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Edinburgh School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture

Architectural Conservation MSc Programme: Session 2022-3

Activity Timetable for Semester 1: Version 1b

N.B.: the detail of most activities may still be subject to short-notice Covid-related changes.

• Deadlines for handing in of work and group/individual presentations, are highlighted in bold.
• For more details and any revisions/updates, please see the individual course timetables, handbooks, and
any weekly amendments on LEARN.
• Courses are listed below, beginning with short AC tag, and official code/credits/semester following in

• Compulsory courses in Semester 1 are

o AC2 History and Theory of Conservation (ARCH11129; 20 – also incorporating AC8
Conservation of Modern Architecture)
o AC3 Building Analysis (ARCH11194; 20 – also incorporating AC7 Building Description);
• Compulsory courses in Semester 2 are
o AC1 Urban Conservation contd. (ARCH11196; 20 credits – also incorporating AC4 Design
Intervention and AC9 Planning Law)
o AC5 Conservation Technology (AREA11017; 20);
• Elective courses within Architectural Conservation are
o Semester 1: AC6 World Heritage (AREA11198; 20);
o Semester 2: AC10 Culture and Performance in the History of Construction (AREA11195; 20);
• Alternatively, one 20-credit elective may be taken from a list of option modules elsewhere in ECA and
the wider University (although students are strongly encouraged to take the two conservation electives
if possible).
• Preparatory work for the MSc Dissertation (ARCH 11197) commences during Semester 2, with the
Research Methods teaching and preparation of research proposals.

Key to lecturers/tutors (full-time Conservation staff in bold):

TA – Tom Addyman; GA - Georgina Allison; AD - Audrey Dakin; SE - Stuart Eydmann; AF - Alistair Fair;
MG - Miles Glendinning; BH - Bob Hislop; NK - Nikolia Kartalou; KMcK – Kirsten McKee; KN – Ken
Nicolson; MO – Miles Oglethorpe; JR - Jane Robertson; GS - Geoffrey Stell; RS - Ruxandra-Iulia Stoica;
DT - Dimitris Theodossopoulos; OU - Ola Uduku

N.B.: Course materials for all courses are available on LEARN. To access LEARN Conservation material, from
the internet, first log in to: ‘MyEd’; then to ‘LEARN’ from the left-side menu; then click ‘Login with EASE’;
then the full list of courses will be displayed.


Second half of August and early September

Individual 10-15 minute welcome appointments with MG - being arranged individually.

Monday 12 September

14.00 to 14.30 Welcome presentation to ESALA by Richard Anderson (Head of Subject Area) TBC

14.00 to 16.45 [TBC]: Architectural Conservation programme whole-class welcome session including
introductory overview of programme by MG, introductions to specific courses by course organisers (RS,
DT, MG), and ‘meet and greet’ introduction opportunity for students (finish time tbc) (Base Room, Minto
House 4.13 - BR)

Thursday 16 September

Most scheduled activities from Week 1 onwards will be in-person and will take place in
the Minto House Conservation Base Room (4.13) or at other locations specified in this
timetable (or in subsequently-issued course handouts).

However, some (tbc) take place online at the set time on LEARN in each course’s
Virtual Classroom. For these, please enter each session a few minutes in advance, as
you would in a real class, so we can start on time. All online sessions will also be

Pre-recorded lectures can be accessed by students via LEARN at any time.


Monday 19 September
09.30 – 16.30
AC3 Building Analysis (ARCH11194) (RS)
• 09.30 Introduction to course (RS, GS, AD)
• 10.00 Project briefing (RS, GS, AD)
• 11.00 Visit to Old Moray House (AD) Groups can spread into Cromwell Room, Balcony Room, spiral
staircase, etc. to observe/sketch/take pictures.
• 12.00 On-site at Old Moray House inside the courtyard: Introduction to sketching (AD) – have ready
pencil, pen, sketching notebook/paper.
• Lunch break
• 14.00 Independent project work in groups
• For next week’s discussion watch the Reading, Recording and Researching Scottish Historic Buildings
lectures and read recommended texts
• agree Building Description subject via email with Audrey Dakin

Tuesday 20 September

09.30 – 12.30
AC6 World Heritage (ARCH 11198) (RS)
• 09.30 Introduction to the course (RS)
• 10.00 Lecture: The World Heritage Convention: History and Principles (RS)

