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Cite This: Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2020, 59, 299−307

Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Biosolid Gasification:

Equilibrium-Based Modeling with Emphasis on the Effects of
Different Pretreatment Methods
Ashraf Abdelrahim,*,† Paola Brachi,‡ Giovanna Ruoppolo,‡ Simona Di Fraia,† and Laura Vanoli†

Dipartimento di Ingegneria, Università degli Studi di Napoli “Parthenope”, 80143 Napoli, Italy

Istituto di Ricerche sulla Combustione, Piazzale V. Tecchio 80, 80125 Napoli, Italy
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ABSTRACT: In the present study, a modified equilibrium model was developed by Aspen Plus to simulate the gasification of
biosolids (treated sewage sludge) in an atmospheric fluidized bed reactor (FBR) using air as a gasification agent. The model,
which is based on the Gibbs free energy minimization applying the restricted equilibrium method, was calibrated and validated
against a set of experimental data obtained in a pre-pilot-scale FBR. The comparison between the simulation results and the
experimental data showed satisfactory agreement, in particular, with respect to the content of combustible gases in the syngas
and the heating value. The main objective of the work was to assess the impact of different sludge pretreatment methods (i.e.,
torrefaction, anaerobic digestion, carbonization, hydrothermal treatment, and copelletization of sewage sludge with solid fuels)
and the key operating conditions (gasification temperature and equivalence ratio) on both the syngas quality (composition and
heating value) and the performance of the gasifier in terms of the carbon conversion efficiency (CCE), syngas yield (YG), and
cold gas efficiency (CGE) under the same operating conditions. Global sensitivity analysis was first performed by varying the
gasification temperature and the equivalence ratio (ER). Then, the impact of sludge pretreatments was evaluated by changing
the sludge composition in the model in line with experimental data from the pertinent literature. Results point out that the
torrefaction pretreatment in combination with gasification exhibits promising results in terms of gas quality (i.e., higher H2/CO
ratio and lower CO2/CO ratio) and LHV, even though the carbon conversion efficiency (CCE) slightly decreases presumably
because of the lower volatile content in the torrefied material with respect to the parent one.

1. INTRODUCTION sludge phase,2 thus making its disposal more complex and
A wastewater treatment plant typically produces two streams, expensive.
namely, the stream consisting of treated wastewater and the A biosolid is defined as a sewage sludge3 that has undergone
stream consisting of sludge separated from the wastewater. sufficient treatment for its stabilization and pathogen reduction
Both streams have requirements from authorities for discharge but still consists of a mixture of carbonaceous, phosphorus, and
or use for different purposes.1 Because of the growing nitrogenous compounds with heavy metals and (in its wet
awareness of climate change and other environmental state) microbial organisms. While phosphorus- and nitrogen-
concerns, requirements for wastewater discharge have been containing compounds make biosolids a potentially valuable
continuously strengthened in the past 30 years and more fertilizer,4 the presence of heavy metals, toxins, dioxins, and
efficient treatment processesphysical, chemical, biological, microbial contaminants makes them unsuitable for spreading
and otherhave been implemented across the globe.
The improved treatment efficiency also means that a higher Received: July 17, 2019
percentage of unwanted pollutants are transferred from the Revised: December 3, 2019
wastewater (such as heavy metals, polycyclic aromatic Accepted: December 6, 2019
hydrocarbons (PAHs), and organic micropollutants) into the Published: December 6, 2019

© 2019 American Chemical Society 299 DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.9b03902

Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2020, 59, 299−307
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article

