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Barriers to Communicaion


Acc. No., . .

Learning Objectives
you should be able to;
After reading this chopte,commúnícatíon,
ldentify barriers to
ldentify theeffects of barriers to communication barriers.
Know the methods to overcome
aneffective commÚnÍcator.
. Become an
22 Professional Comnunication

Theword 'barier means a 'thing that makes communication or good relationships between people dfiiCult
or impossible". Hurdles or problens which affect the transmission of information from the sender to the
receiver in thecommunicative process are called communication bariers. Communication is a dynamic and
complex interactive process involving shared opinions, ideas and assumptions. Understandably, there are
numerous problems or hurdles and frequent errorson the way in the conmunication process leadng to
misunderstandings in conmunication. As aresult, we have so many communication barriers. These problems
usually arise because of wrong assumptions made about the sender or the message itself. These barriers need
to be discussed to ensure smooth flow of infomation from the sender to the receiver and to ensure that hiatus
does not occur in the communication cycle. Inthe process of communication, we need to pay attention to
bariers to communication. These barriers are consciously or unconsciously created either by the sender or the
receiver. These barriers tend to distort the semantic aspect of the message or create confusion.
A large number of organisational problems are the causes of communication barriers. It is necessary to
understand communication barriers so that workable steps can be taken to remove them for effective
communication. Several types of barriers prevent us from transmitting our ideas meaningfully. Any unnoticed
interference in the message sent and message received leads to the production of noise.Noise is an undesirable
input due towhich communication barrier enters the system and causes the distortion of the message. Noise
may be introduced at the sender's end, because of lack of knowledge, inappropriate vocabulary. It may arise in
tbe channel of transmission. Noise may be generated at the receiver end, because of inattention, lack of
vocabulary, or imperceptions. There are several types of bariersin the process which prevent us from transmiting
or ideas meaningfully. It is imperative that whenever we notice miscommunication it should be rectified
immediately so that greater harmony in relationships at the work place is maintained. But it is very difficult to
identify these barriers. The reasons are obvious: the receiver is not sure that the nessage he received is correct,
complete, truncated or distorted. For the sender, the feedback gives onlyapartial clue for determining whether
the communication has succeeded or failed. The speaker formulates the message with a specific idea in mind
which the receiver imbibes in accordance with his own frame ofreference. The diference in the mental filters
of the sender and the receiver brings about avariation in the transnission and the reception of the message.
The criterion for the identification of communication bariers is another problem. On the basis of this
criterion, we evaluate the effectiveness of communication. The general criterion is that communication will be
effective only if its ultimate objective is achieved. For example, if the sender sends the proposal for approval
the receiver may or may not accept. If the sender seeks permission for attending conference, it may be granted
or may not be granted. There is a weaknessin this logie, For acceptance or refusal there could be other factors,
having nothing to do with the cominunicativ effort. There are numerous such problems associated with
However, in order to improve-the. effectiveness of communication one must identify the barriers and
suggestions to overcome then.We may classify these barriers into five groups: (1) physical barriers (2)
psychological bárriers (3) semantic barriers (4) organisational barriers and (5) interpersonal barriers.
In general, one may group the barriers to com1munication as given in Table
either in the
Insufficiently insulated rooms, sounds related to physical disturbances and distractions
participants can
surrounding environment or somewhere close by which perforce draw attention of the
with a pen in the hand or
be termed as physical noise. Unsuitable gestures and body movements, fiddling
trying to minimise the element of
playing with key bunch allcreate physical barriers.Understanding and then elements can make the entire
noise is extremely important in any kind of communication. These
miscommunication or ineffective communication.
process of communication convoluted and lead to
Barriers to Communication 23

