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Monday - Friday ( July 31th- August 4th )

Teacher : Ivana
Student: Erina
Book : Jus d’orange Pages: 44-52

Erina did a great job this week. She is a quick learner. It is impressive how
quickly she started using the things she learnt in the sentencies.


- Saying that you feel thirsty or hungry

- Partitive articles
- De partitive
- Food vocabulary
- Recipe
- School cafeteria vocabulary
- Pronunciation

Erina is able to use the right article in the sentence ( partitive and definite
articles). She can understand and write a recipe in French. She can
understand the main points in the listening documents. She can discuss
her school cafeteria menu. She knows different French nasal vowels. She
practices all her language skills through activities we do together.

We work on her speaking skills and she can use more French during the
classes. She can be more self confident because she is an excellent

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