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GSM Management of nothing

Baseband Radio Node

Futuristic approach to 1G


1 Introduction 1
1.1 Basic Characteristics 1
1.2 GSM MCPA Intelligent Power Management Baseband 1
Summary 1
1.3 Additional Information 2
2 Feature Operation 3
2.1 Network Requirements 3
3 Parameters 4
3.1 Feature Configuration Parameters 4
3.2 Affected Parameters 4
3.3 Parameters Affecting the Feature 4
4 Network Impact 5
4.1 Coverage 5
5 Associated Features and Affected Functions 5
5.1 Recommended Features 5
5.2 Affected Features 6
5.3 Affected System Functions 6
6 Performance 6
6.1 Key Performance Indicators 6
6.2 Counters 6
6.3 PM Events 7
7 Feature Activation and Deactivation 7
GSM MCPA Intelligent Power Management

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1 Introduction

This document describes the GSM MCPA Intelligent Power Management

Baseband feature for the Baseband Radio Node. The equivalent feature for a
DU Radio Node is activated from BSC, see MCPA Guideline in the GSM RAN
CPI library.

1.1 Basic Characteristics

Table 1 Basic Characteristics

Feature name: GSM MCPA Intelligent Power
Management Baseband
Product identity: FAJ 121 4577

Replaces: N/A
Dependencies: None
Licensing: Licensed feature. One license unit
required per cell.
Feature activation MO: GsmMcpaIpm

1.2 GSM MCPA Intelligent Power Management

Baseband Summary
In an MCPA (Multi Carrier Power Amplifier) based Radio Node, several
carriers are connected to the same power amplifier and then to the same
antenna. The available MCPA output power can be seen as a common
resource shared between the RF carriers.

One of the main advantages with MCPA based Radio Nodes is the
opportunity to save power and provide high capacity configurations with a
minimum amount of hardware.

By maximizing the use of HW capabilities, the feature GSM MCPA Intelligent

Power Management ensures high capacity MCPA configurations with
minimum impact on important Key Performance Indicators, such as speech
quality and packet data throughput.

Main benefits are:

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GSM MCPA Intelligent Power Management

• Maximized usage of available MCPA output power, leading to increased

capacity and coverage per MCPA, and energy savings

• Efficient handling of the power resource in MCPA secures radio network

characteristics, such as EDGE throughput and voice quality

1.2.1 TX Delay Diversity

The feature TX Delay Diversity, which is a part of the Combined Cell feature,
can be used together with GSM MCPA Intelligent Power Management
Baseband Radio Node to boost the downlink output power. It can be achieved
by using two MCPAs to create a virtual carrier with higher downlink power. For
more information on how to use TX Delay Diversity, see Combined Cell, TX
Delay Diversity.

1.3 Additional Information

More information about GSM parameter settings and related topics, can be
found in the following documentation:

• MCPA Guideline, 225/10056-HSC 103 12/25

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Feature Operation

2 Feature Operation

2.1 Network Requirements

This is a licensed feature. This means that for the feature to be operational, a
valid license key must be installed and the feature must be explicitly activated
by setting a MOM attribute to. See Feature Activation and Deactivation on
page 8 for more details.

The following must also be fulfilled before feature activation:

• More than one MO Trx referring to the same RfBranch MO

• MO Trx attribute configuredMaxTxPower set higher than attribute


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GSM MCPA Intelligent Power Management

3 Parameters

For general guideline about GSM parameter settings, see MCPA Guideline in
the GSM RAN CPI library.

3.1 Feature Configuration Parameters

Table 2 lists the parameters affected by this feature:

Table 2 Configuration Parameters

Parameter Description

Trx.reservedMaxTxPower This parameter is used to set the reserved output

power for the TRX. The reserved output power is
the part of the hardware capability and HWAC
license planned for this TRX.
Trx.configuredMaxTxPower This parameter is used to set the nominal output
power for the TRX. The value of this parameter
must be greater than parameter
Trx.reservedMaxTxPower in order for the
feature to have any effect.
Trx.rfBranchTxRef This parameter is used to set a reference to a
specific transmitter RF branch (identifying an
MCPA). The parameter is optional but is
recommended to be used if there is more than one
transmitter RF branch in the GSM sector.
Trx.noOfTxAntennas This parameter is used to set the number of TX
antennas used by the TRX. The value of this
parameter must be set to 2 for TX Delay Diversity.

