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Fill in the blanks with the correct verb tense, negatives and conditionals are included.


(Originally published by the Daily News on Dec. 9, 1980. This story was written by Patrick Doyle,
Robert Lane and Hugh Bracken.)
Former Beatle John Lennon, the 40-year-old lead singer of the most popular rock group in history, was
shot to death last night as he stepped from a limousine outside his home in the Dakota, an exclusive
apartment building on Central Park West and 72d St.

Police 1. _________ (arrest) a suspect “Described as a local screwball,” minutes after the shooting and
charged him with Lennon’s murder. The “smirking” suspect, identified as Mark David Chapman, 2.
_________ (be) 25, of Hawaii. A man 3. __________ (see) him near to the neighborhood for several
hours before the shooting and reportedly that he 4. __________________ (hound) Lennon for an
autograph several times in the last three or four days.

Lennon and his Japanese-born wife, Yoko Ono, 5. _______________ (Return) to their apartment from
a recording session when the shots 6. _____________ (ring) out. A police radio car took him to the
Roosevelt Hospital; however, by the time when they 7. _______________(arrive) at the emergency
room, Lennon 8. _______________ (die/already)

“We 9. _________ (Try) to save him,” 10. ________ (say) Dr. Stephen Lynn, director of emergency
services. “We 11. ________ (open) his chest and 12. __________ (massage) his heart, but he 13.
___________________ (die/already) when they 14. ______________ (bring) him in.” Lennon’s body
was then taken to the Bellevue Hospital morgue for an autopsy.

Police said Lennon was shot several times at close range inside the large iron gate on the W. 72d St.
side of the building and 15. _______________ (Bleed) profusely when he was placed in the radio car.

Police Officer James Moran, who 16. ________ (drive) the car that took Lennon to the hospital, said,
“Sadly the singer 17. _______ (say) last words before his death “

A witness to the shooting, Sean Strub, said he 18. __________ (see) Chapman walk back and forth at
the scene of the shooting and then 19. ________ (drop) a gun. Police said they later 20. ___________
(recover) a .38-caliber revolver near the courtyard.

Strub 21. ______________ (affirm), “Chapman almost had a smirk on his face,” and said, “I 22.
___________ (feel) remorse.” Further, a woman who identified herself as Nina McFadden said she 23.
______________ (watch) to the ground when Chapman 24. _____________ (throw) his jacket.

Barbara Tyree, a woman who 25. _____________ (take) care of two children on the ground floor of the
apartment building, said she was shocked when she 26. ____________ (look) out the window. “The
courtyard was suddenly filled with people,” she said. “It 27. ___________ (is) good.”

Some years after his death his fans said “if Lennon 28. ____________ (die), he 29. ______________
(receive) each musical award available. He 30. ___________________ (write) his own biography,
which would end up being more popular than the Harry Potter books.”

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