.3 51.2 85.6 91.7 88.6 98.3 119.0 108.6 6.6 ppm 25.0 28.0 26.5 29.4 36.2 32.8 30.4 37.4 33.7 80.9 63.4 77.2 95.5 106.2 98.8 98.8 122.3 110.5 13.2 ppm 19.8 ppm 28.4 36.6 32.5 31.2 39.5 35.4 30.4 37.7 34.1 100.8 93.5 97.1 107.2 127.6 117.4 105.3 122.6 114.5 26.4 ppm 28.7 30.0 30.6 LSD (0.05) 1.5 1.7 1.7 1.4 ns ns

Rice yield (g/pot) 28.4 34.6 31.5 32.5 38.9 35.7 30.8 36.7 33.8 P uptake (mg/pot) 76.6 83.9 79.9 99.8 117.3 108.8 102.7 124.4 113.5




93.4 111.6 106.6 -

5.6 5.6 4.8 3.9 7.1 ns



IRRN 15:2 (April 1990) 23

Two methods of land leveling

D. Luzes and P. Lynce, Agronomy Department, Lisbon Agricultural University, Tapada Da Ajuda, Lisbon, Portugal

Effect of 2 ways to level ricefields. Portugal, Sado, 1988-89. Ringo variety seeded 6 May 1988 and 5 May 1989 dry seasons. Method 1988 Conventional Laser LSD (0.05) 1989 Conventional Laser LSD (0.05) Seed (kg/ha) 161 200 180 217 Seeds (no./m2) 568 628 565 641 Plants (no./m2) 116 205 31 192 353 65 Survival (%) 21 33 Panicles (no./m2) 171 243 ns 319 438 ns Grain yield (t/ha) 4.6 7.1 1.4 7.7 10.2 1.5

Land leveling is an important operation in irrigated rice. We tested two methods of land leveling during 1988 and 1989 dry seasons on 2 ha in the Sado Valley. Soil was a hydromorphic, sandy loam with pH 5.6 and 0.8% organic C. In the conventional, rather drastic method of leveling, Rebaixa, the field is flooded and a tractor mounted with an iron blade is used for leveling. The water level serves to orient the operators work. Rice seed is soaked 24 h before planting into the flooded field. We tested using laser equipment with a land plane to level and seed the dry field (as is done in the United States and Australia). Fields are flooded 24 h after seeding. Effects on the crop are shown in the table. Seeds/m2 cannot be counted

34 55

because of water turbidity after flooding. We based that calculation on kg/ha and 1,000-grain weight (31.8 g). Tests indicated 97% germination at 20 and 25 C. Plants were counted at different growth stages. The major difference between the two techniques was plant survival. The most critical phase is between seeding and emergence; germination has a strong influence on development of the productive population.

The main factors responsible for reduction in population are low oxygen diffusion due to the high water level (20 cm) and low light transmittal. We assume that the decrease in available light intensity with the conventional method is the main reason for the comparatively low survival. The difference between 1988 and 1989 was due mainly to a higher average temperature and radiation flux in 1989.

Effect of coated urea on yield, N uptake, recovery, and response of rice and succeeding wheat crop
G. Singh and O. P. Singh, N.D. University of Agriculture and Technology, Crop Research Station, Ghagharaghat, Bahraich 271901, UP, India

Effect of coated urea on rice yield, N uptake, N recovery, and on following wheat yield. CRS, Ghagharaghat, UP, India, 1988-89. Treatmenta Control 30 PU (3 S) 60 PU (3 S) 30 MRPU (B) 60 MRPU (B) 60 MRPU (2 S) 30 NCU (B) 60 NCU (B) 60 NCU (2 S) 30 GCU (B) 60 GCU (B) 60 GCU (2 S) LSD (0.05) Rice yield (t/ha) 2.5 3.2 3.4 3.3 3.7 4.0 3.7 4.2 4.4 3.5 3.9 4.2 0.3 N uptake (kg/ha) 23.9 30.3 33.3 32.8 41.1 44.4 41.1 50.3 53.8 34.4 39.7 43.7 6.0 Fertilizer N recovery (%) 21.3 15.6 29.6 28.6 34.5 57.3 44.0 49.8 35.0 26.3 36.3 4.1 Wheat yield (t/ha) 0.7 1 .0 1.1 1.5 1.7 1.8 1.7 2.0 2.1 1.6 1.7 1.9 0.2

We studied the effect of modified urea on yield and N uptake of wet season rice and the residual effect on a succeeding dry season wheat crop in 1988-89. Soil was clay loam with pH 8.2 and 0.42% organic C. Four forms of urea, two N levels, and three application schedules (12 treatments) were laid out in a random block design with four replications. Twenty-five-day-old seedlings of rice variety Mahsuri were transplanted 22 Jul 1988 at 15- x 15-cm spacing. Wheat variety HD 1553 was sown 25 Dec 1988 with an additional 40-20-20 kg NPK/ha.

a PU = prilled urea, MRPU = Musooriephos-coated urea, NCU = neem cake-coated urea, GCU = gypsum-coated urea,

B = basa1, S = split, 3S = (50% basal + 25% at tillering + 25% at panicle initiationstage), 2S = (1/2 basal + 1/2 topdressed at tillering).

Treatments showed significant differences in rice and wheat yields (see table). Yields were significantly greater with neem-coated (NCU) than with Mussooriephos-coated urea

(MPCU). Yields with NCU and gypsum-coated urea (GCU) were comparable. The highest N uptake and N recovery were with NCU.

24 IRRN 15:2 (April 1990)

Fertilizer managementbiological N
Blue-green algae (BGA) as a partial N substitute for rainfed lowland rice
R. Singh and S. K. Shrivastava, IGKVV, College of Agriculture, Raipur 492012, Madhya Pradesh, India

four replications. N was applied in three splits (25% basal, 50% at tillering, and 25% at panicle initiation). Indigenous BGA were not found in any plot. Grain yield and net profit

increased with each incremental level of N alone (see table). Inoculation of 10 kg BGA algal crust/ha gave a grain yield and net profit nearly equivalent to that with 25 kg N/ha. Net profit increased when BGA was supplemented with 25 kg N/ha.

Utility of BGA inoculation of rainfed lowland rice. Raipur, MP, India. Treatment Control (no N) 25 kg N/ha as urea 50 kg N as urea 75 kg N as urea 10 kg BGA/ha, algal crust inoculated 10 kg BGA/ha, algal crust inoculated + 25 kg N/ha LSD (0.05) CV (%)
a Varieties

BGA has a photo-autotrophic N-fixing system and may be used as partial substitute for N fertilizer in rice. We conducted a 4-yr field experiment to evaluate the utility of BGA in rainfed lowland rice. JR3-756, Usha, and Asha rice varieties were the test crops. Soil was red-yellow clay loam with pH 7.00, 1.7% organic matter, CEC 33.8 meq/100 g soil, 0.08% total N, 5 ppm available P (Olsen), and 0.07 meq exchangeable K/l00 g soil. P and K were applied basally at 26 kg P and 33 kg K/ha. Treatments (see table) were in a random block design with

Grain yield 1978 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.5 1.2 1.3 1979 3.0 3.5 4.4 4.7 3.6 3.7

(tha) 1981 2.0 2.5 2.8 3.2 2.2 2.4 Mean 2.2 2.7 3.1 3.4 2.6 2.8

1980 2.7 3.4 3.8 4.2 3.3 3.5

Gross return b (US$) 218.00 265.00 310.00 339.00 256.00 275.00

Cost of treatment (US$) 0.00 9.25 18.50 27.75 0.67 9.92

Net profit (US$) 218.00 255.75 291.50 311.25 255.33 265.08

0.3 14

0.6 11

0.4 7

0.3 7

were JR3-756 for 1978, Ucha for 1979 and 1980, Asha for 1981. b Rates: rice $100/t, N $0.37/kg, BGA $0.67/10 kg.

