Can You Tell Me How To

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Can you tell me how to…………?

1. Keep our health

2. Understand grammar easily
3. Be the best student
4. Speak English well and fluently
5. Make money from the internet
6. Make money without working
7. Express your feeling
8. Get a beautiful wife / handsome husband
9. Improve our English at home
10. Get scholarship easily
11. Be a successful person

Healthy food = Makanan yang sehat Achievement = Pencapaian/prestasi
Regular exercise = Olahraga yang teratur Socialize/interact = Bergaul
Lose weight = Menurunkan berat badan Build = Membangun
Protect skin = Melindungi kulit Relation = Hubungan/relasi
Consultation = Konsultasi Work hard = Bekerja keras
Maintain = Memelihara Recognize = Mengenali/mengakui
Decrease = Menurunkan Livelihood = Nafkah
Increase = Meningkatkan Fortune = Rejeki
Balanced nutrition = Nutrisi yang seimbang Guidance = Bimbingan
Sunbathe = Berjemur Behaviour = Tingkah laku/perilaku
Consider = Mempertimbangkan Attitude = Sikap
Prevent = Mencegah Personality = Kepribadian
Disease = Penyakit Application form= Formulir/Surat lamaran
Investment = Investasi Expand = Memperluas
Adding value = Nilai tambah Struggle = Berjuang/berusaha keras
Develop = Mengembangkan Effort = Upaya/usaha
Knowledge = Pengetahuan Requirement = Persyaratan
Insight = Wawasan Apply scholarship = Melamar beasiswa
Skill = Ketrampilan/keahlian Register = Mendaftar
Capability/ability = Kemampuan Letter of recommendation= Surat rekomendasi
Justify = Membenarkan Receive/accept = Menerima
Prove = Membuktikan Mindset = Pola pikir
Create a plan = Membuat rencana Imagine = Membayangkan
Decision = Keputusan Show = Menunjukkan
Rich/wealthy = Kaya Result = Hasil
Be grateful = Bersyukur Goal/purpose = Sasaran/Tujuan
Compare = Membandingkan Failed = Gagal
Afraid = Takut Failure = Kegagalan
Mistakes = Kesalahan Communicate = Berkomunikasi
Practise = Berlatih/Mempraktekkan Entrepreneur = Pengusaha
Provide = Menyediakan Civil servant = PNS
Achieve/reach = Mencapai/meraih Employee = Karyawan/pegawai

How to decrease fillers / gap fillers

1. Just silent for 3 seconds
2. Well,….
3. So,…
4. I mean…
5. How can I say this..
6. I’ve got it on the tip of my tongue…
7. Let me see/ Let’s see..
8. Let me think/Let’s think…
9. Give me a second,…
10. Just a moment,..
11. Wait a minute,..
12. How shall I put it?
13. Anyway, the point is….

When you get a bit lost while explaining something

1. What I mean is…
2. What I’m trying to say is…
3. Anyway, to get back to my original point….

When you need finish your answer

1. Anyway, that’s my opinion.
2. Anyway, that’s all I have to say.
3. That’s all from me, it is my opinion.
4. So, that’s why I think (restate opinion).

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