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What is Fall Further ?

Fall Further is a modification for Fall from Heaven II, which itself is a modification of Civilization IV. The purpose of
this Modmod was initially to add additional, distinct civilizations to Fall from Heaven 2, whilst maintaining balance,
variety and flavour. Each civilization has a distinct playstyle, some unique artwork, flavourful civilopedia entries and a
few tricks up their sleeves. Since Version 030, some interface and other feature additions have also been included. This
trend will continue as other modders release mod-components into the community.
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Fall Further Team

Vehem - Modmod-Monkey - Responsible for starting this whole mess

Xienwolf - Code Tinker-Monger - Responsible for engine development and creating a host of new features
Tarquelne - Scion Sympathizer - Responsible for the rise of Undead Patria
Jean Elcard - The Flavournator - Responsible for maps, mini-mods and general flavoursome fun

Archos Civ Chislev Civ

Unit Art - Modified from existing FFH Artwork Unit Art - bernie14,
bernie14 sepamu92 (From Civfanatics FileDB)
Leaderhead - "Thomas Anlauf" (Posted on Elfwood)
Elfwood Leaderhead - Kirby Sattler (Website here)
Music - Posted previously by Stoik (DiploWar music) Music - White Buffalo by Native Amazonas
Original Suggestion and Flag - Slvynn Palace Art - Woodelf and Winddelay
Palace Art - Woodelf and Winddelay

Dural Civ Mazatl Civ

Unit Art - danrell (From Civfanatics FileDB) Unit Art - From Dragonia Mod (Woodelf
Woodelf Winddelay and Darque)
Leaderhead - Patron Wizard (Magic: The Gathering) Music - Posted previously by Stoik (DiploWar music)
Music - Posted previously by Stoik
Stoik (DiploWar music) Palace Art - Woodelf and Winddelay
Palace Art - Woodelf and Winddelay Hero Art and Wyvern Guard - remodeled and reskinned by
Statues of the Seven Virtues Art - Woodelf and Winddelay Winddelay

Cualli Civ Kahdi Civ

Unit Art - From Dragonia Mod (Woodelf,

Woodelf, Winddelay and Darque)
Darque Initial civ concept, concept artwork and original lore: Slyvnn
Leaderhead - Saurus Warrior (WHFB - property of Games Unit Art - NikNaks, Slyvnn and Varietas Delectat
Workshop) Music - Ambition (
Music - Posted previously by Stoik (DiploWar music)
Palace Art - Woodelf and Winddelay

Diverse Citysets
Ported to FfH by Falc.
Woodelf, Winddelay and Darque
Darque (Dragonia II mod)
BUG mod by "The BUG team"
GeoModder, asioasioasio, Chamaedrys, C.Roland, Ganart, Sevo, White
Component mods by Emperor Fool,Fool SimCutie,
SimCutie Impaler[WrG],
Rabbit, Woodelf and "the FfH art team" (Ethnic Citystyles Mod)
TheLopez, AsioAsioAsio, Ruff_hi, Alerum68, eotinb, Dr Elmer
Jiggles, Taelis, Cammagno, Sevo and Chinese American


It goes without saying, but this modmod is only possible because of the FFH2 mod itself, which I have spent far too many hours enjoying and for
which I am grateful to all members of the Modteam.
Swamp artwork adapted from Marsh terrain by Rhye
Explorable Lairs - original by Marnok
Broader Alignment - original by Grey Fox
Worker Promotions - original by Xienwolf
Seven Pines Artwork - Psychic_Llamas
Main Menu Image - Wojciech ( Voytek ) Nowakowski (without permission - will be removed if requested)
Main Menu Soundtrack - Phoenix Chronicles (Draqo
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Table of Contents

What is Fall Further?

Major Modifications
• New Civilizations
• New Units
• New Buildings
• New Terrain and Unique Features
IV. Civilizations

Amurites Infernal
Archos Khadi
Austrin Khazad
Balseraphs Kuriotates
Bannor Lanun
Calabim Ljosalfa
Chislev Luchuirp
Clan of Embers Malakim
Cualli Mazatl
Doviello Mercurians
Dural Scions of Patria
Elohim Sheaim
Grigori Sidar
Hippus Svartalfar

• Recon Units
• Arcane Units
• Disciple Units
• Siege Units
• Melee Units
Leader Traits
o Terrain
o Unique Features
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IV. Major Modifications of Fall
Fall Further

One of the first purposes of this modification was to extend the playable civilizations from Fall from Heaven. Of course
it has been taken care to create civilizations that are different in playstyle and game mechanics but fit into the Fall from
Heaven lore. All new civilizations are flavorful and balanced to allow long time motivation even longer than only Fall
from Heaven II. Not only new civilizations have been added also some minor tweaks have been applied to the existing
civilizations, making them even more diverse and interesting. These tweaks can be found for each civilization in chapter
V. Civilizations.

New Civilizations

Dural Civilization

Artists and students, the Dural are coming to realise that study alone will not sustain them in the wartorn Age of
Rebirth. Led by the visionary Dannmos, the Dural seek to return civilization to the world, or at least their corner of it -
though the task seems daunting indeed

With access to a number of unique national wonders (the Statues of the Seven Virtues) and the potent Professor unit (a
priest replacement who can cast Hope and Inspiration), the Dural can do well on any path within the game. They are
somewhat limited in religion (they can adopt religion and build disciples, but Temples and Priests are unavailable to
them) as they are more concerned with the achievements of man than the worship of the gods, and are not naturally
inclined to war but are quite capable of combat when the need arises. Their Hero - Karrlson - is a champion-level unit
who was once a student until he saw first hand the dangers the world faced, at which point he began to study warfare
instead. A good, solid choice for any player who enjoys a "builder" playstyle, with plenty of potential.

The Chislev Tribe

Tribal warriors out for revenge, the Chislev were almost wiped out when Jonas marched through their lands on the way
to wage war on the Bannor. Previously a peaceful people, the Chislev were forced to fight for survival with their leader
Absaroke at the fore. With the immediate danger now passed, the tribe must rebuild what they have lost if they are ever
to avenge the fallen.

The Tribe has a number of unique buildings, some of which replace existing early structures (Elder Council and Pagan
Shrine) and other, more potent buildings which can only be constructed once a number of others have been built within
the empire. The most important of this higher-level buildings is the Council of the Warchief - which provides the effect of
a Forbidden palace as well as boosting military production and global city-defence. One of these can in theory be built for
every 3 cities, leading to the possibility of many small groups of settlements, each close to a "centre of government" to
reduce maintenance. Additionally, the Chislev only civic - "Tribal Law" - acts in a similar manner to City States, but
reduces Number of Cities maintenance instead of distance. Finally, when their world spell is cast, the Chislev receive free
units in every city containing a Council of the Warchief, as the troops are
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rallied to seek their revenge. On the downside, the tribe has recently abandoned their homes, and suffers somewhat in the
early game - lacking the means to make rapid tech-progress. Once they get established however, their enemies should be
wary. A good civ for those who like to build early and war late.

The Archos

The Archos spent the Age of Ice trapped in spider infested caves. Over time they developed mutations and even began to
worship the spiders. Shortly before the Age of Rebirth dawned, a formal spider cult emerged worshipping a giant spider
they commonly called "Mother". Whilst the cult remains secretive and below ground even now, they hold sway over their
barbaric tribe who have returned to the surface, under the command of Daracaat. Daracaat is fierce warrior, none-too-
subtle in his approach but wily enough to understand the position the spider cult has put him in. He wishes to build the
power of the tribe and conquer those civilizations nearby and uses brute strength and giant spiders to do it.

The Archos are a "barbarian-friendly" civilzation, though they tend to allow their spiders to feed upon any orcs that
stray too close. Whilst the civilization has a strong "spider-theme", they cannot build spiders themselves and mostly rely
on the brute strength of their warriors, especially in the early game. The spiders are born in the "Nest-City" (Capital)
which benefits greatly when it increases in size. At Size 5, Baby Spiders are born periodically, whilst at Size 10 this
changes to Giant Spiders. At Size 20, the Giant Spiders become Strong. There is one other important size-level for the
Nest - size 15. This is the minimum size required to cast their world-spell, which brings their Hero unit "Mother" into the
world. She's a big spider. And fun. 'nuff said. Subtle game-play isn't high on the list of Archos traits - they like to war
and have the means to do it. Their Melee line lacks access to some of the weapon upgrades (generally only available to
higher level units than normal) but make up for that with poison strength. Their Recon line is especially potent, and leads
to the tech required to wake Mother (Feral Bond) and eventually toward the tech required to train Haruspex - the spider
priests. These druid replacements trade summoning abilities for the Chaos Sphere, making them a unique blend of druid
and attack-caster. The Archos have good potential for early war, and it just gets better once Mother and friends turn

Enter the Lizardmen - Cualli and Mazatl Civilizations

The Cualli and Mazatl civilizations are two surviving factions of an ancient race that was all but destroyed in the Age of
Ice. Whilst they share a common root, they have developed in dramatically different directions since the dawn of the Age
of Rebirth.

The Cualli survived the Age of Ice by making pacts with their dark god. Now bound to his service, they are a selfish and
bloodthirsty people. Utilizing slavery and blood sacrifices to build their empire and dark magics combined with natural
aggression to conquer their neighbours. Their leader is ruthlessly cunning and cold blooded in his tactics and their high-
level units are incredibly potent, combining the power and stealth of the Shadow unit with the spell casting abilities of
the Priest line.

The Mazatl on the other hand are an enlightened civilization, burdened with the foresight of the impending Armageddon.
Their priests have divined what will happen if none stand to prevent the Infernals and the Sheaim from completing their
plans, so they now make preparations to make that stand.
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Lust for Knowledge - Kahdi

A new civ with an identity crisis - the Kahdi are ambitious, power hungry and utterly convinced that they're actually
"nice guys". Believing that they serve Oghma
in pursuit of knowledge, their path has been twisted by Mammon and they truly covet power instead. Granted a direct
link to Oghma's vault through "Vault Gates",
will Kahd eventually discover the truth and if so - with which god will he side?

Where the wind blows - Austrin

The Austrin are born explorers and their units and abilities reflect their wandering ways. Whilst the short term benefits
of exploration are obvious, units like the Tracker also allow you to keep your lands safe from barbarians more easily
whilst your melee forces are more mobile than those of other civilizations. Eventually they are able to field units such as
the Windsword and Pegasus riders.

