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Some Application On Blockchain




Adarsh Kumar
Avi Chaurasia
Nitesh Kumar Singh

MR. Nitin Jain

1. Abstract:
Fake Products is a serious issue, as in today’s world we can’t really distinguish between real
and fake product. And some people make these fake products just to make some profit without
thinking about its impact on user and also affects company’s name, profit and sales.
Blockchain technology can be used to detect whether the product is real or fake and assure
user about the authenticity of the product. Blockchain is a trending technology and lot of
applications are using this technology. Blockchain technology is the technology where
information is stored in the form of blocks in many databases which is connected with the
chains and it doesn’t require any third-party users for permission. Benefits of blockchain is
that it is immutable and secure.
Blockchain technology is the distributed, decentralized, and digital ledger that stores
transactional information in the form of blocks in many databases which is connected with
the chains. Blockchain technology is secure technology therefore any block cannot be
changed or hacked. By using Blockchain technology, customers or users do not need to rely
on third-party users for confirmation of product safety.
With emerging trends in mobile and wireless technology, Quick Response (QR) codes
provide a robust technique to fight the practice of counterfeiting the products. counterfeit
products are detected using a QR code scanner, where a QR code of the product is linked to a
Blockchain. So this system can be used to store product details and generated unique code of
that product as blocks in the database. It collects the unique code from the user and compares
the code against entries in the Blockchain database. If the code matches, it will give a
notification to the customer, otherwise it will give the notification to the customer that the
product is fake.

2. Motivation:

There In recent years, the spread of counterfeit goods has become global. There are many
fake products in the current supply chain. According to the report, fake product incidents
have risen in the last few years. It is necessary to have a system for customers or users to
check the all details of the product so that users can decide that the product is real or fake. In
India currently, there is no such system to detect counterfeit products. So, the solution
involves a simple QR code-based identification that can help the end-user or customers to
scan and identify the genuineness of the product by using a smartphone.
3. Literature review:
Methodology/ Result (or any other Finding/
Name Objectives
Techniques/ parameter) Achievement
It analyses the
logos or the
describes how an ai
Machine learning information
based system can
“IMPROVING uses the data set captured by the end
be used to reduce
FAKE PRODUCT and training data user through their
fake products
DETECTION provided it to device and verifies can be used to reduce
where we do not
USING AI- generate the it with the data fake products.
require any special
BASED outcome whether available. After
device to verify the
TECHNOLOGY” the product is detection the server
authenticity of the
genuine or not. returns the result to
end user to make
further decision.

he first one is tag

protocol which
allows users to
authenticate the
product without
this system the
describes how we revealing their verify the
“RFID Anti- author proposes a
can use RFID important authenticity of the
Counterfeiting system consisting

counterfeit system information and product.
of two protocols.
the other one is
data correction
protocol which
ensures the
correctness of the
tag status.

explains how we The experiment

can embed the It is a more robust proved that this
“Research on Anti- carrier image to the DWT and SVD method can resist Image
counterfeiting QR code to enable based compressive Watermarking QR
Technology Based image watermarking attack, rotation code System
on QR Code image watermarking in algorithm. attack, noise attack
Watermarking QR code and so on

“A Survey of Counterfeit This paper
Counterfeit products are discusses various
Product Detection Counterfeit Product growing techniques for
by Prabhu Detection. exponentially with identifying
Shankar, R. the enormous counterfeit
Jayavadivel amount of online products.
” and black-market
“A Blockchain- In this paper, they, This framework Blockchain-based it provides a
based Supply propose a will provide a Supply Chain foundation to
Chain Quality blockchain-based theoretical basis Quality develop theories
Management framework. for intelligent Management about information
Framework by Si quality Framework resource
Chen, Rui Shi management of the management in
” supply chain based distributed, virtual
on blockchain organizations.

4. Problem formulation/Objectives:
A blockchain based management (BCBM) system that will find counterfeit products in
supply chain.the system will detect counterfeit products using QR code reader, where a QR
code of the product is tied to a block chain system so that you can scan the QR using your
smart phone, It will notify you whether the product is fake or not.

5. Methodology/ Planning of work:

Figure1:work flow of proposed work

Product is tied to a block chain system so that you can scan the QR using your smart phone, It
will notify you whether the product is fake or not.
A manufacturer is a person or company that produces finished goods from raw materials using a variety of tools,
equipment and processes and then sells the products to consumers, wholesalers, distributors, retailers or other
manufacturers for the manufacturing process. They will manufacture the product with details such as product
name, location, timestamp, ingredients, and usage details. Manufacturer generates an encrypted QR code which
cannot be reused by the manufacturer for different product and attaches the transaction to the block chain-based
management system.

The worldwide improvement of an item or innovation consistently accompanies hazard factors, for example,
forging and duplication. Forging items can influence the organization's name and the client's wellbeing.
Presently days discovery of phony item is the greatest test. Fake items are causing a significant impact on the
organization and the client's wellbeing. Hence, item creators are confronting enormous misfortune.

India and different nations are battling such fake and fake items. In the proposed framework, the framework
produces QR codes utilizing Blockchain innovation. This innovation stores exchange records in blocks. These
squares are secure and difficult to access and change the data from it. By utilizing a QR code we can recognize
the fake item.
6. Facilities required for proposed work:
i. Ethereum (Blockchain Network)
ii. Solidity (Smart Contracts)
iii. Ganache (Private Ethereum blockchain to run tests)
iv. Android Studio
v. NodeJs- Server Environment
vi. MySQL- Database
vii. react. js (React is a free and open-source front-end JavaScript library for building user interfaces based
on UI components)

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