Contemporary Muslim World Mid

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Contemporary Muslim World

Name: Faisal Mehmood

ID: F2020188027
Resource Person: Ma’am Reema Murad

Question: How did the European manage to colonize Muslim countries? what
were and are the after effects of this?
Islamic World and European Invasion
The Islamic world has been shaken by the modernization interaction. Rather than being one of
the heads of world development, Islamdom was rapidly and forever diminished to a reliant
coalition by the European powers. Muslims were presented to the scorn of the colonialists, who
were so completely pervaded with the advanced ethos that they were frequently dismayed by
what they could see as the backwardness, failure, submission to the inevitable and defilement
of Muslim society. They expected that European culture had forever been moderate, and
coming up short on authentic point of view to see that they were basically seeing a pre-current
agrarian culture, and that years and years sooner Europe had been similarly as "in reverse."
They frequently assumed that Westerners were innately and racially better than "Orientals"
and communicated their disdain in horde ways. This not unnaturally made a destructive
difference. Western individuals are much of the time dumbfounded by the aggression and fury
that Muslims frequently feel for their way of life, which, due to their altogether different
experience, they have viewed as freeing and enabling. In any case, the Muslim reaction isn't
strange and capricious; in light of the fact that the Islamic world was so far and wide and
decisively positioned, it was quick to be oppressed in a coordinated, precise way to the
colonization cycle in the Middle East, India, Arabia, Malaya and a huge piece of Africa. Muslims
in this multitude of spots early felt the brunt of this modernizing attack. Their reaction has not
been just a response to the new West, however the paradigmatic response. They wouldn't have
the option to come to advancement as effectively or as easily as, for instance, Japan, which had
never been colonized, whose economy and establishments had stayed in one piece and which
had not been constrained into a crippling reliance on the West.
The European attack of the Islamic world was not uniform, however it was exhaustive and
successful. It started in Mughal empire of India. During the last 50% of the eighteenth 100
years, British brokers had set up a good foundation for themselves in Bengal, and right now,
when modernization was still in its earliest stages, the British lived on a standard with the Hindu
and Muslim dealers. However, this period of British action is known as the "pillaging of Bengal,"
since it forever harmed the neighborhood business, and changed its agribusiness with the goal
that Bengalis no longer developed crops for themselves except for created natural substances
for the industrialized Western business sectors. Bengal had been diminished to below average
status on the planet economy. Step by step as the British turned out to be more "current" and
effective themselves, their disposition turned out to be more unrivaled, and still up in the air to
"edify" the Indians, upheld by the Protestant evangelists who began to show up in 1793.
However, the Bengalis were not urged to develop a completely industrialized society of their
own; the British executives presented just those parts of current innovation that would build up
their matchless quality and keep Bengal in a corresponding job. The Bengalis profited from
British proficiency, which kept such fiascos as illness, starvation and battle under control, and
the populace expanded accordingly however, this made new issues of congestion and
neediness, since there was no choice of relocation to the towns, as in the West, and individuals
all needed to remain on the land.
The European powers colonized an endless series of Islamic nations. France occupied Algeria in
1830, and Britain Aden nine years after the fact. Tunisia was occupied in 1881, Egypt in 1882,
the Sudan in 1889 and Libya and Morocco in 1912. In 1915 the Sykes-Picot arrangement
isolated the domains of the dying Ottoman Empire (which had favored Germany during the First
World War) among Britain and France fully expecting triumph. After the conflict, Britain and
France appropriately set up protectorates and orders in Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Iraq and
Transjordan. This was capable as a shock, since the European powers had guaranteed the Arab
territories of the Ottoman Empire autonomy. In the Ottoman heartlands, Mustafa Kemal, known
as Ataturk (1881-1938), had the option to keep the Europeans under control and set up the
autonomous territory of Turkey. Muslims in the Balkans, Russia and Central Asia became
subject to the new Soviet Union. Indeed, even after a portion of these nations had been permitted
to become free, the West frequently kept on controlling the economy, the oil or such assets as the
Suez Canal. European occupation frequently left a tradition of unpleasant clash. At the point
when the British pulled out from India in 1947, the Indian subcontinent was divided between
Hindu India and Muslim Pakistan, which are right up until today in a condition of lethal
aggression, with atomic weapons focused on one another's capitals. In 1948 the Arabs of
Palestine lost their country to the Zionists, who set up the Jewish mainstream province of Israel
there, fully backed up by the United Nations and the worldwide local area. The deficiency of
Palestine turned into an intense image of the embarrassment of the Muslim world because of the
Western powers, who appeared to feel no second thoughts about the dispossession and super
durable exile of countless Palestinians.

Effects of the colonization

Colonization Brings it self these major things Environmental degrading, Biasness, monetary
unsteadiness, competitions and human rights violation. The colonization of Muslim nations has
made enduring and permanent imprints on Islam and Islamic instruction. Besides the fact that
imperialism raised doubt about the mastery of the Islamic talk in Muslim nations, it additionally
forced on these nations’ common regulations, current state devices and Western-type instruction.
Therefore, these progressions produced various difficulties and difficulties for the Muslims
during and after the frontier time frame. On account of Islamic instruction, the vital discussions
and contentions focus on the spot and mission of Islamic schools against a scenery of freedom,
state-building, and modernization, the connection between and combination of "mainstream"
subjects and strict subjects and the "right" method for changing the Islamic schools.

(Frontline, n.d.)References
(n.d.). Retrieved from Frontline:

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