Scions of Patria

The Scions of Patria claim they represent the rebirth of humankind's greatest empire and Erebus' best hope for salvation,
for life. But the enigmatic Risen Emperor's people are themselves long dead. Are the Scions reindling the glory of a lost
age, or harbingers of an unnatural doom? A study in contradictions, within the shining cities of Patria Reborn
sophisticated pleasures war with the despair of eternal existance. The Scions' rich markets are full of precious things
from the Age of Magic, but traders must seek them through the macabre Haunted Lands. In the Haunted Lands
Ghostwalkers melt through and with the shadows, and grotesque mergings of the living and the dead can lead to
madness or great wealth. Champions of art and philosophy, the citizens of Patria Reborn also worship their Risen
Emperor with burning fanaticism.

Full citizens of Patria Reborn are all undead. Cities don't gain population by accumulating Food. Instead they entice
Awakened citizens out of the Bottomless Tomb with desirable resources or attractive Civics. Additionally, the Scions
may either persuade or forcibly convert members of other civilizations.

Patria Reborn is led either by their Risen Emperor or by Korrina, guardian of the Emperor's Mausoleum. Under Korrina
the Scions may adopt other religions. The Risen Emperor is "Agnostic", but provides access to units and buildings of a
state religion. When the Risen Emperor rules Korrina is the Scions' Hero, and visa versa.

The Scions also have access to the four Grand Councilors of the Dark Council: Pelemoc Goldtongue, Themoch the Silent
Watcher, Melante the Artful Governor, and Alcinus the Mad Thaumaturge. Most Scions units are undead and many have
unusual abilities. The Melee line features Headless spearmen and heavy infantry formations. The Recon line contains
skirmishers, transforming Reaching Creepers and Ghostwalkers, and the terrible Horned Dread. The Arcane line has
Necromancers, Corpus spells, and Mana types chosen partially at random by the mad Alcinus. The Haunted Lands are
the Scions' special terrain Feature. Along with Commerce and combat benefits it inhibits the growth of other
civilizations, spawns Reaching Creepers, shelters Haunts, and can place a variety of curses on invaders, including
transformation into hostile undead.
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Master Buildings

In Fall Further there are a new category of buildings – the Master buildings. They have beenn included to provide even
more variety to the game. Since different types of weapons (Bronze/Iron/Mithril) are avaiable in Fall Heaven/Fall
Further the importance of controlling one of these weapon upgrades can not be underestimated. To compensate the
situation of not controlling one of the metals
tals the Master buildings allow the player to upgrade his units and make them
stronger. The first Master building of its type has to be built by a great Engineer, the following of the same type can then
be built by the normal production of a town. If the player has been built the Master Outfitter, Master Rancher, Master
Fletcher and the Master Smith he is able to build the Master Hall, which grants a neat bonus to production.

10% Military Production

+3 Gold, Great People +1, +10% Production, -10%
Master Outfitter Can turn 1 citizen into Engineer
Requires Hunting Lodge

+3 Gold, Great People +1, +10% Production, -10%

10% Military Production
Master Fletcher Can turn 1 citizen into Engineer
Requires Archery Range

+5 Gold, Great People +1

Master Rancher Can turn 1 citizen into Engineer, Merchant
Requires Jousting Tilt

+3 Gold, Great People +1, +10% Production, -10%

10% Military Production
Master Smith Can turn 1 citizen into Engineer
Requires Training Yard

Great People +1, +15% Production, -15%% Military Production

Master Hall Can turn 1 citizen into Engineer,, +1 free Engineer
Requires Master Outfitter, Fletcher, Rancher and Smith
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IV. Civilizations


The Amurites have no ancient history, no glorious empire in the Age of Magic to harken back
to or trace their lineage from. In terms of civilizations, the Amurites are newcomers on the
world stage. Nevertheless, they are a force to be reckoned with, feared by some, and respected
by all. Part of that respect stems from the tremendous magical power the Amurite armies
command, but no small part of it stems from the incredible story of their genesis.
The Amurites call themselves the Children of Kylorin. According to their own legends, the
arrival of the archmage Kylorin saved the Amurite people from obscurity, or possibly extinction, during the Age of Ice.
Not even the Amurites know exactly why Kylorin picked these people as his chosen folk, but they maintain that it was
because of a particular strength of character.
Whatever the reason, when Kylorin appeared he changed the fortunes of the tiny, struggling clan that had been the
Amurites. For years he lived in their midst, taking new wives as his old ones died of old age or in childbirth, leading the
Amurites to a level of organization and advancement unrivalled by any other nation in the Age of Ice. Generations came
and went, but Kylorin remained a constant, working towards some arcane goal with the Amurites as his willing and
joyous tools. Whether through magic or sheer force of will, he remained young throughout.
Until, one day, Kylorin strode out of his home. His face had aged many years, terrible purpose shone in his once soft
and kindly eyes, and a magnificent blade hung faintly glowing by his side. With no farewells and no apologies, he went
forth into the icy wastes and never came back. Soon after, the Thaw began.
He had, however, left behind a powerful gift: his children. Through the years there had been quite a few, and they all
carried latent magical abilities. Though the advancement made during the guardianship of the immortal wizard started
leaking away during the Thaw, Kylorin's powers remained. Throughout the years, the children of Kylorin intermarried
with the rest of the Amurites, and the abilities spread, making the Amurites the civilization that is most magnificently in
touch with the magical currents of Erebus.
This link has affected every aspect of Amurite life. They run their nation like a great magical school, training as
many of their young as possible in, at the very least, basic magic skills. Their schools are so famous, they even attract
those with magical abilities from other corners of the globe to join their ranks. The Archmages and Headmasters of the
Schools and Universities act like an aristocracy in a nation that does not really have one, wielding great political power
beyond the walls of their institutions.
As with any large collection of scholars, the Amurites are mired in scholarly bureaucracy, the most insipid form of
administrative quagmire known to man. The Archmages, like professors, are frequently involved in petty squabbles over
obscure matters that develop into personal feuds. Positions and knowledge are jealously guarded and hard to obtain;
potential rivals are stonewalled at every turn. It is easy to become a mage in the service of the Amurites, but it takes a
shrewd, powerful and unscrupulous practitioner of magic to rise to the apex of magical power.
Above all, the Amurites have come to worship magic for its own sake. Their fascination with all aspects of magic is
so deep that they do not feel hindered by petty alignments and concepts of "good" and "evil". Any avenue of magic can be
explored, but some branches, like necromancy, are governed by strict laws and regulations, in order to prevent abuse and
disasters. Justice for a mage who ignores these laws and starts dabbling in the regulated branches without obtaining the
necessary permission is merciless, final, and in keeping with their fascination with the uses of magic, rather spectacular.
No possibility is left for a repeat offence.
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Since the Amurites do not feel themselves confined by the alignments most nations follow, they are treated with a
healthy amount of distrust by good and evil civilizations. Evil civilizations dislike the regulation of the dark and chaotic
spheres, good civilizations are worried that they are not forbidden entirely. While not specifically hated by any, they have
trouble making truly close allies. However, they don't feel they need any. As long as they are left in peace to conduct their
magical experiments, they are happy, and wise rulers respect that. Those few who have crossed the Amurites and felt
the fire of their
heir arcane might have no desire to repeat the experience. Many have not been left the option.


Dain the Caswallawn Valledia the Even

Neutral Neutral
Philosophical- Arcane Organized - Arcane
Govannon Hero Govannon
Arcane Lacuna World Spell Arcana Lacuna
Ancient Chants Starting
Starting Technology Ancient Chants

