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SUBJECT: Science

NAME: ________________________________

Instructions to Students:
This paper comprises of 6 pages and three sections:
Section A: 16 Marks (Questions 1 to 7 carry 16 marks in total)
Section B: 3 Marks (Questions 8 to 10 carry 3 marks each)
Section C: 5 Marks (Questions 11 to 13 carry 5 marks each)

1. What is the pattern of magnetic field around a current carrying straight conductor, support your answer
with a diagram? [1 Mark]

2. Read the following and answer any four questions from 2 (a) to 2 (e)( Answer any 4)

The polarity of ends carrying solenoids depends on the direction of current flowing and is given by
clock rule. When the end of solenoid is seen from the front side and if the current flowing appears
anticlockwise ,then this end will be north – pole and the other end will be south – pole, but if the current
is clock wise, then this end will be south – pole , but if the current is clock wise , then this end will be
south – pole and the other end will be north pole

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a) The correct statement is : [1 Mark]
i) If a current in wire is vertically upward, the magnetic field lines are clockwise
ii) If a current in wire is vertically downwards, the magnetic field lines are
iii) If a current in wire is vertically upward, the magnetic field lines are
iv) None of these

b) The direction of magnetic field in a current carrying solenoid is determined by : [1 Mark]

i) Right hand thumb rule
ii) Left hand thumb rule
iii) Right hand screw rule
iv) Maxwell’s palm rule

c) To find out N – pole in solenoid , we will use : [1 Mark]

i) Galvanometer
ii) Compass
iii) Bar Magnet
iv) Horse – shoe magnet

d) Strength of magnetic field inside solenoid depends on: [1 Mark]

i) Strength of current
ii) Number of turns
iii) Nature of core material
iv) all of these

e) Magnetic field inside the current carrying solenoid is [1 Mark]

i) Circles
ii) Spirals
iii) Parallel to the axis of the solenoid
iv) Perpendicular to the axis of the solenoid

3. For question number 3 two statements are given- one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled
Reason (R). Select the correct answer to these questions from the codes (a), (b), (c) and (d) as given
below: [1 Mark]

a) Both A and R are true, and R is correct explanation of the assertion.

b) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of the assertion.
c) A is true, but R is false.
d) A is false, but R is true.
Assertion (A): silver chloride when heated gives silver and chlorine.
Reason (R): On heating silver chloride, electrolytic decomposition reaction takes place.

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4. The metal sodium reacts with air and water.
A student reacted sodium with water and measured the volume of gas at intervals of 30 seconds. The
results are shown below:
0 30 60 90 120 150 180

volume 0 40 60 74 86 96 140

a) At what time rate of reaction was fastest. [1 Mark]

i) 30sec
ii) 90 sec
iii)180 sec
iv) 150 sec

b) Name the gas liberated in the above reaction. [1 Mark]

iii)carbon dioxide

c) How do rate of reaction change with time? [1 Mark]

i) Decrease with time
ii) Increase with time
iii) Does not change
iv)First increase, then decrease

d) A sample of ammonium sulphate is warmed with aqueous sodium hydroxide. The gas produced
i) ignites with a pop [1 Mark]
ii) relights a glowing splint
iii) turns damp red litmus paper blue
iv) turns lime water milky
Which ions are responsible for change in colour of universal indicator?
5. DIRECTION : The following question consist of two statements - Assertion (A) and Reason (R).
Answer this question selecting the appropriate option given below: 1[Mark]
Assertion : In human heart, there is no mixing of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood.
Reason : Valves are present in the heart which allows the movement of blood in one direction only.
a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
c) A is true but R is false
d) A is false but R is true

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6. Assume that you are a veterinary surgeon and you had removed a good length of the small intestine
of a bear that was suffering from an intestinal tumor. Now, would you suggest a plant based or a
meat based diet for the bear after its recovery? Give reason for your answer. [1 Mark]

7. Read the following and answer any four questions from 7(i) to 7(v)
The diagram given below shows part of the capillary bed in an organ of human body. Some of the blood
arriving at the capillaries at points labelled A moves out into the spaces between the tissue cells. Study
the diagram and answer the questions that follow.

