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How do the students of private medical

colleges of Pakistan perceive drugs as an
aid to their academic performance?

Faisal Mehmood
Faizan Khan
Ahsan Murtaza

At this moment of writing, students of medical colleges are indulged into drugs
abuse to give a boost to their academic performance. Students of future health
professionals are into drug abuse, which is also affecting their psychological
and physical health. It also makes them unreliable for patient care and be an
effective role model for the youngsters. In Pakistan, their are 70 private medical
collages in which children of elite class are studying. They are very well settled
having none of financial problem of any kind. Five years of Medical collages
are very frustative as their is lot of work load on students. Constant contant of
assignments, projects, and exams. To tackle the perpetual pressure and to
improve their academic performance, students make use of drugss; for the sake
of their own mental peace. Psychotic drugs such as amphatamine (crystal meth),
cannabis, benzodiazepines, alcohol, and much more to satisfy their need of
tranquility of mind and aiding their academic performance.
In one study, it has been concluded that, misuse of drugs is very common
among medical students and doctors. Dependence on alcohol, psychedelic drugs
and tranquillizers in medical students of Calcutta is 5%. In addition to
percentage of addicted doctors was at 3%. (Imran, 2011)
Seeing the current situation of Pakistan’s private medical colleges, it is
necessary to do proper research on this matter. As they will be the future of
Pakistan hospitals and will be serving humanity. If they are at risk of drugs
addiction, then how can they provide health care to patients effectively and be a
responsible and contributing citizen of the society. The study will be used to
conclude the magnitude and pattern of medical students misuse of psychedelic
drugs and alcohol. Furthermore, effective solutions will be provided to tackle
the ongoing situation in private medical collages.
State of the field: (Literature Review)

Prominent studies has been done on drug abuse among medical students around
the globe. According to Examining Burnout, Depression, and Attitudes
Regarding Drug Use among Lebanese Medical Students during the 4 Years of
Medical School, study has been done in American University of Beirut Medical
Center (AUBMC) to see effects of drugs on students regarding symtoms of
burnout, depression, and axiety. In the conclusion, there was significant number
students having depressive symtoms and suicidal thoughts. (Talih, 2018)
Another study was of Maria Santos in her research paper Prevalence of
psychoactive drug use among medical students in Rio de Janeiro. Cross-
sectional study is performed to analyze use of drugs among Brazilian medical
students. Maginitude and pattern of drug use, availability of drugs on campus
and steps are provided to tackle the situation of medical students of Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil. A total of 1054 students participated amongst 1700 students. In
conclusion, alcohol was the most used drug amongst all. Half of the students
(45%) believed that finding drugs is an easy task. Use of tranquilizers and
cannabis was more in divorced students, use of alcohol and LTD was more
amongst student belonging from high financial families. Use of tranquilizers
and cocaine was twice as much in married students as compared to single
students. Use of alcohol and inhalers was twice in males students, however rate
of tranquilizers use was high among female students. (Santos)
Rezahosseini, Roohbakhsh, Tavakolian, and Assar also conducted study in
university students in Rafsanjan, Iran in their article Drug Abuse among
University Students of Rafsanjan, Iran. It was a cross-sectional study, in which
1260 students volunteered with a mean age of 21.35. Benzodiazepine was the
most common drug use among students. Other related drugs were alcohol,
opiates, cigarettes, and methylphenidate. Drug abuse was seen more common
among male students as compare to female. However, use of Benzodiazepine
was more common in female students, 38 male students, and 59 female
students. Residential place, gender, and marital status was seen prominent
factors affecting students’ decision making regarding drug abuse.
(Rezahosseini, 2014)
In above-mentioned literature, research has been done on medical college
student and students from other fields. Different variables has been utilized.
Drugs abuse relating to depression, anxiety, low academic performance among
medical students. However, no studies has been done of using drugs as an aid to

their academic performance. Our project will provide statistical data on how
students of medical colleges use drugs as aid to their academic performance.
The Project Description:
The main area of study in this project will be to come with a qualitative data to
see the magnitude and pattern of medical students which are previously or
currently dependent on drugs as aid to their academic performance. Role of
parents and societal condition will be excluded in the study. Peer pressure and
intensity and magnitude of misuse of drugs during exams time will our main
variables of study. Two of the main factor of psychedelic drugs abuse among
medical students is the academic pressure and peer pressure which affects their
decision making. Other variable include the type of drug abuse. Our study will
based upon misuse of alcohol, psychedelic drugs such as Cannabis, Ecstasy,
Amphetamine, Benzodiazepines, cocaine and tranquilizer such as Xanax.
Excluding the common use drugs such as Cigarettes. Psychedelic drugs make
hallucinating effect, increasing audio and visual stimulus of the brain. It also
boost focus of the mind and alters sleep pattern (insomnia) which is used as aid
to support their academic pressure. However, in different private collages,
different trends of drugs are common. We have to carefully evaluate collages
according to our need of project. Other study independent variables include the
student resistance to peer pressure, their social skills, and psychological
condition. The location of our quantitative research will be Bahria University
Medical College, Sindh, Lahore Medical & Dental College, Punjab, Rehman
Medical College (RMI), KPK. Spatial condition of our case study is not
specified. Social limits included in our case study is the students feeling not
comfortable to share their experience of drug abuse. As it is a taboo topic and it
is considered very immoral in our society. Our project will be limited to only
private medical colleges of Pakistan and not globally, as different societies have
different moral and cultural values with different psychological personalities.

