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Survey: "IMRT Planning Competency Evaluation’ Revo Clic neuer (EDEL Andew) Revie! Staent iter, Kater) Survey Period rarn023 Completed 74/2003 20848 °M Cr 2.1f her competency, peiy the type hee: Primary Brin YMAT 4 blease assign ech tasks score of Satifcory or Unsatisfactory. Unstsactory any essetal task constitutes compeceny Tare ‘The student wil ope the competency st ster date Discusses he plan pression withthe physician. Accurately uses image cata sts together ‘Contours the appropriate anatomy onthe image deta se. Succes lacs the scenario siulton dts, Comey generates optima beam angles fr specie snatomeal aren. {Atle to manipulate ROVPTY constants the epmizer to tan en ootimal pln Accurately optimizes and gneats a concomtant boost pln Accurately generates an indvidul BVH or composite VM (for Understands he concept of prescribing teapots. resorting to avokme andi able o age he pln rormalzation 9 sede Commaricaes ttectinl with physics for plan eviw and Expot/ Pints appopit pln deta, Accurately gonarates the 08 for he pan, Performs reveatment chesks/calultons. Cbsees IMRT 04 ae anaes ofA, bees patient meutment ‘Mean: 2.00 of2 Points: 36 Score: 100.0% 4. overall ang Satisfactory Satisfactory Satstactory Satisfactory Satisfactory Satisfactory Satisfactory Satstactory Salstactory Satisfactory Salstactory Satisfactory Satisfactory Sastactory Satisfactory Satisfactory Satisfactory Satisfactory Mean: 7.00 of 2 Points:2 Score: 100.0% ‘otal points forall rating scale questions: 38, ‘Mean percentage score forall ating scale questions: 100.0% (Gach na question equal ited) espera of 7/2073 22684 2M CT lp) pt ptt ep) ptt ep ptt apt lepe eet) lepel pt apt ep) eet (apt) lp) rept tpt)

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