on farmland because of the risk of contaminants entering the uration. The optimization of such parameters is required for
food chain.5,6 Aside from land application, other uses for maximizing the gas yield, enhancing the gas quality, minimizing
sludge are available, including landfills and incineration.7,8 the tar yield, and increasing the gasification efficiency.
The Landfill Directive 99/31/EC9 prohibited the deposition Gasification modeling is an effective tool used to optimize
of both liquid and untreated wastes in landfills and indicated the design of a gasifier by studying the influence of the main
some restrictions and quantitative targets for biodegradable process variables, such as the gasifying agent type and
municipal solid wastes (such as sewage sludge) to dispose of in temperature, the feedstock type, pretreatments, and moisture
landfills. Therefore, in most European countries depositing content on the process performance and efficiency.27 Depend-
sewage sludge in landfills is decreasing, whereas the most ing on the adopted approach, biomass gasification models can
common reuse option in EU-15 is recycling in agriculture.10 In be divided into two main categories, namely, kinetic models
a lot of cases, the sludge or the ash from sludge combustion is and equilibrium models.28 Kinetic models are useful in
used in the production of cementitious building materials, in predicting the progress and the product composition at
particular, as an aggregate in cement, brick, and cement-based different positions along the reactor, whereas the equilibrium
mortar formulations.11,12 models are typically used to assess the maximum achievable
Because of the high carbon content, biosolids can also be yield of the desired product from a reacting system.29,30
utilized as a renewable fuel. The study by Rulkens11 has When dealing with fluidized beds, the evolution of the
identified several sludge management options, among which process at each point of the system can be hard to elaborate in
those involving the production of energy (heat, electricity, or addition to the complex hydrodynamics and phase regimes
biofuel) seem to be the most promising ones. In more detail, that add up to the calculations. For these reasons, equilibrium-
these include anaerobic digestion, codigestion, incineration in based modeling has recently gained more attention.31
combination with energy recovery, coincineration in coal-fired Equilibrium modeling consists of two approaches: stoichio-
power plants, coincineration in combination with organic metric and nonstoichiometric.32 The stoichiometric model
waste focused on energy recovery, use as an energy source in requires a detailed specification of all the chemical reactions
the production of cement or building materials, pyrolysis, and species involved.33 In contrast, nonstoichiometric models,
gasification, supercritical (wet) oxidation, hydrolysis at high based on minimizing the total Gibbs free energy, need no
temperature, hydrogen production, acetone, butanol, or particular reaction mechanisms or species like the stoichio-
ethanol and the direct generation of electrical energy by metric models. The only input needed is the elemental
means of specific microorganisms. Pyrolysis13−17 and gas- composition of the feed that is known from the ultimate and
ification18−20 were investigated by numerous researchers, proximate analysis data.33 Thus, the nonstoichiometric method
suggesting that biosolids have the potential to be used as a is relatively easier to implement and has faster convergence.32
clean energy source through these technologies. Additionally, A common simulator used for model development is the
these conversion routes can reduce flue gas volumes and fix Aspen Plus chemical process software. It represents conversion
heavy metals in the solid residues while producing valuable systems by dividing them into unit operation blocks, such as
products such as bio-oil and syngas; the gas flow coming from reactors, separators, and heaters. These blocks are joined using
a gasifier is significantly lower than the gas flow from an material and energy streams and, if possible, are configured
incinerator having the same sludge-processing capacity.21 The with appropriate correlations.33
gasification of biosolids has been selected in the present study For gasification, most studies have performed the
because such a process (with a combined cycle) is, in general, simulations through the minimization of the Gibbs free energy
more efficient than the incineration or combustion of biosolids of the system; this is the case for Nikoo et al.,34 who modeled
for power generation11,22 and potentially provides environ- the gasification process in fluidized beds, and Ramzan et al.,35
mental benefits by reducing and preventing many emissions. who studied the influence of different kinds of fuels on biomass
One reason for this is the possibility of removing compounds, gasification. Even though several simulation models for the
which would later form pollutants during the combustion biomass gasification process have been developed so far by
process, through simple cleaning and scrubbing.23 using Aspen Plus, to the best of our knowledge very few studies
Gasification is a very complex process including numerous in the literature can be found on Aspen simulation models for
chemical reactions that are partially unknown or unpredictable. biosolid gasification, and none of them deal with different
The main involved reactions include the combustion and sludge pretreatment methods.
gasification ones, which are shown in Table S1.24 In this context, the main objective of this work is to develop
The primary product from the gasification process is a a model for the gasification of biosolids in a fluidized bed
combustible gas mixture, also called syngas, which mostly reactor to validate it against experimental data obtained
consists of hydrogen, carbon monoxide, methane, carbon through a pilot-scale experimental campaign and utilize it to
dioxide, small amounts of nitrogen and light hydrocarbons, and examine the influence of the main operating parameters as well
tars. The syngas produced can be utilized for electric power as different sludge pretreatments (i.e., digestion, torrefaction,
generation, heat generation, chemical processes, and trans- carbonization, hydrothermal carbonization, and copelletiza-
portation and in other industrial sectors. In addition, by tion) on both the performance of the gasifier and the syngas
properly selecting the operating conditions and/or the catalyst, quality. Specifically, an Aspen Plus model has been developed
a syngas rich in hydrogen can be obtained, which can be to simulate the thermochemical transformation of biosolids to
converted to energy via hydrogen engines and fuel cell high-value energy carriers through air gasification. The model
technology without any greenhouse gas production.25 is based on Gibbs free energy minimization, and the restricted
Table S2 summarizes past studies on sewage sludge equilibrium method by Gumz36 was used to calibrate it against
gasification with a particular emphasis on the selected experimental data. In more detail, this was achieved by
operating conditions (e.g., gasifying agents, reaction con- specifying the temperature approach for a number of reactions
ditions, and catalyst use) and the adopted reactor config- occurring in the gasification unit.
300 DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.9b03902
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Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article

