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Template For ENG STDS CG758

ENGINEERING Test Procedure GMW14359

Procedures for Test of Cellular and Related Materials Determination

of Indentation Load Deflection and Hardness Number

1 Introduction
Note: Nothing in this standard supercedes applicable laws and regulations.
Note: In the event of conflict between the English and domestic language, the English language shall take
1.1 Purpose. This test procedure shall be used to determine the indentation hardness of flexible, and
semi-flexible, foam, foam components and related materials.
1.2 Applicability. Seats, instrument panel, head restraints, armrest, soft integral-skin foam, etc.

1.3 Remarks. Not applicable.

2 References
Note: Only the latest approved standards are applicable unless otherwise specified.
2.1 External Standards/Specifications.
2.2 GM Standards/Specifications.
2.3 Additional References. None.

3 Resources
3.1 Facilities.
3.1.1 Calibration. The test facilities and equipment shall be in good working order and shall have a valid
calibration label.
3.1.2 Alternatives. Alternative test facilities and equipment may also be used. However, all measuring variables
as specified in this standard shall be determined correctly with respect to their physical definition.
3.2 Equipment.
3.2.1 Apparatus for conditioning to GMW3221, Code A.
3.2.2 Testing Machine. Testing machine for determination of Hardness Number and Indentation Load
Deflection (ILD). The testing machine shall have capacity to compress the test piece between a supporting surface and
an indenter, which shall have a uniform relative motion in the vertical direction from
(50 mm/minute to 100 mm/minute). The testing machine shall have a means of measuring the force required to produce the specified
indentation with a precision of ±1%, or ± 1 N (or ± 0.01 mm, as appropriate), whichever is greater. Means of measuring the test piece thickness under load to an accuracy of ± 0.5 mm for the specified
period shall be provided. The support surface of the test machine shall be smooth, flat, horizontal, rigid, larger than the test piece,
and suitably vented with holes 6 mm ± 0.1 mm in diameter and 20 mm ± 0.1 mm in pitch.
3.2.3 Indenters. The indenters for Codes 1, 4, 5, 7 and 8 shall be mounted stationary to the testing machine.

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Copyright General Motors Order Number: W2313773

Provided by IHS Markit under license with General Motors Sold to:HOPE GLOBAL [209064100001] - CMOSS@HOPEGLOBAL.COM,
Reproduction, distribution or publication of these standards is expressly prohib Not for Resale,2021-11-05 16:49:30 UTC
GM WORLDWIDE ENGINEERING STANDARDS Template For ENG STDS GMW14359 The indentors for Code 2 and Code 3 shall be mounted to the test machine by means of a ball-joint, free
of vertical movement. The shapes, diameters and corner radii at the lower edge of the indenters used (see Table 1). Indenter shall be made of steel or aluminum, or equivalent.

Table 1: Test Conditions

Coding 1 2 3 4 5 7 8

Thin Head
≤ 25 mm;
Head Pads Pads Armrest;
Center Arm Pads Pads
Typical Parts Tested Restraints Multi-Zone Instrument
Note 1 Rests Seats-Insert Multi-Zone Foam Seats-Bolster
Foam Panels;
Panels in
Thin Foam

Indenter Shape
Hemisphere Flat Round Flat Round Hemisphere Flat Round Chamfered Hemisphere
or Sphere Plate Plate or Sphere Plate Rounded Plate or Sphere
(see Figure 1)

Dimensions 50 ± 1.0 100 ± 1 152 ± 1 12.5 ± 0.1 25 ± 0.5 25 ± 0.1 20 ± 0.1
of Indenter (mm)
Radius (mm) 25 ± 1.0 8 ± 1.0 1.0 ± 0.2 6.25 ± 0.1 1.0 ± 0.2 0.5 × 45° 10 ± 1.0

- 20 ± 0.4 100 ± 5 20 ± 0.4 - - -

Number of
- 3 3 2 - - -

Thickness in - 70 75 70 - - -
percent of

Recovery Time after Final

- 0 0 - - - -
Precompression (seconds)

Preload (N) 1.25 ± 0.15 1.0 ± 0.1 20 ± 0.25 1.25 ± 0.15 1.25 ± 0.15 1.0 ± 0.1 1.0 ± 0.1

Compression Rate
50 ± 1.0 100 ± 1.0 100 ± 1.0 50 ± 1.0 20 ± 0.4 50 ± 1.0 50 ± 1.0

Measuring 10 ± 0.1
(N) - - - Note 2

(percent) - 40 40 - - -
12.7 ± 1.0 6 ± 0.5 14 ± 1.0
(mm) Note 3
- - - Note 4
20 ± 1 Note 5

Immediately Immediately Immediately Immediately
< Dwell Time after which (i.e.,
5±1 (i.e., Maximum (i.e., Maximum 5 ± 1.0 (i.e., Maximum (i.e., Maximum
Hardness is Read (seconds) Maximum
Force) Force) Force) Force)

Note 1: Thin head restraint foam ≤ 25 mm thickness follow GMW14359 Code 5.