Unique Units

Wizard Chanter Swordsman Firebow

4 1 140
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When the Age of Ice came upon Erebus, civilized men abandoned their cities and fled to the
caves. In the darkness below the world, some managed to maintain their former society and
heritage and waited out the Ice Age amongst friends. Others however were not so fortunate
in their choice of cave. One such group were the Archos - a minor barbarian tribe during the
Age of Magic. Fleeing the surface as the blizzards blasted their village, the Archosians fled
into a large cave-complex.
The tribe had not expected to abandon their village and had little time to prepare supplies in their hurried flight. The
caves themselves offered little - save for shelter - and in desperation the tribe turned to eating the insects that dwelled in
the upper caves. Scouts were sent to investigate further into the caves to find other food and when they returned days
later, they carried with them a number of spider carcasses - each roughly the size of a man's head. The caves below
teemed with these creatures and it seemed that - whilst unpleasant tasting - they would provide adequete food. A few
tribesmen became ill at first, but over the years they developed an immunity to the poison.
The immunity was not complete however. Slowly but surely the poison was building up in the bodies of the
tribesmen and being passed down to the next generation. Some of the newborn showed signs of mutation or
disfigurement and almost all took on an unhealthy looking pallour. Shortly before the time that the ice began to recede, a
cult emerged amongst members of the tribe and centred around the worship of the spiders. The cult did not stop
consuming the young spiders, but treated the meal more as a ritual than a method of survival. For each meal, they gave
thanks to a greater spider, commonly called "Mother".
With the fall of Mulcarn and the dawning of the Age of Rebirth, the tribe emerged from the caves and resettled on the
surface. Whilst the majority of the the tribesmen returned to the old ways, the Spider-Cult gained strength. They are still
a minority in the village, but a significant one and they wield much power. Where the tribesmen are brutish and
aggressive, the cult manipulates their strength to do Mother's bidding.
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Aggressive – Barbarian - Defender
Hero Mother
World Spell Awaken Mother
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The Austrin are explorers. All civilizations are naturally drawn to discover what lies outside
their walls - knowing of threats and opportunities is essential to their development - but for
the Austrin the need is compelling. They did not exist as an organized people before the Age
of Ice - they could be identified only as the loners who defied the advice of the village elders
and walked the frozen lands around the village. During the time that the ice receded, they
were among the first to take to the wilds. Many were surprised to see others there at all, but
when they did meet they found kindred spirits.
Eventually they began to settle, often in the furthest reaches of a windswept moor or heath. Their cities are practical
constructions - roughly built yet designed to endure - where young Austrin are prepared to make their way in the world.
The defacto leader of the Austrin is Deirdra - a prolific wanderer and self stated worshipper of Tali, though few
among the Austrin have ever seen her perform any form of religious rite to prove her devotion. Those who know better
realize that worshipping Tali is generally a personal matter and better suited to a mountaintop than a temple and
Deirdra often travels to find such a place when she faces a difficult choice on behalf of her people. To outsiders, she is
enigmatic yet charming, often seemiming whimsical - though if a foreign diplomat mistakes this for a weakness of
character which can be exploited, they swiftly discover this is not the case.
Whilst the Austrin are generally aware of and appreciate Tali's nature, his worship is not a principle religion
amongst them. Their settlements often have temples dedicated to various powers, even to Kilmorph who is traditionally
the antithesis of Tali (for a time a group worshipping Kilmorph became quite prominent in Telynohn, though their
popularity fluctuated and waned - the Austrin often change their mind).
More important than religion to most Austrin however is the Exploration Guild. This started as a loose group of
explorers who combined their efforts to chart the surrounding lands, but has since grown to be a place of training and
preparation for the young as well as a respite for those too elderly to travel the world anymore. The first charts have
become atlases and the guild claims to know more about the world than even the omniscient seers of the neighbouring
Amurites. Despite the wealth of knowledge the guild holds, the Austrin are still drawn to that which lies beyond their
maps - the unknown.
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Expansivc – Charismatic - Adaptive
Hero Harmatt
World Spell Tempest
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The Balseraphs have access to the most unusual units, the Taskmaster who can capture
slaves in any civic option, the harlequins that can cast chaos spells, Puppeteers who cast their
spells through comical puppets, and mimics, who steal a promotion of any defeated unit.
Kylorin was the greatest mage who ever lived, unrivaled in versatility or insight. There were
some individuals, though, who surpassed him in raw talent. Jealousy was never a fault of
Kylorin, even at his most depraved, and he sought out those with particular aptitude to take
as his personal pupils. Perpentach was one of his students, a master of mind magic before he even knew it. He could
control minds without even trying. Doing so frequently at a young age took a toll on his sanity. Kylorin healed his mind
when he found him, and with Perpentach's unrivaled powers at his disposal, his increasingly dark empire never once
faced the threat of revolt. Until Kylorin himself saw what he, and by his hand most of mankind, had sunk to. Kylorin
tried to reform Patria, but doing so brought its ruin, for the most powerful people on the planet, his pupils, had been
molded by him into cold-hearted instruments of control and oppression, and few of them wanted to take the limits their
master then tried to impose. When Kylorin went to stop Perpentach, he almost lost his life for it. He did the only thing he
could do to survive, stunning Perpentach by undoing his previous work, and Perpentach's mind was flooded with all the
thoughts and personalities he had acquired with his magic.
Unwilling to kill the man he had corrupted, Kylorin locked Perpentach in the Tower of Eyes, a dungeon deep in the
wastelands guarded by mindless golems. There he would have spent the rest of his mad days had it not been had for a
circus caravan that wandered close enough for Perpentach to gain control. This was the start of the Balseraph nation, as
Perpentach used the circus people to carry his mind to a nearby village and brought them under his control to free him
from his prison. This would surely have led to another confrontation with his master, had not the Age of Ice intervened.
Perpentach lasted the age by taking over the body of a young man when he aged, and he and the circus people and their
descendants, either controlled by his magic or subdued by it, lasted that dire age by hiding from the Illian White Hand.
When his old master freed the world from Mulcarn's grasp and warmth and prosperity returned to Erebus, Perpentach
set out to rebuild his empire. His madness does not cripple him, but his realm is like no other, whimsy and deadly at once.
It is not easy to fool the master of mind magic, but the Sheaim are not strangers to the arcane, and a spy from their
realm was able to pose as a courtesan in Perpentach's mad court. She was found, though not before conceiving a child
with Perpentach, a girl which was kept and raised by puppets, imps, djinn and other summoned creatures. Keelyn has
little concept of mortality or morality, but she does have powerful summoning at her disposal, making her a dangerous
wildcard in the politics of Erebus. Perpentach has never publicly acknowledged her, due to madness or perhaps some
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Keelyn Perpentach
Evil Evil
Creative - Summoner Creative – Charismatic – Arcane - Insane
Loki Hero Loki
Revelry World Spell Revelry
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The Bannor are a good all around civ who shine once embarking upon a total war. Their
Crusade civic will give them troops on the field and decreased war weariness. The Bannor
started with a handful of people, trapped in hell during the fall of Braduk but rescued by
Sabathiel, an angel in Junil's service. In exchange for their salvation, the spirits bound
themselves and their descendants to ceaselessly battle the forces of chaos and disorder. As
Sabathiel led the honorable spirits forth into the light, they formed the vanguard in a
devastating war against the Clan of Embers, even more powerful then than they are today. Throughout the entire Age of
Rebirth the Bannor waged brutal and merciless war not only on the Clan, but on all who would not submit to law and
Throughout this war of liberation and extermination, these heroes of an ancient age forged conquered, allied, and
submitting tribes, cities, and nations into a human empire which, with the aid and guidance of Sabathiel, may stand firm
even against the looming apocalypse, when unequaled evil is loosed upon Erebus.
This continuing Holy War permeates every part of their society, leaving it almost totally militarized. For the Bannor,
there is no clear line between religion, family, and politics. They apply a frightening religious fervor to the art of war, and
their obsession with order makes even the peasant regiments among the best drilled of all the empires. All men are
trained from childhood in the arts of war – hand to hand combat, archery, self defense, strength, and agility. Unlike most
other societies, there are plenty of possibilities for rising through the ranks through bravery and skill, a fact which
inspires as much if not more fighting fervor than the religious element.
Because they need to be defended and ready at all times, outlying villages are more like forts, every farm is a small
castle, the cities are huge garrison towns but also centers of trade, religion, and diplomacy. Few men are without scars
from battle and the women are strong willed and hardened. They know that the children they raise may one day be lost
in battle, and they also know that one day the war may come to them. It is a rare woman among the Bannor that cannot
handle a sword.
A central part of understanding the fabric of Bannor society is understanding the split between estates and "free
land". The estates are enormous tracts of land, almost sub-kingdoms, under the rule of an Order, a Family or one of
those peculiarities of the Bannor: a Hereditary Order – a religious order with members exclusively from one clan.
Centered on a stronghold or small fortified city, the main function of the estates is to provide the necessary resources to
field one Order or Family division, the powerful and highly dedicated fighting forces that make up the feared backbone of
the Bannor armies.
The lion's share of the land in the Bannor empire is the "free land". The villages and cities that occupy and make a
living off this land must, in addition to paying taxes and organizing their own defenses, provide a number of soldiers,
fully trained and equipped, according to the wealth of the settlement. Although the Orders and Families are the
spearhead and armored fist of Bannor armies, "free land" conscripts provide the bulk forces that are needed to carry a
By far the most numerous of the estate-holders, the non-hereditary Orders will take fighters from all across the
world, all nations and races. Those deemed worthy in prowess and intelligence are taught in the ways and language of
the Bannor and then join the fighting forces on the same footing as native Bannor.
The hereditary Orders are in reality families that have founded or taken over control of an Order. All the major
positions are held by and passed down from father to son, uncle to nephew, like any usual aristocratic title. It is one of
the few options a rich non-noble family has of gaining an estate and the power and responsibility that comes with it.
Fall Further 0.50
The noble Families all trace their lineage back to one of the spirits that Sabathiel set free. They use this holy heritage
to legitimize their enormous power, and it is the reason the priesthood tolerates their existence and their meddling in the
running of things. There are very few Families, but every one of them wields as much power and wealth as an Order.
However, the priesthood keeps these secular powerhouses under careful and strict control, lest they attempt to change
the fabric of Bannor society.
The highly-trained and well-equipped men who fight in the professional divisions of the Orders and Families come
from a variety of backgrounds and fight for any number of reasons: Some do it for money or status, some few do it for
glory or personal revenge, but most do it because they truly believe they are on the front line of the war against Evil.
As any Bannor priest could tell you, the war fought by the Bannor is far more complicated than a simple Good-Evil
battle. The priesthood, under the guidance of Sabathiel (or so they claim) decide who is an enemy. Although they have yet
to fight a civilization that conforms to some kind of law and sense of justice and compassion, few who can avoid it dare
cross the Bannor, lest they be "damned" and added to the list of civilizations that must be taught to repent.
The focal point of the entire Bannor Empire is their capital, centered around the Bannor Palace, The Halls of
Sabathiel. Although still recognizably a garrison city, it is also a sprawling, international metropolis matched by few
other cities in Erebus. This is where the Orders have their headquarters, this is where the Families meet to discuss affairs
of state, and this is where people come to consult with the priesthood. People of all races flock to the city to swell the
ranks of the Orders, the Halls of Sabathiel have a constant stream of visitors coming to pay tribute or ask favors of his
priests, and the bazaars and markets attract traders from far and wide, catering to the needs of a multiracial,
multinational and multicultural army and administration.
Sabathiel, the mythical ruler of the Bannor,unwilling to set foot upon Erebus break the letter or the spirit of the
Compact, is said to reside deep within the recesses of his Halls, watching, guiding, teaching, and warding over the
Bannor, urging them on but unable to physically manifest. He is a shadow king, never seen by his subjects but always a
haunting figure, ever present in their consciousness.Their battlefield commanders are much more present figures to most
Bannormen, Capria being the best example, who as a young girl led her people as they stepped from hell, and soon grew
in honor and authority through the end of the Age of Ice and dawn of he Age of Rebirth.
In this day, there are those even among the Bannor, and even more so among their enemies, who whisper that both
Sabathiel and his original spirits are naught but legends invented by a militant priesthood looking for ways to legitimize
their rule. Whatever the truth of the matter, the fact is that in the Age of Rebirth, the Bannor must rely on human flesh
and cold steel, not angels and spirits, to bring Law to the dark corners of the world.
Fall Further 0.50

Capria Decius Sabathiel

Good Neutral Good
Spiritual - Industrious Organized - Conqueror Organized - Charismatic
Hero Donal Lugh Donal Lugh Donal Lugh
World Spell Rally Rally Rally
Fall Further 0.50