Figure 1. Experimental setup.

2. MATERIALS AND METHODS The fuel is underbed fed into the reactor by a screw
2.1. Fuel Properties and Characterization. The sewage conveyor, and its flow rate is regulated by a screw feeder. An
sludge sample was collected from a wastewater treatment plant auxiliary nitrogen stream is used to insert the fuel feeding
in northern Italy and then oven-dried and pelletized. The pellet devices and enters the gasifier with the fuel. For the gas
sample was kept in a sealed container to limit the moisture dedusting process, both cyclone and ceramic filters, with a
uptake. The carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen contents in the nominal aperture of 2 μm, are installed. To avoid tar
sample have been determined using an elemental analyzer condensation, the cyclone and the transfer line are maintained
(CHN 2000 LECO), with the balance being the oxygen at 450 °C. A flare equipped with a methane pilot flame burns
content. The moisture, volatiles, and fixed carbon and ash the syngas coming from the gasifier upstream of the chimney.
contents have been obtained by thermogravimetric measure- The concentrations of CO, CO2, and CH4 gases are measured
ments (TGA 701 LECO). The obtained results are reported in online with an ABB continuous analyzer equipped with
Table S3. infrared (IR) detectors, while the concentration of H2 is
The higher heating value (HHV, MJ/kg on a dry basis) of measured with a thermal conductivity detector. Also, an off-
the dried samples was measured using an oxygen bomb line gas chromatograph analysis is carried out for 3 L gaseous
calorimeter (Parr model 6200 calorimeter). The measurements samples with a thermal conductivity detector to determine the
were repeated twice, and the average value was used for major hydrocarbon species. When steady state is reached for
subsequent calculation of the low calorie value (LHV), each test, the average gas composition is evaluated with an
according to the well-known correlation described by eq 1 error of less than 10% on the basis of the last 10 min of
LHVdry = HHVdry − 2.442(8.936Hdry × 100) analysis. Tar sampling is performed off-line with a gas
(1) chromatograph equipped with a flame ionization detector
where Hdry represents the weight percent of hydrogen resulting (FID) and according to protocol UNI CEN/TS 15.439
from elemental analysis and LHV and HHV are given in MJ/ (2006).
kg. 2.3. Experimental Conditions. The operating conditions
2.2. Fluidized Bed Gasifier. The scheme of the of the performed gasification tests are listed in Table S4. In
experimental setup used for the gasification tests is shown in more detail, the bed temperature (T), the unexpanded bed
Figure 1. The pre-pilot-scale FBR is made from stainless-steel height (H), and the air flow rate have been kept constant,
tubes. The air preheater and electrical resistances allow the whereas the equivalence ratio (ER, i.e., the actual air−fuel
reactor to reach the desired temperature (800−900 °C). In ratio/the air−fuel ratio for complete combustion) has been
particular, the air is heated to 600 °C (with a 6 kW heater) and changed from 0.15 to 0.30 by varying the fuel flow rate from
then flows through the gas distributor. 7.0 to 3.5 kg/h.
301 DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.9b03902
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Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article

Figure 2. Aspen Plus system flowsheet.

