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My journey to becoming a teacher began with a deep desire to make a positive difference

in my students' lives. I believe that education is the foundation for success and that every student

deserves the opportunity to reach their full potential. With this in mind, I enrolled in a teacher

preparation program that provided me with the knowledge, skills, and experience needed to

become an effective educator.

As an aspiring teacher, I believe that creating a positive and inclusive learning

environment is essential for student success. In my portfolio, I have included evidence of my

ability to establish positive relationships with students, differentiate instruction to meet their

needs, and use technology to enhance their learning experience. This portfolio includes a wide

range of materials that demonstrate my abilities as a teacher candidate. It includes lesson plans,

assessments, student work samples, and reflections on my teaching experiences. Each document

in this portfolio represents a critical moment in my development as a teacher.

Throughout my coursework, field experiences, and student teaching, I have gained

valuable knowledge and experience that has prepared me for a successful career in education.

This portfolio serves as evidence of my readiness to enter the profession and my commitment to

ongoing professional growth and development.


I like to take this opportunity to express my deep gratitude and appreciation to God, my
family, my cooperating teacher, supervising instructor, teammates, closest friends, and my
students for their unwavering support and guidance during my practice teaching.

To God, I acknowledge your divine presence in my life and the blessings you have
bestowed upon me. Thank you for giving me strength, wisdom, and courage throughout my
journey as a student-teacher.

To my family, thank you for your love, understanding, and constant encouragement. Your
unwavering support has been a source of inspiration for me to strive for excellence in everything
that I do.

To my cooperating teacher, Ma'am Doris R. Magaoay, thank you for sharing your
knowledge and expertise. Your guidance and mentorship have helped me become a better
teacher, and I will forever be grateful for the opportunity to learn from you.

To my supervising instructor, Dr. Jandy S. Danzalan, thank you for your valuable
feedback and constructive criticism. Your guidance has helped me improve my teaching skills,
and I am grateful for your unwavering support.

To my teammates and closest friends, thank you for your encouragement, support, and
companionship. Your presence has made my practice teaching experience more enjoyable and

And lastly, to my students, thank you for allowing me to be your teacher. Your
enthusiasm, curiosity, and eagerness to learn have made my practice teaching experience
memorable and rewarding. I am grateful for the privilege to be part of your life and make a
positive impact in your life.

Once again, I express my sincere gratitude to all of you for helping me achieve and be
successful in my practice teaching. Your support and encouragement have been a crucial source
of inspiration for me, and I am truly blessed to have you in my life. Thank you!

Dear Heavenly Father,

I come to you with a heart full of gratitude and a spirit of hope as I begin my journey as a

student teacher. I thank you for the opportunity to serve and make a difference in the lives of

young people.

As I embark on this new chapter of my life, I ask for your guidance and strength. Help

me be patient and kind, be a good listener, and be an effective communicator. Give me the

wisdom to know how to inspire and encourage my students to be the best they can be.

Help me to be organized, prepared, and effective in my lessons. Give me the creativity to

make learning fun and engaging and the humility to admit when I need help or advice.

As I face the challenges of being a student teacher, I pray for your protection and

comfort. Strengthen me when I feel weak, and encourage me when I feel discouraged. Surround

me with supportive colleagues, mentors, and loved ones who will help me grow and succeed.

Most of all, I pray that I would never forget the privilege and responsibility of being a

teacher. May my work always be grounded in your love and grace, and may I be a reflection of

your light in the lives of my students.