The Calabim main strength lies in their vampire units on the Fuedalism tech, which gain great
power by feasting on citizens in their cities. The Age of Ice almost spelt the end of the
Vampires. When the vast sheets spread over the once-fertile land, their main source of food,
humanity, started to become scarce and ever more concentrated in small tribes. Fearing a fate
worse than death, the shadowy almost-death of a vampire deprived of fresh nourishment for
centuries, most vampires tried to cling to the ever-shrinking communities of survivors. A
lone vampire trapped in a small group of people quickly switches from hunter to prey. One by one, the vampires were
dispatched to the afterlife.
Of those few vampires who escaped the hunters, most took to a feral existence, living off whatever inferior blood
they could scavenge in the wild, preying off the occasional human unfortunate enough to be caught alone. But some wise
few realized that the only path to survival lay in making the natural transition from parasite to master.
Lead by the ancient siblings Alexis and Flauros, a small group of surviving vampires "adopted" a rag-tag tribe of
humans. Using their powers as immortals, unaffected by cold, or exhaustion, gifted with incredible vision and speed, they
made sure the tribe had plenty of food. And all they asked in return was an endless, expendable resource: A few drops of
blood. But a vampire's powers are not restricted to supernatural senses and strength-–their great power is in the mind.
Slowly but surely, using their natural powers of guile and persuasion, and dangling the "Dark Gift" as bait to lure the
best and strongest humans into helping them, the vampires wormed their way to the top of their little society. Few
wished to oppose them, and risk losing their valuable hunting skills. Those who did, had accidents, or simply
When the humans finally realized what was happening, it was too late. They were trapped in a hellish situation, little
more than cattle for a growing class of parasitic nobility, and they had been trapped there of their own free will.
Now, Flauros and Alexis are the Grand Prince and Princess of a depraved and hopeless society of bloodpets and
slaves, controlled by the Grand Broods, the vampire families that rule each city as their own personal estate farms, living
in decadent luxury, and sating their lust for blood at will. The Calabim are the apex of vampire evolution, an abomination
that is the natural enemy of all holy nations.
Fall Further 0.50

Decius Alexis Flauros

Neutral Evil Evil
Organized - Conqueror Philosophical - Aggressive Financial - Organized
Hero Losha Valas Losha Valas Losha Valas
World Spell River of Blood River of Blood River of Blood
Fall Further 0.50

The Chislev people have long lived in small tribes of one or two villages each, though consider
themselves to be one tribe bound by their culture and language. The nature of this fractured
nation was altered forever when Jonas Endain led the orcs from Braduk the Burning in war
against the Bannor. The Chislev had always been a peaceful people, but the march of the orcs
swept through their jungle home and whole villages were slaughtered and burnt to the
ground. Many of the Chislev fled from the onslaught and fell back to the plains, but the losses
suffered were intolerable.
The grieving tribes banded together to perform the funeral rites of their people. It was during these rites that the
young Absaroke came to unite a number of the tribesmen in a resolution for vengeance and war on the orcs. Absaroke
was not a rash man however, despite his youth. He knew that a war so soon after their terrible losses would be futile.
Instead, he led a group of the bravest tribesmen into the flank of the orc army, hoping to cause distraction sufficient to
allow other villages still caught up in the advance to fall back and join them. The tactic succeeded and after a night of
fierce battle, Absaroke led his party home before Jonas could turn his attention to the tribe. The orcs continued the march
toward the Bannor and the previously stranded Chislev fell back to the plains with their kin. Absorke dubbed those who
joined him that night as his "warchiefs" and sent them out to re-establish villages and rebuild the strength of the tribe.
When the time came, every warchief vowed to be ready. Years have passed, and that time is now approaching.

Natane Absaroke
Neutral Neutral
Organized - Defender Spiritual - Raiders
Meskwaki Hero Meskwaki
Warpath World Spell Warpath
Fall Further 0.50
Clan of Embers

The Clan has access to the cheapest, but not always the most powerful, units in the game.
Starting at peace with the barbarians, and with access to Fire mana, allows them a strong
early and mid-game start which may wane if they haven't established themselves well by the
time other civilizations start making the more-advanced units and heroes.
Fire was the tool Kylorin used to cleanse the rot from Patria, for Bhall had given her
righteous followers gifts to rival those sorcerous powers gained first from Ceridwen. The
passionate fire goddess was a force for good. Those who loved justice and mercy could use her power to counter the
wicked mages Kylorin had trained. But she fell to the wily whispers of Agares, god of despair, raining fire on the just and
unjust alike in a terrible day heralding the end of the Age of Magic. Once devout men of many nations, the orcs were
transformed, cursed and enraged when Bhall fell. The holy city of Braduk had the goddess pass through as she fell from
the Heavens, taking many of those who loved goodness and trapping them in Hell. Half the city was rendered a flaming
pit, but those people who remained, in touch with the fiery spirit of Bhall, were twisted into the Orcs. Mulcarn, Bhall's
former nemesis, took this chance to claim dominion over Erebus, and the orcs, along with the rest of the world, were
ushered into the Age of Ice.
They survived, huddled around the fires of Braduk the Burning, and developed barbarous rituals and a savage
warrior culture, raiding struggling human settlements. The holy scepter of the High Priest of Bhall was affixed with a
brutal axe head by the Orc warlord Orthus, and many nascent tribes fell to its power. One people stood up to the Orcs,
though. Those who had been taken to Hell with Bhall were freed by Sabathiel, the Archangel of Junil late in the Age of
Ice, as Mulcarn's contest with Kylorin drew near. These battle-hardened warriors were a true test for the savage orcs,
but the orcs were too numerous for the Bannor to defeat, living in the relative luxury admist the fires of Braduk. Jonas
was a fierce warlord of great renown among the orcs, who resented being subordinate to the matriarchal priesthood of
Bhall. He staged a coup against the high priestess, but Bhall took notice of her people again, and humbled Jonas, making
him her priest. Captured as a babe, the Orc Sheelba was raised among the Bannor as a human girl but was spurned and
taken in by the Orc Clans, united under Jonas' Ember Banner. Her insights into civilization have to potential to allow
these clans to rise above the petty barbarous orc tribes led by the likes of Orthus, even as their sheer strength and Jonas
cunning allows them to tear down the human civilizations.
Fall Further 0.50

Jonas Endain
Endain Sheelba
Evil Evil
Spiritual – Expansive - Barbarian Aggressive – Organized - Barbarian
Rantine Hero Rantine
For the Horde World Spell For the Horde
Fall Further 0.50

When the Lizardman civilization of the Age of Magic fled from Mulcarn's destructive entry to
creation, many found refuge in a cave complex near the heart of a volcano. These refugees
would later become the Mazatl. There were other survivors however that did not survive
through such fortune. In desperation, some of the Lizardmen made pacts with the darker
forces of their pantheon, most notably the dark god Agruonn - lord of self and strength. The
pact made with Agruonn allowed a group of lizardmen to hibernate in a specially protected
chamber beneath the earth, only to awaken when the warmth returned to the land. In exchange, the descendants of these
survivors would serve Agruonn's needs.
The "god" that the lizardmen knew as Agruonn is in fact the fallen angel Aeron. The lizardmen he saved from
Mulcarn - now known as the Cualli - are bound to his service, with the strongest and most ruthless of their kind being
his most favoured servants. Once known as an angel of strength, Aeron's nature now is bloodthirsty and selfish and this
is reflected in the nature of the Cualli.

Aggressive – Agnostic – Cold Blooded
Hero Miquiztli
World Spell Slave Drive
Fall Further 0.50

Doviello are well set for early conquest, with an extra strong starting units and few bulding
requriements on their units. Should they carve a strong empire early, they may continue to
thrive as Erebus heats up. Charadon was a young boy raised in the harsh Age of Ice. Whether
this accounts for his savagery or some other worldly taint is a question for the ages, but it did
allow him and his tribe to survive. He copied the tactics of the wolf packs preying on his
people, taking the strongest under his wing, sharing with those who helped his tribe survive
but abandoning those that slowed it down. Other men and women joined this tribe, their alternatives being submission to
Mulcarn's White Hand priesthood or a cold lonely death. Only the Doviello were free and thriving in the heart of the
winter, but the cost of this was any noble aspects of their humanity. The ruling Illians left the Doviello alone to prey on
those tribes that gained Mulcarn's enmity. Eventually the Doviello clashed with Kylorin's Amurites, and the savage wolf
as forced to heel. Kylorin bested them, turning them against their former master. As the the Age of Rebirth dawns, the
Doviello wonder if they made a mistake. They did what they felt they had to do to survive, but by allowing the Age of Ice
to end they have endangered their way of life. The wolf is adaptable, but also cunning, and should they sniff out Auric
Ulvin's plans a path to their old dominance may arise.
Mahala seeks to reawaken the spirit of their founder, Charadon, whose leadership would renew the Doviello's savage
ties, though a path of strength through civilization is also open to the Doviello's current pack leader.

Charadon Mahala
Evil Evil
Aggressive - Barbarian Raiders - Ingenuity
The War Machine Hero The War Machine
Wild Hunt World Spell Wild Hunt
Fall Further 0.50

The Dural civilization is characterized by its achievements. As a people, they celebrate that
which they have created - be it art, literature, architecture or a fine steel blade. Their works
are for the interests and greater glory of mankind, rather than slavishly working to serve as
pawns in the Godswar. Of course, not all of the people are even aware of the Godswar -
they're far too busy with their work to learn of such things. Unlike the Grigori, they do not
seek personal truth and enlightenment. To the Dural, the truth of their lives is whatever they
create. They also feel that any creation of their people belongs to all of their people - when one excels, they all do.
Whilst the Dural are not subservient to any of the major religions, some see value in them. Disciples are able to
spread the ideas of religion and creed though few Dural would seek to preach of their beliefs and they do not build
temples to worship the gods.
The Dural seek to further their abilities and exceed those of their predecessors, and as such are prone to specialism.
Those of a similar speciality tend to group together, though there is currently no formal guild or caste system in place.
Citizens of all specialities may attend a Dural College, where they are free to study their area and share ideas with other
Whilst not a naturally warlike people, the beliefs of the Dural serve them well in times of conflict. Their smiths
provide fine weapons and armour, their soldiers train hard and their armies fight with a strong belief that what they
defend is worthwhile.