3.2 Affected Parameters

Table 3 lists the parameters affected by this feature:

Table 3 Affected Parameters

Parameter Description

Trx.rfBranchTx This parameter is set by the feature and displays

the RF branch (identifying an MCPA) that the TRX
is referring to if no RF branch was given in

3.3 Parameters Affecting the Feature

In case Trx.noOfTxAntennas is set to 2, then the Power is divided equally
between the two MCPAs.
Network Impact

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4 Network Impact

The MCPA provides a pool of output power that is shared between the RF
carriers. With MCPA, there is an opportunity to overbook power in the MCPA,
by taking advantage of the statistical gain, that is using the fact that not all
connections need full output power at the same time.

Dynamic BTS Power Control, Discontinuous Transmission (DTX) Downlink,

Reduced Power Level After Handover are general BSS features that make it
possible to take advantage of the variations in output power need. These
features actively reduce the required output power, resulting in statistical gain
and an opportunity to configure more output power than the MCPA rated
output power.

Even with above features active, there can still be short periods where the
available MCPA output power is not enough, depending on traffic and cell
characteristics. This is because the MCPA HW has certain capabilities that
cannot be violated. The feature GSM MPCA Intelligent Power Management
Baseband secures minimal performance impact during those periods.

The feature includes a power back-off priority list, which is used to decide how
to reduce output power. EDGE 8PSK and other higher order modulation
schemes are backed off first. If not enough, then the output power for packet
data channels with GMSK and then Voice Channels is reduced. BCCH and
other signalling channels have the highest priority to protect.

One example with the feature active is that 8 TRX × 20 W can be configured
in an 80 or 100 W MCPA with minimum impact on KPIs.

4.1 Coverage
The feature allows a higher nominal output power to be configured in the cell
which together with a maximized use of the available MCPA output power at
all time gives an increased coverage.

5 Associated Features and Affected


5.1 Recommended Features

The following are features highly recommended to activate prior to introducing
the GSM MCPA Intelligent Power Management Baseband feature.

• Dynamic BTS Power Control

• Discontinuous Transmission (DTX) Downlink

• Reduced Power Level After Handover

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GSM MCPA Intelligent Power Management

• GPRS/EGPRS Downlink Power Control

5.2 Affected Features

Combined Cell, TX Delay Diversity feature is supported together with GSM
MCPA Intelligent Power Management, and is configured per Trx, see more
information in Baseband Radio Node for GSM and User Description,
Combined Cell in the GSM RAN CPI library, and also in Manage Radio
Network GSM in the LTE RAN CPI library.

Possibly other RAN features can be affected, see MCPA Guideline in the GSM
RAN CPI library.

5.3 Affected System Functions

There are no System Functions affected by this feature.

6 Performance

This section describes performance indicators, counters, and events

associated with the GSM MCPA Intelligent Power Management Baseband.

6.1 Key Performance Indicators

There are no KPIs associated with this feature.

6.2 Counters
The following counters are associated with this feature:

• GsmSector.pmPowerUtilization

• Trx.pmPowerBackoffTotalNumOfBursts

• Trx.pmPowerBackoffNumOfBurstsBackedOff

• Trx.pmPowerBackoffAccumulatedPowerReduction

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For a full list with detailed information about counters, see the list of files
in the List Files library folder.

6.3 PM Events
There are no events associated with this feature.

7 Feature Activation and Deactivation

Activating the feature requires that the license is installed. Feature activation
and deactivation is described in Manage Licenses.

The MO instance used to control the feature state is listed in Table 1.

Activating the feature requires that the corresponding license is installed.

When the license is installed, then:

• Set Trx.configuredMaxTxPower to the nominal power level including

overbooking (that is greater value than Trx.reservedMaxTxPower )

• Set Trx.reservedMaxTxPower to the nominal power level that is reserved

for this GSM TRX (without overbooking)

For general GSM parameter settings, see MCPA Guideline in the GSM RAN
CPI library.

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