Decapitating young Sesbania rostrata plants to increase biomass production and nitrogen fixation
S. A. Kulasooriya and I. M. Samarakoon, Botany Department, University of Peradeniya, Peradeniya, and The Institute of Fundamental Studies, Kandy, Sri Lanka

A green manure crop for intensive rice production systems should produce high biomass within a very short fallow. Under optimal conditions, Sesbania rostrata has the capacity to produce 5.6 t dry matter with 100 kg N content/ ha in 50 d. Apical dominance in dicotyledonous plants inhibits the growth of axillary buds. Removal of apical dominance would permit more rapid growth of axillary buds, which could result in higher biomass production. Increased stem nodulation has been achieved in S. rostrata under laboratory conditions,

by injecting an Azorhizobial suspension into the vascular system of the plant. We examined whether growth and stem nodulation could be improved by decapitating young sesbania plants prior to stem inoculation. The experiment was conducted mid-Jun to midAug in the intermediate zone of Sri Lanka (12.5 h daylength). Surfacesterilized sesbania seeds were planted

in 3-m2 plots, in three rows 10 cm apart, at 20 seeds/row. Treatments (see table) were in a randomized complete block design with three replications. Plots were flooded 35 d after seeding (DAS), when the plants were 30 cm tall. Decapitation and stem inoculation were done 46 DAS, when plants were 50 cm tall. Stem inoculation was done by

Effect of decapitation and stem inoculation on growth and N2 fixation in S. rostrata. a Treatment Control - no decapitation, no stem inoculation Inoculation without decapitation Decapitation without inoculation Decapitation and inoculation
5% level.

Dry weight/ plant (g) 4.280 c

Nodule dry weight/plant (g) 0.1196 b 0.1898 ab (59) 0.2039 ab (70) 0.3290 a (175)

ARA (mol/h) 10.8 21.9 b (103) 24.7 b (129) 49.7 a (360) c

N yield/ plant (mg) 45.3 b 81.6 ab (80) 96.9 ab (114) 128.5 a (184)

6.217 b (45) 7.543 b (76) 9.287 a (116)

a Figures in parentheses are 5% increase over control. Means followed by the same letter are not significantly different at the

IRRN 15:2 (April 1990) 25

spraying a suspension of 10 8 Azorhizobium cells/ml. Control plants were sprayed with sterile distilled water. Sesbania plants were harvested at 55 DAS. Fresh and dry weight, nodule number, and nodule biomass/plant

were recorded. Nitrogenase activity was measured by the acetylene reduction technique. Decapitation without inoculation and inoculation without decapitation increased yield parameters (see table). Decapitation followed by inoculation

produced the highest increase. Decapitating young sesbania plants before stem inoculation could maximize N2 fixation, dry matter production, and N yield.

Effect of sesbania and azolla on rice grain and straw yields

M. Kalidurai and S. Kannaiyan, Biotechnology Unit, Agricultural Microbiology Department, Tamil Nadu Agricultual University, Coimbatore 641003, Tamil Nadu, India

Effect of green manure on rice grain and straw yields. Tamil Nadu, India. Treatment Control Prilled urea 60 kg Nha 60 kg N/ha + S. rostrata 60 kg N/ha + S. aculeata 60 kg N/ha + A. microphylla 100 kg N/ha Neem-coated urea 60 kg N/ha 60 kg N/ha + S. rostrata 60 kg N/ha + S. aculeata 60 kg N/ha + A. microphylla 100 kg N/ha LSD (P = 0.05) Grain yield (t/ha) Dry season 2.3 2.8 5.7 4.4 3.5 3.7 3.2 5.9 5.0 3.9 3.9 0.4 Wet season 2.8 3.2 6.0 4.7 4.0 3.9 3.7 6.2 5.1 4.5 4.3 0.7 Straw yield (t/ha) Dry season 6.2 6.4 14.0 12.6 6.8 7.0 7.0 14.4 13.2 8.3 8.8 0.9 Wet season 6.5 6.8 14.1 12.8 7.4 7.3 7.0 15.1 14.3 9.0 8.8 0.3

We evaluated Sesbania rostrata, S. aculeata, and Azolla microphylla as N sources for rice during 1987-88 dry (Jun-Sep) and wet (Oct-Feb) seasons. The field had moderately drained clay soil (pH 8.2, EC 0.3 dS/m, 288 kg Nha, 15 kg P/ha, and 526 kg /ha). CO 43 was planted in 1-m2 plots. Fresh biomass of S. rostrata, S. aculeata, and Azolla microphylla at 20 t/ha with N content 3.7%, 2.9%, and 2.5% in the dry season and 3.64%, 3.05%, and 2.37% in the wet season, respectively, were incorporated 2 d before planting and allowed to decompose. Prilled

urea (PU) and neem-coated prilled urea (NCU) were applied at 60 and 100 kg N/ha, in a random block design with three replications. K and P (50 kg/ha) were basally applied.

S. rostrata and S. aculeata with 60 kg N/ha significantly increased grain and straw yields (see table). In all treatments, NCU enhanced yields more than did PU alone.

Integrated pest managementdiseases

Potential antagonist of rice sheath rot (ShR) pathogen
R. Viswanathan and P. Narayanasamy, Plant Pathology Department, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore 641 003, India We studied the antagonistic potential of some phylloplane fungal and bacterial isolates on the growth of rice pathogens Pyricularia oryzae Cavara, Helminthosporium oryzae Breda de Haan, and Sarocladium oryzae Sawada. Phylloplane isolates of bacteria and fungi obtained from leaf samples taken from healthy plants of seven rice varieties are presented in the table. To test interaction with fungal isolates, the pathogen and the test organism were placed 4 cm apart on potato-dextrose agar medium in petri plates. To test interaction with bacterial isolates, the pathogen was placed at one end of the

plate and allowed to grow for 3 to 4 d, then the test bacterium was streaked 4 cm from the growing edge of the pathogen colony. Fungal isolate Bipolaris zeicola (Stout) Shoem obtained from IR20 at tillering inhibited mycelial growth of

Population of phylloplane microorganisms in different rice variaties. Coimbatore, India. Colony-forming units a (no./g leaf) Rice variety IR20 IR50 CO 43 ASD16 IR64 IR70 Ponni

Tillering phase Bacteria 103 24.33 25.41 25.33 23.33 24.67 24.33 25.67 Fungi 10 2 11.33 11.67 11.67 12.00 11.67 11.33 12.60

Late boot leaf stage Bacteria 103 35.67 35.67 36.00 35.00 35.33 36.00 36.33 Fungi 10 2 12.00 11.67 12.00 12.33 12.33 13.00 13.67

Mean of 3 replications.

26 IRRN 15:2 (April 1990)

Inhibition of S. oryzae by B. zeicola. 1 = Sarocladium oryzae, 2 = Bipolaris zeicola, 3 = upper colony - B. zeicola, lower colony - S. oryzae.