Note 2: Per GM Engineering, measuring force may be called out at 20 N on drawing.
Note 3: Per GM Engineering, measuring compression may be called out at 14 mm on drawing.
Note 4: Per GM Engineering, measuring compression may be called out at 2 mm on drawing.
Note 5: Per GM Engineering, measuring compression may be called out at 20 mm on drawing.

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Copyright General Motors Order Number: W2313773

Provided by IHS Markit under license with General Motors Sold to:HOPE GLOBAL [209064100001] - CMOSS@HOPEGLOBAL.COM,
Reproduction, distribution or publication of these standards is expressly prohib Not for Resale,2021-11-05 16:49:30 UTC

3.3 Test Vehicle/Test Piece.

3.3.1 Shape of Test Piece. The complete component shall be used as a test piece in accordance with the
engineering drawing.
3.3.2 Number of Test Pieces. For initial approval and arbitration purposes, a minimum of six (6) test pieces shall be used. For routine quality control, a minimum of one test piece shall be used.

Figure 1: Indentor Shapes and Sizes Note 1

Note 1: Dimensions in millimeters (mm), unless otherwise specified.

3.4 Test Time.

Calendar time: < 2 d, including 4 h conditioning
Test time: < 10 minutes
Coordination time: < 15 minutes
3.5 Test Required Information. Not applicable.
3.6 Personnel/Skills. Operator trained in load-testing equipment, and GMW14359 procedure.

4 Procedure
4.1 Preparation.
4.1.1 For initial Production Part Approval Process (PPAP) approval, or arbitration purposes, tests shall not be
conducted ˂ 7 days after manufacture.
4.1.2 For routine quality control, test may be conducted per manufacturing control plan, and initial load testing
not prior to 2 h of environmental condition (see after manufacture. Correlation data of control plan specified initial load testing to 24 h and 96 h must be established.

4.2 Conditions.
4.2.1 Environmental Conditions. Tests shall be performed immediately after conditioning to GMW3221, Code A.

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Copyright General Motors Order Number: W2313773

Provided by IHS Markit under license with General Motors Sold to:HOPE GLOBAL [209064100001] - CMOSS@HOPEGLOBAL.COM,
Reproduction, distribution or publication of these standards is expressly prohib Not for Resale,2021-11-05 16:49:30 UTC

4.2.2 Test Conditions. Deviations from the requirements of this standard shall have been agreed upon. Such
requirements shall be specified on component drawings, test certificates, reports, etc.
4.3 Instructions.
4.3.1 Tests shall be performed according to the conditions given in Table 1 as indicated by the coding
(see Section 8, Coding System).
4.3.2 Procedure for Flat Test Piece. This procedure is applicable to tests on foam samples with flat bottom
surfaces, including: blocks, cut test pieces and components not requiring supporting blocks. The indenter shall be assembled to the test machine and lowered until its lower face is in contact with
the support surface (t0). The thickness measuring gauge shall be zeroed and the indenter raised. The test piece shall be placed on the support surface such that the center of the test area is located
under the center of the indenter and the indenter lowered until the required preload (see Table 1) is attained.
The initial thickness (t1) of the test piece shall be measured directly from the gauge. The test piece shall be prestressed by the required percentage of this thickness and immediately relieved.
The prestressing shall be repeated as required by the test conditions and relieved. The test piece shall be compressed to required preload (t 1), and the test piece then compressed to the

