Permutations-Miranda R.12b

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Practice Problems


10P4= 10! = 10! =5040

(10-4)! 6!

8P3= 8! =336

43P3= 40! =74,046


12P4= 12! =11,880

9! 9! 16! = 16! = 240
(9-5)! 4! = 15,120 (16-2)! 14!
7! = 7! = 840
(7-4)! 3!

6! = 6! 30
(6-2)! 4! 30 = 0.03
11! =11! = 990 990
(11-3)! 8!

10P4 = 10! = 10!= 5040 -It is a permutation because it is asking for the number of ways there could be.
(10-4)! 6!

28! = 756
28P2 = 28! = Permutation because it is asking the different ways 2 captains can be chosen.
(28-1)! 26!

26P4 = 26 = 26! = 358800 Permutation because it is asking for how many passwords can be created.
(26-4)! 22!

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