The PNU Practice Teachers’ Creed

 I believe in the nobility and the dignity of the teaching profession and I feel it an
honor and a privilege to be considered a future member;

 I believe that as a future member it is my duty to prepare myself for worthy

membership— physically, morally, spiritually, intellectually, socially, and

 I believe that the teacher I hope to become will depend upon the person that I am,
and that, therefore, I must strive each day in every way— to improve as a person;

 I believe that as a teacher, my influence upon others will be great that I must
continually assess my values and take care that I do is right for and by the society
which I serve;

 I believe that teaching is done largely by example;

 I must endeavor at all times to develop right habits of thinking, speaking and

 I believe, too, that whatever I desire to do and to become with divine assistance
and with earnest and honest effort, I can do, and I can become

As a future educator, my teaching philosophy is Docendo discimus meaning "By

teaching, we learn." I believe that teaching is a reciprocal process where both the student and the
teacher have the opportunity to learn and grow. This philosophy emphasizes that teaching is not
just a one-way process of imparting knowledge from the teacher to the student but a two-way
exchange where both parties can benefit. Teaching is not merely about providing information
about creating an environment that encourages them to think critically and become active
learners. It involves creating a space where students can question, explore, and engage in
discussions to deepen their understanding of the subject matter. In this process, teachers not only
serve as guides but also as learners themselves.

As student teachers, we should use various teaching methods and strategies that cater to
different learning styles and needs. I aim to create a supportive and inclusive learning
environment that fosters open communication, collaboration, and mutual respect. This approach
helps to encourage students to participate actively and take ownership of their learning. By
adopting a learner-centered approach to teaching, I strive to create opportunities for students to
develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills. I believe that students
should be able to apply their learning in real-world situations and be exposed to diverse
perspectives and experiences. Moreover, I believe that by teaching, I am not only helping my
students to develop their knowledge and skills, but I am also enhancing my understanding of the
subject matter. When I teach, I need to think deeply about the content, clarify my thoughts, and
find new and innovative ways to present the material. Through this process, I am constantly
learning and growing as an educator.

In conclusion, I believe that teaching is not just about imparting knowledge. It is about
creating an environment that fosters growth and development for both the student and the
teacher. It involves creating opportunities for active learning, promoting critical thinking, and
encouraging collaboration. By adopting this philosophy, I hope to inspire my students to become
lifelong learners and to seek new knowledge and experiences.

Jones Rural School (JRS) is a leading educational institution in Barangay I. Pob., Jones,
Isabela. The school is spread across a vast 54-hectare campus and has thousands of students
enrolled under the guidance of Dr. Helen R. Vibar, the school principal. JRS stands out as the
only Technical Vocational School in the 4th Congressional District of Isabela, offering
specialization under the Special Program for Technical Vocational Education (SPTVE). With a
focus on hands-on learning and practical skills development, the school offers an array of
specializations for junior high school students, including Agricultural Crops Production (ACP),
Animal Production (AP), Food Processing (FP), Dressmaking (DM), and Computer Systems
Servicing (CSS), along with mandatory subjects like Internet and Computer Fundamentals (ICF),
Technical Drawing (TD), and Entrepreneurship.

JRS prides itself as the first TESDA-accredited Assessment Center in the province of
Isabela, with a 100% passing rate in National Competency Assessment for Agricultural Crops
Production NC II, Food Processing NC II, Agri-crop Production NC II and Animal Production
(Poultry) NC II, Food and Beverage Services NC II, and Bread and Pastry Production NC II.
Furthermore, the JRS Senior High School offers an array of academic tracks like ABM,
HUMMS, and STEM and Technical Vocational Livelihood Tracks (TVLT) as Agri-Fishery and
HE for learners. The academic tracks include Accountancy, Business, and Management (ABM)
strands that will lead to careers in management, marketing, finance, and accounting. Also, the
Humanities and Social Science (HUMMS) Strand is for learners who will take journalism,
communication arts, liberal arts, education, and other social science-related courses in college.
Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Strand is for students leading
medical and allied professional courses in technology, engineering, and mathematics. Aside from
the academic track, it also offers Technical Vocational Livelihood Track: Agri-Fishery Arts
Strand and Home Economics Strand. Under the TVLT program are Artificial Insemination
(Swine and Large Ruminants), Animal Health Care Management, Organic Agriculture, and Pest
Management. The Home Economics strand offers Cookery, Food Beverages Services, and Bread
and Pastry Production.
With the diverse range of specializations and strands that Jones Rural School offers,
learners have the opportunity to pursue their interests and passions while honing their skills and
knowledge. With its comprehensive and diverse academic offerings and impressive track record
of student success, JRS is a top choice for students seeking high-quality technical and vocational
education in the region.
Reflection of the site of PT