S. oryzae in vitro (see figure). A clear inhibition zone was formed between the pathogen and the antagonist. The undiluted culture filtrate of B. zeicola

tested on S. oryzae completely inhibited mycelial growth of the pathogen. The isolate did not inhibit P. oryzae and H. oryzae.

Toxicity of essential oils against Rhizoctonia solani Khn fungus causing sheath blight (ShB) in rice
R. P. Shukla, R. K. Singh and R. S. Dwivedi, Laboratory of Plant Pathology, Botany Department, B.H.U., Varanasi 221005, India

We isolated essential oils of Citrus sinensis, Eucalyptus globulus, Ocimum

Toxicity of essential oils to Rhizoctonia solani. Plant oil Citrus sinensis Concentration (%) 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20

canum, and Pinus roxburghii by hydrodistillation through Clevenger's apparatus and tested their toxicity to R. solani, using the classical poisoned food technique. Because these oils were insoluble in water, desired concentrations were prepared by mixing the requisite amount in 0.5 ml acetone, then mixing that with 14.5 ml sterilized molten PDA medium cooled to 40 C, in a

Growth inhibitiona (%) 47.8 54.5 76.1 87.0 28.3 47.5 53.9 59.2 53.2 64.8 91.1 100 35.2 47.8 52.6 75.0

Mycelial dry wt yield (mg) 134.5 2.65 124.1 2.53 60.6 2.78 32.0 2.09 182.6 2.44 126.3 2.89 112.1 2.77 89.3 1.91 105.0 2.72 92.3 3.18 25.3 1.96 0 157.3 2.94 125.6 2.12 114.6 2.88 62.6 2.44 214.0 2.94

Sclerotia productionb (% reduction) 61.2 2.04 13.7 3.38 89.1 4.22 92.6 3.86 56.4 3.91 69.5 3.59 76.2 2.14 81.0 1.46 74.0 2.19 87.5 1.45 96.0 1.26 0 49.6 3.69 57.0 2.52 65.7 1.94 84.6 1.29

Eucalyptus globulus

Ocimum canum

sterilized petri plate. Control sets were established by mixing sterilized distilled water in 0.5 ml acetone. All plates were inoculated with a single mycelial disc (5 mm diam) of R. solani. For mycelial dry weight yield, a single mycelial disc of actively growing R. solani 5 mm diam was transferred to 100 ml autoclaved and cooled liquid Czapek-Dox + 0.05% yeast extract supplemented with enough of each oil dissolved in 0.5 ml of acetone to get the needed concentration. Medium without oil was the control. Plates were kept at 26 1 C. Observations were made after 4 d (radial growth) and 15 d (mycelial dry weight yield). Growth of the test pathogen was completely inhibited by O. canum oil at 0.2% concentration. Oil of C. sinensis at the same concentration reduced growth by 87%; oil of P. roxburghii by 75.0% (see table). Mycelial dry weight yield was reduced markedly by oil of C. sinensis (to 32 mg compared to 214.0 mg for control). The inhibitory effects of these oils may be attributed to the presence of some antifungal ingredients in the oil. Several antifungal properties of higher plants, in the form of volatile or nonvolatile compounds, have already been demonstrated against Aspergillus sp., Fusarium sp., Macrophomina phaseolina, and Sclerotium rolfsii. Natural products, such as protoanemonis, allamandoside, and essential oils of O. canum, also have been known to be more effective than synthetic fungicides. The products of higher plants that have shown antifungal activity may be useful to control ShB in rice.
The International Hybrid Rice Newsletter is published for researchers in hybrid rice development and technology. Its content focuses on discussions of current issues; it does not publish research reports. For more information, write Dr. S. S. Virmani. Hybrid Rice Newsletter editor, IRRI, P. O. Box 933, Manila, Philippines.

Pinus roxburghii


a Each figure represents the average of 3 determinations. b Each value is the mean of 3 replications, standard error. All oils tested were toxic at higher concentrations. Ocimum canum at 0.20% concentration completely inhibited mycelial growth.

IRRN 15:2 (April 1990)


Integrated pest managementinsects

Technique for evaluating rice pest predators in the laboratory
K. L. Heong and E. G. Rubia, Entomology Department, IRRI

Field evaluation of rice pest predators often involves indirect assessment. The simplest method is correlation of numbers of prey found with numbers of predators present. A significant correlation implies that the predators are important. Techniques of field manipulation also have been found useful. Addition methods involve before-and-after comparisons: plots colonized by predators are compared with plots not colonized. Exclusion methods involve eliminating and excluding predators, mechanically or by using selective insecticides. Direct assessments of predators are difficult. Counts are possible when predators leave carcasses of their prey, as do spiders, hunting wasps, and water striders. But counts do not provide good estimates for assessing the predators role in pest control. Laboratory evaluation provides more precise assessments of a predators role as it changes with prey density. Such experiments often lead to estimates of searching efficiencies, handling times, interference between predators, and predator dispersion. We use a standard experimental arena. A 35-d-old TN1 rice plant in a pot is trimmed to four tillers and placed in a 1/2-gallon ice cream container with 10-cm water. Each pot is enclosed in a mylar cage (19-cm diam, 55-cm high) with a 12- 16-cm window at the top covered by nylon mesh (Fig. 1). Prey used in all experiments are obtained in the appropriate stage from IRRIs insect culture. Experimental predators are subjected to standard pre-experimental conditions.

ment), a is attack rate of spider, and Tb is handling time (time spent by the spider not searching). This model is essentially derived from Hollings Type II functional response. Estimates of a and T h may be obtained using a standard nonlinear least squares technique, available in the NLIN procedure of SAS. Parameter estimates and the statistics are shown in Figure 2.

1. Experimental arena for estimating predation rates.

Infectivity of tungroviruliferous leafhoppers confined with seedlings in cages

A. K. Chowdhury, P. S. Teng and H. Hibino, Plant Pathology Department, IRRI

2. Functional response of L.pseudoannulata to BPH density. ( F value = 243, p , 0.01)

For example, in an experiment using wolf spiders, 1-d-old female spiders are starved for 3 d before release inside cages containing hopper prey. Spiders are caged with a range of brown planthopper (BPH) densities (5, 10, 20, 30, and 60). Number of BPH attacked within 24 h are plotted for 2-3 d against number of BPH initially offered (Fig. 2) and fitted to the following Random Predator Model:
N a = N (1 - exp (-TaP/(1 + aTb N)))

where N a is number of BPH attacked, N is BPH density, P is spider density (= 1 in this experiment), T is total search time (= 1 for a 24-h experi-

We transplanted 369 2-wk-old seedlings of IR50 and TN1 (1 seedling/hill, 20- 20-cm spacing) in two separate cages in a screenhouse. At 30 d after transplanting, 738 adult green leafhoppers (GLH) Nephotettix virescens that had previously fed for 3 d on TN1 plants infected with both rice tungro bacilliform virus (RTBV) and rice tungro spherical virus (RTSV) were released uniformly in the four corners of each cage. After 24 h, 80-90 leafhoppers were collected from each cage and individually confined for 1 d on TNl seedlings in test tubes, for inoculation feeding. Similar leafhopper collection and infectivity tests were done daily for 5 d. Then the cages were sprayed with insecticide cypermethrin 5 EC. One month after GLH release, all plants in the cages and plants inoculated in test tubes were tested by ELISA for the presence of RTBV and RTSV. In a separate treatment, GLH adults that had fed on RTBV- and RTSVinfected TN1 source plants in the cages were allowed serial daily inoculation access feeding on TN1 or IR50 seed-