Table 3.1 Barriers to Communication

Barriers Causes
discomfort, distraction and ill health.
Physical Noise, invisibility, cnvironmental and physical
insufñciently insulated rooms, poor lighting.
fatigue, anxiety, preconceived ideas,
Psychological e Prejudice, know-it-all, pre-occupation, ego hang-ups, and receiver, the rigidity of thought
notions, background, bierarchical diflerences ofsender
imperception and unfulfilled curiosity,
process, fixed ideas, disinterest, inattention,
previous learning, knowledge, cultural disparities.
Semantic e Use of unsuitable words.
é Improper sentence formation.
e Imprecise and ambiguous sentences.
i eLack of comprehension.:
Lack of clarity..aS
Not aware of different meanings of words.
Not aware, ofpolysemic feature of language.
Processing of information from several people.
Onganisational stations.
" Delay in geting information because of many tran_fers of
e Distortion of message because of different sources.. tis't
e Emotional f e e l i n g s .n
Interpersonal, " Unshared perceptions, ideas, views, values and opinions.
" Attitude of the sender and receiver.
Positive attitude.
Negative atitude.
Wrongly timed message.
Listening skill disturbanoii?
Noise, distraction and RE SE
Partial and inattentive listening
" Lack of attention while listening.

paying attention to
Mental turbulence of any typéwhich distrects the interatant or prevents him from
reasonspreoccupation, ego hang
the message, is defined as psychological bairier. Itcoüld be due to'host of
ups, fatigüe, anxiety, pre-conceived ideas and notions: significant role in the interpretation
Background and hierarchical differences of sender and
be perceived
of the mesSsage. The difference in background is oftenoverlooked. The factis that an event can
differently by different people. To make the communication effective, it is essential that the mental faculty or
easier to
level of experience of the speaker and the listener should match. When compared to other groups, it is
sënder and the tecéiver by virtue of
communicate among peer groups.Ifthere is alot of difference between the
different frames of
their knowledge, or position or,even experience which neither has attempted to bridge one's
reference would come to the fore, In the interaction proçess, tiying tocomprèhend ideas positedawithin
result there
own frame ofreference would lead to discjepancies;in the understanding of the message. As
arises mismatch in the transmission and reception ofthe message. siaTCEr rtoia at
t Receiyer's prejudice either against thespeaker orhis ideas create barriers which are dificult to
least during the, courseof communication, Prejudiced,premisé can have negative repercussions on the entire
course ofinteraction.Sometimes the receiyer is neither willing to learn from new information nÍr accept any
view contradictory to his views. Sometimes the receiver of the message tends to think, 'I àam an expert in this
24 Professional Conmunication

Iicld' and so 'no nccd to lean anvilhing from vou', Lhave becn doing this job since
nothing l can leam firom you.''Whateverthe many yearS; there is
spcaker is is redundant'. This rigidity of ftthought
0l the recciver blurs their discriminating power. There saying
is another category of people. Ihey think thatprOcess
know-it-all". This attitude distots thcir comprchension ability,. The receiver always thinks that: "T they
han 1s requircd".Or "l know everything about this subject". knoW more
mthe mind of the receiver. Hence he refuscs to accept the Because ofthis attitude, fixed ideas are entrenched
Seing resistant to issucs which are contradictory to alrcady change, positing of newconcepts will be ineffective.
existing idcas hampers the process of communication.
Selection of unsuitable words, improper sentence
be detrimcntal to effective communication, If the formation, imprecise andambiguous sentences can prove to
recciver is not able to
sender intends to econvey, it results into
language barrier in the processcomprehend
the message that the
of clarity and precision in the subject of communication. The absence
causes for lack of clarity and precisionmatter of communication results in badly expressed
are: use of connotative words, vague message. The common
abstract words. Words with ambiguous meanings words,
are chiefly useful toenable the sophist ambiguous words and
But it is an obstacle to cffective to mislcad his
simple and clear writing in Chaptercommunication or even to clear thinking. We shall discuss in detailon hearers.
12 on 'Effective Writing'.
Usually, semantic problens occur when
Lhe same way. Do you know that there are we use either the sane word in different ways, or different words in
Thesemeanings of the word 'charge are 14 different meanings of the word 'charge' in English language?
shown in Table 3.2.
Table 3.2 Meanings of the Word

Charge (N)
" A price asked for
goods or services.
" A
claim that a person has done wrong.
Responsibility of somebody/something.
"A person or thing left in
" Asudden rush or violent somebody'
s care.
Task or duty.
An amount of explosive needed to fire a
" An amount of electricity put into a gun or cause an explosion.
A power to excite the feelings.
" Instructions; directions.
Charge (V) To accuse somebody or
" To record something as asomething.
debt or to be paid by something.
Toclaim to assert.
To fillsomething with an emotion.

