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10, OCTOBER 2011

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Implementation of Broadband Isolator Using Fig. 1. Geometry of the 2-element MIMO antenna system.
Metamaterial-Inspired Resonators and a T-Shaped Branch
for MIMO Antennas
[6], [7] to eliminate coupling. However, both require a large area or
Chih-Chun Hsu, Ken-Huang Lin, and Hsin-Lung Su a high-K substrate [8]. In [3], a decoupling network was designed
by connecting a reactive element between two antenna feeding ports
to reduce coupling. While this method markedly reduces separation,
Abstract—We develop a novel MIMO antenna with excellent broadband the decoupling network generates additional cost. In [9], the coupling
isolation performance in this communication. Metamaterial (MTM)-in- element was utilized to eliminate coupling. Still the methods in [3],
spired resonators can function as insulators and are placed periodically
into a compact MIMO antenna system for portable applications. These [9] have rather narrow operating bandwidths. Insufficient isolation
insulators only need a 0.18 wavelength. The broadband insulators can bandwidth for MIMO antenna remains a problem for a variety of
efficiently reduce the coupling of MIMO antennas. Isolation bandwidth wireless communication applications.
under 20 dB can reach 8% with relative to the center frequency. Adding Metamaterials (MTMs) are artificial structures that have many prop-
a T-shaped branch behind the insulators markedly improves the isolation
erties not found in nature. Negative permittivity materials can be real-
bandwidth. An isolation bandwidth under 20 dB can achieve 19.3% rela-
tive to the center frequency. The effectiveness of the proposed insulators ized using thin wires [10], and negative permeability can be achieved
is validated by measurements. using split-ring resonators (SRRs) [11]. We propose a novel insulator
Index Terms—Electromagnetic bandgap materials, isolation technology, that uses MTM and an isolation mechanism that are easily integrated
insulators, MIMO systems. into mobile devices. The proposed compact (0:14 3 0:12) insulator
is printed on low-cost FR-4 substrates. By designing an appropriately
polarized E-field, the insulator has a broadband performance of roughly
I. INTRODUCTION 20%. The broad operating bandwidth can cover many communication
Since the development of wireless technology, high data transmis- bands in MIMO applications.
sion rates have become increasingly necessary. The data transmission
rate can be increased by increasing the SNR or signal bandwidth. II. MIMO ANTENNA AND METAMATERIAL-INSPIRED RESONATOR
However, this approach cannot improve spectral efficiency. Instead, DESIGN
multi-input multi-output (MIMO) technology is more effective for rich
Fig. 1 shows the geometries of a two-element MIMO antenna system
multipath environment [1], [2]. However, coupling between antennas
without an isolation mechanism [12]. The MIMO antenna uses an FR-4
causing high signal correlation can reduce the data transmission rate
substrate ("r = 4:4) with dimensions of 100 2 50 2 0.8 mm3 ; total
and the antenna efficiency [2]–[4]. A MIMO antenna typically requires
radiating element area is 16 2 50 mm2 . Two meander-line monopoles
a half-wavelength separation distance to reduce signal correlation
with a 50-
transmission line feed are printed onto the FR-4 substrate.
which can be difficult to meet in mobile devices. Notably, many
These antennas are separated by 0.18  (21 mm). The meander-line
decoupling techniques have been developed. In [5], E-shaped PIFA
monopole antenna is designed to operate at 2370–2980 MHz. Thus, the
elements were placed orthogonally to reduce coupling. The mush-
operating bandwidth is sufficient for both WLAN (2400–2484 MHz)
room-like electromagnetic band-gap (EBG) suppresses surface waves
and mobile WiMAX (2500–2690 MHz) communication standards. The
isolation of the two ports of the MIMO antenna is roughly 15 dB in its
Manuscript received August 06, 2009; revised January 06, 2011; accepted operating bands.
February 28, 2011. Date of publication August 04, 2011; date of current version Fig. 2(a) shows the designed MTM-inspired resonator [13]. The ge-
ometry of the cell, which is 7.6 2 3.5 mm2 , printed on FR4 substrate,
October 05, 2011. This work was supported in part by the ITRI, Taiwan, under
Contract GI-97004 and the National Science Council, Taiwan, under Contract
No. NSC97-2221-E-110-037-MY3. whose size is 8 2 4 2 0.8 mm3 . The operating mechanism of the unit
C.-C. Hsu and K.-H. Lin are with the Department of Electrical Engi- cell is the incident E-field perpendicular to the gap of the cell that stores
neering, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung 804, Taiwan (e-mail: electrical energy and acts as a capacitor while the H field, which is; perpendicular to the surface of the cell, introduces an inductor that
H.-L. Su is with the Department of Computer and Communication, National
Pingtung Institute of Commerce, Pingtung 900, Taiwan (e-mail: stores magnetic energy. This work modifies this structure slightly by
tw). extending the spiral line length to enhance its capacitance and lower its
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TAP.2011.2163741 operating frequency.