28 IRRN 15:2 (April 1990)

Effect of crop age and leaf location on food consumption and development of rice leaffolder (LF) Marasmia patnalis
C. S. Arida, B. M. Shepard, and L. P. Almazan, IRRI

Infectivity of tungro-viruliferous GLH 1-5 d after confinement (a) in a screenhouse in batch with TN1 or IR50 seedlings, or (b) in test tubes individually for serial daily transmission. IRRI.

lings. All inoculated seedlings were indexed by ELISA. In the screenhouse trial, TN1 had infections of 50% RTBV + RTSV, 23% RTBV, and 8% RTSV (see figure). IR50 had 15% RTBV + RTSV, 27% RTBV, and 5% RTSV. Percentage of infective GLH in the TN1 cage was as high as 59% the first day after release of viruliferous GLH, declined to 17% by the third day, then increased to 48% by the fifth day (see figure). In IR50, GLH infectivity was 11% the first day, 5% the second day, and zero the third day. In leafhopperresistant IR50, viruliferous GLH populations that were introduced became noninfective after 2 d. In the serial daily inoculation, GLH retained RTBV for 5 d and RTSV for 2 d when tested on TNl seedlings but retained RTBV for only 2 d and RTSV for 1 d on IR50 seedlings. These results indicate that, on susceptible TN1, tungro-viruliferous GLH that lost infectivity in 5 d with serial transfer in test tubes may retain infectivity longer in the field, as they reacquire the viruses from newly infected plants. On IR50, however, viruliferous GLH retained the viruses fo r only 2 d in the field.

Earlier studies have shown that rice yield is seriously affected by LF defoliation when plants are at the panicle initiation stage. In this study, we examined the effect of crop age and leaf location on LF food consumption. The experiment was laid out in a split-plot design, with crop age (50, 70, and 90 d after seeding [DAS]) in the main plots and leaf location (upper, middle, and lower) in the subplots. The uppermost leaf was the youngest and the lowest leaf was the oldest. Leaves of each crop age were collected from different locations, cut to 130 mm lengths, and placed individually in 15- x 150-mm tubes plugged with cotton. Ten newly hatched LF were introduced at one larva/tube. Damaged leaves were removed after 24 h and replaced with fresh ones. This was done until LF pupated. Leaf damage was traced on paper using graphing paper. To determine the effect of leaf location on larval and pupal development, 10 newly hatched larvae were reared individually on leaves from 60-d-old IR64. Leaves were introduced into tubes as described earlier and changed daily. Development time and weight of larvae and pupae reared on leaves at each location were recorded. In general, LF larvae fed with the uppermost leaf removed more leaf tissue regardless of crop age (see figure). However, the leaf tissue removed was not significantly different from that removed from the middle leaf. Significantly less leaf tissue was removed from 50- and 90-d-old lower leaves. The weight of larvae and pupae reared on upper leaves was higher than the weight of those reared on middle or lower leaves (see table). Development of larvae reared on upper and middle leaves required significantly more time.

Leaf area consumed by LF reared on leaves from different locations. IRRI, 1989.
Weight of larva and pupa and larval development when reared on leaves at different locations. IRRI, 1989.

Location Upper Middle Lower


Weighta (mg) Larva 25.3 a 24.6 a 22.2 a Pupa 20.9 a 18.9 ab 18.2 b

Larval development (d) 15.1 a 15.0 a 14.2 b

In a column, means having a common letter are not significantly different at the 5% level by DMRT.

Time from pupation to adult emergence was the same, irrespective of leaf location.

Using radar to observe brown planthopper (BPH) migration in China

J. R. Riley, D. R. Reynolds, and A. D. Smith, Overseas Development Natural Resources Institute, Radar Entomology Unit, R.S.R.E., Leigh Sinton Road, Malvern, Worcs., WRl4 1LL, UK; Cheng Xia-nian, Zhang Xiao-xi, Xu Guo-min, Cheng Ji-yi, and Bao Ai-dong, Plant Protection Department, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing Jiangsu Province; and Zhai Bao-ping, Institute of Plant Protection, Jilin Academy of Sciences, Gongzhuling, Jilin Province, China

Although BPH Nilaparvata lugens cannot overwinter in temperate regions, it invades the summer ricegrowing areas of China each year, starting in the south and moving progressively north. Chinese scientists have found evidence that late generations of BPH make a series of autumn migrations back toward the south. IRRN 15:2 (April 1990) 29

We used radar to directly observe long-distance movements of BPH at Jiangpu, Jiangsu, during the second half of Sep 1988. In the absence of rain, the specially designed, highfrequency radar could detect individual planthoppers at ranges up to a kilometer and concentrations of insects at much greater ranges. The identity of insects detected by radar was confirmed by sampling between 150 and 450 m above ground, using a net suspended from a balloon. BPH dominated the night-flying aerial fauna during the period of observations, with vast populations on the move every night. Most migrant BPH took off between late afternoon and dusk, climbed to between 300 and 1000 m, and continued flight for several hours, dispersing downwind, mainly to the southwest. This direction is ecologically advantageous at this season because it carries the BPH toward areas where overwintering is possible. Later in the evening, migrating BPH often concentrated in a dense layer (Fig. 1) with a distinct upper boundary or ceiling, corresponding to an air temperature of about 16 C. The layer usually lasted until about midnight, but sometimes persisted until dawn,

indicating that some individuals remained in continuous flight for about 12 h. Backtracks calculated for insects forming the layers suggest source areas up to 250 km away, in northeast Jiangsu (Fig. 2). A second period of mass take-off at dawn sometimes led to the formation of layers, but these did not last longer than 1-1.5 h. On some mornings, very little dawn flight occurred, perhaps because low temperatures inhibited take-off. These results are in striking contrast to those obtained during the dry season in the Philippines. There, BPH comprised a much lower proportion of

the aerial fauna, migratory flights were largely confined to periods of about 30 min at dusk and dawn, and layers of overflying, long-distance migrants were not observed. The shorter flight durations in the Philippines may occur because cultivated or ratoon rice is present in tropical areas year-round. Relatively local movements may be enough to ensure maintenance of BPH populations. In addition, highly migratory genotypes would be at a disadvantage: long-flying emigrants leaving the Philippines likely would not be replaced by low numbers of immigrants from distant, overseas sources.

1. Vertical distribution of insect density at 2140 h on 26 Sep 1988, when an intense migration was detected by radar. The number of insects flying above a defined area of ground (the area density) was estimated as almost 50/m2. BPH comprised 90% of the insects caught in an aerial net.

2. Most likely source area of BPH migrating over the radar site at Jiangpu (near Nanjing) on several nights of late Sep 1988. The shaded area encompasses take-off points (estimated from back trajectories) for groups of insects observed overflying Jiangpu. The dashed line indicates the estimated flight path at 600 m altitude for BPH arriving at midnight on 26 Sep 1988 (assuming take-off at 1800 h).

