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L1: HISTOLOGY & ITS METHODS OF STUDY Plant cell- prokaryotic; cell wall; lack nuclei and
membranous cytoplasmic structures.
HISTOLOGY- study of tissues of the body and how
Cytoplasm- fluid containing a system of membranous
these tissues are arranged to constitute organs.
organelles, non-membranous molecular assemblies, and a
histos – tissue; logia – science
MICROSCOPIC ANATOMY – scientific study
Cell Differentiation- express sets of genes that mediate
of microscopic structures of tissues and organs.
specific cytoplasmic activities, becoming efficiently
2 interacting components of tissues: CELLS &
organized in tissues with specialized functions and usually
changing their shape accordingly.
ECM consist macromolecules with complex
-is the process by which cells of an embryo become
structures (Collagen fibrils). ECM support and
specialized structurally to augment specific cytoplasmic
contain the fluid transporting nutrients to the cells,
activities for functions at the level of tissues and organs.
carrying away waste and secretory products.
Organelles- are metabolically active structures or
Most common procedure: the preparation of tissue
complexes, with or without membranes, in the cytoplasm
slices or “sections”
of eukaryotic cells.
Steps in slice preparation:
FIXATION- piece of tissue- place-chem
solution- inactivates enzymes- preserve the cell &
tissue structure.
DEHYDRATION- transferred-series-increasing-
concentrated- alcohol- ‘til 100%- removes all water.
CLEARING- alcohol removed- alcohol and
paraffin are mix.
INFILTRATION- tissue-melted paraffin-
EMBEDDING- infiltrated tissue- mold- harden
TRIMMING- trimmed- tissue- sectioning/
slicing on microtome.
Most common staining: H&E stains
Cell substances with a net negative (anionic)
charge, such as DNA and RNA, react strongly
with hematoxylin and basic stains; such
material is said to be “basophilic”. Plasma membrane/cell membrane/ plasmalemma-
Cationic substances, such as collagen and many selective barrier; protection
cytoplasmic proteins react with eosin and other Function: keep ion content of cytoplasm constant;
acidic stains and are said to be “acidophilic”. signaling functions. Physical barrier; Selective
Light Microscopy Permeability; Electrochemical gradients;
Bright-field microscopy- use ordinary light; communication.
colors are imparted through tissue staining. Integrins- linked the cytoskeleton and ECM
Fluorescence microscopy- UV light components; exchange of influences bet. the two.
Phase-contrast microscopy- the differences in Integral proteins= lipid bilayer; Peripheral
refractive index; w/o staining proteins= cytoplasmic side.
Confocal microscopy- 3D Diffusion- transports small, nonpolar molecules
AUTORADIOGRAPHY- localizes cell components directly through the lipid bilayer. Lipophilic (fat-
synthesized using radioactive precursors by detecting soluble) molecules diffuse through membranes
silver grains. readily, water very slowly.
HISTOCHEMICAL/ CYTOCHEMICAL- specific Channels- are multi-passages of proteins forming
enzymatic activities in lightly fixed or unfixed tissue transmembrane pores through which ions or small
sections to produce visible products in the specific molecules pass selectively. Aquaporins- water
enzyme locations. channel.
Fixation and paraffin= embedding; Carriers- are transmembrane proteins that bind
histochemistry= frozen tissue sectioned with a small molecules and translocate them across the
cryostat. membrane via conformational changes.
IMMUNOHISTOCHEMISTRY- specific reactions Membrane pumps - enzymes engaged in active
between an antigen and antibodies. transport, utilizing energy from the ATP to move
Direct immunohistochemistry- labeled primary ions and other solutes across membranes, against
antibody bind to specific antigen. often steep concentration gradients. Because they
Indirect immunohistochemistry- unlabeled consume ATP pumps, they are often referred to as
primary antibody bound to secondary antibodies. ATPases.
