Group C - Lab 1

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CSE -4302 Object Oriented Programming Lab Group-C


Task 1

Emirates is an airline based in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. At present this airline is
offering a number of flights to different countries.You are assigned to develop a portal for
on line ticket reservation.

Use any user defined data structure to hold the records of various flights of Emirates.
However a record contains the following attributes

I. Flight id
II. Starting city
III. Destination city
IV. Number of transit
V. Air fair
VI. Available days [ex: Sunday and Wednesday / Friday and Sunday]

 Define a separate function to take valid input to developed system.

 Assume maximum number of flights is 4.
 Declaration of any global variable is restricted ]

Task 2

Implement the following queries:

1. No of Flight for a particular starting city

2. Most cheapest flight on Emirates
3. Most three cheaper flights on Emirates
4. Check available flights on a particular date for a set of particular Starting city and
Destination city

Department of CSE| IUT

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