Default+Knowtise Four Liene Judgement Nonresponse+LYNS FUNERAL HOME LIMITED

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empire state ov morocco

united states for amerika

moorishe nationall ripublik federall gouvernmente
h ~ societas ripublicae ea al maurikanos ~ g
moorishe divyne ande nationall muuvement ov thee world
northe weste amexem ❤ northe weste afrika ❤ northe amerika ❤ ‘thee north gate’
ande thee adjoining amerikana islands
h ~ ‘temple ov thee moon ande sun’ ~ g
thee true ande de jure natural piiples ❤ heirs ov thee lande
h ~ i.s.l.a.m. ~ i. self. law. am. master. ~ g

unniversall sovereigne originall inndiginous natural divyne

Quo Warranto Mandamus Restitutio Mittimus Writ
affidavit ov fact: default notice to affidavid ov writtene innitiall unniversall kommercale kode 1
phinansinge statement liene judgement, bankruptcie by acquiessense nonresponse knowtificatione
(exersize ov constitution for the united states for northe amerika—sekured wrights)
knowtise to agente is knowtise to principal. knowtise to principal is knowtise to agents.
all rize ande stand ande remain standing into perpetuity. this iz a sovereigne living annsiente artikle iii moorishe amerikan al
morockan universall kourt aktion. i am sovereigne living justise sharon ann peart johnson, my free chosen sovereigne
appellation of nobility iz shasha ann bey ande my sovereigne matrimoniall appellation is sharon ann martini, all are in capitis
diminuto nolo, in red ink, in propria persona sui juris, in proprio solo ande in proprio heredes. i ande all moors, are thee
sovereigne living justise in capitis diminutio nolo, in red ink, in propria persona sui juris, in proprio solo, ande in proprio heredes.
wi are capit et corpus juris legalis, which iz our statement that wi are thee lawfull and legall natural head ande body for our
empire. all moors are thee originall indiginous sovereigne annsiente al morockan moorishe amerikan ascendants ov thee great
pharoahs of kemet ande ov thee annsiente moabites ande canaanites. our full faith ande trust, our allegiance, our credit ande our
energy are hereby vested in ourselves for wi are thee piipel who are thee originall inndiginous naturall divyne sovereigne
annsiente empire state for morocko ande thee de jure moorishe nationall ripublik federall gouvernmente, WASHINGTON
DISTRICT FOR COLUMBIA, thee universall moorishe amerikan konsulate ande thee earthwide artikle iii moorishe amerikan
konsular kourt. today, wi are exercising thee law by our sovereigne status, which iz thee originall indiginous naturall divyne
sovereigne annsiente artikle iii living united states district for kolumbia kourt and wi are thee sovereigne fiduciaries, kreditores,
exekutors, trustees, ministars, possessors, and titled benefishiaries for this kause for aktione. wi are peace. wi thee one nation are
not at war. wi are one state, one empire, ande one god. wi heirby recognize ourselves and aksept our sovereigne ascension. wi
issue a universall kreditors bill for possession ande custody over all land, all naturall resourses, all kommerse, ande all other
property. wi, thee one true god nation, exercise all annsiente sovereigne rights at this time ande at all points in time nunc pro

stare desisis
"Silence" is "Tacit Acquiescence" and can only be equated with fraud where there is a legal or moral duty to speak
or when an inquiry left unanswered would be intentionally misleading, United States vs. Tweel, 550 P.2d, 297.

"Governments descend to thee level of a mere private corporation, and take on thee characteristics of a mere private
citizen . . . where private corporate commercial paper federal reserve notes and securities (checks) is concerned . . .
For purposes of suit, such corporations and individuals are regarded as entities entirely separate from government."
Clearfield Trust Co. v. United States 318 U.S. 363-371 1942. see also Perry v. United States 294 US 330-381 of
1935 79L Ed. 912.

