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New, ultra-advanced speed cameras

tested in Cape Town
New speed cameras tested in Cape Town can measure vehicle speeds without laser or
radar technologies, and can detect drivers tailgating, skipping red lights, and illegally
changing lanes.

By Staff Writer - May 10, 2016 90 Comments



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The City of Cape Town is testing multiple new technologies to enhance its law
enforcement capabilities, including virtual loop and video detection systems.
As part of these tests, the city has run a trial using Kria T-Exspeed cameras – which are
used for measuring vehicle speeds without laser or radar detection.
Apart from speed violations, the T-Exspeed cameras can detect tailgating, the skipping
of red lights, and the illegal changing of lanes.
A T-Exspeed camera system was mounted on the Wetton Road bridge in Cape Town,
which many members of public mistook for the M5 average speed over distance
The cameras use video imagery to determine the rate of movement of an object within
the image, said Syntell’s Lance Bailey.
The cameras will not initially be used to issue fines, because their speed-measurement
technique has not been approved for enforcement in South Africa.

How the Kria T-Exspeed camera works

T-Exspeed systems can detect multiple vehicles in transit on six parallel lanes, including
two-way traffic flow.
The T-Exspeed cameras can measure multiple vehicles’ speed with 99% accuracy, detect
red light violations at intersections, and read vehicles’ licence plates and dangerous
goods placards.
Thanks to the embedded automatic number plate recognition, T-Exspeed cameras can
measure section speed and can compare licence plates to blacklists in real time.
Using its stereo cameras, it also recognises every vehicle’s three-dimensional class and
colour for advanced traffic monitoring functions.
These functions include detecting violations such as tailgating, change of lane, transit
with pedestrians on zebra crossings, and wrong-way traffic.
The videos below shows the Kria T-Exspeed camera system in action.

More on speed cameras

New Cape Town ASOD Speed Camera plans
Cape Town speed camera system details
New Cape Town speed camera system – how it works

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