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1740516 - SAP Data Services 4.x and SAP Information Steward 4.x compatibility with SAP Business Intelligence Platform and Information Platform Services for active releases Component ENLDS-DEP (Deport, sala, Upgrade), Version: 46, Reload On31.082029| 1 symptom + SAP Data Sences 4x and SAP Intrmatin Steward 4x compotbly wih SAP Busines tigen plone ces 4x and SAP nrrmsien Slowed 4x comps wih remraton pltrm srvees UPS) fr ecto rebeses 1 Environment {SAP information Stowara 42 {SAP Business nstigeres Plater (IP) andInormaton Paar Seniess (9S) you se uog SAP Data Serves 4. or SAPntrmaton Stara 4.2, plese retrace KEA 307694 nee. I. Resolution eivry Requonay ofa prod version my charge rng eye For ene iforaton on Menace leet Haring achodules, see SAP Note 1822 ‘Date Sanics (05) ad lfornaton Sonar (IS) ar roc hat have depandoncis an SAP BunessOoece Guns Ingen pater (I) or rain platorm sonics (15) fr sec anwar maragren: Te pupae o the documenta provide he mati a compa fy iomatonbtwaen DSIS ar lesa vaso. Re the Matic of Compatitiy bebo. ‘Busnes Intgence latrm estes who have DiS o ei landscape ard ae sharing He sae Cental Management Sytem (CMS) should look or he campatit Band [SIS cambnaton bore upgrading to new B veon since may noes DSS deployment proguct unconaly ‘The bahar vaio of SAP Osta Senicas Cla Tol compte wth wer version of Ota Senicas Seserwin he sae Sanice Package ($0) valle rataain the ‘eos s «kre conpatiy nave In speci vreon Hower, he untoralieoptons reduced mbelighr version ofthe Cant wil ot be uppavtae wih er, ‘tton lth Serve at dened + ay coro es wn BPS vrs wa be fd in he tghest SIS SP or pch wih coreepenng highest upeared SHIPS vt, Fo ena © ninconpatbis isa findin DS." SP Pach 8 and SIPS 4.0 $6 wl be fed nO 4.2 path aoa © Aninconpate issue urdin DS 41 SP2 wih RUPSSPE wil be fed in 8&1 SP2 puch (aes wih AMPS 4.0 SPS (ator mas upgrade rom Bl 4.0 $4 + formation Siena opens on he Oa Seovows enn ris de prong capa. The pales win he same Suapot Package vel ae expeced be conpatble © © Detinton 1 inate OSI versions that re no nga hsv development in acarancs wh tne DSS Martonane Sate SIPIPS Released vio of SIPAPS. Paes SIPIPS vere hal Nave et yet been released ae marked Pleo he BIS Maintenance Satay ote aes Vorsion ve and naciv suppor packages. 1 In Plan -SUIPS version that hve na yl Been leas ‘Compatls Combinaions of DSi ane BUIPS that av compatble, The “Pach # represen he spciic BPS paich tal was used for vercaton, sug Meter BPS pcr vrons wih ha same Sar expecta abe compat based on th compat semant proves by BIPIPS beeen rons IPS ch unbaran blclrwar sted by DSS. IPS ach umber n lak clad hlien provided by lars enpecid lo wa baved ov ampaliy Loweruneritos patna can be sae urs sextet wih the cal at Not compatible or 3 od in he oboe, however eae potnl ks. toutes. oto SAP Suppor Pata de hast all pat ol ne nave not Des eased).Do nat us ese combloatons. Matric of Compatiity Ps veron —~ coos ees Besse ee eee eee eee ee ES STS eee es tlele Bada alala|» osazeriirainas AW NPN NNN NWN NN MO NN NOW NON NW WE Hate 0884.2 SP14 Paton Activ onpe ¢ © 0842814 Pano Nate note " " ot NON ot ot NON NON NNN NOW ot ot ot NON NON NON NN NNN NON OW Now ot oom mmm mm PoNON Neon ot " NON NON ‘Aetiy he Sis 42Pr9Pton wet NON ON ON ori 184.2 SP14 Patch 0-8 Sas See Bsa B58 zeoctatee ztoctatae ze0ckaes zeoctatas zeoctatoe ztoctatas ztoctatos zeoctanas ztockates ztoctatas ztoctates zeoctanas ztoctates zeoctanas zeoceatee ztoctatae ze0ckatee ztoctatas a ocoisnierirnitm #EOeEeee Ztecteve ZEoetcee zbeckeee BEeeeee ds is g g i i Be 5 at a. af ae a5 as Nate " NON ON NON NON NON NON NON NON OW NON NON NON P ne mont SiIS 42.911 Patch wnact omnes zeoctatas zeoceatas zectbes zeetses zeoctatae zeoctatas zocetcee zevetees z8octates z¥octates zteeteee zteeteee ze0ccates zeoctates zecetees zevetees zeoctates zeoocates zecetces zevetces ztoctatas ztcceatas 2icetces zevetees z¥octatas ztoctates 2b vevckbeeces Bis eecbbecees zeootatas zeoctates zo evcefecves 2BevcEEecves zeoccates zeoceates 2B evckfecves 2ocevckbecves ztoceatas ztcceatas ehecee- eteccie zboctanes zboocatas ztoctates zeoceawes zeootatas zecsaese zecsaeze zecsuase z8octater Zeocetater ztcotates zeoceavas zeoctatee zeoceates etece Noirs Bere soins ztoctatas ztoctates Heroin we edeeeden term ince ierdeeeden z8ootates eBecoiracdee ZOcEanee zBootates z800eates zéooratas zeoceatas ceice 280cates zecctetes z3octates zeoceates z80eteee zt0eteee 2toeteee ztoebeee ze0etees zeoetees zioetees zBoetees zeeetces zooetces zocetces zocetces 28 eeteee ztvetees 2bcetere zeveters 2Eoeteee zBeetere zieeeeee zteebeee zeootatas zeocetatee zeootates zeoceates ig ie iz is i i 2 2 : : i : 5, 2 5 : Pa at 2 g as ae 8 a " NON NON N PON NON NON ON ON NON NON NOW NON NON 184.2 SP8 Patcn rife tract Achim mnmoememmoee ead mh Rom 2 ome at Note 0S428e7 Panos cae ccocce P- 2 8 ° . » ° mat NON ON NW Is429P7 Penns ite ne Row mm m8 cc cc ccce moo br seers NON NON NON ON Note NNN Ne NNN NN Be NONONON " 0842 5P6Pah 36 o oma sazsreranss site ccce nA oom ce bob wow o uw a cy a e a 4 te sis 42 sP¢Patn 0 1s42Pa Pano 084.2 SPS Paton O2 OS42SPIPacnoS mat NON ON ON NON NN ON NON NN ON NN N NON ON POP PON ON Note ISA2SPtPainos We ot ot ot ot ot of a ot of ot ot at at ot at at at at at ot ot one nie adm mm a ee OO pat tt 4 ppp bb bb bh be eo paren Meee ee tm eo BT Te TSAI SPOPHHNO We ot ot ot ot ot tt Go ot ot a ot ot at at ot ot ok ot ot ot ot ot 8 Cee eC CCC CRM RRR AD point tp pp heheh peek Pee ee oe ee 8 6 tt OO MF MM OF BO om oO hm Perera er ere SC Sree ere eee eee eee eeeeer) Footnotes From DSS 4.2 and Bl, th supparis confaatonianéscape is poco in to flowing tate Iriogation scars When ets sgparte Manage SiS urareacunty rom 4.1 CMS IS Impact Analy and Dnt Lineage senses 4 SISA28P% +1954. 