13.00 – 16.00
AC2 History and Theory of Conservation (ARCH11129) (MG/RS)
• 13.10-13.25 Introduction to the course and essay briefing/release of fall-back topics (MG)
• 13.25-13.35 Introduction to Topic 1: History of Conservation – the Western Tradition
• Lectures 1 and 2 by MG (BR)
• During the remainder of the afternoon slot and subsequently, students can continue watching the pre-
recorded lectures (AC2 Lectures 1-9; please make sure you have at least watched AC2 Lectures 1-4 by
today) or browsing the relevant reading list sections for Topic 1: ‘History of Conservation – the
Western Tradition’; ‘Conservation Theory/Controversy’; Conservation in Scotland’:
(especially focusing on Glendinning’s book, The Conservation Movement)
• For further instructions, see weekly LEARN course pages, and AC2 Course Information Booklet.

Wednesday 21 September

AC2 History and Theory of Conservation (ARCH11129) (MG/RS)
• Lectures 3 and 4 by MG (BR)

14.00-16.00 (time tbc)

Cross-course site visit (MG)
• EDINBURGH WALK 1 Optional heritage orientation walk to Old Town, New Town, and West End to
illustrate themes in AC2 Lectures 1-4 and AC8 Lecture 4, and also AC1. Students can also listen to
those lectures as part of the overall suite of AC2 and AC8 lectures (see Course Materials>Lectures for
AC2 sequence, and Course Materials>Conservation of Modern Architecture>Lectures for AC8

Thursday 22 September

AC2 History and Theory of Conservation (ARCH11129) (MG/RS)

• Field visit to Stirling Castle, with lecture and tour – to illustrate ‘radical restoration’ philosophy
• Train travel from Edinburgh – meet on the 09.35 Edinburgh Waverley to Dunblane
• Get Off Peak Return ticket to Stirling (£6.95 with 16-25 Railcard)
• Free admission to Castle (and possibly Argyll’s Lodging) for this trip
NB: For all trips and study-visits get comfortable shoes and waterproof jackets and hope for a sunny day. You
should also purchase a ‘16-25 Railcard’ in advance (full time students over 25 years old are also entitled to
buy this railcard – in those cases you may need to get the application form officially stamped in the Minto
House ground floor Student Admin Office):


Monday 26 September

09.30 – 16.30
AC3 Building Analysis (ARCH11194) (RS)
• 09.30 Discussion of project brief and confirmation of each group spokesperson (RS, GS, AD)
• 10.00 Lectures Q&A discussion: Reading, Recording and Researching Scottish Historic Buildings (GS)
• 11.00 Measured survey techniques exercise (RS) – have ready the Leica Disto laser meter (info about
this will be supplied), pencil, compass, ruler, paper. Watch lecture: Recording Cultural Heritage:
Measured Survey, Sketching, and Photography (RS) and submit your completed exercise by next
• Lunch break
• 14.00 Lectures: Building Description 1 & 2 (AD)
• agree Building Description subject by today via email with Audrey Dakin

Tuesday 27 September

09.30 – 12.30
AC6 World Heritage (ARCH 11198) (RS)
• 09.30 Project briefing (RS)
• 10.30 Groups assemble and start discussing choice of site and possible problems to focus on. Upload an
image and short explanation (100 words) to LEARN by Monday

13.00 – 14.30
AC2 History and Theory of Conservation (ARCH11129) – Topic 1
TOPIC 1 SEMINAR: Summing-up seminar discussion for Topic 1 (led by RS)
• Online lectures: AC2 Lectures 1-9.
• Online reading list: see
• Reading list sections: ‘History of Conservation – the Western Tradition’; ‘Conservation
Theory/Controversy’; Conservation in Scotland’

Wednesday 28 September

AC2 History and Theory of Conservation 1100-1400 (time tbc):

EDINBURGH WALK 2: Optional orientation walk in the Old Town and South Side, based on AC8 Lecture 4
(on the legacy of Geddes) (MG). Students can also can listen to that lecture as part of the overall suite of AC2
and AC8 lectures (see Course Materials>Lectures for AC2 sequence, and Course Materials>Conservation of
Modern Architecture>Lectures for AC8 sequence). The lectures specifically relevant to Topic 1 are AC2
Lectures 1-9.

