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Date:…………… course:…….

TEMA: Past Simple All Forms


Affirmative Form Sujeto + Verbo en Pasado +Complemento

Negative Form Sujeto +didn´t + Verbo en Infinitivo +Complemento
Interrogative Form Did + Sujeto + Verbo en Infinitivo +Complemento

Responder Preguntas cortas con DID

Did he buy a new computer last week? Yes, He DID. (¿Él

se compró una nueva computadora la semana pasada?)
No, He DIDN´T.

Did Your friends go to a disco yesterday? Yes, they DID

No, They DIDN´T

Preguntas con WH
What did you eat yesterday?
(¿Qué comiste ayer?)
I ATE fish
(En las preguntas con WH… se responden usando los verbos en Pasdo(Regulares-Irregulares)

READING: Sarah’s love story

One Saturday, Sarah woke up early. She had breakfast with her family, she had a quick shower, and
left home to work. On her way to the office, a handsome man asked her if she knew where the closest
bank was. She told him where it was. The man asked her if she could go with him to the bank and to
have a cup of coffee afterwards. She said yes. Sarah and the man had coffee. After that, they went to
the cinema and then they went to a disco. They danced for three hours. Sarah didn’t ask the man’s
name, she didn’t add him on Facebook or Whatsapp. At midnight, the man said he had to go to the
bathroom, but he didn’t come back. Sarah fell in love with the man;
she wanted the man to come back. She waited for him for five years, but he didn’t come back. Sarah
had lost all hope about love. She prayed to God frequently. One day, Sarah was at the bank and a man
came up to her and asked her what time was. His voice sounded familiar, it was the same man; his
name was Joseph. They married eight months later and had two beautiful daughters.


1- Classify the verbs into regular and irregular verbs

2- Write the present of the irregular verbs
3- Answers the following quesitos.
a) Did Sarah have breakfast with her friends?
b) When did Sarah meet the man?
c) What did they do?
d) How many hours did they dance?
e) Did Sarah meet him next Saturday?
f) Where was Sarah when she saw him again?
g) What happened after that?
h) Did they have two sons or two daughters?
i) Did you like the story? Why?
4- Answer the true (T) o Falses (F)
a) Sarah met Joseph on Tuesday morning. …………
b) She had breakfast with her sister. …………
c) They went to a restaurant and had a pizza. …………
d) Joseph didn´t go to the bathroom. ………..
e) They didn´t marry. ………..
f) They had two daughters. ………..

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