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Al–Alson International School

Computer Department 2022–2023

Third Semester – Grade 10 Revision Sheet

Choose the correct answer:
1) One of the most powerful image editing program is ………………….. .
a) Adobe Photoshop
b) Microsoft Excel
c) Microsoft PowerPoint
2) Photoshop considered as .
A) Professional worldwide to retouch image
b) Enhancing images and applying filters
c) Both of them
3) Layers are…………………..….
A) Stacked
B) Transparent
c) Both of them
4) The extension of a Photoshop file is ……………………
a) .PSD
b) .JPG
c) .Docx
5) The base unit of a Photoshop file is………………………...
a) bit
b) byte
c) pixel
6) A template is ……………………..… .
a) is a form, or pattern used as a guide
b) is a blank software
c) Both
7) RGB color mode consists of …………………………… .
8) CMYK color mode consists of …………………… .
a) Cyan ,maroon , yellow , black
b) Cyan , magenta , yellow , white
c) Cyan,Magenta,Yellow,black
Grade 10-Revision sheet- Third term 1
9) To compress more than one layer into single layer choose …………………....
a) Flatten layer
b) Merge layers
c) Compress layers
10) A …………………………is an online alternative for a Photoshop application .
a) Google sheets
b) Photopea
c) Picture collage
11) A …………………image has black, white, and every shade of grey between them.
a) Indexed
b) Grayscale
c) Cmyk
12) A …………………….. Considered as color mode.
a) Grayscale
b) RGB
c) Both of them
13) ……………………….marquee tool selection mode.
a) Rectangle
b) Elliptic
c) Both of them
14) The …………………… automatically detects the edges of the element and stick to them.
a) Magic wand
b) Lasso tool
c) Marquee tool
15) The …………………………… selects an area depending on its color .
a) Magic wand
b) Lasso tool
c) Marquee tool
16) The ……………………… is a panel that records all the steps that you are doing .
a) Brush tool
b) Eraser tool
c) History
17) The ……………………… works with the color detection.
a) Magic wand tool
b) Eraser magic wand tool
c) Both of them

Grade 10-Revision sheet- Third term 2

18)To unlock the smart object choose .
a) Rasterize
b) Extract
c) Unlock

19) In Photoshop, to adjust an inclined plane use …………………tool.

a) Healing brush
b) Straighten
c) Patch

20) In Photoshop, to correct the little imperfections in your images use ………………..tool.
a) Healing brush
b) Straighten
c) Patch

21) In Photoshop, to darken areas in your image as you paint over them use ……………..tool.
a) Dodge
b) Burn
c) Sponge

22) In Photoshop, to brighten areas in your image as you paint over them use ……………..tool.
a) Dodge
b) Burn
c) Sponge

23) A …………… layer mode turns the selected layer into a transparent layer.
a) Darken
b) Brighten
c) Multiply

24)The ……………………… how many different shades of each color .

a) Color depth
b) Color mode
c) Color hue

25) In Photoshop, I can insert ……………………..on the picture.

a) Text
b) Shape
c) Both of them

Grade 10-Revision sheet- Third term 3

True or false:
1) In Photoshop, I can adjust hue and saturation. [ ]

2) The selected color appears in a color picker panel. [ ]

3) All tools within the same group share the same keyboard shortcut. [ ]

4) The dimension of a file is based on the number of pixels. [ ]

5) The extension of a Photoshop file is .PST. [ ]

6) The pixel is how fine the quality of a psd file. [ ]

7) A JPEG is a transparent image format. [ ]

8) JPEGs is a high-quality graphics format – generally higher in quality than PNG. [ ]

9) You can see the estimated file size in the preview window. [ ]

10) The saturation is the color contrast. [ ]

11) The saturation is how the color is rich or dull. [ ]

12) The opacity is the transparency and letting other layers show through it. [ ]

13) Transform means to resize or rotate a picture. [ ]

14) By clicking, the shift key while transforming it saves the scale between the length and the
width of the picture. [ ]

15) I cannot change the size and the resolution of a picture after inserting it in the Photoshop.
[ ]

Grade 10-Revision sheet- Third term 4

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