After learning about Jones Rural School, I am impressed by its dedication to providing

quality education to its students. Remarkably, the school offers a wide range of specializations

and tracks to cater to different interests and career paths. As the only Technical Vocational

School in the 4th Congressional District of Isabela, JRS is making a significant contribution to

the development of skilled individuals who can contribute to their respective industries. It is also

admirable that the school has a 100% passing rate on the National Competency Assessment, a

testament to the effectiveness of its curriculum and the competence of its faculty.

I believe that JRS is an excellent example of how schools can play a vital role in shaping

the future of their students and communities. By offering programs relevant to society, JRS is not

only providing education but also helping to address the skills gap in the country. The focus on

Technical Vocational Livelihood Track is a commendable effort to empower individuals to

become self-sufficient and productive members of society.

Overall, my reflection on Jones Rural School is that it is a school that takes education

seriously and is committed to producing competent and skilled individuals. The dedication of its

faculty and staff, as its innovative programs, make it a model school that can inspire others to

follow its lead. I hope that more schools will take JRS as an example of how to provide

education that is relevant and responsive to the needs of their students and communities.

After almost two months of staying at Jones Rural School, I completed 304 hours of

teaching. That's a significant time to show my dedication and commitment to my work. Even

though I wasn't able to complete the 360 hours due to various events such as Fiesta, clean-up

drive, half-day classes at JRS, Holy Week, and other holidays, I still accomplished a lot.

Reflecting on this experience, it's important to remember that life events and holidays can

often disrupt our work schedules. However, it's crucial to find a balance between work and

personal life and take time off for important events and holidays. It's okay to not complete all the

hours as long as you have worked to the best of your ability and made the most out of the time

you had. This accomplishment is a testament to time-management skills and the ability to work

efficiently within a limited time frame. It's essential to recognize and celebrate the work I have

accomplished rather than focusing on the hours I didn't complete.

Overall, I am proud of what I have achieved in my DTR, and I will continue working

hard and balance my work and personal life effectively.

Reflection grade from ct

With this new accomplishment, I am so happy for myself for another job well done

moment of my life. I congratulate myself on receiving a high grade for my daily teaching

performance! It's the fruit of all my hard work and dedication to teaching at Jones Rural School.

I deserve this grade because I give my best every day, and my efforts have paid off.

Daily teaching can be challenging, requiring a great deal of energy and creativity to keep

students engaged and motivated. My ability to perform effectively daily is a testament to my

dedication and commitment to my student's learning. It's evident that I take my role as a teacher

seriously and have a passion for what I do.

As I continue my journey in the teaching profession, it's important to remember the

importance of giving my best effort every day. To have a strong work ethic and a commitment to

excellence, and these qualities will serve me well as I continue to grow and develop as a teacher.


As a future teacher, I value feedback from my students, colleagues, and superiors.

Recently, my cooperating teacher from Don Mariano Marcos National High School evaluated

my performance in the classroom, and I am happy to share that she found my teaching

exemplary. She carefully checked all aspects of the criteria, from lesson planning to

implementation and assessment, and gave me detailed feedback that allowed me to grow and

improve as an educator.

I am also grateful for her suggestions on classroom management. Her insights and

experiences are invaluable to me as a pre-service teacher, and I am eager to implement them in

my future lessons. I was particularly grateful for the commendation that my teacher gave me

orally after the evaluation. Hearing that my efforts and hard work paid off was a great motivator

and reminded me why I became a teacher in the first place. It made me feel appreciated and

encouraged me to continue to strive for excellence in my teaching.