Industrious – Creative - Adaptive
Hero Karrlson
World Spell Great Works
Fall Further 0.50

The Elohim have a couple of ways to stay safe in the dangerous world of Erebus, their hero
and world spell. And when they conquer cities, in war or peace, their wise rule allows them to
build units exclusive to the civilization that built those cities.
In the Age of Dragons the gods waged war through proxies, fierce Dragons, wild Krakens,
and armies of lesser angels and demons and, rarely, face to face. In either case, the destruction
caused was cataclysmic.
Immanuel Logos was a follower of Sirona, goddess of wisdom. He ruled a small tribe in her name, dispensing wisdom
and providing shelter for her followers. Until one day he observed her army, a phalanx of titans, marching upon a
stronghold of Aeron. The armies met in a field worked by a group of subsistence farmers. When the battle ended, the
armies were tattered, but the bystanders were worse, broken in body, fields destroyed, and despondent of spirit. It was a
scene played out countless times, as dragons crushed struggling settlements when they clashed or holy fire rained down
upon those caught in the middle. Immanuel believed in his goddess, but he could no longer stand on the sidelines, nor
confine his care to his own people.
Off came his regal symbols, and he tossed aside his sacred spear for the last time. He gathered orphaned children in
his arms, and doled comfort to the dying. Sirona watched this noble leader leave her service but did not forbid him
leaving. She knew that for humanity to survive, they needed more than someone fighting on their behalf. They needed
care and shelter through the days of heavenly warfare.
Thus was borne an order of monks. Before the compact, they had no permanent home. They traveled the world,
tending to the battered and broken under the guidance of Immanuel and his successors, who took his name to show their
spiritual heritage and authority. Their service attracted other kind hearted souls to their number, and they became one of
the most trusted groups in the eyes of men and angels. Thus, when the compact was forged, they were the only mortals
who witnessed the handing of the Godslayer to the legend Finner. The agreement of the gods to withdraw from direct
combat in mortal realms was met by the world Erebus herself with great joy, and at that spot seven fir trees were born to
stand witness. Before departing, Sucellus tasked the order of the Elohim with tending to this and other sacred sites, some
symbols of great importance, some fonts of power.
As the kingdoms of men arose in the Age of Magic, the Elohim continued this mission, peacefully when possible, with
force when necessary. Warlords who searched for clues to the location of Finner's tomb, wizards who coveted an angel's
tears for his magics, and others sought the Elohim's knowledge, secrets that they often died to protect. The warrior monk
tradition was begun in these trying times, men who carried no weapon, so anathema was warfare was to them, but
could subdue marauders within the blink of an eye. The monks purity was a ward against the more vile forces that
sought to harm their charges.
Then came Bhall's fall and Mulcarn's breach of the Compact. Elohim lost contact with many of their sacred sites,
abandoning them to the elements and wild men. But they returned to their original mission, and traveled to desperate
communities, tending to disease and enshrining dying knowledge in chants and stories so when rebirth came, it would be
swift and complete. As in the age of Dragons, their numbers swelled with those inspired by their example, and they
become not just an order, but a nation.
Today that nation has emerged into the sunlight of rebirth. Einon Logos is the head of the ancient order of Elohim, a
position of unequaled respect. He is ancient himself, but wishes to live however long enough to see his followers reclaim
their shrines. Gariel the Strong was the King of the Elohim nation which shelters the order. He lead his people out of the
Age of Ice, but his reign was cut short by illness and passed to Ethne the White, his daughter who must now withstand
the trials of the Age of Rebirth.
Fall Further 0.50

Einion Logos Ethne the White

Good Good
Philosophical - Defender Creative - Defender
Corlindale Hero Corlindale
Sanctuary World Spell Sanctuary
Fall Further 0.50

The Grigori are the only civilization that gains the powerful Adventurer unit. The Adventurer
is a Great Person and Hero that can be upgraded into almost any human unit. The Grigori use
these customizable heroes as elite warriors, and they can grow into some of the best units in
the game. This is balanced with an inability to gain the benefits of a state religion.
Cassiel was an angel in the service of Dagda. He spent the Age of Dragons protecting the
men who hid from the might of the warring gods around them. It was his counsel that led
Dagda to create and sign the Compact, but Cassiel felt the Compact did not go far enough. He wanted the gods to retreat
entirely, to let the men form their own world. When the Compact allowed the gods to battle through men, Cassiel
abandoned Dagda's service and began his own crusade to lead men away from a war that has little to do with them. This
action gained him few allies among the gods or the humans who serve them. A few brave souls were attracted to
Cassiel's creed, though he refused to offer any divine boons or even direct leadership to them. His followers must adhere
to his ideas and lead themselves. Throughout the ages the cities of the Grigori offered safe haven for those who wanted to
lead their own lives. The wars of the Age of Magic and the scarcity of the Age of Ice took its toll on them like every other
land, but the sought help not from the heavens but from themselves.
In the Age of Rebirth, Cassiel still stands, offering others ideas and guidance but little more, and some brave few are
still drawn to his ideas. Among those who seek asylum in his lands are the Luonnotar, who teach that none of the gods
acting on Erebus is worthy of worship, but only one greater god who made them. Cassiel certainly agrees with the first
part of this, though he isn't forthcoming on the second.

Philosophical – Industrious - Adaptive
Hero No Hero
World Spell Ardor
Fall Further 0.50

The Hippus are the undisputed king of mounted units, gaining extra movement and
withdrawal chance to all mounted units and starting with horses. Their mercenaries are
swifter than those of other nations as well. The Hippus were always justly proud of their
animal husbandry. Their lands, even in the Age of Magic, had fertile hills that teemed with
sheep and wide plains with vast herds of horses that they tamed very shortly after the
Compact, passing this trade down in their tribes since time immemorial. However in Patria
magic surpassed the use of horses for most purposes. Great creatures were conjured for war, portals allowed rapid
travel, and golems toiled endlessly in the fields. Then came the great Upheaval of Patria, when magicians turned against
each other, battling for the soul of the empire of man. Kylorin called upon the Hippus people to help him hunt down his
wayward servants as the portals across Erebus were closed, and when Demons and Elementals were banished the wild
Hippus raiders were still there to charge down enemy warrior mages. These exploits brought great renown to a people
formerly ignored in the great empire, even as the empire crumbled. This new-found pride crippled the Hippus, breeding a
fierce martial competitiveness. Their clans, even while nominally aligned, would refuse each other's help and even raid
each other. They were able to hold back the advances of the frostling hordes of the Age of Ice, though many Hippus
communities were wiped out by a frost golem assault rather than seek the aid of their cohorts.
As the other great nations emerged into the Age of Rebirth, the Hippus turned to raid them, as well as each other,
until this proud people looked to be eclipsed by peoples more united and disciplined. Rhoanna, who inherited leadership of
a small Hippus tribe, made it her mission to unite her people without losing their culture. She formed the Hippus
mercenary companies, and made their martial prowess and competitiveness serve them rather then consume them.
Tasunke was the most famous raider amongst the Hippus; it was expected that he would challenge her for leadership,
but he embraced her idea, seeing foreign gold a better measure of a tribe's prowess than slain kinsmen.

Rhoanna Tasunke
Neutral Neutral
Expansive - Financial Aggressive - Raiders
Magnadine Hero Magnadine
Warcry WorldSpell Warcry
Fall Further 0.50

The lost men of Letum Frigus. They banded together behind Auric Ulvin for a chance to
recover their lost dominance. It is said that when the Illians awake, the world sleeps; and
when the world sleeps, the Illians awake.

Auric Ulvin
Charismatic – Agnostic - Defender
Hero Wilboman
World Spell Stasis
Fall Further 0.50

The Infernals enter into any game where the Infernal Pact technology is researched. They start
with powerful units, including their hero, Hyborem. What could be worse than hell? The
domain of a fallen god, whispers of it are found in every religion. "The wicked shall face their
eternal punishment in hell," says the Confessor. It's fires burn hotter than any forge, and the
foolish burn away like fool's gold," the Stonewarden warns. "The hottest days of summer do
not compare," intones the Priests of Leaves, "and there is no rebirth for those defilers exiled
there." The Cultists babble, "In the fire or in the void, your masters cannot speak to you, nor you to them; shun the realm
of the fallen sun, and falter not in your labors for your lords, or you shall be so banished!"
And in the rituals of the Ashen Veil lie these words: "From the fires of the pit, come our secrets, but we acknowledge
we are supplicants, and offer the price you seek. We come to bargain, not command, oh Lords of the darkness and eternal
fires. For this presumption, take not our souls, take those of our foes."
But the truth is much worse. Hell is an attack on every aspect of the souls that dwell within it. An excruciating forge
built to transform the weak and broken into physical manifestations of Agares' hate. In life a man may consider an act
unthinkable, but through the slow manipulations of hell that act will become acceptable and then enjoyable. Many spend
eternity in this slow grind, hating those above them and crushing those below them.
Hyborem was not so easily satisfied, he thirsted for new challenges. With the covert assistance of Agares, the walls
of creation were weakened imperceptibly by rituals learned by the Ashen Veil. Hell, always existing alongside the infinite
plane where mortals dwelt, was given brief, tortured access. Hyborem took his servants and set out at once.
They are forced to carve a city from the dirt with their own claws when this reality refuses to submit to their will. But
that will is strengthened by Hyborem's demonic desires, and his underlings abject fear of him. Hot tempered and
Impatient, he is nonetheless cunning and willing to watch the kingdoms of men, even to learn from them how to operate
in this realm, until his goals are fulfilled and he can bring as many mortals into hell to torment for eternity.
Fall Further 0.50

Spiritual - Summoner
Hero Hyborem
World Spell Hyborem’s Whisper
Fall Further 0.50

The Kahdi as a people are self-named - literally "The Followers of Kahd". They are not a
familial tribe or ancient line of people, but a product of the Age of Rebirth. They have come
together under the leadership of Kahd, a seemingly popular wizard dedicated to Oghma and
the pursuit of greater knowledge.
Of course, nothing is ever quite as it seems. Kahd's popularity is not due to his "winning
personality" (in fact, he's quite arrogant) but his talents at subtle thought manipulation. He
isn't just a dedicated follower of Oghma - he considers himself to be the "Chosen Servant" of the god in Creation. His
ambitions are great and he seeks to empower himself and his followers to stand above all others in Creation.
In fact - he's actually partially correct. He *is* the chosen agent of a higher power, but that power is not Oghma.

