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Received patient on wheelchair direct to the DR complex from the Emergency room.

As received by the midwife on duty, the mother was pre-

eclamptic as showing a BP of

150/100mmHg. The mother is not yet fully dilated so she was transferred to the labor room to watch out for the signs that may lead to the
worsening of her condition such as

convulsions that may possibly affect the well-being of the mother and the unborn baby.

She was given magnesium sulfate to prevent seizures and convulsions from occurring. A urinary indwelling catheter was inserted to monitor
renal output. After few minutes, the

mother complained of labor pains every after 3 minute interval and 60 seconds duration of contraction.

The mother was prepared to be transferred to the delivery room table for the head of the baby is found bulging at the mother's perineum. The
midwife prepare the sterile delivery

instruments and supplies necessary for the procedure. But before the mother was finally transferred to the delivery room table, the mother took
a long deep breath and push

forcefully. The baby came out while the mother was still in the labor room. She delivered a healthy baby boy that weighs 2.7 kgs. Placenta was
delivered after few minutes. The

midwife cleaned the mother's perineum. She found out a laceration brought about by the forceful uncoordinated pushing of the mother. The
midwife prepare a lidocaine injection

and a chromic sutures to repair the laceration and to prevent postpartum hemorrhage.

Mrs. P is a 33 years old multiparous patient G3P3 3003 and is currently residing in one of the municipality in Agusan del Norte. The first baby was
a boy, but unfortunately died a

few hours after birth. The second one was a baby girl, now already 1 year old. She delivered the baby through Normal Spontaneous Vaginal
Delivery (NSVD) at 37 weeks and 2

days age of gestation. A full-term baby was delivered last March 4. 2020 at 7:50 pm followed by the delivery of the placenta at around 7:55 pm.

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