QC Test Plan Module

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‘Test Plan module’ contains information about Test cases.

 To create a test plan tree:

We design tests in Quality Center in the Test Plan module, which you open
by clicking the Test Plan button on the sidebar.

1. Create a New Folder by clicking on New Folder icon -->It open’s a

Dialog Box --> Enter the Folder Name in text box -->Click on ‘ok’

Give Folder Name and press Ok

2. In the Description tab, type a description of the subject.

3. We can add attachments to help illustrate our work. We can attach a file,
URL, snapshot of our application, items from the Clipboard, or system
information. When we add an attachment to a record, Quality Center adds
the icon to the record

i. Attaching a File :

We can attach a file to a Quality Center record.

To attach a file:

1. In the Attachments dialog box, click the File button . The Open dialog box
2. Choose a file name and click Open

ii. Attaching a URL:

You can attach a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) to a Quality Center record.

This can be any valid URL scheme such as HTTP, FTP, Gopher, News, Mailto, or

To attach a URL:
1. In the Attachments dialog box, click the URL button . The Attach Uniform
Resource Locator (URL) dialog box opens.
2. In the URL box, type a valid URL and click OK.

The URL appears in the Attachments list. An icon for your default Web browser
appears next to the URL.
iii. Attaching System Information

You can attach information about your machine to a Quality Center record.

To attach system information: In the Attachments dialog box, click the System
Info button . The System Information dialog box opens.
2. To attach information from a single tab, click a tab and click the Current
Topic button.

3. To attach information from all tabs, click on All Topics.

The information is assigned a unique file name with a .tsi extension. The file name
appears in the Attachments list, with an icon next to it. The size of the file and the
date on which it was modified are also displayed.

4. In the Description box, add any comments related to the attached text file.


1. Highlight the created folder, Create a Test set by selecting ‘New

Test’ icon -->It open’s a Dialog box->Select the Test Type as
MANUAL in combobox -->Enter the Test Name -->Click ok button.

2. In the below snapshot a test set by name ‘LOGIN’ is created

In the Details tab fill the mandatory fields Level, Reviewed, priority, Test Name by
selecting values from the dropdown list.

Under Description tab, describe about the test set and specify the pre-requisites.

Test Plan

Go to Design Steps tab, click on new step icon, and enter the Step Name,
Description and the Expected Result of that test set -> click ‘ok’ button
Similarly create required number of steps for the test set.
 Calling Manual Tests

In a test, you can include a design step that calls a manual test. When you run the
calling test, it includes the steps and parameters from the called test. This is useful
if you have common steps you often want to perform as part of other tests.
For example, suppose you want to include a login step in a number of different
tests. You can create a test Login Template that logs in a user when you start your
application. You can call this test at the beginning of each test.

Calling a Manual Test

In a test, you can include a step that calls another manual test. When you run the
calling test, its design steps include the steps from the called test.
To call a manual test:

1. Select a test in the test plan tree and click the Design Steps tab.
2. Select the step after which you want to include a call to another test and
click the Call to Test button . The Select a Test dialog box opens.
3. By default, only template tests are displayed. If you want to choose a test that
is not a template test, clear the Show only Template Tests check box.

4. To filter and sort the tests in the Select a Test dialog box, click the Set
Filter/Sort button . The Filter dialog box opens.

5. To search for a specific test, type the name (or part of the name) of the test in
the Find box and click the Find button . If the search is successful, the test
is highlighted in the tree.

6. To refresh all tests in the tree, click the Refresh All button .

7. Select the manual test that you want to call.

8. Click OK. If the called test contains parameters, the Parameters of Test
dialog box opens and displays the parameters of the test you are calling. Assign
actual values for the parameters. These values will be used for all test instances
created from this test.
9. Click OK. The call is inserted as a link in your design step, and the values
assigned to the parameters in the called test are displayed.

10. To edit the values you assigned to the parameters in the called test, right-
click the test call and choose Called Test Parameters. In the Called Test
Parameters dialog box, type the new values for the parameters, and click OK.

 Working with Parameters in Manual Tests

you can add parameters to design steps. This enables you to run the same test
repeatedly with different data each time.

Manual tests with parameters can be called from other tests. This is useful if you
have common steps you often want to perform as part of other tests. For example,
you can create a template test Login_Template that logs a user in when you start
the application. You need to call this test at the beginning of each test. In some
cases, you will want to log in as a regular user while in others, you will need to log
in as the project administrator.
For this purpose, you can create two parameters, <<<user name>>> and
<<<password>>>, and change the values according to the type of test that is
calling Login_Template.
To define a test parameter:

Go to Test Parameters tab, select new parameter icon -> enter the parameter name
in the text box and give description about the parameter -->click on ‘ok’ button.
Specify the other parameters if any as shown in the below snapshot.

The given parameter names will be displayed under the Test Parameters tab.
 Requirement and Test Coverage:
In this step, map the specified requirements to the corresponding test cases.

For this Go to --> Requirements Coverage tab --> select Req icon -> Expand
Requirements tree displayed on right side of the window -->Add requirements to
the coverage Grid

The coverage grid lists the requirements that are covered by the selected test. You
can view, add, and remove requirements from the coverage grid.

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