Arcane – Ambitious - Intolerant
Hero Kahd
World Spell Corruption Enlightenment
Fall Further 0.50

Dwarven siege is unmatched, and their production can be extraordinary. They cannot train
arcane units, however, and require a large amount of gold per city to reach their full potential.
During the Age of Magic the dwarves were not the united nation that they would become in
the Age of Winter. Scattered tribes of mountain peoples, they were skilled craftsmen and
engineers but had little interest in the areas beyond their lands. Amiable and welcoming, they
made perfect targets for the con-men and tricksters of other kingdoms. The greatest works of
their smiths and their shapers were traded for trinkets and baubles, or worse, mere illusions that vanished when their
creators were gone. The dwarves couldn't win redress from the local lords through strength of arms or force of
argument. They had no great armies, and the neighboring rulers pointed out that the dwarves had, after all, agreed to the
This abuse bred distrust of both foreigners and all forms of illusion and magic. It also pushed them underground.
Their formerly welcoming cities built along mountain passes were slowly abandoned for safer under-hill communities.
The tribes grew closer, and gradually out of many a single unified civilization was formed, the Khazad. The Dwarves
began to ask themselves why they ever even bothered with outsiders.
Towards the end of the Age of Magic, few Dwarves were seen by other races, and it was later said that deep in their
under-hill holds, they didn't notice the Age of Winter for three generations. Though this is almost certainly an
exaggeration, while the kingdoms of men and elves withered under Mulcarn's onslaught the dwarves grew slowly but
steadily. Then one day their gatherers returned from the surface with reports of lush vegetation returning, and snow
Kandros Fir led one group of Khazad out of their cavernous homes, to form cities and trade with the new kingdoms
of men and of elves. He does not revere tradition as most Dwarves do; rather, he pioneered arts new to his people:
negotiation, appraisal, marketing. He pursues trading partners with zeal, by force if necessary, always determined to
advance the Khazad's fortunes. Remembering the insults they were subjected to in generations past the Khazad are
determined that they be secure as they venture out into the world. Not just the security of high walls and stout hammers,
but of brimming coffers and judicious merchants.
While his goals draw him outward, what is unknown outside of a few Dwarven circles is that internecine conflict
helped push him and his followers to the surface. Both he and Arturus Thorne want the best for their people, but they are
committed to different visions of achieving it. The limits of underground expansion were reached in ages past, and so
both leaders must use the wider world to prove their vision for the Khazad in the age of rebirth.
Fall Further 0.50

Arturus Thorne Kandros Fir

Neutral Neutral
Industrious – Organized - Ingenuity Aggressive – Financial - Ingenuity
Maros Hero Maros
Mother Lode World Spell Mother Lode
Fall Further 0.50

The Kuriotates are limited in the number of real cities that they can acquire, but those cities
will have greater production due to a wider workable area. The nucleus of the Kuriotates was
formed in the harrowing years between the end of the Age of Ice and the dawn of the Age of
Rebirth. Squabbling tribes, clans, warlords and embryonic city-states were gathered into a
small nation led by the boy-king Cardith Lorda. It is in this background that we find the secret
behind the Kuriotates' rather odd societal structure. All these diverse elements gathered
together in a sheltered and bountiful land, and started to forge a state that could survive in a dangerous world. However,
the mutual distrust between all the clans, families and dynasties Cardith Lorda brought together means that they will not
suffer another to grow more powerful than they are. In effect, the lower levels of government in the core regions are
marked by a form of democracy, watched over by a royal administration with complete control.
Thus, all expansion is conducted by the King, and by him alone, and all territory is royal territory. The army swears
allegiance to the king alone, and all administrative functions flow from the state rather than a master-servant system.
There is no feudal system among the Kuriotates. The powerful live in the cities, and compete for positions there. In the
outlying areas, the powerful are only powerful by royal decree, and Cardith Lorda's careful machinations ensures that it
stays that way. Thus arose the system of settlements.
The Kuriotates are a confederation of peoples and races, marked by a very powerful core region, vast areas more
loosely connected to the core cities, and full freedom of asylum, even citizenship, for those who wish to move from other
nations or the wilderness of uncivilized territory. The settlements, controlled solely by the central administration (i.e.
Cardith Lorda's government) act as administrative centers, tying vast areas, often with their own highly advanced semi-
autonomous indigenous populations, into the Kuriotate confederacy. The settlements provide facilities for transit, trade,
administration and diplomacy in the affiliated regions, but never develop a very large population of pure Kuriotates.
They are mostly populated by bureaucrats, merchants, a handful of soldiers and their families and the most promising
born here quickly relocate to the central cities. A system of trade and friendship with their centre on the small Kuriotate
settlements keeps the hodge-podge of allies, protectorates, semi-autonomies and client states happy and ensures that
much-needed resources continue to flow to the core lands.
The vast areas with sparse human population that get locked within the Kuriotates' disproportionately large sphere
of influence and cultural domination mean that they get in contact with many of the rarer species of Erebus. For many
civilizations, that might prove problematic, even act as a source of conflict and destruction. For the Kuriotates, it is a
boon, and a source of their strength.
For the Kuriotates don't much care who you as long as you have something meaningful to offer to the nation as a
whole. The Kuriotates' particularly positive relationship to the non-human species of Erebus dates back to the very
beginnings of the confederation, when a small group of Centaurs aided Cardith Lorda in his rise to power. Other
creatures, attracted by the special power they detect in the boy king, have since flocked to the Kuriotate banner, escaping
marginalization or even persecution in other parts of the world. The Centaurs, having risen to be a force to be reckoned
with in Kuriotate political life, smooth their transition and integration into the society, putting their special skills to good
use in the areas at which they excel, through innate ability or cultural conditioning.
The culture of the Kuriotates is such that the demi-humans are treated as, and indeed regarded as being, equal to the
human majority, and judged by merit and benefit to the nation alone, although the fundamental differences between the
races mean that some measure of distinction is necessary in order to allow the Kuriotate nation to run smoothly.
However, again this may be a secret benefit.
Fall Further 0.50
This specialization and segregation has given rise to something akin to a Caste system, another reason the
Kuriotates have such a stable central government. While the humans are the jack of all trades, each of the races have
found their niche, dominating their own area. The Centaurs, the warrior caste, hold many high positions in the army, the
Lamia wield great magical power, and command respect among the magi, and so on. Since all these subcultures owe
allegiance to the king alone, they act, in their specialized roles, as an effective bulwark against the ambitions of human
Those few dissidents who let their resentment at being bypassed be channeled into irrational hatred of demi-humans
are held in check by strong personal trust in Cardith Lorda and an emphasis on the state religion, not to mention state
superstition and traditions. Few Kuriotates dare cross or even question the will of the state, the will of the people of the
confederation, and most importantly, the will of the divine Boy-King.
The Kuriotates hold loose sway over a massive sprawl of an empire, but the borders are porous, and when war
threatens, they will often act as a turtle, retreating into the hard shell of their core lands until they can muster the forces
to take back that which was lost. Thus, the Kuriotates through their openness to others, strong central authority and
large but loose sphere of influence have a flexibility many of their opponents lack. Truly, they are one of the centers of
enlightenment in the dark of Erebus.

Cardith Lorda
Philosophical – Expansive - Adaptive
Hero Eurabatres the Gold Dragon
World Spell Legends
Fall Further 0.50

The Lanun gain more food from every water tile, and their ships move further. Once on land
they must rely on the same units as everyone else, but the oceans hold no obstacle to them. As
the ferocious monsters monsters were removed from the seas with the signing of the
Compact, man expanded into them, and these first explorers were the ancestors of the Lanun.
There were still beasts such as Leviathans and giant turtles to contend with, but these were
not insurmountable obstacles to the brave men on those early, leaky galleys and later
triremes. Danalin offered these men his guidance, and they formed friendships with the otherwise elusive Aifons, those
men most close to the sea god who lived in underwater cities. Island communities of Lanun developed, each with their
own customs, but sharing most of the values of the mainland coastal Lanun cities, a love of freedom and adventure,
guile, and a flexible sense of honor. When Kylorin solidified his rule of Patria and began to incorporate neighboring
kingdoms into his empire, by force if needed, the distant Lanun freely pledged. They only bothered to enforce those laws
they agreed with, however, and allowed fugitives to flee aboard ship and seek their fortunes on the waves. Occasionally a
Lanun city would be punished for this, though their trade routes made them too valuble to make an example of. Patria
soon collapsed, as wars broke out between the wicked mages and those seeking redemption for the world of men. The
Lanun happily aided both sides, taking fleeing mages across the waves and then selling ships to the Patrian fire priests
seeking them down. Then their world was shaken by the gods, as Bhall's rain of fire and Mulcarn's conquest brought
civilizations crashing down. The seas were made more hazardous by huge icebergs that could tear a ship to pieces before
being seen, and some Lanun communities were in fact completely isolated by encroaching ice. Further imperiling Lanun
seafarers during this time, their priests lost all contact with Danalin, and thier rituals began to behave in unexpected
ways. Those Lanun crews who were still willing to brave the seas found great fame and wealth trading between distant
tribes, though this often made them a target of the blizzards and many crews were never heard from again, including the
ship captained by Malus which carried an artifact from Cassiel into Amurite lands.
Eventually the ice receded, and the Lanun were reunited. They found they barely knew their kin, as crew in different
locations had evolved quite different outlooks and values. This wasn't a problem for the Lanun, though, for each captain
rules his own ship in the manor he sees fit. The sea captains are where the real power in Lanun territory lies, for
Captain's out rank provincial governers and can conscript any person for any reason. The only authority a Lanun
Captain acknowledges over him is another captain to whom he has given his word, though as always the word of a
Lanun is somewhat fleeting. The real problem is that the ocean is no longer quite as welcoming as it once was, and
whereas they could before seek the aid the god of water, those petitions are unheeded now, or worse, answered by
strange creatures which emerge from the depths.
Some Lanun captains retain the carefree spirit of their people despite this new challenge, while others, like Hannah
the Irin, emprace the darker nature the seas have taken. Falamar sees himself as a dashing rogue. He tends not to kill the
victims of his raids (claiming that would keep them from bringing him more loot), and he is an excellent swordsman and
charming leader. Hanna is everything he isn't. She is the storm personified, temperamental and powerful. She has had
entire cities razed for a perceived insult, and rules not by charm, but by fear. Which view will prove more effective in the
new Age is yet to be seen, but as always there is room in the Lanun for each Captain to choose his or her own path.
Fall Further 0.50

Falamar Hannah the Irin

Neutral Neutral
Expansive - Charismatic Financial - Raiders
Guybrush Threepwood Hero Guybrush Threepwood
Raging Seas World Spell Raging Seas
Fall Further 0.50

The elven god was killed, and the elves were nearly wiped out as a result, during the Age of
Ice. With his resurrection (or, more importantly, the promotion of Cernunnos to be the new
god of nature) they are coming back from the few hidden groves they still control.