3. NUMERICAL MODELING density of unconventional components, which use the data

The following assumptions have been made in the present from proximate, ultimate, and sulfur analyses. 35 The
study to model the air gasification of a biosolid in a fluidized HCOALGEN model includes a number of different
bed reactor: correlations that can be selected by the user to set different
option codes. In the present study, the option code was set to
• Steady-state, isothermal process, 6-1-1-1, which returns a correlation requiring a user-input
• Zero-dimensional, kinetic-free model, value for the heat of combustion (HCOMB). For the biosolid,
• Instantaneous devolatilization of a biosolid, the low calorific value (LHV) listed in Table S3 was taken as
• Syngas consisting of a mixture of H2, CO, CO2, CH4, HCOMB.
and H2O, 3.1. Flowsheet Development. In Aspen Plus, there is no
• Reacting system at atmospheric pressure, specific block to represent the gasification reactor. Therefore,
• Tar formation is not modeled. to model the fluidized-bed gasification of biosolids, it used a
combination of more blocks (Figure 2), which represent,
The simulation model was set up using Aspen Plus respectively, the feedstock decomposition, the reaction
commercial software with external Fortran modules. The
between the decomposition products and the gasification
development of an Aspen Plus model typically involves the
agent (gasification process), and the separation of the inert
following steps: (1) specification of the stream class, (2)
matter and the unreacted char in the feedstock (ashes) from
selection of the property method, (3) specification of the
system components from a database and identification of the the gasification products.
conventional and nonconventional ones, and (4) setup of the 3.2. Blocks and Streams Description. 3.2.1. Decom-
process flow sheet using the unit operation blocks and the position. First, the stream FEED consisting of sludge pellets
mass and energy streams. Then, the feed streams and the unit with a 14% moisture content enters the DECOMP block used
operation blocks are detailed. to decompose, at ambient temperature and pressure, the
In the present work, the MIXCINC stream class was chosen nonconventional material into its constituent elements (C, O2,
for the simulation because the process includes conventional N2, and H2), water, and ash. Specifically, the RYIELD reactor
gas and liquid phases as well as conventional and nonconven- is used for the DECOMP block because the stoichiometry and
tional solid phases (i.e., solid carbon and biosolid). In more kinetics are unknown, but a yield distribution is known. The
detail, the biosolid was defined as a nonconventional mass yields of the RYIELD reactor (DECOMP) are
component by entering its ultimate and proximate composition determined and set starting from the data of ultimate and
under the component attributes of the feed stream (Table S1). proximate analyses (Table S3) by using a Calculator block (i.e.,
Ashes were also defined as a nonconventional component with a user subroutine written in FORTRAN) termed FEEDDEC.
an ash content set to 100%. The outlet stream (DECFEED) from the DECOMP block
The thermodynamic properties of conventional components enters the S-CHAR separator to remove unconverted cold char
were estimated using the Boston−Matthias-modified Peng− (C-CHAR) from the main stream just before the gasification
Robinson equation of state, which is suitable for nonpolar or reactor. Regarding the amount of unconverted char from FB
mildly polar mixtures such as hydrocarbons and light gases.37 gasifiers, it has been set on the basis of the results from the
Enthalpy model HCOALGEN and density model DCOA- experimental tests described in sections 2.2 and 2.3 (Table S5).
LIGT were instead selected to calculate the enthalpy and The stream C-CHAR is then heated to the gasifier temper-
302 DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.9b03902
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Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article

