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What is your statement about AI?

I think that Artificial Intelligence is in a very important position facing human

development as a civilization. Despite AI being an underdeveloped technology, it
projects to be a must in all areas in the future. For example, in cinema the AI could
write an entire script of a movie, could be used as a face replacement for very
important and expensive stars, or even make the whole movie by itself; or on the
other hand in physics it could help scientist answer difficult questions like: where
are we from, is the universe infinite, or is any other civilization out there.

As it is today, the AI is already making a big difference in society. ChatGPT

is a good example, it can do researches, write essays, and describe its own
opinion about any topic. In fact, Artificial intelligence is already being used in all
kinds of areas.

In short, AI would be a revolutionary technology, but also could be used in a

malicious way and end with all life on earth. We will never know until it happens,
soon or later.

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