Assignment 2 Sample Solution

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Reliability Statistics

Alpha N of Items

.212 2

The reliability for the “involvement” variable is not good as it is less than 0.5, and we
cannot identify and eliminate the outlier here because of lesser number of items so we
cannot use this variable in our decision making analysis.

Reliability Statistics

Alpha N of Items

.685 2

The reliability for the “Trustworthiness” variable is good as it is more than 0.5, so we
can use this variable in our decision making analysis.

Reliability Statistics

Alpha N of Items

.749 2

The reliability for the “Expertise” variable is good as it is more than 0.5, so we can use
this variable in our decision making analysis.

Reliability Statistics

Alpha N of Items

.396 2

The reliability for the “attraction” variable is not good as it is less than 0.5, and we
cannot identify and eliminate the outlier here because of lesser number of items so we
cannot use this variable in our decision making analysis.
Reliability Statistics

Alpha N of Items

.729 2

The reliability for the “Information Adoption” variable is good as it is more than 0.5, so
we can use this variable in our decision making analysis.

Reliability Statistics

Alpha N of Items

.745 2

The reliability for the “Purchase Intension” variable is good as it is more than 0.5, so we
can use this variable in our decision making analysis.
Summary of Reliability:
It is identified that Involvement and attraction are two unreliable variables so they
cannot be used in decision making analysis until become reliable. Therefore we should
go for the decision making with Trustworthiness, Expertise, Information Adoption and
Purchase intension by transforming these variables.
Now we will transform the required variables

COMPUTE Trustworthiness=(T1+T2)/2.
COMPUTE Expertise=(E1+E2)/2.
COMPUTE Information_Adoption=(IA1+IA2)/2.
COMPUTE Purchase_Intension=(PI1+PI2)/2.

Randomness testing:
Now the randomness of the newly constructed variables to be computed
Information Purchase
Trustworthiness Expertise Adoption Intension

Test Value a
3.7436 3.6962 3.8910 3.8474
Cases < Test Value 163 177 144 161
Cases >= Test Value 227 213 246 229
Total Cases 390 390 390 390
Number of Runs 137 157 149 147
Z -5.602 -3.819 -3.665 -4.505
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000 .120
a. Mean

Since all the variables are having sig. values less than 0.05 therefore,
these variables are considered non-random. Therefore, it is identified
that the findings for these variables will hold and interpreted
specifically for the respondents only.
For Examples:
 Trustworthiness of the respondents of this study depends
 Expertise opinion reflection for the respondents is
 Information Adoption for the respondents are
 The purchase intension of the beauty product for all the
customers ………………………………………………………….…………


Now we have to test the normality of the newly constructed or desired


Normality refers to the predictability of the variable. If a variable found

normal that can be predict accurately without consideration of the
sample size (Both for the small and large sample size). But if it is found
non normal then it can be predict approximately with only large sample
size. (With small sample can’t predict and with large sample
approximately predict).

In SPSS this examination can be done using the path:

Analyze -----> Descriptive statistics ------> Explore

Now we have to take all the variables in “Dependent list”

Then press the button of “Plots” and check on the “Normality plots
with tests”

Now press “Continue” and then “OK”

For the normality test, we have to check the sig. value of “Kolmogorov-
Smirnov test”. If the sig. values appeared greater than 0.05, the variable
is called normal and can predict accurately irrespective of the sample
size. But if it appear less than 0.05, the variable is called non-normal
and can predict approximately if the sample size is large.
In this case

Case Processing Summary


Valid Missing Total

N Percent N Percent N Percent

Trustworthiness 29 100.0% 0 0.0% 29 100.0%

Expertise 390 100.0% 0 0.0% 390 100.0%
Information_Adoption 24 100.0% 0 0.0% 24 100.0%
Purchase_Intension 390 100.0% 0 0.0% 390 100.0%
Tests of Normality

Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk

Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.

Trustworthiness .200 29 .670 .925 29 .000

Expertise .173 390 .000 .935 390 .000
Information_Adoption .179 24 .000 .909 24 .000
Purchase_Intension .149 390 .000 .906 390 .000

a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

The sample size for Expertise and purchase intension is 390 which is
sufficiently large. But for the Trustworthiness and Information adoption is
small. The normality analysis is showing that the sig. value of
“Kolmogorov-Smirnov test” are less than 0.05 for expertise,
information adoption and purchase intension while, it is greater than
0.05 for trustworthiness. So the variables expertise and purchase
intension can predict approximately, Trustworthiness can predict
accurately and information adoption is unpredictable.
For Example:
 Trustworthiness of the respondents (Non-random) will be
accurately (normal even with small sample size)……………………….
 Information Adoption of the respondents (Non-random) cannot
predict (Non-normal and small sample size)……………………….
 Expertise of the respondents (Non-random) will be approximately
(Non-normal and large sample size)……………………….
 Purchase intension of the beauty product customers (random) will
be approximately (Non-normal and large sample size)
Summary Report for the whole assignment:
We made/adopt a questionnaire on effect source credibility on
cosmetic product choice and made its Google form to circulate
among the target respondents. We have taken a sample of 30
respondent and their responses are coded in Excel.
After coding we made a SPSS data file with decoding and placed the
responses there to keep the record of responses as well as their
coded values for the analysis.
We had 4 demographic and 6 main variables including involvement,
Trustworthiness, Expertise, Information adoption, attraction and
purchase intension.
Out of these 6 main variables 2 involvement and attraction were left-
out due to unreliability and unavailability of the items to remove and
make them reliable.
All the 4 remaining variable were transformed using SPSS and 3 of
them found non-normal except purchase intension. That means the
findings of the purchase intension will hold for all the customers of
cosmetic products while the findings of other three variables will
applicable only for the respondents respond in the data collection.
The Trustworthiness found normal and accurately predictable even
have a small number of responses while purchase intension and
expertise are found approximately predictable due to their large
number of responses. While information adoption is found
unpredictable due to its abnormality and small sample size.

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