4th Grade Guide Unit 2 (2) - CRISTOBAL

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Colegio Umbral de Curauma

English Department

Guide Unit “Unit 2 Lesson 1 – 2 “


Teacher: Patricio Rivera / Shalom Perez Class 4th grade A/B

Aim: to make use of “My day” vocabulary and the correct use of “o’clock” and “half

1. Read and write the time inside the clocks. (Lee y escribe la hora dentro
de los relojes).

It’s half past seven.

0 7 3 0

It’s two o’clock.

0 2 0 0

0 8 0 0 It’s eight o’clock.

0 3 3 0 It’s half past three.

Colegio Umbral de Curauma
English Department

2. Choose and write the correct option. (Escoge la opción correcta y

escribe la oración)

1. Spongebob is brushing/cleaning
his teeth at half past 8/8 o’clock.
Spongebob is brushing/cleaning his
teeth at 8 o’clock.

2. Spongebob is eating
dinner/breakfast at 4 o’clock/ half
past 4.

Spongebob is eating dinner/breakfast at half

past 4.

3. Spongebob is seeing/watching
TV at 11 o’clock/ half past 11.

Spongebob is seeing/watching TV at 11

4. Spongebob get up/ go to bed at

half past 10/ 10 o’clock.

Spongebob get up/ go to bed at half

past 10

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