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The following is based of the 88 responses I have received.

This slideshow isn’t perfect and is just a brief study on the survey.

Thanks to everyone who participated.

Raw Data
Cooked Data
Summary of how INTJs view the 16 MBTI types
A DISCLAIMER: the description of types may seem stereotypical
and not fit your type, however it is based on what INTJs think of the
types, so it may not be accurate.

This is the average, so not all INTJs will relate either.

I am taking the comments people left on the survey into

consideration as well.
NF - The Idealists
ENFPs are mainly viewed as romantic partners and

ENFPs are well loved, however they can get frustrating

very fast, causing INTJs to have conflicting feelings
about them.

Despite all the love ENFPs receive, many INTJs dislike

that they are paired with ENFPs more often than other
types. This seems to be because they view ENFPs more
as friends than lovers, saying that they’re fun in small
ENFJs were the least talked about NF type.

An average amount of INTJs found ENFJs annoying,

same with conflicting feelings.

INTJs positive feelings about ENFJs were pretty

average as well, negative feelings were quite average

Many INTJs like NF types and extraverted types, and

because ENFP is so popular, ENFJ may be in the
shadows of ENFP.
INFJs were mainly viewed as friends and lovers. They
remained quite equal in both romance and friends.

INFJs received low criticism and were the ones that

INTJs felt a special connection to and enjoyed
spending time with. INTJs who didn’t get along with
feelers said that they liked INFJs.

INTJs seem to like INFJs because of good and deep

conversations, even arguments were fun. INTJs liked
that INFJs were able to have a balance of logic and
The view on INFPs were quite positive. They had a
better than average score in romance and friends,
however in the best friends area it was quite mediocre.

INTJs like the interesting views of INFPs, their

self-awareness and depth, and also that they are
sweet, innocent, and loyal. They dislike their somewhat
over-emotional side, especially when it interferes with
logic, and also that they sometimes put the needs of
others above their own.

INFPs can be very frustrating, but are still well loved.

NT - The Rationals
ENTPs were mainly seen as lovers and rivals. They are
also viewed as friends.

ENTPs seem to be very attractive in the eyes of an

INTJ. INTJs like that ENTPs are funny, clever,
quick-witted, and curious. Some INTJs think that ENTPs
talk too much, but still like them despite this.

INTJs feel like ENTPs understand them, but they’re also

a worthy adversary and are fun to debate and compete
with. INTJs also like that ENTPs are impersonal and that
they don’t subject the world to good or bad.
ENTJs were mainly seen as rivals and enemies, despite
this, they were also viewed quite positively.

Many INTJs think that ENTJs are very similar to them

and almost mirror them. These similarities either make
or break, as do the differences.

ENTJs are very competitive and while INTJs do enjoy a

little competition, ENTJ’s intense, serious, and
controlling behaviour can be overwhelming. However,
ENTJ’s high competitiveness seems to cause INTJs to
be much more competitive than usual.
INTJs were mainly seen as romance partners, friends,
and rivals. Most INTJs didn’t have conflicting feelings or
no opinions of other INTJs, same with finding them
annoying. Enemies seems a little more than average.

The views on other INTJs seem to be very similar to the

views on ENTPs. INTJs seem to respect and get along
with other INTJs, yet have a little competition with
other each other.

INTJs are attracted to each other because of their

similar ways of thinking and viewing the world.
INTPs were mainly seen as friends, however some
viewed them as rivals or had conflicted feelings about

INTJs find INTPs interesting and are attracted to them

more platonically, however, romance was quite too.
INTJs may have conflicted feelings about them
because of how disorganised and messy, yet very
much lovable and somewhat dorky.

INTJs are very comfortable around INTPs and feel

relaxed around them.
SJ - The Guardians
ESFJ was found to be the most disliked type out of all
sixteen MBTI types. ESFJ was rated most annoying and
most likely to be an enemy, least likely to have a crush
on, date (tied with ESFP), and marry (tied ESFP, ISTP,
ISFP). INTJs also have conflicting feelings about ESFJs.

INTJs feel like ESFJs take things to personally and that

an intellectual conversation cannot even begin.

Many INTJs feel like ESFJs are friends with everyone,

even toxic people, and they dislike that. INTJs don’t
understand ESFJs, especially their communication.
The views on ESTJs were quite similar to ESFJs,
however there was less conflicting feelings about them.

From an INTJ’s perspective, ESTJs seem to always take

the charge or give advice on a situation, even if they
don’t fully understand it or haven’t come up with the
best solution. Since ESTJs aren’t easily influenced,
INTJs may become annoyed if the ESTJ isn’t changing
their mind.

While they are quite similar, but their differences are

conflicting and contrast each other.
Views on ISTJs were average, however INTJs viewed
ISTJs the most positively out of all the SJs.

There are some conflicting views on ISTJs, mainly due

to INTJs and ISTJs sharing common ground yet having
a stark difference that sometimes causes conflict.
Many INTJs view ISTJs as too by the letter and

Some INTJs feel like ISTJs they are quite empty, have
no ambition, and only follow orders. ISTJs are on of the
prefered sensors however.
INTJs had little opinion on the ISFJs, they were below
average in most things, but were quite average in

INTJs seem to think that ISFJs are nice, hardworking,

caring and motherly, loyal, and somewhat shy. However
INTJs also think that they can get easily offended and
hurt- not being able to handle constructive criticism
very well or at all.

Most INTJs think that ISFJs are overall good, but have
some annoying tendencies.
SP - The Artisans
ESFPs were mainly seen as annoying and an enemy,
but many INTJs had conflicting feelings about them.

INTJs are able to fairly understand ESFPs and have

some attraction to them, but most likely are unable to
have any long-lasting relationships, romantic or
platonic. INTJs may view them as friendly, yet too

However, INTJs and ESFPs do often have good and

healthy relationships. The differences between the two
often compliment each other.
ESTPs were the most positively viewed in romance out
of all the ES types. However, this wasn’t very high
compared to other types.

Some INTJs may be interested and curious about

ESTPs, purely because they are so different. INTJs may
view ESTPs as too superficial and shallow in terms of
character, and since INTJs seem to like depth when it
comes to a person, INTJs aren’t exactly very impressed
with ESTPs.

INTJs may view ESTPs as someone who cannot commit.

Most people didn’t have an opinion on ISTPs, but they
were viewed in a slightly positive light.

It seemed that INTJs liked ISTPs, most likely because

they can have logical discussions, however it seemed
that INTJs preferred if ISTPs weren’t that close to
them- like when it came to best friends and marriage-
though some INTJs prefered to not get married.

A few INTJs seem to compare ISTPs to INTPs, so ISTPs

may live in the shadow of INTP, similar to the ENFJ and
ENFP situation.
Most people had an opinion of every type, however
ISFP was the type with the least opinions.

INTJs found ISFPs to have a different communication

style but liked their passion and creativity.

Some INTJs found ISFPs boring because they didn’t

have any common interests, while others never
bothered to interact with them. Some also thought that
they were impractical, had a lack of ambition, weren’t
direct enough, were opposite in communication, and
lived in the moment too much.
And now for some beautiful comments people left on the survey…

“ENTPs, big hot,”

“Kill all INFPs,”
“Dating is inefficient,”
“This test was understandable. Have a great day,”
“Your answer,”
“My perfect world would be one where logic is the ultimate currency,”

Thanks to the other people who left comments.


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