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Saturday, March 27th, 2021

1) Complete the sentences using the following verbs in the correct form.

Buy Catch Cost fall Hurt

Sell Spend Teach Throw Write

a) Mozart wrote more than 600 pieces of music.

b) How did you learn to drive? My father taugh me.
c) We couldn´t afford to keep the car, so we sold it.
d) Dave fell down the stairs this morning and hurt his leg.
e) Jim threw the ball to Sue, who caught it.
f) Ann spent a lot of money yesterday. She bought a dress which cost $

2) Complete the sentences. Put the verb into the correct form, positive or
a) It was warm, so I took off my coat. (take)
b) The film wasn´t very good. I didn’t enjoyed it very much. (enjoy)
c) I knew Sarah was very busy, so I didn’t disturbed her (disturb)
d) I was very tired, so I left the party early. (leave)
e) The bed was very uncomfortable. I didn’t slept very well (sleep).

Activity 1

-Hi! How was your weekend?

- my weekend was very difficult for my exams and final projects so it was very

- Oh really, listen too really bad, but what was the best thing of your

- oh, in fac, my family and me adopted a pet, is small, but is very energetic, his
name is Chucky, the name stays with his actitud.

- That sounds very interesting!

- It was! The best part is my new dog. How about you? Did you have a nice
Saturday, March 27th, 2021

- My weekend was very stressful because of the final projects, but I take
care of my brother

- So bad. Well, see you later

- See you

Activity 2

1. She can change people when they look at her eyes

2. She had snakes in hair
3. Perseo kill the Medusa
4. Medusa was very big and beautiful

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