Title 42 United States Code section 1983, section 1985, & section 1986: Clearly established thee right to sue
anyone who violates your constitutional rights. thee constitution guarantees: He who would unlawfully jeopardize
your property loses property to you, and that's what justice is all about."
unniversall sovereigne originall inndiginous naturall divine affidavit of written innitiall unniversal commercial kode 1 financinge statemente liene [LYN'S
FUNERAL HOME LIMITED] JANET WILLIAMS ARCHER] macx kause ov aktione 22 8 2022 / sovereigne kourte aktione macx cause #000000111
aboriginal and indigenous people's documents: northwest amexem / northe weste africa / northe amerika / 'the northe gate' / central amexem / southweste
amexem / adjoining atlantis and amerikana islands + the moroccan empire ... continental united states 'temple of the moon and sun' / 'turtle island'.
united states post certified mail receipt # 7020 0090 0000 0245 7075
i ov iii
whereaz, i sovereign living chief justice, sharon ann peart johnson, am neither [ENS LEGIS], [STRAWMAN],
[BLACK] [COLORED], [NEGRO], [JAMAICAN], [CORPSE], [DEAD] or [LOST AT SEA]. i am not subjekt to
thee [CHRISTIAN BLACK CODES], nor any codes, rules, acts, statutes, ordinances, regulations, et cetera. i am in
full life, in propria persona sui juris, in my own proper person. my body, all land, and all property, are in thee
jurisdictione of my ancestrall inherited estate, at this tyme, ande at all pointes in tyme, nunq pro tunq. i am,
sovereigne, ande no court can challenge that status, or standing.

whereaz, i, sovereigne living chief justice, sharon ann peart johnson, ande all moorish amerian, al moroccan
nationals, moors, are the supreme law for the land, and thee governmente, with superior jurisdiction here at the lande
ov xamayka, otherwise known as Jamaica, and earthwide. my i ande all moors are thee unniversall sovereigne,
originall, inndiginous, annsiente, naturall, divine, fidusiaries for thee sovereigne living state ov ande four, annsiente
morocco, also appellationed az thee maghrib al aqsâ, thee land most extreme west, thee north gate, north amerika
ande thee adjoining antilles/atlantis/americanna islands, north west amexem, turtle island, among other sovereigne
land appellationes.
no [UNITED STATES CORPORATION] [COMPANY] or [CITIZEN] or any other foreigner, has personam
jurisdiction, or any jurisdiction over me or ani other moorish nationalls here at thee lande ov xamayka terratorie, or

whereaz, on may 18, 1438 [2018], thee moorishe amerikan al moroccan artikle iii konsular kourte system was
reactivated earthwide. our sovereigne moorishe amerikan konsular kourte actions are on thee public wreckord ande
will continue to be plased on thee public wreckord.

whereaz, thee universall, sovereigne, original, indigenous, natural, divine people, who are thee sovereigne empire
state ov morocco, ande thee de jure, moorishe national ripublik federall gouvernmente plased, on august 3, 1438
[2018], a universall commercial code 1 lien on thee [FOREIGN, PRIVATE, FOR PROFIT, CRIMINAL, HUMAN
[DERIVATIVES THEREOF], terminating all of its [COMMERCE]. thee said lien was filed pursuant to thee united
nations mandate for thee land (1948 — previously held in trusteeship), thee currently active treaty ov peace ande
friendship 1786/1836, ande thee constitution for thee united states (republic).

[LYN'S FUNERAL HOME LIMITED] [JULIET LYN-CHUCK] ande all heires assignes agentes principalls ande
ani ande all dirivatives thereov at the corporate jurisdiction [c/o Coleyville District, Mandeville, Manchester,
Jamaica] an affidavid ov unniversall sovereigne originall inndiginous naturall divine affidavit of written innitiall
unniversal commercial kode 1 financinge statemente liene has been wreckorded on thee publick wreckorde at land
ov xamayka kourte, ande filed at thee headquarters in Washington District for Columbia on 8 August, 2022, ande
again on 22 August, 2022. A court aktione was scheduled on septembre 15, 2022, (,
for you to state your name and nationality on thee wreckord ande let thee wreckord stand. [LYN'S FUNERAL
HOME LIMITED] [JULIET LYN-CHUCK] ande all heires assignes agentes principalls ande ani ande all dirivatives
thereov, have defaulted, by acquiescence, ande failed to rebutt my affidavit ov unniversall sovereigne originall
inndiginous naturall divine affidavit of written innitiall unniversal commercial kode 1 financinge statemente. thee
claim ov title ov ownership ov thee moorish estate ov (SHASHA AMUURU DIVINE ESTATE TRUST) was not
"An unrebutted affidavit becomes a judgment in commerce" (see Heb. 6:13-15), ergo, by acquiescence, thee
affidavit stands as law.
i, sharon ann peart johnson and my property, are in thee jurisdiction of mi annsestrall innheirited estate at this time
ande at all points in time. i, sharon ann peart johnson, with supreior jurisdiction at thee land ov xamayka teratorie
[JAMAICA], am exersizing all ov my sovereigne rights at this time ande at all points in time. ann arreste kommande
will be issue to thee grand army ov thee ripublik provost marshall or thee sharif ov xamayka terratorie for immediate