5°2+814.3 $29 Snow December 2013 No ves © SIS4.28P1 «A141 SP2° fonsame sytem) See Desember 2013 Yes Yer + Inscenare (a) CMS of PS ané OMS of ae insepencnt ystems, OSIS wil Use ot IPS CMS for maragag OSIS users an secur. Bin he anscapels ont fer 1S ImpeetAraiss ae Daa reaps srvces oso ts et apical fr DS). Bs ete seed with IS. + ypu dane neagta snore a engl CUS orsocusyiuar management anc you do nol need IS endl maragr or nga Aras an Dat neage you ran go wth opt (a) ada Daa Sans 189 BUPS 2.0.5P7 and IPS 4058 are oy crsted wih OSS 4.1 SPS. nompeily sues wi Ye Med on DSI 4.1 PS Pash * rte (614.1 SPY was oly used wh DSS 4.2 SPO Patch 1 ving ramp-up program, Theron sot upoorsd wn OSIS 4.2 version dor general vey, (00 4.1 899.0 fein cored uneo DSS 4.251 Pato 3 (© Thre town sue wih BLIPS 4.1 SP, SIPS 41 8PS Path 2 and above, and IIPS 4.0 SPO Pach 2 ans above, where Osta Sos Designer and Joblounche fe ‘i aeeurs niin Sarees 42572 Paton 0, Oma Sonos 42 SPs Pan Gt Dien Sane 4.153 Paton G2. Soe KEAs 2020325 ant 203888, respactvay ortne cae and work, For SIS curomers using IS, ot acartaryt pgrae to these varsone. (9 The aschage of PS 4:1 Si al vs for OSI om te SMP under ne “staan an porade” secon staat downlad). Fat ene tain tal PS {18 and ben spy te PS 4.1 SP4 patn rom SMP fronea ha suppor packages and gles" aecton of sfware dorian) noun e508 wih BIIPS 4.1 SPS where RW Job ainener a unch whan oad, See KBA ZENZA (0 inte BPS ne DSS landacapa ag BIIPS 41 $25 + 0S 4.2 595+ 184.2 $95) hens raw ata won wooracng IPS 4.1 SPE which eas bundled SOL ‘Aeyatte Retro he SAP Not 2167575 fo tales tomatn and workaround or Be 12 Inte BUS and 0 lnascap where BOE cans sine a. [BUIPS 4.1 SP + BOE 4.) SP cant + 0S 42 SPS or [UPS 4.1 SPY + BOE 41 SPY chant = 05-42 ‘56 Mereisa room seu wnraha OS instal nl Rafer ore SAP Nol 216292 for ete norton a worn. (0 Thre sno 184.2 SPS Paton 2 rae, + wing warade ition, Sa congue he repost. For dtl athe worksround, se SAP Noe 2285255 + Prong ar Rate tsk at wen database camocton eno wen usng SAL Aare verson 6s than 1 e 18 repos dbase For al end ne wokaound 86 SAP Nowe 2208589 + Aer upgrade non Linux, SAP BusnsaCojot Enteric Igoe fle tn colact universe ans Webl document, For dll ard he worarone 0 SAP Note 8038 "2 ore sa nou sue wher ne launch paso ncn ta fon Steward ac Fore sata and reson, se SAP Note 200530, (29 Thre anon ate dng Oat Sve tino, wer enlerng BI Cage DID Heenaekayoce, an rors predued. Forth dla and workaround oe SAP Hoe 12 Tare saloon sue where TomcstBOE server pe afresh inal of Data Servos on Un. For be dtl an workaround, se SAP Note ZODIZE6 (29 ate upaing o BUIPS 4.253, tern saan, HTTP 404 ror apears wren apphing changes rape congratonor etme serv conan For tha ents ane nertaraund £08 SAP Note 2347632. 