30 IRRN 15:2 (April 1990)

Retention of tungroassociated viruses by leafhoppers and its relation to rice cultivars

A. X Chowdhury, P. S. Teng, and H. Hibino, Plant Pathology Department, IRRI

Table 1. Serial daily inoculation of RTBV and RTSV mixture by GLH on seedlings of 4 rice varieties. IRRI, 1989. Variety IR50 a IR56 Virus RTBV + RTSV RTBV RTBV + RTSV RTBV RTSV RTBV + RTSV RTBV RTBV + RTSV RTBV RTSV GLH (%) transmitting virus 1d 5 27 9 25 5 5 22 22 43 6 2d 0 12 0 14 0 0 12 11 35 1 3d 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 29 0 4d 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0 5d 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0

Green leafhopper (GLH) Nephotettix virescens adults were allowed a 4-d acquisition access on TN1 plants infected with both rice tungro bacilliform virus (RTBV) and rice tungro spherical virus (RTSV) or with RTSV alone. Then each leafhopper was given a series of five 1-d inoculation access feedings in a test tube on a 6- or 7-dold seedling of GLH-resistant IR50, IR56, or IR72 or on susceptible TN1. In the daily inoculation series for RTBV + RTSV, 80 GLH/variety were used; for RTSV alone, 112-133 GLH/ variety were used.Seedlings were indexed by ELISA 4 wk after inoculation. On the first day of daily inoculation for RTBV + RTSV, GLH transmitted both RTBV and RTSV, either together or separately, in all varieties tested (Table 1). Joint transmission was higher on TN1 than on other varieties. On the second day, GLH transmitted RTBV alone on IR50, IR56, and IR72

IR72 a TN1

Showed no RTSV infection. Table 2. Serial daily inoculation of RTSV by GLH on seedlings of 4 rice varieties. IRRI, 1989.

and RTBV, RTBV + RTSV, or RTSV on TN1. On the third day, GLH failed to transmit either virus on all varieties except TN1. On TN1, transmission of RTBV alone continued up to day 5. In daily inoculation for RTSV alone, GLH transmitted RTSV for only 1 d on IR50, IR56, and IR72. On TN1, GLH transmitted RTSV for 2 d (Table 2). These results indicate that GLHresistant varieties inoculated by GLH that had fed on plants infected with RTBV and RTSV are infected predominantly by RTBV alone.The

Variety IR50 IR56 IR72 TN1


GLH (%) transmitting virus a 1d 34 48 26 62 2d 0 0 0 23

Zero transmission on all varieties from the third to fifth day.

results also demonstrate that leafhoppers feeding on resistan varieties lose both viruses quickly.

Further studies on green leafhopper (GLH) feeding modes and tungro transmission
G. Dahal, H. Hibino, and R. C. Sarena, Plant Pathology and Entomology Departments, IRRI

We collected a rice GLH Nephotettix virescens (Distant) population sample Nov 1985 from a ricefield planted to IR64 in Koronadal, southern Philippines, and reared it on IR64 seedlings for 25-26 generations. Newly emerged adult females were given an acquisition feeding on TN1 plants infected with rice tungro bacilliform virus (RTBV) + rice tungro spherical virus (RTSV) for 4 d, then starved for 2 h.

Feeding events of each viruliferous adult female on a 1-wk-old TN1 seedling were monitored for 11 min using an electronic DC chart recorder. Each insect was given a series of 10 such 11-min feedings on fresh seedlings. In each feeding, four waveform patterns indicating probing, salivation, phloem feeding, and xylem feeding were recorded. The number of probings and the duration of salivation, phloem feeding, and xylem feeding were recorded. After the last feeding, each insect was given an overnight inoculation feeding on a TN1 seedling in a test tube to confirm infectivity. Sixteen GLH females were tested. One month after the test, the seedlings used for monitoring feeding

events and those used for overnight inoculation were indexed by enzymelinked immunosorbent assay. Of the 16 GLH tested, 11 transmitted the viruses in overnight feeding. Five of them transmitted viruses only once in 10 serial feedings (see table). Average duration of phloem feeding was longer in transmitters than in nontransmitters. However, there was no clear tendency indicating that transmitters fed from the phloem longer than nontransmitters. During the feedings with successful transmission, four of the five transmitters fed from the phloem for longer than 9 min and three of them probed only once. In some feedings with unsuccessful transmissions, the five transmitters probed only once and fed

IRRN 15:2 (April 1990)


Electronically recorded feeding events of 16 tungro-viruliferous GLH adult females that transmitted or failed to transmit RTBV and RTSV during 10 serial inoculation feedings of 11 min each on 7-d-old TN1 seedlings.a IRRI, 1989.

Feedings (no.) Leafin which GLH transhopper mitted or failed to number transmit viruses 1 2 3 4 5 6-10 b 11-16 c 1 5 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 10 10

Viruses transmitted

Feeding events during inoculation access Probes (no.) Range Average 2 6.4 1 5.2 1 4.7 5 3.1 1 3 4 4 Salivation (min) Range 3.1-4.4 0.9-4.8 0.6-5.1 1.4-3.2 0.9-8.8 0.5-8.8 0.1-8.6 Average 1.0 3.8 0.8 2.5 0.3 2.9 3.7 2.4 1.4 2.8 2.3 3.1 Xylem feeding (min) Range 1.3-4.3 0.4-3.4 0- 9.7 0- 9.2 0- 8.9 0- 8.1 0-10.9 Average 0.7 2.3 0.4 1.8 0 3.8 6.7 4.3 0.3 2.3 3.2 2.8 Phloem feeding (min) Range 1.1-6.6 1.3-7.3 0-8.8 0-9.7 0.8-9.8 0-9.2 0-9.4 Average 9.9 3.4 9.4 4.7 10.8 3.9 0.5 4.1 8.9 5.7 3.9 3.9

RTBV None RTBV None RTBV+ RTSV None RTBV + RTSV None RTBV None None None

3-10 2-9 1-9 1-6 1-6 1-14 1-14

GLH that transmitted viruses in 10 serial feedings Feedings with successful transmission Feedings with unsuccessful transmission GLH that did not transmit viruses in 10 serial feedings 1-5 1-10 1-14 2 4.5 4 0.3-3.7 0.6-8.8 1-8.8 1.5 2.9 3.0 0- 6.7 0- 9.7 0-10.9 1.6 2.9 3.0 5-10.8 0- 9.8 0- 9.4 7.9 4.4 3.9

a After the feeding, leafhoppers were individually given overnight inoculation access feeding on TN1 seedlings. b GLH that transmitted the viruses in overnight inoculation feeding but failed to transmit in 10 serial inoculation feedings. c GLH that did not transmit the viruses both in the overnight and in the 10 serial inoculation feedings.

from the phloem for about 9 min. Some nontransmitters also fed from the phloem for about 9 min in one or two feedings. There were no significant differences among the five virus

transmitters in feeding events, except in number of probes between successful and unsuccessful feedings. Transmission of the viruses by GLH appears to be associated with phloem

feeding. The minimum phloem feeding period required for virus transmission was 0.5 min.

Attraction of rice leafhoppers and planthoppers to different light colors

M. L. P. Abenes and Z. R. Khan, ICIPEIRRI Project, IRRI

Many rice insect pests are phototrophic, and rice entomologists have used this characteristic to sample insect populations. However, insects differ in their responses to different colors of light. We experimented to identify which colors are most attractive to leafhoppers and planthoppers. Traps with different colors of lights were set up 15 m apart in a 2,500-m 2 irrigated ricefield in Calauan, Laguna, Philippines, in 1988 wet season. Colors used were ultraviolet, violet, blue, green, yellow, orange, red, and white.

Average weekly catches of rice leafhopper and planthoppers in traps using lights of different colors. IRRI, 1988.