Amelanchier Arendel Phaedra Thessa

Neutral Good Neutral
Raiders - Defender Spiritual - Creative Expansive - Arcane
Hero Gilden Silveric Gilden Silveric Gilden Silveric
World Spell March of the Trees March of the Trees March of the Trees
Fall Further 0.50

Dwarves do not always live in caves. The Empire of Kradh-Ke-zun, the Open-Skiers,
suffered terrible losses during the Age of Ice precisely because they, as opposed to their
cousins the Khazad, had adapted to a life on the surface and forgotten the secrets of making
their lives in the subterranean world. Fantastic craftsmen, cunning artificers, and proficient
enchanters, the Kradh-Ke-zun were creators of some of the greatest artifacts of the Age of
Magic, not least of which were the Golems: Golems for war, Golems for transport, Golems for
farming, for mining and for industry. Life, for the Open-Skiers with their endless supply of infallibly obedient servants,
was good, and the people thrived.
The new reality of the Age of Ice was harsh on the Open-Skiers. When the glaciers rolled forth, strangling life,
isolating populations, and crushing cities beneath tons of grinding blue ice, the Luchuirp watched helplessly as the
cunning devices they had entrusted so much of their survival to succumbed to the long winter.
Three-foot-tall city dwellers are not adapted to the rigorous, marginal, nomadic existence of Ice Age hunters, and
few survived for long. Of the once mighty Empire of great cities, thriving farmlands and millions of contented citizens,
only one particularly hardy clan survived: the Luchuirp. Though weakened by the dominance of Mulcarn, Kilmorph still
managed to hold a warding hand over this little tribe of surface-dwelling Dwarves. She came to the leader, the now-
legendary Graoin the Delver, and taught him the things his people had forgotten: how to dig, how to build homes under
the mountain. Combining this with what little of their incredible artistry and Golem mastery they could still make use of,
they fashioned themselves a society of sorts in the caves beneath the Ice, and they waited, knowing that one day, the clan
of Luichurp, heirs of the Open-Skiers, would once again walk under the sun.
Beeri Bawl is a true heir to Graoin the Delver, not only in blood, but in spirit. He is a survivalist by nature, organized
and effective, but he has never forgotten his roots and his ancestry. His highest goal is to reclaim a spot on the surface,
but that does not mean he intends to make the mistake of his forefathers and neglect the lower reaches of the world. His
approach is a symbiosis of the refined craftsmanship of the old Empire and the hardy jury-rigging the Luichurp taught
themselves during the Age of Ice.
Fall Further 0.50

Beeri Bawl Garrim Gyr

Good Good
Industrious - Financial Financial - Defender
Barnaxus Hero Barnaxus
Gifts of Nantosuelta World Spell Gifts of Nantosuelta
Fall Further 0.50

The only elves the Malakim had seen were the dark Svartalfar. Yet, when a group of hunters
happened across a nearly-dead elven man freezing in the wastes, they took him back to their
village and agreed to tend to his injuries rather than kill him. When he awoke in their care, he
explained that he was Varn Gosam, and that he had fled from his homeland. Sensing some
truth in him, the Malakim believed him and allowed him to live among them.
Varn built a shrine to Lugus in the small village and began spreading his newfound
religion to the villagers. His revival spread quickly, and the former elven prince found himself a leader of men. Accepting
that role, he set forth to lead the Malakim through the hard years to follow and into the light of Lugus.

Decius Varn Gosam

Neutral Good
Organized - Conqueror Spiritual – Creative - Adaptive
Teutorix Hero Teutorix
Religious Fervor World Spell Religious Fervor
Fall Further 0.50

The Mazatl are part of the lizardman race that has existed since the Age of Dragons. They
spent much of the Age of Magic separated from the rest of Erebus, deep in the jungles and
swampland that proved inhospitable to other races, but allowed the lizardmen to thrive in
their pyramid-cities.. As the Age of Ice dawned, the jungles were all but destroyed and the
swampland froze. Many of the lizardmen died in a panicked exodus to try to escape the bitter
cold - their reliance on warm climates meant that they were especially scarred by Mulcarn's
entry into creation. The group that would later become the Mazatl took refuge in caves near an inactive volcano, where
the heat from the molten earth itself kept them alive. As the Age of Ice passed, the lizards returned to the surface and
rebuilt their civilization in the jungle.
Whilst the old civilization worshipped a whole pantheon of gods however, the reborn Mazatl civilization were more
focused. They were eternally grateful to Kalshekk - their god of Earth - for protecting them during the Age of Ice, but the
followers of Omorr - their god of foresight and learning - gained significant attention when their seers foretold that the
world had not been saved from the influences of the Godswar. The icy reign of Mulcarn had been broken, but a time of
Fire and Shadow lay ahead, in which the world would suffer the power of Agares himself. The Mazatl have chosen to
stand against this fate and seek to avert Armageddon.

Spiritual – Agnostic - Defender
Hero Coatlann the Wyvern
World Spell Found Order of the Wyvern
Fall Further 0.50

Basium broke the Compact. He was an angel under Arawn, but when the Compact was
signed, he refused to give up the direct battle with the demons. He and a small host of other
rebel angels disobeyed their lords and kept fighting. They spend their time split between time
on creation and in Hell waging their war directly. They can be found anywhere demons exist.
They care little for people, they are only concerned with killing demons, and are often
confused with demons because of their single-mindedness and their rough warlike

Aggressive – Raiders - Ingenuity
Hero Basium
World Spell Divine Retribution
Fall Further 0.50
Scions of Patria

I will break the door of Hell, and smash the bolts;

I will bring up the dead to eat food with the living,
and the living shall be outnumbered by the host of them.
- The Epic of Gilgamesh -

The Scions of Patria assert they are the resurgent princes of the proudest empire Erebus has
ever known. Released from the Second Vault, the so-called "Bottomless Tomb," the Scions
promise to restore the glory of Patria: They will drive out the jealous warring angels and set
humankind as the rulers of Erebus.
The Scions have already conquered disease, infirmity, and even death. Or perhaps they
have been conquered by death. What they are, exactly, is disputed even among the wise. They
do not seem to be the mindless horrors one expects of the undead. But in a world of magic seeming often means very
little. That those living in the harsh Age of Rebirth find the promises seductive is, however, all too clear.
The Risen Emperor intends to rule all Erebus. What sort of detente he will accept, if any, is unknown. Within Scion
cities the overwhelming majority are the dead, and most are set on enjoying the Emperor's Gift to the fullest. Treasures of
the Age of Rebirth flow into the Scion cities to feed the appetites and desires of a people intent on eternal lives of ease
and luxury.
Where most Scions take pride in the comeliness of their unageing and unblighted flesh the Scions' military takes full
advantage of its malleability. As a rule Scions are very handsome, at least, possessing the look of perfect health. But the
soldiers of Patria Reborn are terrifying. Skull-like visages, headless spearmen, and bodies of perfect darkness clothed in
bright armor are among the horrors her enemies must face.
While the Emperor rules directly the Scions will worship no other God. Extreme displays of sacrifice and devotion are
not uncommon outcomes of exposure to the Emperor's presense. Many Martyrs of Patria, for example, were once his
personal attendents. The semi-official Apparat of the Imperial Cult is easily equal in size to that of the Church of the Gift.
Within every city of Patria Reborn the quest for eternal pleasure, the call of eternal devotion, and the threat of eternal
existance compete for the soul and mind of each Scion.
“Undead?" It's a word fraught with traps laid by your Hierarchs, good sir. Look about you, believe your own eyes. Is
not this, the city of Scions, cleaner and stronger than your own? Our magics, our knowledge, that of Patria reborn, gives
us buildings of gilt marble and metals where you have wood and base granite. To be one of us you need only give up your
desperate animal hungers, your diseases, your fear of death. You have heard the tales, and they are all true. Our needs are
few, our flesh imperishable, our devices varied and potent. Join us and your life, excuse me, your eternal existence, will
be one of ease and delight." Your calls to Junil, you have now seen, are fruitless. That old man, if he ever cared - if he ever
existed - cannot help you. Of us... you have heard the tales and they are true. But they do not tell of everything. Our
pleasures are similarly varied and refined. The Auspix will arrive in a moment with the straps and the flenser and these
pleasures, good sir, I will show you."
Fall Further 0.50

Risen Emperor Korinna the Protector

Neutral Neutral
Charismatic – Arcane - Agnostic Aggressive - Organized
Korina the Protector Hero Korina the Protector
Dark Council World Spell Dark Council
Fall Further 0.50

There is no history of the Sheaim as a people before the Age of Rebirth. As the Age of Ice
ended, they were a people from all civilizations gathered toward one purpose: ending creation
through the fell magic of Armageddon spells. Most pursue this focus to increase their arcane
knowledge, some believe they will receive an eternal reward for destroying creation, while a
few just want the world to end.
Tebryn was once a powerful runecaster who was cast into hell after his death. Cerdiwen
released him to pursue the destruction of creation. Os-Gabella was the first human to be made by the gods and the
intended bride of Nemed. She was created as an immortal but rebelled against Nemed and the gods plans for her. Now
she is trapped in creation until the end of time. Both seek to escape their prisons by destroying the world.