Evening of 28 (timings for this and following sessions tbc):
Architectural Heritage Society of Scotland Cases Panel, Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland
(Organiser: Alastair Disley). Highly recommended, structured placement opportunity with Scotland’s leading
voluntary heritage society: open to all conservation students. These meetings are weekly, normally every
Wednesday evening (tbc), but there will also be a series of induction events. Meetings may be online or in
person (all tbc).

Thursday 29 September
AC2 History and Theory of Conservation (ARCH11129) (MG/RS)
Newhailes House, with tour by Anna Brereton, National Trust for Scotland – to illustrate ‘conservative repair’
philosophy (see also AC2 on LEARN: lecture text by Mark McLean of NTS on Newhailes philosophy)
• Bus travel from Edinburgh City Centre by Lothian no 30 bus
• Meet at Newhailes House visitor centre at 10.00 am. Free admission to Newhailes House for this trip.

Friday 30 September

AC3 Building Analysis (ARCH11194) (RS)

• 9.30 onwards visits to Historic Architecture Scotland Archives, John Sinclair House, 16 Bernard Terrace,
EH8 9NX (tbc)


Monday 3 October

09.30 – 16.30
AC3 Building Analysis (ARCH11194) (RS)
• 09.30 Lecture: Urban structures recording and analysis (TA)
• 11.30 Lectures: Building Description 3 & 4 (AD)
• Lunch break
• 14.00 Independent project work in groups
• By Wednesday submit your Measured Survey Techniques exercise on LEARN

Tuesday 4 October

09.30 – 12.00
AC6 World Heritage (ARCH 11198) (RS)
• 09.30 Lecture: The World Heritage Convention: History and principles (RS)
• 11.30 Seminar: Introduction to Cultural Significance (GA)

Wednesday 5 October

10.00-12.00 (tbc)
AC2 History and Theory of Conservation (ARCH11129) plus AC1 Urban Conservation (RS)
Optional site visit (RS):
EDINBURGH WALK 3 The Royal Mile: historic morphologies and modern interventions (online version: see
LEARN AC2 Lectures)
• Meet at Castle Esplanade. (tbc)

13.00- 15.00
AC3 Building Analysis (ARCH11194) (RS)
• Site-visit to representative Royal Mile houses 1 (AD, TA) – meet in front of Riddles Court, 322

Evening (timings tbc):

Architectural Heritage Society of Scotland Cases Panel, Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland
(Organiser: Alastair Disley). Opportunity for students to ‘audit’ a regular meeting (tbc)
Thursday 6 October

AC2 History and Theory of Conservation (ARCH11129) (MG/RS)

• Field visit to Abbotsford House – home and museum of life of Sir Walter Scott (tbc – may be swapped
with Wednesday walk or done on Friday)

ALSO: Topic 2: Global Diversity, Cultural Heritage, ‘Difficult’ Heritage

• Student-directed work on the Topic 2 reading list sections: ‘History of Conservation – global diversity’;
‘Cultural heritage’; ‘Difficult’ heritage
• Online reading list: see
• Lectures relevant to Topic 2: AC2 Lectures 3-4, 10
• ‘Difficult’ Heritage in Germany: watch ‘architectural’ sections of Leni Riefenstahl’s 1934 film, ‘Triumph
of the Will’ (see AC2 LEARN, Course Materials > Germany Trip)

Friday 7 October (tbc)

10.00 onwards (tbc): Architectural Heritage Society of Scotland Cases Panel, Royal Incorporation of Architects
in Scotland (Organiser: Alastair Disley). Second training event (arrangements tbc).


Monday 10 October

09.30 – 16.30
AC3 Building Analysis (ARCH11194) (RS)
• 09.30 Project seminar (GS/AD)
• submit Building Description assignment by 12.00noon
• 12.30 Building Description feedback session: each student will have 2 mins. to describe their chosen
building and there will be feedback after every group of 10 (the order will be following the locations of
the buildings)
• Lunch break
• 14.00 Independent project work in groups
• For next week’s discussion watch the Statements of Significance lecture and read recommended texts

Tuesday 11 October

09.00 – 12.00
AC6 World Heritage (ARCH 11198) (RS)
• 09.00 Group Project seminars (15 mins. per group)
• 11.00 Q&A discussion of The Forth Bridge World Heritage Journey (MO)
• For next week’s discussion watch World Heritage nominations and evaluation process lecture and read
recommended texts

13.00 – 16.00 (timings tbc)