Endocytosis- Movement of small molecules from
L2: THE CELL outside to inside the cell.
Cell and ECM comprise tissue that make up animal Phagocytosis (“cell eating”)
organs. Pinocytosis (“cell drinking”)
Cell- basic functional unit. Receptor-mediated endocytosis
Animal cell- nucleus enclosed by cell membrane Exocytosis- Movement of large molecules from
surrounded by the cytoplasm; eukaryotic inside to outside the cell.
Cells in a multicellular organism communicate with Nucleolus- basophilic; electron dense area.
one another – Cell Cycle:
a. to regulate tissue and organ development
b. to control their growth and division, and
c. to coordinate their functions
Signaling Process:
Endocrine signaling- hormones- blood to target
Paracrine signaling- rapid metabolized= target
near cell. Mitosis stages:
Synaptic signaling- neurotransmitter; synapses. Prophase- chromosomes condense, the nuclear
Autocrine signaling- signal binds the same cell. envelope disassembles, and the micro- tubular
Juxtacrine signaling- physical contact in spindle forms;
binding. Metaphase- when chromosomes are aligned.
Organelles- positioned in the cytoplasm by Anaphase- begin to separate toward the two
movements along the polymers of the cytoskeleton, centrosomes.
which also determines a cell’s shape and motility. Telophase- nuclear envelope re-forms around the
Ribosomes- structural support but also position separated chromosomes; ends with cytokinesis.
transfer RNAs. Meiosis-two successive cell divisions produce cells
Endoplasmic reticulum- a major site for vital called gametes.
cellular activities, including biosynthesis of Mitosis is a cell division that produces two diploid cells.
proteins and lipids. Meiosis involves two cell divisions and produces four
RER- specialized for protein secretion haploid cells.
SER- detoxification of potentially harmful Apoptosis- the process by which redundant or defective
exogenous molecules such as alcohol, barbiturates, cells are rapidly eliminated in a manner that does not
and other drugs. provoke a local inflammatory reaction in the tissue.
Golgi Apparatus/Golgi Complex- packages
and addresses these proteins to their proper L3: TISSUES
destinations. Epithelial Tissue- bound tightly together structurally and
Lysosomes- sites of intracellular digestion; functionally to form a sheetlike or tubular structure with
proteasomes- degrade denatured. little extracellular material between the cells.
Lysosomes= digest organelles; Proteasomes= Apical side facing the sheet’s free surface and a
Free proteins. basal side facing a basement membrane.
Mitochondria- production of ATP. Basement membrane- thin extracellular layer of
The number of mitochondria is related to the specialized proteins.
cell’s energy needs: cells with a high-energy Microvilli are small membrane projections.
metabolism have abundant mitochondria, Stereocilia are long microvilli with specialized
whereas cells with a low-energy metabolism have mechanosensory function.
few mitochondria. Cilia are larger projecting structures with a well-
Peroxisomes- are spherical organelles enclosed organized core of microtubules.
by a single membrane. Morphological Types of Epithelia:
Cytoskeleton- determine the shapes of cells, play Simple- One cell layer
an important role in the movements of organelles Squamous- Height; thin.
and cytoplasmic vesicles, and also allow the Cuboidal- rough.
movement of entire cells. Columnar- tall.
Microtubules- fine tubular structures. Stratified- two or more cell layers.
Microfilaments- composed of actin subunits and Squamous- thin and flat.
allow motility and most contractile activity in cells. Pseudostratified epithelia- thick with several
Intermediate filaments- stable; for structure. layers.
Keratins- protection. Transitional Epithelium- urinary system.
Vimentin- support CNS. Connective tissue- physically support and connect other
Neurofilaments- form the filaments of neurons. tissues and maintain the water required for metabolite
Lamins- structural framework. diffusion to and from cells.
Nucleus- command center of a cell. All adult connective tissues are derived from an
embryonic form of connective tissue called
Cells of connective tissue:
Fibroblast- elongated; secrete components of
Adipocytes- fat cells; storage of triglycerides.
