Postcards Lesson Plan

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School: Private School Teacher: Arrizon Yohana

Unit: Writing Lesson: PostCards Room: Date Time: Time:

05 21/05/31 50
Grade: 2nd Level: A1 Age: 6-7 Subject: English Expected number: 25
Lesson objectives: Teacher Aims:
Recognize the determiners, modify the text, Make SS participe and talks more than T.
rewrite it and write his own postcard
Method used: Materials: Flash cards, ppt
Writing Technique
Anticipated problems: Anticipated Solutions:
SS doesn’t have enough vocabulary Bring flashcards about cities and vacations

Procedu Time
Before  Eliciting by asking SS questions 10
class  Ask SS 5 questions for schema activation. min
 Add extra information to lead ss to the next step.
 Ask Ss to read the postcard that T is going to present.
 T ask SS to find the answers to the questions in the
During 1. T presents a postcard to Ss. 15
the lesson 2. Ask ss to read the postcard on the ppt min
3. Postcards are going to be divided into three sections in disorder.
3. T asks SS to place the texts in the correct order.
4.Explain Ss that while written postcards words are often left out.
5.Show the determiners to SS and ask them to select where they
should go on the text (postcard).
6.If SS doesn’t want to participate, select one to achieve the task,
and he has to select another SS.
Activate  T show another postcard to SS. 15
 Ss have to read and select the words that can be left out min
by participating in class.
 Ss is going to write his own postcard to another class
mate with the information previously see in class.
 TT is going to present in a slide flashcards of cities and
activities what you can do on vacation in order to help
SS to choose and have more vocabulary.
Closure Discuss in class about SS vacations and share with class what 10
the postcards each one got. min
Extra activities:
If times goes faster ask SS to not only write the postcard but make one with all the
information a postcard should have, like address, stamp, etc.


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