The Research Design:

One qualitative method of research on the topic of “use of drugs among students
to enhance their academic performance” could be conducting in-depth
interviews with students who have used drugs for this purpose. This would
involve asking open-ended questions about their motivations for using drugs,

the types of drugs they have used, their experiences with using drugs to enhance
academic performance, and any negative consequences they have experienced
as a result. The interviews could also explore the social and cultural factors that
contribute to the use of drugs for academic enhancement, such as peer pressure
and the normalization of drug use in certain academic environments. The goal
of this qualitative research would be to gain a deeper understanding of the
complex motivations and experiences of students who use drugs for academic
purposes, and to identify potential areas for intervention and prevention.
Another qualitative method of research on the topic of “use of drugs among
students to enhance their academic performance” could be conducting focus
groups with students who have used drugs for this purpose. This would involve
bringing together a small group of students who have used drugs for academic
enhancement, and facilitating a discussion about their experiences. The focus
group could explore similar topics as the in-depth interviews, such as
motivations for drug use, types of drugs used, experiences with drug use, and
negative consequences. However, the focus group format would also allow for
group dynamics to emerge, and for participants to build on and respond to each
other’s experiences. The goal of this qualitative research would be to gain a
deeper understanding of the social and cultural norms surrounding drug use for
academic enhancement, and to identify potential areas for intervention and
prevention at the group level.
The Feasibility of the Project:
Our project will have degree of difficulty in gathering of the data. Unlike
western societies, in Pakistani societies, drugs are considered a taboo topic.
Most of the people does not consider it mentioning in their conversation.
Although a good population of students around Pakistan are currently giving
themselves up to drugs. It is difficult to find consent of medical student
belonging from governmental colleges, as students from different areas of
Pakistan are there, mostly conservative in nature and resistive in sharing their
experience. However, not much difficulty will be faced from students of private
medical collages where children of elite class are studying. They are very liberal
and open minded to share their values and though about certain idea and
themselves. Keeping the participating students’ identity confidential, a good
proportion of students will give their consent to be part of study. Contrast to the
that, in case of difficulty in availability of the data, we have reassembled our
method research. By motivating students to be part of research through

seminars, awareness of drug abuse, instructing medical college authority to

motivate students to be part of the research. We are very much confident that,
students will openly participate in the project and give their contribution for
making the society more productive and being open to problems members of
our society are facing.
The Pay-off of the Project:
Currently the situation in private medical colleges of Pakistan is of concern.
Thousands of students are using drugs as an escape from depression, burnouts,
and academic pressure. Our study will contribute using the experimental
analysis of the condition in private colleges. Analytical data will be provided to
look for a prominent connections and pattern of drug abuse among the medical
students belonging from three high rank private colleges of Pakistan. Medical
students are continuously confronted to the academic pressure, anxiety, lack of
meaning in life, and financial problems that eventually leads them into the path
they will regret. According to a report, there have been symptoms of depression
among 23.8% and with 14.5% students having suicidal idealization in the
Lebanese Medical College. Suicide rate amongst medical student and doctors is
much higher than the general population. Such data shows area of concern in
medical field, the most respectable of all field.
If our project is successfully completed, we will have analytical data of the drug
abuse amongst the medical students of private medical colleges. With that data,
enormous help will be delivered to analyze the situation and come up with an
effective and long last solution. In general, it will provide a statistical data to
the general population of Pakistan. Reasons, drawbacks and ways of drugs
addiction will be available on how to protect our children from drug addiction,
depression, academic and financial pressure. This project will be a major
contribution in sociology, pathology, and cultural science.

Imran, N. H. (2011). Prevalence of psychoactive drug use among medical
students in Lahore. Annals of King Edward Medical University. Lahore.
Retrieved from
Rezahosseini, O. R. (2014). Drug Abuse among University Students of
Rafsanjan, Iran. Iranian journal of psychiatry and behavioral sciences.
Retrieved from
Santos, M. (n.d.). Prevalence of psychoactive drug use among medical students
in Rio de Janeiro. Rio De Janeiro: Academia. Retrieved from

Talih, F. D. (2018). Examining Burnout, Depression, and Attitudes Regarding
Drug Use Among Lebanese Medical Students During the 4 Years of
Medical School. Beirut. Retrieved from

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