AC2 History and Theory of Conservation (ARCH11129) (MG)
TOPIC 2 SEMINAR: Global Diversity, Cultural Heritage, ‘Difficult’ Heritage.
Summing-up seminar discussion for Topic 2 (led by Kirsten McKee)
• Topic 2 reading list sections: ‘History of Conservation – Global Diversity’; ‘Cultural Heritage’;
‘’Difficult’ Heritage
• Online reading list: see
• Lectures relevant to Topic 2: AC2 Lectures 3-4, 10

Wednesday 12 October
AC2 History and Theory of Conservation – times tbc
nd th
EDINBURGH WALK 4: Optional guided walk to George Square, following up on the Weds 22 /Friday 24
walk by focusing on controversies of post-war Modernist development of Edinburgh University (online version:
see also AC8 Lectures 4 and 7) Walk may be extended to cover any other subjects omitted from previous walks.

13.00- 15.00
AC3 Building Analysis (ARCH11194) (RS)
• Optional site-visit to representative Royal Mile houses 2 (AD, TA) – meet in front of John Knox House,
High Street

18.30 onwards (time tbc)

Architectural Heritage Society of Scotland Cases Panel. Third induction session. (arrangements tbc).

Thursday 13 October

AC2 History and Theory of Conservation (ARCH11129) (MG)

Topic 3: Conservation of Modern Architecture (AC8)
• Self-directed student activity:
• Watch lectures AC8 1-11 (all ’nested’ within AC2 LEARN pages)
• Reading list section: ‘Conservation of Modern Architecture’
• Online reading list: see

WEEK 5 [NB: Edinburgh school holiday week: some tutors will be away]

Monday 17 October

09.30 – 16.30
AC3 Building Analysis (ARCH11194) (RS)
• 09. 30 Lecture Q&A discussion; Statements of Significance (GS)
• 10.30 Lecture: Archaeological Desk-based Assessments (TA)
• Lunch break
• 14.00 Independent project work in groups
N.B. Email RS if your group needs an extra seminar this week.

Tuesday 18 October

09.00 – 12.00
AC6 World Heritage (ARCH 11198) (RS)
• 11.00 Q&A discussion of World Heritage nominations and evaluation process (MO)
• For next week’s discussion watch ‘Connecting Practice: Defining new approaches towards a more
integrated consideration of natural and cultural heritage under the World Heritage Convention’ lecture
and read recommended texts

Wednesday 19 October

18.30 onwards (time tbc)

Architectural Heritage Society of Scotland Cases Panel. (arrangements tbc).
Thursday 20 October

AC2 History and Theory of Conservation (ARCH11129) (MG)

Topic 3: Conservation of Modern Architecture (AC8)
• Self-directed student activity:
• Watch lectures AC8 1-11 (all ’nested’ within AC2 LEARN pages)
• Reading list section: ‘Conservation of Modern Architecture’
• Online reading list: see


Monday 24 October

09.30 – 16.30
AC3 Building Analysis (ARCH11194) (RS)
• 09.30 Project seminar (GS/AD)
• Lunch break
• 14.00 Independent project work in groups

Tuesday 25 October

09.00 – 12.00
AC6 World Heritage (ARCH 11198) (RS)
• 09.00 Group Project seminars (15 mins. per group)
• 11.00 Q&A discussion of ‘Connecting Practice: Defining new approaches towards a more integrated
consideration of natural and cultural heritage under the World Heritage Convention’ (Leticia Leitao)
• For next week’s discussion watch World Heritage management and community engagement lecture and
read recommended texts

Wednesday 26 October

09.00 – 16.00
AC2 History and Theory of Conservation (ARCH11129) (MG, RS, AD)
Individual tutorials for project assignment: Tutorial 1 (alternative slot: Weds 3 )

18.30 onwards
Architectural Heritage Society of Scotland Cases Panel (tbc)

Thursday 27 October

09.00 - 16.00
AC2 History and Theory of Conservation (ARCH11129) (MG, RS, AD)
Individual tutorials for project assignment: Tutorial 1 (alternative slot: Weds 3 )

On same day (tutorials to be arranged on each side of seminar), time tbc:

AC2 History and Theory of Conservation (ARCH11129) (MG)
13.30-16.00 TOPIC 3 SEMINAR: Conservation of Modern Architecture (AC8)
• Summing-up seminar discussion for Topic 3, led by OU.
• Reading list section: ‘Conservation of Modern Architecture’
• Online reading list: see