Words have different

profession the word 'action'meanings-according to the context in which they are
will naturally mean legal action; for the soldier it willused. For example, for a law
The different specialisations have given to some meana 'military operation".
'step' is not restricted only to the concrete structure words a special significance. Asimple word such as
the aeronautical engineer, a step is part of the outside your front door, orleading down to your lawn. For
construction of the hull of a flying boat, designed
word has a verbal use to place a mast orpurposely
help in take-off. For the sailor, or the civil engineer, the to
in a vertical position. For the electronics a lock gate
engineer it can mean aradar pulse superimposed on atime-base trace.
Barriers toCommunication 25

specialised senses only one of which will be applicable in

In this way, the same word nay acquire a number of
or prepare technical material be prepared for such
agiven milieu. Hence, when you read technical material context, the author and his background. Whatdoes he
differences. Toget the meaning of a word, consider the and his
word to convey? If you use any such specific word in your writing, consider your reader
intend the him.
your reader willgo astray, define the term for
chances of misinterpreting the term. Ifyou think its original meaning. The word
figurative senses without losing
Sometimes a word can be given one or more
range of objects reminiscent of the origin.
'eye' for example, may be applied to a wide
Table 3.3 Meanings of the Word 'Eye'
appearance, shape, or position.
An object resembling the eye in
Eye " The centre of a flower.
. The leaf bud of a potato.
A spot on apeacock's tail, feather,
water of a fountain wells up.
The opening through which the
central mass: the brightest mass of ligbt.
The center of revolution.
tool, etc.
A hole or än aperture in a needle or
Aloop of metal, thread, cord,or rope.
In architecture: the centre of any part, as
in the eye of a dome.
letters like'd', fe' and 'o.
In typography: the enclosed space in
belong to several parts of speech.
There is another category of words which

Table 3.4 Words: Classification

Verb Noun Preposition Interjection
Word Adjective Adverb
source of ambiguity which causes language barrier.
This polysemic feature of language is the basit
organisational set-up, there could be, two basic channels of communication-formal and
In any mëssages-sometimes giving informatioD, sometimes
Both these systems are important and carry organisation.
reinforcing and sometimes conflictingthroughoutthe
Formal Channels of Communication System
Generally, messages flow in two directions:
Organisation sets up the formal channels of communicationsystem.found among members working at the same
horizontal and vertical. Horizontal channel of communication is divisions. Communication bariers
different departments or
level. Generally, here communication is between
this channel of communication. The other channel is
due to chain-of-command technique will not occur in úpward and downward channel of communication
vertical channel of cominunicatioD. In this form, we have
management to employees, it is a downward flow, when the
system: When a message is transmitted fromthe
consist primarily of infomation which is necessary
reverse occurs it is an upward flow. The downward messages
26 Professional Communication