Macrophages- are short-lived cells.
Mast cells- filled with granules during
Nuclear envelope- double set of membranes with a inflammation.
narrow perinuclear space. Plasma Cells- abundant secretion of specific
Nuclear pores- large assemblies of nucleoporins. antibodies.
Chromatin- combi. of DNA and associated Collagen- most important and abundant fibers of
proteins. connective tissue.
Types of Connective tissue: Inorganic BM- hydroxyapatite crystals- calcium
Loose connective tissue/ areolar- more ground phosphate salt.
substance than collagen, and it typically surrounds Periosteum- dense, fibrous connective tissue
small blood vessels. membrane (outer surface of bone).
Dense irregular connective tissue- random Endosteum- thin, delicate connective tissue
distributed collagen I. (internal surface).
Reticular tissue- collagen III; abundant in Types of bones:
lymphoid organs. Woven bones- primary bones; immature &
Mucoid tissue- gel-like connective tissue. unorganized.
Adipose tissue- energy storage in lipid droplet(s) with Lamellar bones- mature & organized.
triglycerides. Compact bone- dense outer layer of
bones; solid and smooth.
L4. CARTILAGE & BONE Cancellous bone- spongy; inner region
Cartilage- nerveless; flexible and resilient composed of ends of long bones.
chondrocytes. Osteogenesis/ Ossification- development and
Functions: formation of bone.
Providing structural support Sixth or seven week of embryonic life- bone
Facilitating smooth movement (joints) development.
Enabling growth and development Intramembranous ossification- making bone in
Types: between connective tissue membranes.
Hyaline cartilage- most common; translucent and Endochondral ossification- making bones
glassy; Collage II and aggrecan; chondrocytes & within the cartilage.
chondroblast; articular surface.
Elastic cartilage- elastic fibers; elasticity and
flexibility; Collagen II, aggrecan; chondrocytes &
chondroblast; external ear; transmit electrical
Fibrocartilage- strength and resilience; Collagen II,
dense connective tissue with collagen I;
Chondrocytes, fibroblasts; intervertebral discs.
Appositional Growth- additional growth of layer. Bone remodeling and repair- matrix is resorbed
Intersitial Growth- grow from w/in preexisting on one surface of a bone and deposited to another.
Osteoarthritis- degenerative joint disease; breakdown of
articular cartilage.
Chondrosarcoma- malignant tumor from cartilage cells.
Cartilage transplantation- Autologous chondrocyte
implantation (ACI) healthy cartilage.
Cartilage has a limited capacity for self-repair due to its
avascular nature.
Perichondrium- contributes in appositional growth.
Bones- living tissue that has complex and dynamic Metabolic role of bones: Reservoir of calcium
collagen fibers, calcium phosphate minerals, and various Parathyroid Hormone- raises low blood
cells. calcium level (breakdown of Ca from bone to
Functions: blood).
Support and protect the body Calcitonin- reduced elevated blood calcium
Facilitate movement thru muscles levels.
Storing materials: Ca and Phosphorus Joints- regions where adjacent bones are and
Reservoir for energy held together firmly by other connective tissues.
Adult= 206; Baby= 350
Types of bone cells:
Osteoblast- bone builder/maker; cuboidal with
single nucleus; surface of bones; mainly for bone
matrix synthesis (mineralization/ calcification) &
regulation of bone remodeling.
Osteocytes- Bone cell; mature cell; bone tissue;
dendrites/canaliculi- establish contact; for bone
remodeling response & regulation of bone
Osteoclast- bone breaker/ destroyer; multinucleated
cells; ruffled boarder; Bone resorption &
attachment and sealing zone formation.
Osteoporosis- weakening of the bones.
Bone matrix- specialized ECM forming the structural
framework of a bone tissue.
Organic BM- collagen fibers and other proteins.

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