ature, which is accomplished by using the block entitled C- reactor at atmospheric pressure were obtained in a pre-pilot-
HEAT coupled with the TCHAR subroutine written in scale facility available at the IRC-CNR Institute in Naples
FORTRAN and finally mixed with the gas stream leaving the (Figure 1). Table S5 shows the average composition of the
gasifier by means of the block MIXER. syngas arising from the treatment of biosolid under the
3.2.2. Gasification. It is well known that the gasification operating conditions listed in Table S4 for both Tests I and II
process does not straightforwardly reach the chemical along with the gas yield (YG), tar concentration, carbon
equilibrium state because of the short residence time of conversion efficiency (CCE), and cold gas efficiency (CGE).
gases in the reactor. Accordingly, significant deviations are The ER value exerts a major influence on the promotion of
typically found between the predicted and the experimental the oxidation reactions and can express two extreme
values of the syngas composition, when equilibrium modeling conditions. At very low ER (<0.2), the amount of oxygen in
approaches (stoichiometric and nonstoichiometric models) are the system is low, leading to incomplete gasification (i.e., high
applied.33 char content in the ashes) and more tar formation, whereas at
Therefore, to better simulate the nonequilibrium conditions high ER (>0.5), a high flow of air enters the system, thus
of real gasifiers, a modified equilibrium model for biosolid promoting complete combustion of the fuel in addition to tar
gasification was set in the present work by using the Aspen and char, thereby generating more CO2, H2O, and heat energy
Plus RGibbs block with the restricted chemical equilibrium.36 at the expense of the synthesis gas quality and the process
In more details, the restricted equilibrium was established by efficiency.38−40
selecting the calculation option “Restricted chemical equili- It can be seen that the production of hydrogen, carbon
brium−specify the temperature approach or reactions” in the monoxide, and methane decrease as ER increases while the
RGibbs block. Such an option allows the specification of a set total gas yield increases, as a result of full oxidation of the
of chemical reactions with an associated value of the biomass to CO2. Moreover, the tar produced, carbon
temperature approach (ΔTapproach), which represents the conversion efficiency, and CGE decrease with ER.
difference between the chemical equilibrium temperature and The high concentration of nitrogen in the syngas was due to
the real reactor temperature. In more details, this means that, the use of air as a gasification/fluidization agent. This means
by specifying a zero-temperature approach value for each that, although the process is cheaper than with pure oxygen,
reaction, RGibbs returns the equilibrium gas composition at the quality of the produced gas is lower.
the reactor temperature. On the other hand, the possibility to 4.2. Modeling Results. 4.2.1. Model Validation. The
set an equilibrium temperature different from that of the restricted chemical equilibrium model (RCEM) developed in
reactor (ΔTapproach ≠ 0) allows us to move the reaction this work comes from setting the temperature approach for
equilibrium versus the reagents or products depending on the reactions R1 and R3−R5 (Table S1) equal to −286.52,
case and hence to modify the composition of the syngas at the −325.80, 282.81, and 71.08 °C, respectively, which are the
outlet of the RGibbs reactor so as to better simulate the values obtained by calibrating the gasifier chemistry to fit the
nonequilibrium conditions of the real gasifier. experimental data from Test II (section 3.2.2). The developed
The chemical reactions listed in Table S1 are the ones model has been validated against the experimental data from
considered in this work for the gasification process. The Test I (gasification temperature 780 °C and ER 0.15), as
chemistry of the gasifier was calibrated to fit the experimental shown in Table S6. Simulation results from the simpler
data obtained in the pre-pilot-scale FBR by using the “Data chemical equilibrium model (CEM with no restricted
Fit” in the model analysis tools; in particular, this was achieved equilibrium approach) are also shown in Table S6 for
by varying the ΔTapproach values for reactions R1 and R3−R5 as comparison.
well as the char split fraction in the S-CHAR block, which Satisfactory agreement between the RCEM simulation
allows the model predictions on the gas composition to results and the experimental data emerges. For example, H2,
converge to the experimental data from Test II shown in Table CO, and CO2 data are predicted with an average error of
S4. The outlet stream from the gasifier is expressed as RAW- within 15% and are significantly lower than those associated
SYNG. with CEM simulations (from 60 to 95%). These findings are
It is worth noting that, in order to simplify the system, the consistent with those obtained by Marcantonio et al.,41 who
simulations were carried out under the condition that all of the recently modeled the gasification of “lignocellulosic residues”
energy required for the gasification process comes from the in a fluidized bed reactor. On the other hand, a greater error
heat streams (EXTRAQ1 and EXTRAQ2), as shown in Figure resulted in the simulation of the syngas lower heating value,
2. Accordingly, because the enthalpy of the DEC-FEED stream which can be mostly ascribed to the overprediction of CH4.
was not equal to the enthalpy of the FEED stream as a result of The under- or overprediction of CH4 is a common problem for
the breakup of the chemical bonds, heat stream QDECOMP gasification modelers; one example is the steady-state model of
was connected between the DECOMP unit and the GASIFIER a biomass fluidized bed gasifier reported by Doherty et al.,42
to replenish the difference in enthalpy. where CH4 was overpredicted by a substantial amount
3.2.3. Separation. Outlet stream MIXFLOW from the (CH4,exp = 3.4% vs CH4,model = 7.7%, leading to a relative
MIXER block goes to the separation block, CYCLONE, which error of about 125%). Furthermore, Prins et al.43 stated that
separates the unreacted char (fixed carbon) and ash as a stream the product gas from fluidized bed gasifiers generally contains
(ASH) and the remaining components (H2, N2, H2O, CO, much more CH4 than predicted.
CO2, and CH4) as the stream (SYNGAS) by using the split 4.2.2. Sensitivity Analyses. Sensitivity analyses were
fractionation of the components. performed with the aim of investigating the influence of
various parameters on the biosolid gasification in a fluidized
4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION bed reactor. In particular, the present study focuses on the
4.1. Experimental Results. The two sets of experimental influence of the gasification temperature, the equivalence ratio
data on the air gasification of a biosolid in a fluidized bed (ER), and sludge pretreatments (i.e., digestion, carbonization,
303 DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.9b03902
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Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article