jor any employee 1o carryout their work. Through this channel of communication we can give information
regarding policies, proccdures, instructions, orders and requests which are passed down to the appropriate
Tevel mthe hicrarchy. Downward
upward imessages are: reports, communication systcm cau take anv fomletters, circufats, 1
he processing of infonnation from opinions,: survey results, statistical analysis.
several neonle
destination. Thismethod of too many transfer stations alsooets delaved and distorted before it reacnes t e
way, t lacks propcr impairs the original message. Ifthe pro
coordination. To get success it shouldbe a
nodihed the comnmunication network to permit two-wayprocess. Some
direct access from top to the bottom and organisatlois Tave
comimunication bamers.
system can minimisc Dissemination of information
vice versa to soe
throughseveral channels and establishment of iecdbaCk
in large organisations,communication bariers to sonme extent. In this fonal system
employces feel frustrated. They search for another channelofcommunication,
for information.
Informal Chennel of
The infomal
network is
virtueof common interests bciween grapevine and it is essential in an
useof informal channel people in organisation. It springs up Dy
is highly useful. In a organisations-these interests may be caused by work.
only through number of occasions, Strategic
grapevine. The grapevine is avery powerful channel ofinformal infor1nation should be transmitted
useful for planning purposes; sometimes it gives distorted message butcommunication network. This channel is
Astaggering amount gives
of data is generated by information
due to rapid growthquickly.
of science and
technology and spurt in industrialprofessional
and organisations and advancement
vast infomation virtually to
every commercial activities. In the organisation when
Generally, the receiver would be ableemployee,
it reaches a saturation point and could
confuse the
you send
that he would be a passive
listener comprehend and absorb only a certain amount of
or rejected by the receiver. This to the ongoing information,
proceedings. Any further communication is either impededbeyond
should be provided to those whoinformationoverloading can be
it; secondly, the rationalised in two ways. Firstly, the information
message, devoid of all useless details. This can prove to information should contain only the essence of the
concerned audience. be the most efficient way of
giving information to the
Emotional reactions, positive and negative attitude of the
and inattentive listening create sender and receiver, wrong timing of
communication barriers. It has been realised for a long message
strongly reemphasised in recent years, that time and has been
means of expressing intense language is not merely a vehicle of
Indeed, it could be argued that both elements, as: love, hate, anger, fear, jealousy, communication. It is also a
the communicative as well as the joy-arousing them in others.
utterance even though one of themmay completely emotive must be present in any
aims to communicate something. The overshadow the other. Language has emotive value. Language
The emotive use of words is to symbolic use of words is statement, the
express or to excite feelingS or attitudes. communication of references.
Aswe are all different, our
of communicating effectively withperceptions, our understanding, and our value systems are
of ideas, views, values and opinions, other people is rather difficult at times. When we havedifferent, the process
it is easy to communicate. When there are shared assumptions
views,values and opinions, effective unshared perceptions, ideas,
opinions, ideas and emotions interferecommunication
less with the
is unlikely. It is, however, observed that
of communication as compared to positive views,
Attitude towards others and the topic of discourseflow negative attitude.
should be positive. That is, the communicators
develop a sense of respect, understanding and confidence should
with each other. One should show one's liking for
the subject and its relevance. Attitude
towards self implies self-confidence, conviction and
he says or does. When the receiver of a
message feels criticised, he becomes defensive and believing in what
hostile but the
Barriers to Communication

stitude towards
omuniaion proess The receiver ofthe message develops negative messges. lo
seaiTsSgrse in misinterpret or overact to
h such asituation, the receiver is hkely to feelngs. lo ensure
QOhe p
rensin calm and allon the other person to express his strongso one of them bas to
sv this bamer. one should responsibliv ofboth the sender, and the
receiver and
rmmiatnis the hasic
the nght direction shown below:
tske the initistive snd advance step in or negative atüude for selfand for others as
have positive
AcOmmniatr mev
Speaker in Communicotion
Table 3.5 Attitude of Comments on comication
Persoali traits
Effective in communication
Prsiie empathy and optimisn Aggressive in comnunication.
elfntred, conceited Weak in comm1nication.
Negative Person may be
Positie snd authenticity,
Psiive Person lscks selfconfidenoe
derives surpot fom othars
Ngstie Confusionreflects in conunurication.
Lscksselfconfidenca Comnünicates wihout optimism
Negative Negative
Does not hate clarnty.
Mesage misinterpreted
your eforts in
impact but also renders all Tme your
message not only has a negstive useless.
Sometims the wongly timedbarier.A delayed message mayprove to be absolutelycarefully. Siustions
communication the timing
vain. It creates
each message is situstion speciîc, one has toplan the mssage in a suitable siuation,
mSE aefuly. Since them. So, deliver
change very fas because of have apositive andalong-lasting impacton the feceive. and
then you willralise thet it can maintain Workelationship wih peer group, subordinates
you should ofparticipetion
To avoid interpersonal barriers,nature of communicativeactivity, strafegy to report and style3.6.
supericrs. You should identify the
ofinterpersonal relationship at work place
are given in Table
incommunicaion. The details
Relationship at Work Place
Table 3.6 Interpersonal Snle
Relationsip . more in the
nsture of

1. Colleagues making requests for information. confimztion, reasrance,

cooperation and parti
providing infomation, cooperation, cipation.
assistance and explanation.
making adequate contributions,
" making proposals, suggestions. " positive, poite and
2. Subordinates Summoning or requesting to carry on the guiding toze.
accomplish the work in accordance
providing instructions to
with requirement.
" persuading to accomplish tasks.
" motivating to imprOve the work
" involving in the work to achieve greater resul.
" directing action.
specifications andgoals.
" explaining the task and project's procedures.
explaining changes in policies and
. Facilitating. (Contd.)
28 Professional Communication