32 IRRN 15:2 (April 1990)

To minimize the effect of neighboring colors on insect catches, the traps were repositioned weekly in a randomized scheme. Traps were operated each night from 5 wk after transplanting to harvest. Insects collected in the water pan below the light bulb were preserved in 70% ethyl alcohol. Brown planthopper (BPH), whitebacked planthopper (WBPH), and green leafhopper (GLH) were identified and counted in the laboratory. White light attracted significantly more BPH, WBPH, and GLH (see figure). Yellow light was the second most efficient attractant (see table). Green and ultraviolet light moderately

Leafhoppers and planthoppers caught in traps with different colors of light IRRI, 1988 wet season. Color Ultraviolet Violet Blue Green Yellow Orange Red White Insects/trap per night a (no.) BPH 10.0 d 6.3 4.6 18.9 c 25.2 b 3.1 4.5 72.1 a e ef f ef WBPH 5.5 b 2.7 c 1.3 cd 4.5 b 4.8 b 0.8 d 1.4 cd 16.2 a GLH 3.7 de 1.8 e 2.2 de 12.5 c 21.3 b 3.4 de 4.6 d 28.3 a

a Av catches over 10 wk. Means followed by a common

letter are not significantly different at the 5% level by DMRT.

attracted; violet, blue, red, and orange light attracted the fewest insects.

Integrated pest managementother pests

Management practices to control golden apple snail Pomacea canaliculata Lamarck damage in transplanted rice
I. Watanabe and W. Ventura, Soil Microbiology Department, IRRI

The freshwater snail Pomacea canaliculata (Lamarck), better known as the golden apple snail, was introduced into the Philippines in 1982, as a source of human food. It is now a major pest of rice. Molluscicides in the market are costly and likely to have adverse effects, such as eradication of other favored organisms and pollution of nearby waterways. Most important, they are toxic to humans and animals. We evaluated some crop management practices to protect transplanted rice seedlings from damage by Pomacea. The practices studied were continuous flooding, ridge planting, drained plots for 3 wk after transplanting, and ring canal. For ridge planting, two rows of rice seed1ings were planted on 20-cm-wide ridges at 10- 10-cm spacing. Distance

between the centers of two ridges was 60 cm. For ring canals, a 20-cm-wide canal, 4-5 cm deep, was constructed along the periphery of the dikes. Snails were added to experimental plots at 2 kg assorted sizes/30 m2, an average of 16 snails/m2. Under continuous flooding, snail damage on transplanted rice was severe: 52% of 16-d-old seedlings were eaten up after 6 h, 75% after 24 h, and 100% after 4 d (see figure). The other cultural practices had less than 8% seedling damage up to 7 d after transplanting (DT). Where seedlings were planted on ridges, snails stayed in the row where there was

standing water. Where the plot was drained, snails burrowed into the mud. With the ring canal with 2-4 cm standing water, snails sought refuge there. As a rule, snails did not eat rice plants when there is no standing water at the base. Heavy rains on days 7 and 8 of the experiment overflowed the ring canal and ridges and reactivated the hibernating snails. They then caused some damage to the rice seedlings. Damage decreased with the age of seedlings. At 13 DT, we replanted from the same batch of seedlings (now 29 d old). In the continuously flooded plot, snails devoured 52% of the plants within 11 d. A second replanting was done at 23 DT with 39-d-old seedlings. Snails ate less than 18% of the plants within 13 d. Damage was limited to newly transplanted seedlings. At 3 wk after transplanting, when plants were established, snail damage was not important. Irrigation water could be introduced and all plots could be kept continuously submerged. In the continuously flooded plots, snail damage delayed rice maturity 18 d, with a 35% reduction in grain yield compared to yield in drained plots and plots with ring canals (see table). Ridge planting reduced rice yield, but this possibly was due to plant spacing and to reduced nutrient availability caused by soil moisture availability in the ridges.
Effect of golden apple snail damage on rice yield under different management practices. IRRI, 1989 dry season. Management practice Continuously flooded Drained field a Ring canal b Ridge planting c LSD (0.05) Straw (t/ha) 4.5 5.2 4.6 4.1 ns Grain (t/ha) 3.9 6.0 6.1 5.0 0.9

a Plots kept drained (no irrigation water added) for 21 DT. b A 20-cm-wide canal (4-5 cm deep) constructed along the periphery of the dikes. c Ridges about 20 cm wide, with 2

rows of rice seedlings planted on a ridge at l0-cm distance. Distance between centers of 2 ridges was 60 cm, distance between hills in a row was 10 cm.

Golden snail Pomacea canaliculata Lamarck damage on transplanted rice. IRRI, 1989 dry season.

IRRN 15:2 (April 1990) 33

Occurrence of rice root nematode Hirschmanniella oryzae in Portugal

L. G. L. Reis, Departamento de Fitopatologia, Estaao, Agronmica Nacional, 2780 Oeiras, Portugal

In Portugal, irrigated rice-mostly cultivar Ringois planted on 32,000 ha. The 140,000 t annual production supplies about 2/3 the national consumption. No systematic survey of rice nematodes in the rice area had been conducted. In 1980, we found specimens of H. oryzae (van Breda de Haan, 1902) Luc & Goodey, 1964 in soil samples collected in a vineyard established near a ricefield in central Portugal. In 198688, we undertook an exploratory survey covering the main rice-producing areas (see figure). Ricefields at different sites were sampled at harvest or soon after and 30 root and soil samples per field collected. Each soil sample was composed

Location of ricefields surveyed for rice root nematode in Portugal, 1986-88. Solid circles = nematodes present, open circles = nematodes absent.

of three subsamples collected from around the rice roots, using a soil auger to 25-30 cm deep. Each root sample was composed of all the roots from two rice plants. Parasitic nematodes were separated from the soil by sugar centrifugal flotation. For nematode extraction, undetached roots were washed free of soil and incubated in tap water for at least a week. Male, female, and juvenile rice root nematodes whose morphometrics agree with those reported for H. oryzae were detected in 50% of the samples (see map). Nematode density ranged from 5 (3 females, 2 juveniles) to 30 (6 females, 3 males, 21 juveniles)/250 ml of soil and was as high as 31 (4 females, 1 male, 26 juveniles)/root sample. This is the first record of rice root nematode H. oryzae in Portugal. None of the seven Hirschmanniella species known to attack rice has been reported in European ricefields.

Population density of nematode Pratylenchus zeae at harvest and yield of upland rice UPLRi-5
J. C. Prot, ORSTOM and Plant Pathology Department, IRRI

Population densities of more than 250 P. zeae per liter soil plus 1 g roots have been reported in upland ricefields in the Philippines and other Asian countries. We studied the relationship between plant-parasitic nematode populations and yield of single hills of rice cultivar UPLRi-5 in an IRRI field naturally infested with Aulosphora penetrans, Criconemella onoensis, Helicotylenchus sp., Pratylenchus zeae, and Tylenchorhynchus annulatus. Nematode population densities were determined in the rhizosphere and in the roots of 400 hills randomly selected at harvest. The weight of filled grains of each hill also was measured.

The weight of filled grains was correlated negatively with number of P. zeae detected per g roots or per liter soil plus 1 g roots (1 1s + 1 gr). The table shows yield per hill after grouping the 400 hills into five classes based on population densities of P. zeae. Yield differences between hills supporting fewer than 50 P. zeae per 1 1s + 1 gr and those supporting 250 to 500 P. zeae was 14%; it was 16% between less than 50 and more than 500 P. zeae per 1 1s + 1 gr. Because healthier host plants
Relation between population density of Pratylenchus zeae at harvest and average filled grain weight per hill of upland rice cultivar UPLRi-5. Nematodes (no.) 0-50 50-100 100-250 250-500 >500 Hills (no.) 77 54 99 79 91 Yield a (g) 4.4 4.3 4.2 3.8 3.7 a abc abc bc bc

support higher multiplication rates of plant-parasitic nematodes, yield is usually poorly correlated with nematode population density at harvest. It is better correlated with initial population density. Nevertheless, these results indicate substantial yield losses associated with P. zeae infestations in upland rice. The yield losses may be due to the nematode or to pathogens or stresses associated with the nematode.