0018-926X/$26.00 © 2011 IEEE


Fig. 3. Geometry of MIMO antenna with 3-layer insulators.

Fig. 2. (a) Geometries and dimensions of 1-layers of MTM-inspired resonators.

(b) PEC-PMC waveguide setup. (c) 3-layers of MTM-inspired resonators. The
individual layer of cells has a 0.4 mm spiral length difference.

The Erentok’s method [13] is used to determine the characteristics of

the designed cells, with dimensions of the PEC-PMC waveguide given
in Fig. 2(b). The upper and lower boundaries are set to the PMC and
the front and rear boundaries are set to the PEC. The x-polarized plane
wave propagates along the +y -axis.
The S-parameters are extracted using the PEC-PMC waveguide
method which means that a plane wave is incident into an infinitely Fig. 4. (a) The MTM-inspired resonator place near the top of the antenna,
the E-field in here is tangential component dominated. (b) With an L-shaped
extended structure, which is composed of simulated cells along the grounding structure, the E-field can be guided to normal component dominated
x-direction and z -direction. In order to truncate the metamaterial to and satisfies its polarized E-field direction.
reduce the thickness without affecting the desired isolation, we set the
separation of the +z=0z boundaries to a large value of 10.8 mm to
enlarge the distance between layer and layer of the metamaterial along Hence, the upper resonator of the insulator cannot function fully. To
the z -directions. Therefore, this design is suitable for applying to thick enable all upper resonators, this work proposes an L-shaped branch
portable device. connected to a ground to modify the polarized direction of the E-field
The 010 dB bandwidth of S11 of one cell is 2560–2670 MHz. To in- (Fig. 4(b)). This method produces relatively more normally polarized
crease the operating bandwidth of the insulator, a three-layer structure direction of the E-field for insulator upper resonators. Then, two res-
is utilized [14], [15] (Fig. 2(c)). The adjacent cells are 1.4 mm apart. onators, which are arranged in a column, with an L-shaped branch are
Each layer of resonators is designed for different but close frequencies considered. As the resonators are closely spaced, they will couple with
to increase the operating bandwidth of the insulator. The difference in each other. This can result in mode splitting and increase bandwidth
total spiral length of each layer of resonators is set at 0.4 mm. The 010 [15], [16]. The isolation band is therefore extended.
dB bandwidth of S11 of three-layer design is 2320–2660 MHz. Because the L-shaped branch is helpful for exciting the resonator and
The insulators are inserted into the MIMO antenna (Fig. 3). Because extending isolation bandwidth, this work changes the L-shaped branch
the three-layer insulator is asymmetrical looking from the 6y direction, into a symmetrical structure, a T-shaped branch, and placed it behind
the return losses of the two antennas, S11 and S22, differ. The three- the three-layer insulators (Fig. 3). It is found that the resonators have a
layer insulator design suppresses S21 of the MIMO system below 020 strong coupling with each other and the resonating frequency excited
dB at 2.52–2.73 GHz (8%). The S11 of the antenna still satisfies the by each layer become widely separate, resulting in a lower isolation
010 dB requirement for its operating bands. level in between these resonating frequencies. Hence, we adjust the
central layer of the three-layer insulators to reduce coupling. Fig. 5(a)
III. ANALYSIS OF MTM-INSPIRED RESONATORS COMBINED WITH A shows this new arrangement of resonators. The difference in total spiral
T-SHAPED BRANCH length of each layer of resonators is increased to 0.8 mm because each
In [14], the bulk, periodically placed resonators are equivalent to an layer has an increased isolation bandwidth.
artificial magnetic conductor (AMC). Fig. 4 shows the simulation re- Fig. 5(b) shows simulation results. The isolation bandwidth, which
sult for the near field of the MIMO system with insulators. Clearly, the is roughly 19.3% at the center frequency, is larger than that of MIMO
upper resonators mostly have y -polarized components of the E-field antennas with the three-layer insulator (Fig. 3), which is roughly 280
(Fig. 4(a)). However, this polarized direction does not correspond to the MHz (11.2%). The broadband insulator can be used in WCDMA and
setup of the PEC-PMC waveguide simulation discussed in Section II. WLAN+WiMAX applications.