Overall, this experience was a positive one for me. It reinforced the importance of

seeking feedback and continuously improving my teaching practices. It also reminded me that

even small gestures of recognition impact a teacher's life and motivation. I am grateful for the

opportunity, support, and encouragement I received.


March 1

Receiving positive feedback from my cooperating teacher regarding my execution of the

lesson plan was a great confidence boost for me. It's reassuring that I am on the right track and

doing well. I am grateful that my cooperating teacher is taking the time to evaluate my

performance and give me constructive feedback.

I am glad that my CT suggested using the result of my formative assessment as a tool for

intervention activity. It is a valuable piece of advice that I can incorporate into my teaching

practice. It emphasizes the importance of assessment not just as a means of measuring learning

outcomes but also as a tool for identifying areas where students need more support and guidance.

Furthermore, the suggestion given by my cooperating teacher to use the results of my formative

assessment as a tool for intervention activity was valuable insight. It made me realize the

importance of regularly assessing my students' learning progress and using the information to

plan and adjust my teaching strategies. This suggestion highlighted the need for differentiated

instruction to cater to the diverse learning needs of my students.

Moving forward, I will keep this feedback in mind and strive to continue executing my

lesson plans with all the necessary aspects. I will also take the advice to heart and use the results

of my formative assessments to develop appropriate intervention activities for my students. I

believe this will help me become a more effective teacher and ultimately benefit my student's

learning experience.

Receiving feedback from a cooperating teacher is an essential part of the student-teaching

experience. Getting positive feedback about my ability to provide clear instructions and create

engaging activities for my students is very encouraging. It shows that my efforts to carefully plan

and execute my lessons have paid off and that my teaching style motivates my students to

participate and learn.

However, I also take note of my cooperating teacher's suggestion to be more strict in

enforcing policies on student discipline. While I understand the importance of maintaining a

classroom environment conducive to learning, I also want to ensure that my students feel

comfortable and supported in my class. I will consider this feedback and strive to find a balance

between being firm and consistent in enforcing rules while also showing empathy and

understanding toward my students' needs and challenges.

Overall, I am grateful for my cooperating teacher's feedback and guidance, and I will

continue to reflect on my teaching practices to become a more effective and compassionate



I am grateful for my CT's commendation for my positive use of the art of questioning and

excellent delivery in class. It is a validation that my efforts in honing my teaching strategies are

paying off.
Using the art of questioning to elicit student ideas is one of my preferred teaching

techniques because it helps my students become more engaged in the lesson. When students are

actively involved in learning, they retain information better and become more interested in the

subject matter. Additionally, by allowing students to express their ideas and opinions, I can create

a more inclusive and participatory learning environment that fosters a sense of community in the


I am grateful for my CT's feedback on my excellent delivery. I always strive to present

the lesson clearly and concisely, using various teaching aids to illustrate my points. By doing so,

I can help my students grasp complex concepts leading to higher levels of engagement and


Finally, I appreciate my CT's suggestion to continue improving my classroom

management skills. While I strive to be firm yet fair in enforcing discipline in the classroom, I

recognize that there is always room for growth and improvement. I am committed to taking my

CT's suggestion to heart and finding ways to improve my classroom management skills while

maintaining a positive and engaging learning environment for my students.

MARCH 8,9,10, 13,14

Today, I feel grateful and accomplished as my cooperating teacher commended me for my

teaching strategy and congratulated me for delivering my lesson effectively. It's such a wonderful
feeling to know that my efforts are paying off and that my teaching is making a positive impact

on my students.

I have always believed in the power of effective questioning to engage students and

encourage critical thinking. Today, I feel validated as my CT praised my positive use of the art of

questioning to elicit students' ideas and perspectives. It's inspiring to see how my students have

become more involved and invested in their learning as a result of my approach. Moreover, my

CT also recognized my excellent delivery in class. I have always tried to be confident,

enthusiastic, and engaging when delivering my lessons, and it's encouraging to see that my

efforts have not gone unnoticed. As I reflect on my teaching experience today, I am reminded of

the importance of being open to feedback and constructive criticism. I know that there is always

room for improvement, and I am committed to continuing to grow and develop as an educator.

