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Class Policy

In order to make our classroom a conducive learning environment, everyone is expected

to abide this class policy.

Class Attendance & Participation

Unlike regular classes, attendance and participation are demonstrated through on-time
submission of requirements, participation to online/offline lectures, and access to the
learning resources.

Online/offline Classroom Behavior

This course highly requires appropriate adult behavior and respect for others.
1.     Always treat your teacher and classmates with courtesy, politeness and respect may
it be in the MOLE classroom, messenger or through text/call.
2.     Don't type in all caps and exclamation point.
3.     Stay on topic. Don't post irrelevant comments, links, thoughts, or pictures
4.     Be brief. If you write long responses in the discussion forum, it's unlikely anyone will
spend the time to read it all.
5.     Use complete words in all posts in the discussion forum/text.
6.   Please observe proper time when to consult your professor. Through MOLE chatroom,
messenger or text/phone call you may reach him weekdays from 5am-7pm only
otherwise will not be entertained.
7.     Submit files/documents in the right way (File Name: Activity No._Family Name/s)

Academic Papers/Outputs
1.     For Category A, handwritten papers are accepted. Just make sure that it is legibly
written. For Category B and C, all papers submitted must follow this format:

Encoded Size: A4 Margin: Normal

Spacing: 1 pt Font Size: 12 Font Style: Your Choice :-)

2.     As students, remember that good paper does not always have to be long. But you
need to be wise and logical in the presentation of your ideas or arguments. Most
importantly, always cite your source following the Chicago Style. Plagiarized papers will
be automatically rejected.

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