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In this video, I am going to answer these questions: Who is this training for? Who is this training not good for and
why it is a good idea to apply manual therapy?
So, first of all, this self-massage training is intended for healthy people with high vocal demands such as voice
professionals. This may include but is not limited to singers, performers, teachers, preachers, public speakers,
actors, voiceover actors, fitness instructors, traders, call centre or sales persons. This training is also beneficial
for people who use and rely on their voices for other demands other than their jobs. Examples would be amateur
singers, voice actors, or podcasters. 

This training is also intended for people who have already been diagnosed with muscle tension dysphonia,
functional dysphonia, hyperfunctional dysphonia or other voice issues due to increased muscle tension in the
vocal mechanism and are looking for additional methods to improve their voice production as part of a
comprehensive treatment plan. I want to stress that this is a supplementary method of improving muscle tension.
It is not a stand-alone technique to cure voice problems. The symptoms related to the mentioned diagnoses may
include but are not limited to elevated laryngeal position, vocal strain, hoarseness, soreness and vocal fatigue.
But this training is not for everyone. If you have the following medical conditions, always speak to your doctor
first before starting this training: a heart condition or problems with carotid arteries, any cardiovascular problems,
pacemaker, thrombosis, high blood pressure, diabetes, phlebitis, or seizures. When you talk to your doctor, ask
him or her if you can apply massage strokes, gentle pressure and vibration massage to your head, neck and
shoulder areas. If your doctor says no, then this training is not for you.
If you are experiencing voice problems for more than 2 weeks without the presence of an acute infection, and you
have not visited your doctor yet, your first order of business is to see a specialist, more specifically an ENT doctor
or a voice specialist. If you need a referral speak to your family doctor or general practitioner. This training is not
intended for people with undiagnosed voice problems. Don’t try to self-diagnose your vocal issues, visit a
specialist instead.

Now, why should you do self-applied manual therapy? There are many good reasons to include manual therapy of
your larynx, head, neck and shoulders to your daily routine. Here are just a few good reasons to develop a regular
massage routine for your voice:
It prepares your vocal instrument for demanding vocal use
It also resets your vocal instrument after demanding vocal use
Manual therapy releases muscle tension
And more importantly, it helps prevent muscle tension and strain
It also prevents vocal injuries, because vocal pathology arises from muscle tension and vocal straining
It also releases muscle pain
And improves vocal function
Manual therapy approaches reposition the height of the larynx
They also improve flexibility and range of motion of the treated muscles
They improve muscle strength and more.

Did I give you enough reasons to start? I hope so. I will see you in the next video.

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