Fig. 5. (a) The proposed MIMO antenna with broadband isolation performance
and geometries of the T-shaped grounding structure. (b) The simulated results
of (a).

Fig. 7. (a) Photograph of the proposed MIMO antenna with broadband isola-
tion (sample B) that depicted in Fig. 5(a), the front surface has 5 MTM-inspired
resonators which are arranged as H-shape, and at the rear surface has a T-shaped
Fig. 6. Isolation improvement by adding 3-layer insulators. grounding structure. (b) Measured S11 of sample B. (c) Comparison of isola-
tion. The bandwidth of sample B is enhanced compared to that of sample A.


Fig. 5(a), sample B, shows the H-shaped insulator with the T-shaped
This experimental study examines the characteristics of the proposed branch. The H-shaped insulator is printed on the same side of the an-
broadband insulator. Four samples were fabricated and measured using tenna on the front side of the FR4 board and the T-shaped branch is
Agilent E5071 ENA. Fig. 1 shows the original MIMO antenna. To im- connected to the ground on the backside of the board. Fig. 7 shows the
prove isolation, this work adds three-layer insulators to the MIMO an- realized prototype, measured return losses, and isolations. In Fig. 7(b),
tenna system (sample A). Fig. 6 shows the measured S21 of the original the dotted line is the S11 and the 010 dB bandwidth is 2290–2910
MIMO antenna (dotted line) and that in sample A (cross line). Isolation MHz. The solid line is the S22 and the bandwidth is 2320–2770 MHz.
has been improved by about 16 dB in the best case. Additionally, the Both bandwidths are sufficient to cover the WLAN+WiMAX bands.
20 dB-isolation bandwidth is from 2480 to 2720 MHz, which is about Fig. 7(c) shows the measured S21 of sample B. The solid line is the
8% of the center frequency. isolation of sample B and the dotted line is the isolation of sample A.

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The MIMO antenna system using MTM-inspired resonators reduces

the coupling of antennas. After the three-layer insulator is added, iso-
lation improves by 16 dB in the best case, and the 20 dB isolation
bandwidth achieves about 8%. The proposed L-shaped branch is uti-
lized to excite the resonators and thereby increase isolation bandwidth.
Eventually, the MIMO antenna system with H-shaped insulators and a
T-shaped branch is proposed. The 20 dB isolation bandwidth is about
12.8% better than that of the three-layer insulators. Therefore, these
insulators are very suitable for broadband communication systems. A
separation of only 0.18 wavelength between two antennas is needed for
the insulators. These insulators are also very suited to integration into
portable devices.

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