12 Theres koa ave wih SQL Anyaate where DS oly acc ne dbase conneton, For he dal and workaround, ae SAP Noe 2264472, 129 here is anon sue in foraton Sonar whee intalinon ns. Forth delle andthe corecon retro SAP Note 4:88, (13) For landscapes using the Windows version older than Winéaws 40, there is Microsoft Windows Package requrament. For more information, rafer te the following cecumentason: +The 1542 SPo Raeaso Notas, he IS 42 PAN, 64.7 nsta Guce (9 Thar i non sata in BPS 4.2 SPA whare medtyOrRemoveProducts sh ds ot behave as execs on ta Ln rm. For he dll reson, 1 are sno DSS verson tis compatle wih IIPS 4.1 SP10. HPS 4.1 SPIO dss nat alow OSS talon 189 Thr sano sua in BIPS 4.2 SP4 Palees 1-9 wnersingaltan of ata Sones an Irfmaon Star an LinuxlUni has ese, Forth dll ard esl, 08 1 ota Services end ltomaton Stewar 2 net compote wah SIPIPS 4.1 SPI! or hghe you ee BIOSIS customer end you et isang BIP 4% SP and OSI one sare ssa, anno want» uppade i BIP 4.1 SPI, you noed 0 irate DSIS 1 Second sytam using pra nformaten Pater Seric864.2 SPS or nghe. For mre + ate Seren 42 Upgrade Guts. Refer tote set, “Mttng Des Serces oa new erent + Data Senvees 42 Mastr Gus, Retro the section “Upraing the landscape" "Busnes scenaos fr upgrading” "Separate Iemation palm servoes and alps. (2 Tare was no nfertion Steward 4.2 SP10 Plc 2. Pach 2 was sipped fr versoringlechedng purpot,lvomaton Sowa 4.2 S10 Pal 1 i sucnode by 189 Thre is tno issue n Bl wher en eos hewn ding whan running Bi seupexaclb ere program ex, Fr the deta a workaround, ror to SAP Net 1 ara Sorvees 4.2 8P%2 atch for Widows ad Lina Pato on. Thor so Iormation Stowe 4.2 SP12 Pac Dita Sento 42 SP12 Pach 7s for Winsows ar Linx Plnforms ok: Theres no nomatonSoward 4.2 SPY? Pale 2 “There wat ra Data Sonicosnarmation Stewed 2 SP12 Palen an 5. Data Senice 42 SP12 Pach 7 for Windows ar Lins Palos oy Tees no amatio award 4.2 SPI2 Pale 1 runing scheduler n SAP Osta Sarvs Management Console fal. Forte dtl of he eo, he workaround ard he, 6 SAP Note 283358, 1 Thar ie non ata wih LIPS 42:SP7 Pach 7 an ighr where RW ebLaurchrfall lurch when vated, Fr ha workaround, se SAP Noe 288004: (or 08.42 ‘SP12} and 2860472 (or 05.42 5°13, "9 pata Servees 4.2 SP19 Patch 1 and? efor Windows an Linux ltrs ony “Theres arn Steward? SP19 Pen 245.67. "© outa Servees 4.2594 Palces 44,678.10, 12 18,15, 17, 1,20, 2,2, 2 ae fr Windows and Linux patos ony Data Senos 42 SP14 Pach 2 reser Windows an Lina patos, Th verson wl avallbe fr oli and Aplin about 2 weeks ae. Inlomaton Stunts 4.2 SP14 Paton nas alse released han Ona Sevens 2 SPM Pate 2, To fhe rola dt, soe SAP Supaor Paral > Suppo Packages ane Putcan» SAP Sup Package Sacks > SAP Busneat Objects Matenance Sched Iroraton Stwad 42 SP14 Pte 1 halen dle han Oa Serves 42 SP14 Pate 1, To fn he lee de, ee SAP Spor Petal» Suppo Packages ona Pates > GAP Suppor Package Sacks > SAP Bvaneas Objects Mlenanoe Sedu (0 SAP baa Sorvces 4.2 SP14 Patch for AKSear eet suppored you downlades ths vrsn, do rat nel For mor lfomatin 508 SAP Note 2052809 \e eipips 2 59 Paes 2 Wreugh Sent conpate wi ay version Osa Servint ad amon Sawer, Oo nal use hese vor For matnfrmaon, see SAP Note 307226 (© ySae Dowmbads, BP Pach vrsoning animarton x00, For example, atc 1 100, Pach 2 200, Pale 10s Paton 000, Path 11s Palen 100 (dt) 11° 4259 Palen 15 invoiced Ita changos