Monday 31 October

09.30 – 16.30
AC3 Building Analysis (ARCH11194) (RS)
• 09.30 Lecture: 17 Century Architectural Details (Aonghus Mackechnie)
• 10.30 Lecture: Queensberry House (John Lowrey)
• 12.00 Lecture: Riddle’s Court (AD)
• Lunch break
• 14.00 Independent project work in groups

Tuesday 1 November

09.00 – 12.00
AC6 World Heritage (ARCH 11198) (RS)
• 11.00 Q&A discussion of World Heritage management and community engagement (Dennis Rodwell)
• For next week’s discussion watch ‘Intangible Cultural Heritage: Medellin case-study’ lecture and read
recommended texts

Wednesday 2 November

18.30 onwards (tbc)

Architectural Heritage Society of Scotland Cases Panel [tbc]

Thursday 3 November

AC2 History and Theory of Conservation (MG/RS/AD)

• Individual work on assignment


Monday 7 November

09.30 – 16.30
AC3 Building Analysis (ARCH11194) (RS)
• 09.30 Group Project Interim Presentations (20 mins. per group) and discussion (RS/GS/AD/TA)
• By 12.00 noon: Interim Group Project submission of presentation slides on LEARN
• Lunch break
• 14.00 Independent project work in groups

Tuesday 8 November

09.00 – 12.00
AC6 World Heritage (ARCH 11198) (RS)
• 09.00 Group Project seminars (15 mins. per group)
• 11.00 Q&A discussion of Intangible Cultural Heritage: Medellin case-study (Penny Travlou)

Wednesday 9 November

18.30 onwards
Architectural Heritage Society of Scotland Cases Panel [optional] (tbc)
Thursday 10 November

AC2 History & Theory of Conservation (ARCH 11129) (MG/RS/AD)

• 12.00 Submit essay draft on LEARN and to respective group tutors (MG, RS or AD) direct by
• Essay draft to include outline, draft bibliography, and sample text (max. 1000 words).


Monday 14 November

09.30 – 16.30
AC3 Building Analysis (ARCH11194) (RS)
• 09.30 Project seminar (GS/AD)
• Lunch break talk by Dr James Simpson on Conservation Principles and Contemporary Practice (tbc)
• 14.00 Independent project work in groups

Tuesday 15 November

09.00 – 12.00
AC6 World Heritage (ARCH 11198) (RS)
• 09.00 Group Project seminars (15 mins. per group)

Wednesday 16 November

09.00 - 16.00
AC2 History and Theory of Conservation (ARCH11129) (MG, RS, AD)
Individual tutorials for project assignment: Tutorial 2 – including feedback on draft submitted on 10
November (alternative slot: Thurs 17th) Timings tbc.

18.30 onwards
Architectural Heritage Society of Scotland Cases Panel [optional] (tbc)

Thursday 17 November

09.00 - 16.00 AC2 History and Theory of Conservation (ARCH11129) (MG, RS, AD)
• Individual tutorials for project assignment: Tutorial 2 – including feedback on draft submitted on 10
November (alternative slot: Thurs 17th) Timings tbc

Friday 18 November

09.00 – 17.00
AC2 History and Theory of Conservation (ARCH11129) (MG)
• GLASGOW DAY TRIP (details tbc) covering urban renewal history etc.


Monday 21 November

09.30 – 16.30
AC3 Building Analysis (ARCH11194) (RS)
• 09.30 Group Project Presentations (20 mins. per group) and discussion
• By 12.00 noon Group Project submission of report and presentation slides on LEARN

Tuesday 22 November

09.00 – 12.00
AC6 World Heritage (ARCH 11198) (RS)
• 09.00 Group Project Presentations (15 mins. per group) and discussion
• By 12.00 noon Group Project submission of report and presentation slides on LEARN

Wednesday 23 November

18.30 onwards
Architectural Heritage Society of Scotland Cases Panel [optional] (tbc)

Thursday 24 November

AC2 History and Theory of Conservation (MG/RS/AD)

• Continued work on individual project assignment


Wednesday 30 November

18.30 onwards
Architectural Heritage Society of Scotland Cases Panel, Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland

Thursday 1 December

AC2 History and Theory of Conservation (ARCH11129) (MG/RS/AD)

• Continued work on individual project assignment


Thursday 8 December

AC2 History and Theory of Conservation

• Essay submission by 12.00 on LEARN – plus email electronic copy direct to tutor by same deadline


Thursday 15 December

Friday 23 December: End of Semester 1


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