Part 1

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1) How was the beginning of your career in aviation?

2) How do you get ready to fly early in the morning?

3) How can companies help to improve flight safety?

4) Tell me about you first flight. How was it?

5) What is the difference between V1 and V2?

6) How will avionics technology be improved in the future?

7) Why pilots need to have a medical certificate? How is it conducted?

8) What changes can we expect regarding communication between pilots and controllers in the future?

9) Tell me about the advices your flight instructor gave you before your check ride.

10) What are the differences between Captains and Copilots responsibilities?

11) Define CRM. Tell me about the importance to the safety of the flight.

12) What are the possible consequences of a bird strike? Give some examples.

13) What were your expectations for your first solo flight?

14) Let’s talk about takeoff procedure. What is the right moment to lift off? Explain it.

15) What must aviation authorities do in order to improve safety?

16) How can you describe an effective briefing?

17) Describe the airport you operate at the most. Give details.

18) What was the worst situation you have ever had flying?

19) What were the biggest changes in Brazilian aviation industry over the last decade?
20) What should pilots take into consideration when they need to perform an emergency evacuation?

21) How can bad weather affect the safety of the flight?

22) How was your first check ride?

23) How is medical exam for pilots conducted? Give some details.

24) What is your opinion about the future of communication between pilots and controllers?

25) How was your first check ride?

26) How is medical exam for pilots conducted? Give some details.

27) What is your opinion about the future of communication between pilots and controllers?

28) What is the most difficult phase of a flight? Explain it.

29) How can airlines improve the working conditions of pilots?

30) What was the first aircraft you have flown? Tell me about it

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