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You will create a portfolio of evidence of your UNDERSTANDING of SONGS FROM THE SHOWS (this can be
uploaded to your own e-portfolio or as a written submission) the process of rehearsing extracts from musicals and
how you have developed as a performer who sings, dances and act. You need to include background information
on ALL the ensemble musical extracts in which you appeared, in addition to your more individually featured work.
ENSEMBLE SONGS I expect to see background research for are:


You must state how you CONTRIBUTED TO THE DEVELOPMENT of the work (such as learning lyrics in a timely
fashion, attendance at rehearsals, good punctuality, ideas you contributed to the interpretation of material through
either staging or choreography if given the opportunity) and your RESPONSE to any direction given by your acting,
dance or singing teacher.

1) Find IMAGES from the musicals that illustrate the style/genre of the work (i.e. posters, character photos)
2) How does the extract song fit into its original musical in terms of storyline and context. So discuss any
THEMES/IDEAS in the song and HOW we have staged these.
3) CHARACTER PROFILE (your main character AND ENSEMBLE character in the extracts – as many as you feel
you can manage!
4) ENSEMBLE EXTRACTS: what did you do in the scene and how did you interact with the other characters
5) PRODUCTION WEEKEND: How did you help rehearsals progress and if you did not attend, please include a
statement as to why?
6) GET OUT JOB – what did you do?


How successful was the performance? Did you sustain harmonies, sing in time with the band, move appropriately in the dance
numbers? Did you have any opportunities to interact with the audience? What was their response? Did you remain in
character throughout? Did you invest emotionally in your performance?

What was the original purpose/objective in performing “SONGS FROM THE SHOWS” and did we meet this?
From the director’s viewpoint this was to give the group a good range of material to work with so that each student could have
an OPPORTUNITY to contribute to the INTERPRETATION of the piece whether that be ideas on STAGING or CHOREOGRAPHY and
to also PERFORM as a solo lead in either a verse of a song or as part of the ensemble.
How effective was the piece in terms of form (content), genre and structure (songs/dances integrated with music/acting). How
did we create the movement for the songs or ideas for scene development? What was your input for particular songs?
What professional values were used?
e.g. lighting, scene changes, sound (radio microphones), costume, raised staging at the back, steel decks at the front, etc,
moving set, stage management team, live band, seating of audience, box office, programme, interval with bar, dressing room,
props,etc. How effective were these?

What was the audience reaction?

Could you tell if they were enjoying it and if so, how? What feedback did you receive? At which point did you understand if the
audience liked the pieces? Which pieces seemed to work best? Who was our target audience and did we meet their needs?

What could be done better in the future?

Eg would a different space have been better, such as the Haymarket Theatre and if so why? Extra rehearsal is clearly desirable
but what else might have helped improve the work. What SPECIFIC parts of the performance could we improve upon? Would
you choose a different range of songs? Would you want to include more pieces and if so what would they be and why?

How effective were you in the process?

Be honest about your actual contribution to the process? Were you stronger in your contribution to singing rather than
dancing? Was the acting something in which you felt you gave a stronger contribution? How effective was the group? What
problems occurred and how were these resolved?

What was your contribution to the process and performance? How could you improve on this for future projects? (Set

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