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Proyecto final


Yohana Janett Arrizon Salas


Ariadna Isolda Pereida Prado

Mexicali, B.C. a 31 de mayo del 2021

Lesson Plan #2.................................................................................................................2
Lesson Plan #1
School: Private School Teacher: Arrizon Yohana

Unit: 2 Routine Lesson: Room: Date Time: Time:

Prepositions of 05 50
time min

Grade: 2nd Level: A1 Age: 6-7 Subject: English Expected number: 25


Lesson objectives: Teacher Aims:

Identify the prepositions at, in, on. Make SS participate by his own.
Correlate the sentences with the Reduced TTT.
correct preposition and write his own
sentence using the correct preposition
of time.
Method used: Materials: PPT, Worksheets,
Communication approach
Anticipated problems: Anticipated Solutions:
Speakers may not work well Have the dialogues already written and
read it for the students to keep
practicing the listening activity

Procedure Time

Before  Check if speaker are working and connect projector. 10

 Greet SS and talk about T morning routine. min
 Ask SS about his own morning routine
 Eliciting about what time does he woke up, get breakfast,
enphasizes on times schedules.
 Introduce the topic.
During  Show the preposition of time in PPT 25
the  T Show examples of how to use it in real life. min
lesson  T gives them vocabulary of times of the day like morning,
 Make an exercise of choosing the correct preposition with
all the class.
 If SS are willing to participate choose one and that one
select another once the participation has done.
 T give SS worksheets and putt he audio for the next
 SS listen to the audio and wirte at or in in the worksheet
exercise 2
 SS have to complete exercise 3 of worksheet about
completing the text and exercise 4.
Activate  T ask SS to write some sentences about his weekend 10
using the time expressions at/in/on min

Closure Share with class the sentences they write 5 min

Extra activities:
Bring more worksheets and exercises for the ones that finish to quickly


Lesson Plan #2

School: Private School Teacher: Arrizon

Unit: Writing Lesson: Room: Date Time: Time
PostCards 05 21/05/31 : 50
Grade: 2nd Level: A1 Age: 6-7 Subject: English Expected number:
1 25
Lesson objectives: Teacher Aims:
Recognize the determiners, modify the Make SS participe and talks more than
text, rewrite it and write his own T.
Method used: Materials: Flash cards, ppt
Writing Technique
Anticipated problems: Anticipated Solutions:
SS doesn’t have enough vocabulary Bring flashcards about cities and
Procedure Time
Before  Eliciting by asking SS questions 10
class  Ask SS 5 questions for schema activation. min
 Add extra information to lead ss to the next step.
 Ask Ss to read the postcard that T is going to present.
 T ask SS to find the answers to the questions in the
During 1. T presents a postcard to Ss. 15
the 2. Ask ss to read the postcard on the ppt min
lesson 3. Postcards are going to be divided into three sections in
3. T asks SS to place the texts in the correct order.
4.Explain Ss that while written postcards words are often left
5.Show the determiners to SS and ask them to select where
they should go on the text (postcard).
6.If SS doesn’t want to participate, select one to achieve the
task, and he has to select another SS.
Activate  T show another postcard to SS. 15
 Ss have to read and select the words that can be left out min
by participating in class.
 Ss is going to write his own postcard to another class
mate with the information previously see in class.
 TT is going to present in a slide flashcards of cities and
activities what you can do on vacation in order to help
SS to choose and have more vocabulary.
Closure Discuss in class about SS vacations and share with class 10
what the postcards each one got. min

Extra activities:
If times goes faster ask SS to not only write the postcard but make one with
all the information a postcard should have, like address, stamp, etc.

Lesson Plan #3

School: Private School Teacher: Arrizon

Unit: Lesson: 2 Room: Date Time: Time
Vocabulary: pets 05 21/05/31 : 50
Grade: 2nd Level: A1 Age: 6-7 Subject: English Expected number:
1 25
Lesson objectives: Teacher Aims:
Identify the name of the pet animals. Reduced TTT, made students
participate the most using only english
Method used: Materials: Flash cards, ppt, images,
Communicative approach soup letter
Anticipated problems: Anticipated Solutions:
Already known the animals of the Have more flashcards with more
flashcards animals
Procedure Time
Before T. present herself, show an image with a lot of animals. 10
class Just show it a few seconds without saying anything about min
T. Ask S how many animals they can name in the image.
T. Take note of every animal they already know to check
During T. Show different images of animals that are pets in the 30
the house. Show an image, ask students to name it, if they do min
lesson not know the name, say it. Ask them to repeat the name,
also doing some mimics in order to catch their attention.
S. Identifying the name of the animals , repeat after T and
imitate his actions.
T. Make simple present sentences making the S to
complete it using the vocabulary of the pet animals.
S. Complete the sentence associating the correct name of
the animal.
T. Shows a letter soup
S. Identifying and finding the names they already learn.
Activate S. have to tell other students if they have a pet in his 5 min
house, which pet or if they want a pet and which is his
favorite pet animal to the class.
Closure T. Show once again the image from the beginning and 5 min
ask the students to each one identify an animal and make
a sentence in simple present using the animal they
T. Ask for homework to SS to search for 5 different pet
animals that wans’t been seen on class.
Extra activities:
Bring more names of animals that are less common and draw it on the
whiteboard, first the animal and student will try to guess which animal is and
their name in English.


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