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Name: Sabikunnesa Sayma

A.According to legend, Santa Claus is a fat old man who visits every house
on our planet in about eight hours on one of the coldest nights of the year.
Santa, as everyone knows, stops for a glass of milk and a cookie at each
house along the route. He prefers to work unnoticed, so he wear a
luminous red suit and travels with a pack of bell-jangling reindeer. For
reasons that most people does not understand, this jolly old man enters
each house not by the front door but through the chimney (whether you
has a chimney or not). He
customarily gives generously to children in wealthy families, and he usually
reminds poorer children that it's the thought that counts. Santa Claus is one
of the earliest beliefs that parents tries to instill in their children. After this
absurdity, it's a wonder that any child ever believe in anything again.

B. a. Driving in winter, especially on snowy, icy roads, can be less

troublesome if you take a few simple precautions.

2.b. ____ First, put on snow tires if you plan to drive on snowy, icy roads very

c. ____ Second, check the amount of antifreeze in your radiator and add more
if necessary.

d. ____ Next, add antifreeze to your windshield washer fluid; otherwise,

the fluid will freeze and possibly break the container.
e. ____ Finally, it is also a good idea to carry tire chains, a can of
spray to unfreeze door locks, and a windshield scraper in your car when
driving in winter weather.

C. 1. There are many reasons I hate my apartment. The plumbing

doesn’t work properly and the landlord refuses to fix it. I also
have noisy neighbours who keep me up all night. Furthermore,
there are so many bugs in my apartment that I could start an
insect collection. I really want to move.

2. Vegetables and fruits are an important part of a healthy diet. First,

fruits and vegetables are packed with the vitamins and minerals you
need to keep your body functioning smoothly. In addition, they give you
the carbohydrates you need for energy. Fruits and vegetables have lots of
fiber to help your digestive system work properly. Finally, many
scientists believe that the nutrients in fruits and vegetables can help
fight diseases. If you eat a diet rich in fruits and
vegetables, you’ll be on the road to better health.

D. 1.) There are several ways people can conserve natural

resources. One way is to turn lights off and appliances when they
are not in use. Another way is to drive cars less. My favourite kind of car
is convertible. People can also insulate their houses better.
Finally, by reusing things like bottles and plastic bags, people can
reduce the amount of waste. By practicing these simple guidelines,
we can save our natural resources.

2.) Cats make wonderful house pets. They are very loving and friendly. Cats
are also clean. They don’t eat much, so they are not expensive. Unfortunately,
some people are allergic to their hair. Cats look beautiful and they’re fun to
have in your home.

3.) The capital city of a country is usually a very important city. The
government offices are located in the capital city and political leaders usually
live there nearby. There are many different types of governments in the world.
The capital may also be the centre of culture. There are often museums,
libraries, and universities in the capital. Finally, the capital city can serve as a
centre of trade, industry and commerce, so it is often the financial centre of
the country.

E. 1. Making up his mind quickly. Somnath ordered two dozen yellow roses
for his wife. Hoping she would accept his apology.
2. In Class Eight, every young boy goes out for football. To prove to himself
and his parents that he is a man.
3. Because the clothing store was packed with people. There must have been
a huge sale today. In the shopping mall on Fullerton Avenue.
4. Sumayna attended Little Red Gems Elementary School. Then she attended
North West High School. A high school that was a bad experience.
5. The squirrels crowded around the man in the park. Offering them walnuts.
The park was quite empty.

F. 1. She was sad when the cat ran away. : ( She doesn’t want to get a new one.
2. Yes, Nafisa was sick, so she couldn't attend classes on tuesday.
3. I often walk the dogs on the beach. They love splashing in the waves.
4. We went to the store. We bought milk cookies and ice-cream.
5. Even though Sarah was upset with her sister, she let her borrow her
new dress.
6. If you're caught cheating in your exams, you will be asked to leave
the classroom immediately and you will receive an F in the course.
7. Why did Arsalan run away from home?

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