(a) The lymphatic system is unlike the circulatory system because it is a [1 Mark]
i. closed system
ii. system that contains white blood cells
iii. simple system
iv. one-way system

(b) Scientists isolate the lymph fluid from the right thoracic duct of a fasted ( ~24 hours) experimental
animal 20 minutes after a meal. After chemical analysis, they find a high concentration of fatty acid
( ~2% of total volume) and no detectable amounts a free carbohydrates: What does such data indicate
about the composition of the meal? [1 Mark]
i. The meal contained fats, but no conclusion about carbohydrates is warranted from the data
ii. The meal contained fats but no carbohydrates
iii. he meal contained carbohydrates but not fats
iv. No conclusions can be drawn regarding the fat or carbohydrate content of the meal from this

(c) Which of the following would be least likely to be found in lymph fluid? [1 Mark]
i. Red blood cells
ii. Lymphocytes
iii. Bacteria
iv. Fatty acids

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(d) A major function of the lymphatic system is __________. [1 Mark]
i. gas distribution
ii. distribution of nutrients
iii. return of tissue fluid to the cardiovascular system
iv. circulation of blood

(e) Ritika, Varun, Prakash and Vibha performed experiments on blood components for their haematology
project and wrote these observations: [1 Mark]
Ritika: Plasma = Blood – (RBC + Platelets)
Varun: Lymph = Blood – (RBC + Platelets)
Prakash: Lymph = Blood – (RBC + WBC + Platelets)
Vibha: Plasma = Blood – (RBC + WBC + Platelets)

The correct observation is made by:

i. Ritika and Varun
ii. Varun and Vibha
iii. Prakash and Vibha
iv. Ritika and Prakash


8. a) Figure (a), (b), (c) show three cylindrical copper conductor along with their face area and length.
Which of the following conductors will have resistance and why? [2 Marks]

b) An electric bulb of 60W is used for 6hrs/day. Calculate the units of energy consumed in one day by
the bulb. [1 Mark]

9. a) A painter takes water in a hard plastic vessel and puts quick lime into water for making a solution
for white washing the walls of a house. He stays away from the solution mixture for some time
before using it. What could be the reason for this?
b) This solution mixture, when applied leaves a shiny finish on the walls after it dries. Write balanced
chemical equation for the reaction involved in both the cases.

10. a) Name the respiratory pigments in human beings and state the cell in which it is present.
b) A product is formed in our muscles due to break down of glucose when there is lack of oxygen.
Name the product and also mention the effect of build up of this product.
c)Differentiate between fermentation in yeast and aerobic respiration on the basis of end products

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11. (a) Find out the following in the electric circuit given in figure that is connected to a 16V battery.

(i) Effective resistance of two 4 Ω resistors in the combination [1 Mark]

(ii) Current flowing through 2 Ω resistor [1 Mark]
(iii) Potential difference across 2 Ω resistance [1 Mark]
(b) On what factors does the resistance of a conductor depend? [2 Marks]

12. a) Arrange the following in the increasing order of their pH values: [1Mark]
NaOH solution, distilled water, lemon juice, HCl solution and baking, soda solution.

b) Identify the compound ‘X’ on the basis of the reactions given below. [1.5Marks]
Also, write the chemical formulae of A, B and C.

c) 2g of ferrous sulphate crystals are heated in a dry boiling tube.

(i) List any two observations.
(ii) Name the type of chemical reaction taking place.
(iii) Write the chemical equation for the reaction. [2.5Marks]

a) When electricity is passed through brine, sodium hydroxide is produced along with the liberation
two gases ‘X’ and ‘Y’. The gas ‘X’ burns with a pop sound, whereas ‘Y’ is used for disinfecting
drinking water. [2Marks]
(i) Identify X and Y.
(ii) Give the chemical equation for the reaction stated above.
b) How will you convert baking soda to washing soda? Write the balanced chemical equations for the
reactions involved. [1Marks]
c) Write the chemical name and formula of bleaching powder. [2Marks]
How is it prepared? Write the balanced chemical equation of the reaction involved in this process.

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13. (a) Draw diagram to show nutrition in amoeba and label the parts used for this purpose.
Mention any other purpose served by this part other than nutrition. [3 Marks]
Name the glands associated with digestion of starch in human digestive tract and
mention their role. [2 Marks]
How do the guard cells regulate opening and closing of stomatal pores? Explain with the help of
diagram. Also indicate what happens to the rate of photosynthesis if stomata get blocked due to
dust. [5 Marks]


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