Farming systems
Legume residue incorporation and wetland rice yield
M. S. Maskina, B. Singh, and Y. Singh, Soils Department, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana 141004, India

a Average yield followed by a common letter are not sig-

nificantly different at the 5% level by t-test

Punjab soils are generally light in texture and have very low available N

34 IRRN 15:2 (April 1990)

and organic C. The hot and humid climate favors rapid decomposition of organic matter and losses of C and N. This limits the yield potential of rice, even with high rates of N fertilizer. Incorporating plant material with a narrow C:N ratio could help improve rice yield potential. We studied the effect of incorporating mungbean Phaseolus aureus Pulse residue on yield of rice cultivars PR106 and PR108. Soil of the experimental field was alkaline and low in organic C and available N. Mungbean per hectare was seeded at 25 kg/ha the last week of Apr. In one treatment, 65-d-old pods were picked and the residue was removed. In the second treatment, the residue was plowed 1 d before transplanting 35-d-old rice seedlings. N was applied at 0, 90, 120, and 150 kg/ha in three equal splits: at transplanting and at 21 d and 42 d after transplanting.

Mungbean yielded 650 kg grain and 3 t residue/ha. The residue contained about 60 kg N/ha. Rice yields increased with N application in both treatments (see figure). Residue incorporation conspicuously

increased yield. Grain yield with 120 kg N/ha plus residue incorporation was comparable to that with 150 kg N/ha and no residue incorporated. Residue incorporation produced yields equal to those at higher N application with no residue. Incorporating residue increased rice yield 30% when no fertilizer N was applied, but the increase decreased with increasing fertilizer N (see table).
Increase (%) in rice yields with legume residue incorporation. Ludhiana, India. N levels (kg/ha) 0 60 90 120 150 Increase (%) in rice yield PR106 31.1 20.3 10.7 9.0 8.3 PR108 35.1 21.7 18.2 9.4 7.3

Grain yield of 2 rice cultivars with applied N, with and without incorporation of mungbean residue. Ludhiana, India.

Performance of rice + maize intercropping in a drought-prone situation

Numa Ibn Shams and M. A. Quddus, OnFarm Research Division, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Joydebpur, Gazipur 1701, Bangladesh

Yield and profitability of upland rice in Bangladesh is relatively low (average 1 t/ha) because existing local cultivars have low yield potential and drought is intermittent during vegetative and reproductive phases. The yield potential of maize is relatively higher than that of upland rice, and it has some drought resistance. But maize as the only crop in the early summer season is not culturally acceptable. We studied the effect of intercropping maize with broadcast upland rice in a field trial Apr-Jul 1988. The experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design with six replications. Rice (cv. Hashikalmi) was broadcast at 100 kg seed/ha and maize (cv. Barnali) was interplanted in rows. Treatments were 1.5-, 2.0-, and 2.5-m

row spacing for maize, 25 cm between rows. In maize alone and maize + rice, fertilizer was applied at 100-26-33 kg NPK/ha. In rice alone, urea, triple superphosphate, muriate of potash at 40-26-33 kg NPK/ha was applied. Intercropped rice yields decreased significantly with all maize row spacing; rice yield was highest with 2.5-m row spacing of maize (see table). Intercropped maize yields were not statistically different at all row spacings, but were

significantly lower than that of maize alone. Combined yield (expressed as rice equivalent) was highest in maize alone, followed by that in rice - maize intercropped at 1.5-m row spacing. The land equivalent ratio was more than 1.0 in all intercropping arrangements; the highest was at 2.5-m row spacing of maize. Highest total energy produced was obtained with maize alone (0.81 10 7 cal/ha), followed by maize at 2.5-m row spacing (0.74 10 7 cal/ha). Gross return and benefit:cost

Yield and economic return of maize + rice intercropping at Manikganj, Bangladesh, Apr-Jul 1988. Treatment Rice alone Maize alone Rice + maize (1.5 0.25 m) Rice + maize (12.0 0.5 m) Rice + maize (2.5 0.5 m) CV (%)

Yielda (t/ha) Rice 1.1 a 0.6 b 0.6 b 0.7 b 14.6 Maize 2.3 a 1.5 b 1.4 b 1.4 b 6.7

Riceequivalent yield (t/ha) 1.1 2.3 2.1 2.0 2.1 -

Land equivalent ratio 1.0 1.0 1.10 1.14 1.27 -

Energy equivalent b (10 7 cal/ha) .40 .81 .64 .70 .74 -

Gross return ($/ha) 174 363 329 311 326 -

Benefit: cost ratio 1.25 1.52 1.34 1.27 1.35

a column under each condition, means followed by the same letter are not significantly different at the 5% level by DMRT. b Caloric values for rice and maize were calculated as 360 and 349 calories/100g, respectively, considering 66% and 100% edible yield of unhusked rice and maize, respectively.

IRRN 15:2 (April 1990) 35

ratio were higher with maize alone, followed by maize at 2.5-m row spacing. Rice - maize intercropping may be more profitable than rice alone. Further research is needed to select appropriate rice varieties and fertilizer management for the system.

Yields and net return a of rice-based cropping systems in rainfed lowlands. Ghagharaghat, UP, India, 1986-89. b Treatment b Rice alone Rice - lentil + S 1F1 Rice - lentil + S 1F2 Rice - lentil + S2F1 Rice - lentil + S 2F2 Rice - linseed + S 1F1 Rice - linseed + S 1F2 Rice - linseed + S 2F1 Rice - linseed + S 2F2 Rice - mustard + S 1F1 Rice - mustard + S 1F2 Rice - mustard + S 2F1 Rice - mustard + S 2F2

Grain yield (t/ha) Rice 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 Second crop 0.230 0.409 0.365 0.635 0.235 0.498 0.413 0.664 0.168 0.212 0.199 0.262

Cost ($/ha) 167 211 235 218 242 222 242 228 249 203 228 216 230

Gross income ($/ha) 338 372 472 391 546 442 541 506 608 416 438 430 459

Net return ($/ha) 171 161 237 173 304 220 299 278 359 213 210 214 229

Benefit: cost ratio 2.02 1.76 2.01 1.79 2.25 1.99 2.23 2.21 2.44 2.04 1.91 1.99 1.99

Performance of oilseed and pulse crops in a rice-based cropping sequence

G. Singh and O. P. Singh, Narendra Deva University of Agriculture and Technology, Crop Research Station, Ghagharaghat, Bahraich 271901, Uttar Pradesh (UP), India

Av of 3 crop years. US$1 = Rs 16.32. bS1 = normal seed rate (kg/ha): linseed 30, lentil 40, mustard 5; S 2 = 50% extra seed than normal (kg/ha): linseed 45, lentil 60, mustard 7.50; F1 = without fertilizer, F2 = recommended fertilizer (pulses: 20 kg N + 17.6 kg P/ha) and (oilseeds: 30 kg N + 8.8 kg P/ha).