tht we incomglbe wn SAP Data Sonica and SAP ema Sawa Oo nature is vaso. I See Also + frequen Usd is or SAP Customers 1 Keywords 1, 18,81, 1PS, matix,B0DS, 8001.80, DI. Edge, 805 cm | Attributes rer Comoonors Ema1s.0€P (rtomaton Steward -Desloyment instal pare) | Products SAP oma Sevens SAP oman Stand 1 SAP etn Start 2 | This document refers to zozsszt ani cate BO tom consoles BOE pam ae een muni SAP Dla SenicnsOalonat | This document is referenced by 3136055 Gant! Vanenaman Cnsols besos unvaiale afar uprading PS ln vason 4.2 $9. SAP Dal Savas 1875789 Consietnauping tam Dat Serves 2 a Daa Seite 2 1800140 SAD Dan Sains 42 and SAP homaon Sts 4? comeatbily th SAP MANA 2iei205 Tha sna DalaSarveesaanlcan a CMC ater thensaliaton 27176505 Gan ata Sanices 00M or nomatan Stcward be nstaled who consymin Busiass nioence Usa canes? zou7os3 “Runnin Es" an on Pron Mansgemsst APS 2079921 —_Unate ta acte BOE parm components fall ntl BOE storm ad eeythan nunchog SAP Data Sanices Desa 000215 Suanocabtry th $8 Buns lignes Pm 4. and SAP IPS 41S 804462 _alaaee Nols er GAP Harman lowa &.1 Supa Pack Palen 9 (Veson 14.1.8} 804519 ——aloase Noes ar GAP Data Sanicas 4.1 Sunt Packt Path (erson 11146 801740 lenge Nos or $A° Dla Sarees 4.2 Sunn Pack Path 4 rson 14.203 1603565 Isilon Scanros Ds Services 4x 1867078 ——aleasa Noes or SAP Busness Osis omen Stward.!Sunpat ach Pach 2 arson (8 11 88 1666155 _eleaee Nols tar SAP Binatone bNomaon Sawa 0 Sup Pach 3 Path 4 Varin (14.0. 680) 06105 alas Nols fr SAP Daa Serves 4.1 Sup Pack 1 Pah (vers 14.1.8 040982 Range Noa ae SAP Data Sunes 1 Supt Pach Path 2 (erson 41135 e451 Reloase Noes ar SAP Data Sanics 4.1 Supp Packt Path 2 (verson 111.908 te42978——alanse Nos or SAP larmaon town 1 Supa Pac Pent Neon 14.1.2 1804623 ence Nog ar SAP Busess Cals Data Servons 41 Suan Pack Palen LVerson 1415.28) 008581 alenge Nos SA? BuansseOojce Data Serene 0 Sueno Pack} Palen Veron 0.2.45), 1604562 eles Noles tar GAP Business Once Oats Saves 41 Supt Pac 0 Pale 6 Veson sT087S6 ease Noosa SAP Bus nose Oalcs Oar Servos 1 Path OS (Verson 14 10.62 1770562 ‘lass Nos or SAP Data Sanco 4.0 Support Pach? Pach 7 (Yerion 1402600 1755060 ‘eau Non er SAP Dale Saricn 4.0 Support Pach 2 Path 6 (erson 1402528 S7EA65% ——_‘aleaea Nota tar GAP Bvaneas Once boston Sten 0 Supp Pack. Path + (vrson 16.0. 408) TENG domo Seward Repair Corgan aed ving tain 1752005 ‘lease Nos or SAP Data Sanics 4.1 Path (Version 4.1.06 785078 ease Noes SAP anes Oalce Women Seward 4.0 Si Pack Pah Serson 1402497) 1724904 ‘lanes Nos or SAP Bsns Osis Ifornaton Sawn 4.0 Sup Pack 3 Varson 14.0.3 S797287 ence Noos ar SAP Busnass Ooi Qala Sevens 0 Sunnan Pack 3 (Varslon 14.03.23) 1735002 ‘alate Nols fr GAP Hlrmatn Slows 4.1 Pal 2 (etsion 141.0470 sowra25 va Sex aneb sal Navan Cars 2771853 Tabla aicanse Key for runing 8 full ores instalation of SBOP Information platform services for SAP Dute Services 4.2 o° SAP Information Sloward 4.2

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