3. Superiors
making suggestions when required.
" undertaking tasks. positive, polite and
supporting and assisting whenever and wherever necessary.
providing required infomation.
being accountable.
proposing action.
requesting action.
recommending and reporting to him.
Listening skill is
kind of noise or one of orthe language skills which denands full
While listening, distraction disturbance
the receiver could may make the receiver to miss
be paying heed
attcntion to the spoken material. Any
an important aspect of
processes. In such situations, the receiver partially to the spoken material the material.
this, may and partially to his thought
mi sunderst andin gs in the process of misunderstand the intent of the spoken
listening to the spoken material is an communication are inevitable. IHence, full material. As a result of
Finally, it is necessary to adapt essential requirement to avoid
shown in Table 3.7. suitable measures in order to
concentration and attentive
communication barricrs.
overcome the barriers to
Table 3.7
communication as
Overcoming Barriers to Communication
Methods to Overcome Barriers
Physical Barriers " Make
suitable seating arrangement.
and visibility.
visual and aural
" distractions.
Provide environmental comfort.
Proper posture and proper
Psychological Barriers " Plan and clarify
ideas and opinions.
Collate ideas, or suggestions of others.
Support decision making.
" Callattention and
motivate the listener.
Use feedback process.
" Develop trust and confidence.
" Explain the importance of the message.
Provide assistance to
Make it a purposeful comprehend the message clearly.
Direct it to a purpose. communication.
Time your message carefully.
Catch up with individual background.
Semantic Barriers " Use simple and precise
" Use less verbalism. language.
" Use suitable language.
Employ different methods of
Avoid ambiguous and abstractcommunication.
Avoid polysemic words which create
Warieo to Comnlcatlon 29

OnanisationalBariers Make it a two wvay procesR,
l'rovide network to peunit diroct nccess from top to bottom and vice
Dissenination of infomation through several chonnls.
" Istablish fcclbaclk nystem.
" Use infomal channcl of connunication:grapevine.
" Provide infomation to the concerned perNON,
" Avoid unnccessary infomation.
Puposcful commmniention.
Interpersonal Bariers " Explain theinportanco of mosKnge.
" Clarity in enotionnl expressions.
" Attitude of the sender and
" Prefer positive attitudo, conlidencc.
" Crentenclimate of trust ond wlhen, how, why to say.
Tíme your message carefully that is:what, where,
Attentive listening with fullconccntration.

message is transmitted from the scnder to the
Communication is said to be succcssful, if the intended
from the rcceiver of the message. The main
receiver and the sender is able to clicit the desircd responsc
channcl, rcceivcr and response. Sonctimes,
components of comnmunicative process arc: scnder, mcssage,
the inessage receivcd. Asa1csult, there is a failure in
there is a semantic gap bctween the mcssage sent and cominunication arc: physical, psychological,
communication. The factors responsible for the failure in
semantic, organisational and interpersonal.
1. Give two examples of cach:
(a) Psychological barriers
b) Background barriers
(c) Semantic barriers
(d) Organisational1barriers
e) Interpersonal barriers.
towards oneself and towards others?
2. How does communication depend upon the attitude of aperson and methods of overcoming
3. Describe the model of communication. State thebarriers ofcommünication
Give two examples of each.
4. Explain the following terms with referënce to communication barriers.
) Knowit-all
(ii) Inattentive listening
(ii) Iknow everything in this subject
(iv) Polysemic words.
30 Professional Comunication

1. The following words bave avariety of uses according to the different specialisations shov/n. Find out
the meaning of each word to show these uses.
battery electrical engineering; military science, psychology; agriculture.
canber civil engineering; aeronautics; mechanical engineering.
drift acronautics, civil engineering; neteórology: geology; mechanical engineering.
frame acronautics; photography: civil engineering; electronics.
flux metallurgy; physics; mathematics.
gate metallurgy; electronics; incchanical engineering; photográphy.
grid civil engineering; electrical engineeing; mechanical engineering.
pulse medicine; electronics; aeronautics.
photography; television; textiles; psychology.
trap plumbing, geology; aeronautics.
2. Identify the different specialisations which have given a distinctive meaning to
the following words:
apron ceiling
accelerator Core.
are feed
activate key
bank pitch
boom turet

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