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Activity Action Plan for PUBH 4340 BIB23

Chapter #14 Noncommunicable Diseases and Mental Disorders, Lara Arce

Presentation Goal
To engage students in learning about the burden of noncommunicable diseases including mental disorders
and the measures or actions that can be taken to address the burden or these diseases.

Learning Objectives
By the end of this activity, the students will be able to:
1. Describe the burden of noncommunicable diseases and their risk factors.
2. Describe actions that can be taken to prevent or address the burden of noncommunicable diseases.

Presentation Outline
 Introduction to Ch.14
o Discuss key definitions.
 Noncommunicable disease
 Chronic Disease
 Degenerative disease
 Mental Health
o Why are we studying Noncommunicable Diseases?
 The burden of these conditions is greater than the burden of
communicable diseases in low- and middle- income countries as well as in
high-income countries.
o Noncommunicable Diseases Overview
 Cardiovascular Disease
 Diabetes
 Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
 Cancer
 Mental Disorders
 Vision Loss
 Hearing Loss
o Major Health Risk Factors
 Tobacco Use
 Alcohol

EXPERIENTIAL ACTIVITY: Trivia with a Family Feud Twist

Activity Goal
To enable students to apply critical thinking and communication skills to in a teamwork environment.

Learning Objectives
By the end of this activity, the students will be able to:
1. Demonstrate the acquired knowledge regarding noncommunicable diseases and their risk factors.

Needed Materials
 Index Cards
Needed Set-Up
 Two lines of chairs one on each side for students to sit

Step-by-step Procedures
1. Purpose to students: To engage them in a friendly competition and see who knows more about
noncommunicable diseases.
2. Ask students to divide into two equal groups
3. Give Instructions:
a. Each group will choose one member who will join me at the front
b. I will ask one question for these players to answer.
c. The player that answers correctly first wins 10 points for his group.
d. After this initial round I will go to the winner’s group to ask a round of questions.
i. After two wrong answers I will turn to the other group for them to answer a
1. The second group only has one chance to get the answer correct.
2. If this group answers correctly they win 15 points and will be ahead
ii. If they answer correctly, they win 10 points.
e. Once the first round ends each group will once again decide which member will go to the
front to answer the first question. (You cannot repeat any members unless all of the
members have already been at the front). Once they choose the next round starts.
f. The group that reaches 50 points first wins the game.

Discussion Questions
1. Why do you think mental health disorders were not initially categorized as noncommunicable
2. What effective measures would you take as a public health professional to reduce tobacco or
alcohol use?
3. What are some preventive measures that can be taken to address cancer?
4. Why are mental disorders so important to the burden of disease?
5. What are some risk factors that could be considered “easy” to address yet continue to be a
constant battle in the population health? And how would you engage a community to address this
risk factor?

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