Adaptive Leader

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Adaptive Leadership

No, that’s not a Pikachu.

wHat iS AdAptiVe LeADErsHiP? - Nazrin

 As the name implies, adaptive

leaders is about how leaders
help people to adapt— how to
face and overcome problems,
challenges, and changes.
 These type of leadership style
emphasis on adaptation
required in people when there is
a need for change.
 Adaptation leaderships are
helpful when an organization is
resistant to change and requires
a leader who can help those in it
to adapt to new changes.
What an Adaptive Leader
Might Say To You

- Bruce Lee
TRAITS of Adaptive Leaders?

TRAITS ‘BEHAVIORS’ of Adaptive Leaders

 Unlike the trait approach and

authentic leadership, which focus
predominantly on the
characteristics of the leader,
adaptive leadership stresses the
activities of the leader in relation
to the work of followers in the
contexts in which they find
 Some important adaptive leader
behaviors are regulating distress,
creating a holding environment,
providing direction, keeping people
focused on important issues,
empowering people, and giving
voice to those who feel
unrecognized or marginalized
Sample of Adaptive Leaders

 Showed India to not fear the British

and South Africa whilst showing his
people how to do it in peace.
 Demonstrated extraordinary
behaviour towards keeping peace at
the cost of own pride, as war is not
worth it.
 Allowed the people of Indian to gain
independence through
empowerment with every victory.

“Yes, it’s me. The man who

always appears in presentation
slides.” – Mahatma Ghandi
Sample of Adaptive Leaders

 At a young age empowered software

engineers and developers to build
something revolutionary.
 Lead his company to focus in building
something that will enhance user
experience and practicality.
 As a philanthropist, empowered
people from 3rd world countries by
giving them opportunities to study
and change their home. Helped
funded clean water competitions for

“I suffered from success.”

– Bill Gates
What Do Adaptive Leadership Focus On? - Jack

– Somewhere deep inside Google Images
Emotional Intelligence
 Teach subordinates to be self-aware, by doing so
they’ll understand their situations and realize
some irrational beliefs towards their situation may
be small. Change and adaptability can occur when
they are self-aware.
 Teach subordinates to manage themselves rather
that being managed by others. To manage external
situations that will occur, one must first learn to
manage self, internally.
 Subordinates need to have social awareness as
more often subordinates experience changes that
come from external situations rather than
 Like Ghandi demonstrating peace, his followers
must be taught how to be peaceful. Relationship
management is important as it manages the
stresses between parties that have effect towards
each other in changes or stressful situations.
 Adaptive Leaders will tend to build and help
write their subordinates good characteristics
either through coaching or council. Will try
to instill positivity rather than negativity
characteristics. But teaching negative
characteristics may be advantageous in
some situations (E.g. teaching deception
characteristics for stage magicians).
 Integrity and credibility are often
characteristics that adaptive leaders
themselves have, and they use it as tools to
empower and show people there is no fear
needed and that any challenges can be
 Adaptative leaders value differences, and
that differences are something that people
should look forward to as it teaches people
something new and ways to freely accept
Organizational Justice
 Organizational justice generally means fairness
towards the subordinates when a decision is made.
Ensuring no one is affected inadvertently in a terribly
negative way. Or if negative affects is received, there
should be some positive affects that follows after. All
to ensure homogeneity within the organization eco-
 Sharing of information that affects those in the
organization should be shared between the leader, the
subordinates, and peer-ship between subordinates.
Information hoarding disallows people to know the
full extent of the situation of challenges they are
facing, making overcoming challenges harder.
 Adaptative leaders often use perspective of
outcomes. Focusing on results rather than things that
don’t measure results. For examples, a top
performing employee is often late for work and has
poor punctuality attendance, but he always outputs
amazing work for the company. Non adaptive leaders
may see this as an issue with employee being late for
work, while an adaptive leader may be thinking to
adapt flexi-hours in workplace to help retain and
accommodate them.
 Adaptive leadership is all about life-long
learning. In order to overcome change and
challenges, adaptive leaders are flexible
with their way of thinking and tries to teach
their followers to be the same way. Unlike
numbers where 1+1=2, life is rather like flour
+ eggs = Bread or Pasta, thus being flexible
in learning what nuances will lead to what
outcome is crucial in adaptive leadership.
 Adaptive leadership is also about developing
others, as their a follower who develops and
becomes independent of their leader is a
sign of good leadership. Teachers often have
to be adaptive leaders, as some students can
be difficult to teach. But overcoming the
challenges together with the student in order
to help them learn, will teach them to
overcome over hurdles that could be thrown
their way in life later on.
Thank you

This is still not a Pikachu.

- Adaptability

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