unniversall sovereigne originall inndiginous naturall divine affidavit of written innitiall unniversal commercial kode 1 financinge statemente liene [LYN'S
FUNERAL HOME LIMITED] [JULIET LYN-CHUCK] macx kause ov aktione 22 8 2022 / sovereigne kourte aktione macx #000000111 aboriginal and
indigenous people's documents: northwest amexem / northe weste africa / northe amerika / 'the northe gate' / central amexem / southweste amexem / adjoining
atlantis and amerikana islands + the moroccan empire ... continental united states 'temple of the moon and sun' / 'turtle island'.
united states post certified mail receipt # 7020 0090 0000 0245 7075
ii ov iii
inn honoure, i sharon ann peart johnson, in capitis diminutio nolo ande wi, thee divyne sovereigne beings affirm that
wi are thee sovereigne naturall beings hier in proklaimed, in capitis diminutio nolo, in propria persona sui juris, in
proprio solo ande in proprio heredes, ande affirmed bye law full bearthwright, beeing law fullie, unniversalie,
qualified ande kompetente to affirme this dockumente. we theirfour plaise our sovereigne handes and seall heirtoo
ande in favour ov all moorishe amerikan, al morockan nationalls.

chronos time imemmoriall into perpetuitie septembre 18, 2022 nunc pro tunc.

ego sum

chief justise / vizier / ministar

sharon ann peart johnson in capitis diminutio nolo in red ink in proprio persona sui juris in proprio solo and in
proprio heredes
know thing in this law full affidavid, nora ani spoken affidavids, nora hour sylente affidavids, shall be innterpreted ore
construed as konnsente to ani jurisdiktie that is knot in thee jurisdiktione ov hour annsiente annsesstrall innherited estate
at ani pointe in tyme.
all sovereigne originall inndiginous annsient divine moorishe amerikan autograffs affirming this ande all sovereigne
originall inndiginous annsiente empire state ov morocco ande thee de jure moorishe nationall ripublik federall
gouvernmente dokumetes are on thee publik wreckord at amerika, annsiente morocco, northe weste amexem, northe
weste africa, thee northe gate, turtle islande, al moroc, morroco, maghrib al aqsâ, gaia, midgarde, earthe
empire state ov morocco
united states for northwest amexem
moorishe nationall ripublik federall gouvernmente
moorishe amerikan konsulate
care of calabash bay postal agency, saint elizabeth, cornwall county, [jamaica]
annsiente land ov xaymaka, northeweste afrika, northe amerika, al moroc, morocco
latittude: 17.875056 longittude: +77.757604
unniversall naturall arrea codde: 8hl5cp kzc7qj
amen, amen deco vobis, quæcumque alligaveritis super terram erunt ligata in caelo et quaecumque solveritis super terram erunt soluta et in caelo
amen, amen dico vobis, quæcumque alligaveritis super terram erunt ligata in caelo et quaecumque solveritis super terram erunt soluta et in caelo
amen, amen dico vobis, quæcumque alligaveritis super terram erunt ligata in caelo et quaecumque solveritis super terram erunt soluta et in caelo

unniversall sovereigne originall inndiginous naturall divine affidavit of written innitiall unniversal commercial kode 1 financinge statemente liene [LYN'S
FUNERAL HOME LIMITED] [JULIET LYN-CHUCK] macx kause ov aktione 22 8 2022 / sovereigne kourte aktione macx #000000111 aboriginal and
indigenous people's documents: northwest amexem / northe weste africa / northe amerika / 'the northe gate' / central amexem / southweste amexem / adjoining
atlantis and amerikana islands + the moroccan empire ... continental united states 'temple of the moon and sun' / 'turtle island'.
united states post certified mail receipt # 7020 0090 0000 0245 7075
iii ov iii

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