torrefaction, and copelletization with solid fuels and hydro-

thermal treatment) on both the syngas quality (composition
and LHV) and the efficiency (CGE) of the gasifier. Effect of Gasification Temperature. In the model,
the gasification temperature depends on the temperature of the
gasification agent (air) entering the gasifier; namely, it is
controlled by changing the heat stream to the air preheating
unit in the flowsheet shown in Figure 2. In particular, in the
present work, the heating stream was set so as to ensure a
gasification temperature (i.e., a product gas temperature) of
between 600 and 900 °C at a given constant equivalence ratio
(ER = 0.3). The influence of the gasification temperature on
the product gas composition is illustrated in Figure 3. It can be

Figure 4. Effect of gasification temperature on the LHVgas and CGE.

Figure 3. Effect of gasification temperature on syngas composition.

observed that the concentration of hydrogen and carbon

monoxide increases with the increase in temperature, whereas
the concentration of methane slightly decreases with gas- Figure 5. Effect of equivalence ratio on syngas composition.
ification temperature. These observations can be justified by
the fact that the water−gas reaction raises the production of
carbon monoxide and hydrogen.39 Also, the reverse methana-
tion reaction is thermodynamically promoted at higher
As a result, the LHV of syngas produced and CGE increases
with temperature as illustrated in Figure 4. With regard to the
influence of the gasification temperature on the process
performances, this finding agrees with other published
work.26,39,44 Effect of Equivalence Ratio. The equivalence ratio
is an important gasifier design parameter. It is the ratio of the
actual air−fuel ratio to the stoichiometric air−fuel ratio.
Because the complete oxidation of the fuel has to be avoided in
gasification processes, the amount of air entering the reactor is
typically set much lower (ER = 0.2−0.5) than the
stoichiometric conditions required for complete combustion. Figure 6. Effect of equivalence ratio on the LHVgas and CGE.
Figures 5 and 6 show the effect of varying the equivalence
ratio (within the 0.1−0.5 range) on both the syngas quality
(composition and heating value) and the process efficiency literature.34,45 The influence of ER on LHV and CGE is shown
(CGE) at a fixed syngas temperature (780 °C). in Figure 6. Results show that while the LHV gradually
Simulation results show that the production of carbon decreases with increasing ER, a different trend was observed
monoxide and light hydrocarbons (i.e., methane and ethane) for the CGE, which can be ascribed to the different impact of
decreases gradually as ER increases, whereas the hydrogen ER on the syngas flow rate (kg/h).
content exhibits a slight increase only for ER values from 0.1 to Effect of Different Sludge Pretreatments. The
0.3, remaining virtually unchanged for higher values (Figure 5). impact of several sludge pretreatments, namely, digestion,
The trend in syngas quality follows the same trend as in the torrefaction, hydrothermal treating (HTC), carbonization and
304 DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.9b03902
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Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article

