Occupational Test List Apr 2004

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List of Accepted Tests Age Range Type



++ Peabody Developmental Motor Scales (PDMS), (PDMS2) Birth-83 mo. Standard

Toddler and Infant Motor Evaluation (TIME) Birth – 3.5 yrs Standard

++ Brunincks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency (BOMP) 4.5yrs-14.5yrs Standard


Early Learning Accomplishment Profile – ELAP

Learning Accomplishment Profile – LAP

Mullen Scales of Early Learning, Infant/Preschool - MSEL

Miller Assessment for Preschoolers - MAP

Functional Profile

Hawaii Early Learning Profile - HELP

Batelle Developmental Inventory - BDI

Developmental Assessment of Young Children - DAYC

Brigance Developmental Inventory - BDI

VISUAL MOTOR - Standard Age Range Type

++Developmental Test of Visual Motor Integration (VMI) 4yrs-17yrs Standard

Test of Visual Motor Integration (TVMI) 4yrs-17yrs Standard

Test of Visual Motor Skills Standard

Test of Visual Motor Skills – R (TVMS) Standard

VISUAL PERCEPTUAL - Standard Age Range Type

Motor Free Visual Perceptual Test 4 yrs-9 yrs Standard

Motor Free Visual Perceptual Test – R (MVPT) 4 yrs-9 yrs Standard

Developmental Test of Visual Perceptual 2/A (DTVP) 4yrs-10 yrs Standard

Test of Visual Perceptual Skills 4yrs-13 yrs Standard

Test of Visual Perceptual Skills (upper level) (TVPS) 12-17 yrs Standard

HANDWRITING - Standard Age Range Type

Evaluation Test of Children’s Handwriting (ETCH) Standard

++Test of Handwriting Skills (THS) Standard

Children’s Handwriting Evaluation Scale Standard

SENSORY PROCESSING - Standard Age Range Type

++Sensory Profile for Infants/Toddlers Birth to 36 mo. Standard

++Sensory Profile for Preschoolers 3-10 years Standard

++Sensory Profile for Adolescents/Adults 11yrs and above Standard

Sensory Integration and Praxis Test (SIPT) 4.0-8yrs, 11mo. Standard

Sensory Integration Inventory Revised (SII-R) Standard

Supplemental Age Range Type

Sensory Motor Performance Analysis

Analysis of Sensory Behavior

Sensory Integration Inventory

DeGangi-Berk Test of Sensory Integration 3-5 years

Activities of Daily Living/Vocational/Other - Standard Age Range Type

++Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory -PEDI 6 months to 7.5 yrs Standard

***The Pedi can also be used for older children if their functional abilities fall below that expected of a 7 ½ year old with

no disabilities. If this is the case, the scaled score is the most appropriate score to consider.

Adaptive Behavior Scale-School -ABS Standard

Jacobs Pre-vocational Assessment Standard

Kohlman Evaluation of Daily Living Skills Standard

Milwaukee Evaluation of Daily Living Skills Standard

Cognitive Performance Test Standard

Purdue Pegboard Standard

Functional Independence Measure -FIM Standard

Functional Independence Measure –young version -WeeFIM Standard

Supplemental Age Range Type

School Function Assessment - SFA

Bay Area Functional Performance Evaluation

Manual Muscle Test

Grip and Pinch Strength

Jordan Left-Right Reversal Test

Erhardy Developmental Prehension

Knox Play Scale

Social Skills Rating System

Goodenough Harris Draw a Person Scale

CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS: All clinical observations are supplemental but should be included with every evaluation, EVEN MORESO if
standard scores do not qualify the child for therapy. It will be considered when reviewing for medical necessity.

STANDARD: Evaluations that are used to determine deficits.

SUPPLEMENTAL: Evaluations that are used to justify deficits and support other results. These should not “stand alone”.

++ = Most commonly seen by AFMC review therapists.

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