required deflection of this thickness (t3), or load as appropriate. The load readings (or deflection for Code 4, only)
shall be recorded.
4.3.3 Procedure for Test Piece with Contoured B-Surface. This procedure is applicable to tests on foam, or
foam components with contoured bottom surfaces, and which are supported on support blocks during the test. The indenter shall be assembled to the test machine with the test piece placed on the specified support
fixture. The test piece shall rest on the support surface of the test machine such that the center of the test area
is located under the center of the indenter (see Figure 2). Seat bolsters (Code 8) may be tested either perpendicular to the horizontal supporting surface, or
perpendicular to the surface of the bolster – as stipulated on engineering drawing. If engineering drawing does
not call-out bolster test direction, the default direction is perpendicular to horizontal supporting surface. Note: Seat bolsters (Code 8) shall have a side-support (see Figure 3) to prevent splay. With test piece removed from the support block, the indenter is lowered, until it is two-point contact with
the support fixture, and the gauge reading (t2) noted. The thickness of the support fixture (t 4), calculated from
(t2 – t0), and shall be recorded as the reading. Applicable only to Code 2 and Code 3 with ball-joints, and to
Code 5 and Code 7 stationary mounting. With the test piece placed in the support fixture, the required preload shall be reimposed and the
thickness gauge reading (t1) noted. The initial thickness (t6) of the test piece shall be calculated from (t 2 – t1) and the test piece prestressed
by the required percentage of this thickness and immediately relieved. The prestressing shall be repeated as
required by the test conditions given in Table 1 and relieved. The test piece shall be compressed to required preload (t 1), and the test piece then compressed to the
required deflection of this thickness (t3), or load as appropriate. The load readings (or deflection for Code 4, only)
shall be recorded. The pre-load shall not be included in the final load reading (height and preload zeroed at t 1).
4.3.4 Repeat Tests. Where it is necessary to carry out repeat tests on the same test piece, the latter shall be
reconditioned without predrying to GMW3221, Code A before retest.

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Provided by IHS Markit under license with General Motors Sold to:HOPE GLOBAL [209064100001] - CMOSS@HOPEGLOBAL.COM,
Reproduction, distribution or publication of these standards is expressly prohib Not for Resale,2021-11-05 16:49:30 UTC

Figure 2: Test Setup


Note: t = Thickness.

Figure 3: Side Support for Support Block for Seat Bolster Testing

5 Data
5.1 Calculations.
5.1.1 Codes 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, and 8, shall be expressed in Newtons (N).
5.1.2 Code 4, shall be expressed in millimeters (mm).
5.2 Interpretation of Results. Not applicable.
5.3 Test Documentation. Not applicable.

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Copyright General Motors Order Number: W2313773

Provided by IHS Markit under license with General Motors Sold to:HOPE GLOBAL [209064100001] - CMOSS@HOPEGLOBAL.COM,
Reproduction, distribution or publication of these standards is expressly prohib Not for Resale,2021-11-05 16:49:30 UTC

6 Safety
This Engineering Standard may involve safety requirements for hazardous materials, the method of operations
and equipment. This standard does not propose to address all the safety issues associated with its use. It is the
responsibility of the user of this standard to ensure compliance with all appropriate safety and health practices.
This would include any specific training that may be required. The safety and health standards include site
specific rules and procedures, company rules and procedures, and Government Standards. Contact shall be
made with the appropriate site Safety and Health personnel for further direction and guidance in these matters.

7 Notes
7.1 Glossary. Not applicable.
7.2 Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Symbols.
GSSLT Global Subsystem Leadership Team
ILD Indentation Load Deflection (also known as IFD, Indentation Force Deflection)
mm Millimeter(s)
N Newton
PPAP Production Part Approval Process
t Thickness

8 Coding System
This standard shall be referenced in other documents, drawings, etc., as follows:
Test to GMW14359 Code 1, or 2, or 3, or 4, or 5, or 7, or 8

9 Release and Revisions

This standard was originated in September 2005. It was first approved by the Global Foam Team in December
2006. It was first published in February 2007.
Issue Publication Date Description (Organization)
1 FEB 2007 Initial publication.
2 JAN 2014 Updated to current template; editing changes.
(Trim Materials/Textile/Leather/Foam Team)
3 SEP 2017 Addition of Code "8" to commonize test procedure for seat bolster hardness.
(Materials – Foam Global Subsystem Leadership Team)
4 OCT 2018 Merged GMW14363 and GMW14359. (Materials- Foam GSSLT)
5 JUN 2019 Replaced one-point contact with two-point contact in (Materials – Foam
Global Subsystem Leadership Team (GSSLT))

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Copyright General Motors Order Number: W2313773

Provided by IHS Markit under license with General Motors Sold to:HOPE GLOBAL [209064100001] - CMOSS@HOPEGLOBAL.COM,
Reproduction, distribution or publication of these standards is expressly prohib Not for Resale,2021-11-05 16:49:30 UTC

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