Overall, today was a great day in the classroom, and I am grateful for the opportunity to

make a positive impact on the lives of my students.

MARCH 15, 16, 17

Today was a great day in the classroom as I delivered my lesson effectively and

maximized student participation. I am grateful for the positive feedback and commendation from

Ma'am Doris, my cooperating teacher, who congratulated me for a job well done. It was fulfilling

to see my students engaged and participating actively in class, as it is an indication that my

teaching methods are effective.

I am proud that my efforts in utilizing different teaching strategies have paid off. The

mastery of the lesson by my students is a testament to the effectiveness of my approach, which

includes the use of various teaching techniques, such as the art of questioning, group discussions,
and visual aids. Ma'am Doris's commendation of my teaching methods boosts my confidence and

encourages me to continue to improve my skills and craft as an educator. I am inspired to do

better and to continue to seek new and innovative ways to engage my students and help them

learn effectively.

Overall, it was a great day in the classroom, and I am looking forward to

continuing my journey as a teacher, learning from my experiences, and making

improvements as I go along.

MARCH 20-23

As Ma'am Doris suggested that I need to think of strategies that would encourage those

few students to stay focused on the activity or discussion, I realized that it is a challenge for me

as a teacher to cater to the different learning styles and preferences of my students. While some

students may easily engage and participate in class, others may require more attention and


In response to her suggestion, I reflected on my current teaching strategies and thought of

ways to improve them. I considered incorporating more interactive and hands-on activities, as

well as using visual aids to capture the attention of my students. Additionally, I plan to provide

more opportunities for small group discussions and peer-to-peer collaboration, which can be

effective in motivating students to participate and stay engaged. Furthermore, I recognized the

importance of acknowledging the efforts of my students and providing positive reinforcement.

By giving recognition to those who actively participate and contribute to class discussions, I can

motivate and encourage other students to do the same.

Overall, I am grateful for Ma'am Doris's suggestion and will continue to reflect on

my teaching strategies to better cater to the needs of my students and provide a more

engaging and effective learning environment.


As I reflect on the feedback given by Ma'am Doris on my teaching today, I feel a great sense of

accomplishment in attaining maximum engagement among my students in the activities given. It

is truly fulfilling to see my students actively participating and expressing their thoughts and ideas

during our class discussions.

I am grateful for Ma'am Doris' feedback and recognition of my teaching methods. I believe that

my efforts in incorporating various activities and strategies in my lesson plan have contributed to

the success of my class today. However, I acknowledge that there is still room for improvement.

Moving forward, I will continue to seek ways to enhance my teaching strategies to cater to the

needs of all my students, including those who may struggle to stay focused during activities or

discussions. I will consider Ma'am Doris' suggestion to think of strategies that would encourage

these few students to remain engaged in our class. By doing so, I aim to create a more inclusive

and conducive learning environment that maximizes student engagement and learning.

APRIL 11-14

Today, I received feedback from my cooperating teacher that has made me feel more

confident and motivated in my journey as a future teacher. She commended me for the skills I

showed in class and my positive attitude toward the teaching-learning process. It's truly an honor

to receive such comments, and it inspires me to continue doing my best to hone my skills and

improve my craft.
Hearing that I have the potential to become a competent teacher in the future is very

encouraging. It is a testament to the hard work and dedication I have put into my studies and

practice teaching. It also serves as a reminder that there is still much to learn and improve upon.

I am grateful for the guidance and support of my cooperating teacher, who has helped me

develop my teaching skills and provided me with valuable feedback. With her help and

encouragement, I am confident that I can continue to grow and become an effective teacher.

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