copelletization with solid fuels, was considered by changing the S2, Char-S3, S4+BS, and S4+L samples I is mostly due to
sludge composition in the model in line with experimental data different kinds of changes in the sludge composition as clearly
from the pertinent literature. In more detail, the composition emerges from the Van Krevelen diagrams shown in Figure 7. In
of treated sludges was borrowed from studies by Isemin et al.46 particular, while an undesired increase in the O/C ratio
for the digestion and torrefaction at 200 and 300 °C, by occurred for sludges subjected to anaerobic digestion (DG-S1)
Merzari47 for sludge hydrothermal carbonization, by Draper48 and copelletization (S4+BS and S4+L), also associated with a
for sludge carbonization, and by Constantinescu et al.49 for the marked decrease in H/C in this latter case, a remarkable
copelletization of sludge with beech sawdust (S+BS) and
decrease in the carbon and hydrogen content was observed
lignite (S+L) in a 50:50 ratio by mass.
following the carbonization treatment, which also led to a
Table S7 shows the proximate and the ultimate composi-
tions of pretreated sludges, which are next gasified with air at significant increase in the sludge ash content. Again, data show
780 °C and ER 0.2 by assuming the same moisture content for that the quality of syngas arising from the air gasification of
each of them (i.e., 10%). The elemental analysis data relative to torrefied T220-DG-S1 and T300-DG-S1 sludge is higher than
the investigated sludge samples are also shown in Figure 7 as that of the parent feedstock (DG-S1) and increases with the
increase in the severity of the torrefaction treatment, namely,
the increase in the torrefaction temperature. In more details, it
results that the torrefied feedstocks produced more H2 and CO
and less CO2 than the parent one, thus resulting in a higher
LHV. This result is consistent with what was observed by
Brachi et al.29 and Anukam et al.,52 who investigated the
influence of torrefaction on the gasification processes of
tomato peels and sugar cane bagasse, respectively. The major
drawback associated with such a treatment is that the particle
conversion efficiency (CCE) is lower for torrefied materials
presumably because of the lower volatile content.53 The lower
CGE associated with T220-DG-S1 and T300-DG-S1 feed-
stocks is probably due to the fact that the LHV of torrefied
sludges increases to a greater extent than that of the associated
This confirms that torrefaction is the most suitable feedstock
pretreatment for sludge gasification among the investigated
Figure 7. Van Krevelen diagram for the investigated fresh and ones.
pretreated sludge samples.
expressed in terms of O/C and H/C elemental ratios on a dry A computer simulation model of the thermochemical trans-
ash-free (daf) basis (Van Krevelen diagram) to better highlight formation of biosolids to chemical energy through air
the difference in the composition as induced by the
gasification was developed using Aspen Plus. The aims of
investigated sludge pretreatments.
It is worth noting that because of the lack of experimental this work, which were to develop a model for the biosolids
data on the proximate composition of the raw S1 sludge gasification process in a fluidized bed reactor, to validate it
subjected to digestion and torrefaction treatments by Isemin et against actual pilot-scale plant data, and utilize it to examine
al.46 as well as the similarity of the S1-sludge elemental the influence of the main operating parameters on gasifier
composition50 to that of the sludge used in Tests I and II, the performance, were achieved. The model is based on the
latter was assumed to be the raw feedstock for digestion and chemical reactions of methanation, the water gas shift, water
torrefaction experiments. Because the feedstock moisture gas, hydrogen, ethene, and carbon combustion and on the
content is well known to affect the syngas composition,51 the setting of the temperature approach for these. Model validation
same value (i.e., 10% moisture) was assumed for all of the was carried out through a comparison with experimental data.
investigated raw and pretreated sludges during their air Good agreement between the experimental data and the
gasification. properties of the syngas, predicted by the model, was found.
The obtained simulation results are shown in Table S8. In This means that the developed model is capable of predicting
line with experimental results by Xie et al.,51 the anaerobic gasifier performance accurately over a wide range of operating
digestion process of sludge slightly reduces the gas quality, as conditions and biosolid properties. The influence of some
evidenced by the decrease in the H2/CO ratio and the rise in
sludge pretreatments (i.e., digestion, torrefaction, hydro-
the CO2/CO ratio. Moreover, the content of combustible
gases from the digested feedstock (DG-S1) is lower than that thermal treatments, carbonization and copelletization with
of the untreated one (Raw-S1), thus resulting in a lower LHV biomass) on the gas composition, heating value, syngas yield,
and CGE. Similar but even worse results were obtained carbon conversion efficiency and cold gas efficiency was also
following the sludge treatment via carbonization, hydro- investigated. The results suggest torrefaction combined with
thermal, and copelletization processes. However, it is worth gasification as a suitable technology for biosolids valorization.
noting that the decrease observed in the syngas quality (cf. the Further studies will be conducted to investigate the
H2/CO, CO2/CO and LHV values) and the gasification feasibility of this potential source for the production of energy
process performance (CCE and CGE) for DG-S1, Hydrochar- via combined heat and power (CHP) applications.
305 DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.9b03902
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Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article

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