Evaluacion 193448

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Saber 11 Inglés

forma: 193448
1.- Where would you find a traffic light?
A) Home
B) Library
C) Kitchen
D) Crosswalk

2.- ¿Dónde puede ver este aviso?

Seleccione A. B o C. p1 |height PRIVATE PROPERTY
A) In a house
B) In a beach
C) In a park

3.- ¿Dónde puede ver este aviso?

Seleccione A. B o C. p1 |height Soccer club Mondays and wednesdays at 4.00 pm
A) In a gym
B) In a zoo
C) In a pool

Texto 1

Asociación entre palabras y definiciones.

Usted encuentra una lista de ocho palabras clasificadas de A a H. Las preguntas
describen una de las ocho palabras y usted debe buscar la relación entre las dos y
marcar la letra correcta (A a H).
It is a hot liquid food.
A. salad
B. soup
C. cake
D. juice
E. soda
F. yogurt
G. bread
H. ice-cream
La respuesta es B.

4.- You make it with fruit and water, usually in a blender.
A) salad
B) soup
C) cake
D) juice
E) soda
F) yogurt
G) bread
H) ice-cream

5.- It is made of milk, has pieces of fruit and is to drink.

A) salad
B) soup
C) cake
D) juice
E) soda
F) yogurt
G) bread
H) ice-cream

6.- You can’t make a sandwich without it.

A) salad
B) soup
C) cake
D) juice
E) soda
F) yogurt
G) bread
H) ice-cream

7.- You will have one of these for your birthday.
A) salad
B) soup
C) cake
D) juice
E) soda
F) yogurt
G) bread
H) ice-cream

8.- This is a drink with artificial sweet flavors.

A) salad
B) soup
C) cake
D) juice
E) soda
F) yogurt
G) bread
H) ice-cream

9.- Complete la conversación.

Seleccione A, B o C.
Do you have a car?

A) Yes, I do.
B) No idea.
C) Never mind.

10.- Complete la conversación.

Seleccione A, B o C.
It’s really hot today!

A) Let’s go party!
B) Let’s eat burritos!
C) Let’s go to the pool!

11.- Grandma, should I help you with those bags?
A) you’re right.
B) By your side.
C) That’s fine.

12.- Complete la conversación.

Seleccione A, B o C.
Is this table ok for you?

A) No, he wont.
B) No, I can’t.
C) No, it isn’t.

13.- Complete la conversación.

Seleccione A, B o C.
can you give me some bread, please.
A) I can’t wait.
B) Here you are.
C) It’s all right.

Texto 2

Escoja la palabra gramaticalmente adecuada para llenar cada espacio. p1 |heightA FIELD TRIP I
A. Was
B. Were
C. Am
La respuesta correcta es A..
14.- (2)
A) primary
B) First
C) opening

15.- (5)
A) From
B) Of
C) To

16.- (3)
A) could
B) can
C) might

17.- (8)
A) Won’t
B) Would
C) Will

18.- (7)
A) For
B) To
C) With

19.- (4)
A) Clean
B) Cleaner
C) Cleanest

20.- (6)
A) got
B) get
C) getting

21.- (1)
A) gone
B) goes
C) went

Texto 3

Lea el artículo y luego responda las preguntas.

Marque A, B o C p1 |heightMY KARATE JOURNEY I have been training Karate for the past

22.- What the author enjoys the most of his classes is:
A) the working out
B) Always learning
C) the partners

Texto 4

Lea el artículo y luego responda las preguntas.

Marque A, B o C.
p1 |heightLEARNING SPANISH IN BOGOTÁ I am American and I am married to a Colom

23.- The author decided to learn Spanish because:

A) She is married to a Colombian.
B) She wanted to visit Colombia.
C) Spanish is difficult for her.

24.- What was the most complicated part for the author?
A) Verbs and pronunciation
B) Vocabulary and spelling
C) Tenses and pronunciation

25.- After the whole experience the author thinks she:

A) is very courageous
B) is not very smart
C) Won’t learn Spanish

26.- Where is the writer from?

A) England
C) Colombia

27.- What is the author’s opinion about Colombians?

A) They are good teachers.
B) They are very poor
C) They are nice and patient.

28.- After a month of lessons the author:

A) doesn’t know much about Spanish.
B) knows Spanish is complicated.
C) thinks it is easier than English.

29.- What does the autor recommend to learn another language?
A) To live in the language speaking country
B) To stay at your country with tutors
C) To always hire colombian tutors

Texto 5

Responda las preguntas de acuerdo con el texto. p1 |heightMARDI GRAS IN NEW ORLEAN

30.- What would you say it is more likely to do during Mardi Gras?
A) To pray a lot.
B) To exercise a lot.
C) To dance a lot.
D) To sleep a lot.

31.- What can you do on “Fat Tuesday”?

A) Eat meat.
B) Drive drunk
C) Eat ice-cream
D) Go to church

32.- What is the purpose of the text?

A) To encourage readers to be Christian.
B) To tell why the festival is cancelled.
C) To persuade the readers not to go.
D) To inform the reader about the festival.

33.- What does the author think about Mardi Gras?

A) That it is a boring celebration.
B) That it isn’t a spiritual celebration
C) That it is an awful celebration.
D) That it is held on November.

34.- What is the main idea of the text?

A) That Mardi Gras is a cool festival.
B) That Mardi Gras is a spiritual fest.
C) That Mardi Gras is a boring fest.
D) That Mardi Gras is for religious people.

Texto 6

Lea el artículo y seleccione la palabra adecuada para cada espacio.

Marque A, B, C o D
p1 |heightTHE OKAPI Have you ever (0)_____ about the okapis? Most probably the answer
A. heard
B. hear
C. hears
D. hearing
La respuesta correcta es A.
35.- (3)
A) furry
B) woolly
C) stripes
D) streaky

36.- (8)
A) yourself
B) himself
C) herself
D) themselves

37.- (6)
A) clean
B) cleaning
C) cleaned
D) cleans

38.- (1)
A) common
B) usual
C) ordinary
D) unusual

39.- (5)
A) other
B) bigger
C) shorter
D) opposite

40.- (7)
A) Insectivores
B) Fish-eaters
C) Carnivores
D) Herbivores

41.- (9)
A) following
B) since
C) therefore
D) accordingly

42.- (10)
A) definitely
B) casually
C) clearly
D) unfortunately

43.- (2)
A) related
B) relating
C) relates
D) relate


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