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Algerie et Tunisie (2nd ed., Paris, 1897); J. A.


all to 40,000 crowns. If, therefore, he died in the public

the Panja (or Oxus) river, a long, straight, snow-clad spur

other chief rivers, are generally unfavourable to navigation,

God). His own belief in Mahomet and his doctrines was

that are employed provided that they are not positively

in the 5th century before Christ. The successful measure of

Although a Roman he preferred Greek authors, and wrote in Greek

by the Societe des Antiquaires de Picardie (1893).

August ``in so far that from the date of the present agreement

the Greek States, ii. p. 646; W. Robertson Smith (Religion

Grivola (E). . . . . . . . . . 13,022 (C) . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,424

investigation of the quality of the articles supplied and the

for inflation, hydrogen gas is on account of its lightness fat

in Paphlagonia in the early part of the 2nd century A.D.

religious nature. His first considerable painting, ``The

replacing the cock or hammer which held the flint by a smaller

Berber element in its population. The full Arab name is El

banked-up earth, are found, e.g. at Silchester (Calleva).

its greatest development in Oran and is much expanded in the

publishers have seriously considered the advisability of

altar ``Yahwehnissi'' (``Yahweh my banner'' or ``memorial''),

see G. Bredig (Zeit. fur phys. Chem., 1894, 13, p. 289).

A cone-shaped sharp-pointed bullet, named the Spitzer bullet,

has a relation to Dhamma similar to that of by-law to

Italy. It was apparently not formed until the middle ages,

Mountain system, and throughout their length, the remnants of

The natives are rather low in stature, but plump and well

relieve his son Sancho, who was besieged in Santarem by the

36. Strategy and Tactics.--The roughness of much of the

which probably arose in Jewish circles directly or indirectly

R.I., came to sea to meet him, but both fleets were scattered by

interventions of France, Spain and Holland extended the

CaO + H2O = Ca(HO)2

Opsikian province, resenting the emperor's strict measures,

at fourteen in males and twelve in females; minority lasts

years, and on the dissolution of their power it passed

which he describes Addison under the name of Atticus, and

Aldhelm was one of his disciples, for he addresses him as

first gained some successes: the French occupied Cherchel,

R.CH2OH --> R.CH2I --> R.CH2.NO2 --> R.C<

their natural colour only. Several countries endeavoured to

appear in the progress of the war, which assumed two distinct

of great use to the advertiser. (H. R. H.*; C. WE.)

by De Vie and Vaissette, vol. iii. (Toulouse, 1872).

of aesthetics published by F. T. Vischer (Esthetik, 3

o'clock, and after remaining for some time at an elevation

the cell-sap of Acetabularia. Some Siphonales (Codium)

This symbol @ is in all probability the early form of the

erection, and the great west window contains modern painted

operations. It has been introduced at most large Leblanc alkali

foreign aggression, on the condition that the amir should

affairs is entirely different; here the entire population

of the administration, except the services of justice, public

treaty of offensive and defensive alliance with the British

country. From the British government he accepted supplies of

An enormous trade in agate-working is carried on in a small

treaty was signed on the 18th of October, Sardinia alone

legal, but the depletion of the Pribilof herd, the almost

A.T.M.D.O. Aio te mihi dare oportere.

instruments, site of operation and fluid used. The patient

same, Katun i yeya Istoka (Tomsk, 1901); S. Turner,

date is strongly confirmed by three things: the extreme

Lord Stowell, is the most famous. Before his time there were

Venice. Subsequently electrum (an alloy of gold and silver)

and the Greek uncial are set side by side in facsimile.

were also cultivated with assiduity and success at Alexandria,

of the period when Buddhism flourished. Bamian is famous

at least as easy to believe that the persons who, by adding

of a trader may be traced to his skill or want of skill as an

cloister-court with the chapterhouse (B), the refectory (I),

national deity was Moloch or Milcon. (See MOLOCH.) (S. A. C.)

amber, the following varieties also occur: --

from the way.'' (See also Hosea xiii. 2.) In England the

founds a city called after her, Lavinium. Turnus, king of

and no person was to take in farm more than two tenements of

be sanctioned by the general assembly and approved by the

first man in both its forms is no mere recast of a Babylonian

Cadalus, bishop of Parma, who was proclaimed at the council

prostration (proskynesis), urged in the spring of 327, and

sphere, freedom of navigation of the Zambezi and Shire for

city. The scope for human drama seems deliberately restricted,

and enters a wider valley, lying at an altitude of from

standard of Christian ethics. Thus we have the De officiis

and J. M. Crafts), C6H6+CH3COCl == HCl + C6H5COCH3.

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