Long-duration rice varieties and excess moisture delay sowing of dry season crops in the rainfed lowlands. Oilseeds and pulses are cultivated as relay or sequence crops, but yields are poor because of poor plant stands due to lack of adequate nutrients. We studied the effect of seed rate and fertilizer on the productivity of a rice-based cropping system 1986-87 to 1988-89, in a randomized block design with four replications.

The experiment site had sandy to clay loam soil with pH 8.1, 0.38% organic C, 23.8 kg available P2 O 5 , and 267 kg K2 O/ha. Rice variety Madhukar was transplanted the third week of Jul at 20- 15-cm spacing with 40-20-20 kg NPK/ha. Lentil variety PL 406, linseed variety Mukta, and mustard variety Varuna were broadcast in the standing rice crop 8 d before harvest the last week of Nov.
Bullock power use on Tamil Nadu rice farms. Year Cost of hired bullock ($/ha) 2.67 (35.70) 2.17 (38.20) 2.67 (35.70) 4.41 (38.96) 3.43 (20.50) 2.06 (10.59) 2.99 (16.38) 3.87 (17.72) 4.18 (15.34) 3.05 (12.02) 6.78 (24.91) 3.85 (10.69) 7.71 (28.29) Cost of owned bullock ($/ha) 4.81 (64.30) 3.51 (61.80) 4.81 (64.30) 6.91 (61.04) 13.29 (79.50) 17.39 (89.41) 15.26 (83.62) 17.97 (82.28) 23.07 (84.66) 22.31 (87.98) 20.44 (75.09) 32.15 (89.31) 19.54 (71.71) Total bullock cost ($/ha) 7.48 5.68 7.48 11.32 16.72 19.45 18.25 21.84 27.25 25.36 27.22 36.00 27.25

All the dry season crops produced higher grain yields with higher seeding rates and fertilizer (see table). The highest net return was with rice linseed at higher seeding rate + fertilizer ($359/ha), followed by rice lentil at higher seed rate + fertilizer ($304/ha). Lowest net return was with rice - lentil at normal seeding rate without fertilizer.

Economic analysis
Use of bullock power in rice production
T. R. Shanmugam, Veterinary College and Research Institute, Namakkal 637002, Tamil Nadu, India

Total bullock pair use (h/ha) 255.29 283.34 219.10 199.77 224.76 230.65 186.64 231.61 182.85 203.80 223.37 25 1.29 204.35

Total production cost ($/ha) 96.89 92.36 72.48 197.90 165.71 166.52 187.37 219.28 241.36 259.84 338.98 422.04 365.77

Bullock cost: total cost (%) 7.72 6.15 10.32 5.72 10.09 11.68 9.74 9.96 11.29 9.76 8.03 8.53 7.45

1971-72 1972-73 1973-74 1974-75 1975-76 1976-77 1977-78 1978-79 1979-80 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84

Draft animal power is a critical component of rice-based cropping systems in Tamil Nadu. Rice requires more animal power than other crops because transplanting involves extensive tillage: plowing, puddling, bunding, and leveling, We studied the cost of draft animal power use on rice farms using 1971-72 to 1983-84 data from the scheme on Cost of Cultivation of Principal Crops (CCPC) covering the state's rice belt. Bullock pair hours/ha fluctuate. Bullock costs/ha have increased (see table). But the proportion of total

Figures in parentheses are percent of total bullock cost/ha.

36 IRRN 15:2 (April 1990)

production costs for hiring bullocks has fallen (from 35-39% earlier to 10-20% in 1984) due to increased use of machinery.

Preliminary study on response of rice seedlings to enhanced UV-B radiation
V. P. Coronel, Q. J. Dai, and B. S. Vergara, Plant Physiology Unit, Agronomy, Plant Physiology, and Agroecology Division, IRRI; and A. Teramura, Department of Botany, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, USA

per pot, and transferred to a phytotron glasshouse for UV-B treatment. UV-B radiation was supplied by two banks of 12-Q panel UV-B 313 sunlamps. Lamps were filtered with cellulose acetate for UV-B treatment and with mylar film for control. Lamp height was 40 cm above the top of the plant canopy, as adjusted weekly. Weighted daily UV-B irradiance was about 19 kJ/m2 biologically effective UV-B, using the generalized plant response action spectrum normalized at 300 nm. Plants were irradiated daily for 6 h centered around solar noon for 4 wk. Glasshouse day/night temperature was 27/21C and relative humidity was 70%.

UV-B treatment significantly decreased plant height, total leaf length of main culm, and total leaf dry weight of main culm (see table). Response varied among the test cultivars. IR74 was the most sensitive, IR64 the least. Cultivar differences were evident in shoot dry weight and total dry weight. These results indicate that enhanced UV-B irradiation can alter rice plant morphology and (possibly) several physiological processes. The leaves appear to be the organ most sensitive to this environmental stress. The morphological changes in rice, however, do not appear to be as drastic as those reported for other C3 species.

We assessed the effect of elevated UVB radiation on morphological characteristics and physiological processes of rice seedlings. Differences among rice genotypes in growth characteristics in response to enhanced UV-B can provide important information on the mechanisms of and adaptation for UVB tolerance. Irrigated rice varieties IR30, IR45, IR64, and IR74 were tested in a randomized block design with three replications. Six pregerminated seeds were sown in 1-liter plastic pots containing 1.7 kg Maahas clay soil (Andaqueptic Haplaquoll). Fertilizer was applied at 0.4 g N, 0.04 g P, and 0.25 g K/kg soil. Seedlings were raised in the greenhouse for 10 d, thinned to four plants

Response of 4 rice varieties to 4 wk UV-B radiation at the seedling stage in the phytotron. IRRI, 1989. Character Plant height (cm) Max root length/plant (cm) Root volume/plant (cm 3) Tiller number/plant Leaf area/plant (cm2) Leaf dry weight/plant (g) Sheath dry weight/plant (g) Root dry weight/plant (g) Shoot dry weight/plant (g) Dry weight/plant (g) Specific leaf weight (mg/cm2) Relative growth rate (mg/g per d) Net assimilation rate (g/m2 per d) Shoot-to-root ratio Total leaf length of main culm (cm) Total leaf area of main culm (cm2) Total leaf dry weight of main culm (g) IR30 ** + + + ** ** IR45 ** + * * * * ** + * IR64 ** + + + + ** IR74 * ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** + ** ** +** * **

+ positive effect of UV-B. negative effect of UV-B. * significant at 0.05 level. ** significant at 0.01 level.

ICAR celebrates 25 years of rice research
India's Directorate of Rice Research will mark 25 yr of work on rice with an international symposium in November 1990. Rice scientists from all over the world will participate in a three-day program that will include presentation of formal papers and poster sessions. Four technical sessions are planned: research accomplishments and challenges, genetics and biotechnology, space and communication technology, and futurology. The Directorate of Rice Research began as the All India Coordinated Rice Improvement Project (AICRIP) in 1965. For information about the symposium, contact Dr. E. A. Siddiq, organizing secretary International Symposium of Rice Research - New Frontiers Directorate of Rice Research Rajendranagar, Hyderabad 500030 India

IRRN 15:2 (April 1990) 37

The following corrections should be made for entries in the 1989 Index of varieties, cultivars, and lines. CNA5179 3: 8 Ezao 6 (or E-zao 6) 2: 13; 3: 13 HAU10-221-1-5 4: 14 HAU3855-1 2: 16 Manhar 2: 8 RP2311-225-229 3: 21 RP2434-24-2-2 2: 18 Saragphola 1: 21

38 IRRN 15:2 (April 1990)

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