Tebryn Arbandi Os-

Evil Evil
Arcane - Summoner Industrious - Summoner
Abashi the Black Dragon Hero Abashi the Black Dragon
Worldbreak World Spell Worldbreak
Fall Further 0.50

Shades, men who have traded portions of their soul for immortality, the Grey are detached
from the events of the world. Only intervening to protect themselves or striking out to destroy
undead (they see undead as aberrations despite their own use of magic to extend their life),
they are happy to keep to their hidden cities, out of the eyes, and the wars, of the younger

Industrious - Defender
Hero Rathus Denmora
World Spell Into the Mist
Fall Further 0.50

During the Age of Magic, the elves were ruled by two separate courts. The Seelie court (the
fairer and more spiritual) ruled during the spring and summer, and the Unseelie court (the
more arcane and malevolent) ruled during the autumn and winter. When Sucellus died, the
elven prayers went unanswered. Because the Unseelie court was in power when it happened,
they decreed that the elven deity was gone and that Esus would be adopted in his place.
Normally, the Seelie court would wait for spring and then reverse the ruling, but spring never
came as the Age of Ice began. The Unseelie court saw this as a symbol of their dominance and began to punish elves that
refused to stop worshipping Sucellus. This caused a bloody civil war within the elven nation during a time when their
numbers were already hard-hit. The Age of Ice eventually stopped the war as bands were separated by expanses they
couldn't cross. Now that the Age of Ice is over, they are free to reach out and begin their war anew.

Faeryl Viconia
Arcane - Raiders
Hero Alazkan the Assassine
World Spell Veil of Night
Fall Further 0.50
VII. Religions

Ashen Veil

Mages spent weeks in meditation, exploring the farthest reaches of the ethereal world. The demands of
the body were ignored, and they survived sustained only by magic. Their efforts were rewarded, a
sentience was contacted, dark and horrible. It whispered secrets into the mages' minds, secrets of
necromancy, diseases, sacrifical rites. It promised power in exchange for their blood, and they freely
gave it.

Holy City (if State ) : +2 , +2

All Cities (if State ) : +1
Founder Receives a Savant


Junil, the elder of the Gods, had promised to stay apart from the conflict in Creation. No one knows
why he decided to change that, some say it was to combat the influence of the Ashen Veil, others that
it was jealousy. Regardless of his reasons, he promised salvation to the
the least of men and asked only
one thing in return: unquestioning obedience

Holy City (if State ) : +4

All Cities (if State ) : +1
Founder Receives an Acolyte

Fellowship of Leaves

Deep in the woods, the whispers of Elves linger. Ancient protectors normally above the affairs of men,
some men have shown enough loyalty to them to be taught
taught their magic and even gain the assistance of
the Elven Archers.

Holy City (if State ) : +4

All Cities (if State ) : +1
Founder Receives a Disciple of Leaves
Fall Further 0.50
Council of Esus

An oddity among the religions the Council of Esus has no disciples, priests, high priests or temples.
Instead all of its abilities are practiced by units that worship
worship the religion. Any unit that worships Esus
can pay to spread religion in a city. That theme, paying for miracles, is common in the Council of Esus.

Holy City (if State ) : +4

All Cities (if State ) : +1
Founder Receives a Nightwatch

Octupus Overlords

The power beneath the Aegean waves is said to be more powerful than any other, but the Overlords
are unfocused and follow a thousand different obscure agendas. The Disciples of the Overlords dare
not expose themselves directly to the conflicting commands of their masters and instead use the poor
as intermediaries. They are quickly driven
driven insane by the process, which the disciples prefer as it keeps
them from manipulating the message. They also share the process of turning a Warrior into The Drown, undead thralls,
a process with few volunteers.

Holy City (if State ) : +2

All Cities (if State ) : +2
Founder Receives a Zealot

Runes of Kilmorph

Kilmorph is the goddess

ss of the earth, She Who Dwells Beneath. She formed children out of stone, the
Dwarves, and taught them the secrets of metalworking. One of the first religions available to the
men of the world, Kilmorph will answer the prayers of honorable men and even sesend her soldiers to
defend their cities.

Holy City (if State

Sta ) : +2 , +2
All Cities (if State ) : +1
Founder Receives a Thane of Kilmorph
Fall Further 0.50

Where the Order values law, the Empyrean values wisdom. Adjudication started from the teachings of
Lugus and punishment is not based on adherence to a labyrinthian codex of laws, but from direct
nsol on the merits of each case. Social equality and impartiality are the model between a government
and its citizens as well as between empires. As such the Empyrean gives equal voice to small empires
as it does those that dominate Erebus.

Holy City (if State ) : +4

All Cities (if State ) : +1
Founder Receives a Ecclesiastic
Fall Further 0.50
VIII. Promotions

In Fall Further there are a lot of promotions. As Experience Points become more important than in Civilization IV
especially for the Heros, the promotions add a great amount of diversity to the game. There are many promotions that
are linked either to a special religion, civilization or race.

Accuracy Guardsman
+20% City Bombard Damage

Ambush I Guerilla I
+1 to Defense Strength within Team Borders
+40% hills defense
Removed if requirements are no longer met

Ambush II Guerilla II
+1 to Defense Strength within Team Borders Doublemovement in hills
Removed if requirements are no longer met +60% hills defense

Amphibious Hardy I
No Combat Penalty for Attacking from Sea
+1 Defense Strength
No Combat Penalty for Crossing River

Aptitude I Hardy II
Enhances natural XP gain rate by 0.50
+1 Defense Strength
Allows free XP gain til 100

Aptitude II
Requires: Industrious or Expansive Hardy III
Enhances natural XP gain rate by 2 +1 Defense Strength
Requires Level 4 to aquire

Archery I Headless
Requires: Scions of Patria
Enhances Ranged Combat Attack by +1
+10% Strength
Enhances damage limit for ranged combat by
-1 Attack Strength
+1 Defense Strength
Archery II
Enhances Ranged Combat Attack by +1 Heroic Defense I
Enhances damage limit for ranged combat by +1 Defense Strength
Archery III
Enhances Ranged Combat Attack by +2 Heroic Defense II
Enhances damage limit for ranged combat by +1 Defense Strength

Assault I Heroic Strength I

+100% City Attack +1 Attack Strength
Fall Further 0.50
Assault II Heroic Strength II
+100% City Attack +1 Attack Strength

Can Heal while moving
Assault III +2 First Strikes
Heals extra 30% damage/turn in Ebemy Lands
+100% City Attack
Heals extra 30% damage/turn in Neutral Lands
Heals extra 30% damage/turn in Friendly Lands
Immune to capture

Barrage I Inquisitor
+40% Collateral Damage Allows: Inquisition

Barrage II Keen Sight

+60% Collateral Damage
+20% Chance to launch defensive strikes
+20% vs. Melee Units

Magic Resistance
+20% Resistance to Cold damage
+20% Resistance to Fire damage
Barrage III +20% Resistance to Lightning damage
+100% Collateral Damage +20% Resistance to Poison damage
+20% to Resist spells
Reduces the chance of being effected by enemy
Can attack multiple times per turn

Bounty Hunter Can Heal while moving
Heals extra 10% damage/turn in Ebemy Lands
+2 Gold from all killed units
Heals extra 10% damage/turn in Neutral Lands
Heals extra 10% damage/turn in Friendly Lands
Requires: Scions of Patria
Requires: Thaumaturge’s Keep in city
Heals extra -10% damage/turn in Enemy Lands
Heals extra -10% damage/turn in Neutral Lands
Heals extra -10% damage/turn in Friendly Marksman
Lands Attacks the weakest unit in a stack
-10% Strength
-25% Resistance to cold damage
+25% Resistance to fire damage
+15% to resist spells
Modifies targets magic resistance by -15%
Removed if requirements are no longer met
Requires: Council of Esus State Religion Mobility I
Enhances Ranged Combat Attack by +3 +1 Movement Range
Enhances damage limit for ranged combat by
Fall Further 0.50
Cannibalize Mobility II
Heals extra +10% after combat +1 Movement Range

City Garrison I Navigation I

+30 city defense +1 Movement Range

City Garrison II Navigation II

+30 city defense +1 Movement Range

City Garrison III Perfect Sight

Can See hidden animals
+30 city defense
Can see stealth
+20% vs. Melee units
+50% vs. Illusion

City Raider
Raider I Precision
+30% city attack Defensive Strikes do +10% more damage

Racketeering I
City Raider II Removed if requirements are no longer met
Requires: Council of Esus State Religion
+30% city attack
Garrisoned City 25% likely to revolt
Yields +50% from Pillaging

City Raider III Racketeering II

Removed if requirements are no longer met
+30% city attack
Requires: Council of Esus State Religion
+20% vs. Melee units
Unit costs no maintenance
Combat I
+20% Strength Resist Cold
+5 to spell damage
+50% Resistance to Cold Damage
Grants the Empower I promotion to all
summoned units
Combat II
+20% Strength Resist Fire
+5 to spell damage
+50% Resistance to Fire Damage
Grants the Empower II promotion to all
summoned units
Combat III
+20% Strength Resist Lightning
+5 to spell damage
+50% Resistance to Lightning Damage
Grants the Empower III promotion to all
summoned units
Combat IV
+20% Strength Resist Poison
+5 to spell damage
+50% Resistance to Poison Damage
Grants the Empower IV promotion to all
summoned units
Fall Further 0.50
Combat V
+20% Strength Scourge
+5 to spell damage
+40% vs. Disciple Units
Grants the Empower V promotion to all
summoned units

Command I Sentry I
+10% chance of converting defeated living units +1 Visibility Range

Command II Sentry II
+20% chance of converting defeated living units +1 Visibility Range

Command III Shock I

+20% chance of converting defeated living units +40% vs. Melee Units

Command IV Shock II
+20% chance of converting defeated living units +40% vs. Melee Units

Commando Skilled I
Can use Enemy roads
+10% to work rate
1 Extra First Strike Chance

Cover I Skilled II
+40% vs. Archery Units +10% to work rate

Cover II Skilled III

+40% vs. Archery Units +10% to work rate

Dark Empathy
Requires: Korinna the Black Lady Skilled IV
+2 First Strikes
+10% to work rate
+1 Death Combat
Allows: Become Haunt
Removed if requirements are no longer met
Requires: Council of Esus State Religion
+5% Withdrawel Chance Skilled V
+10% City Attack +10% to work rate
+10% City Defense
Reduced Chance to defend the stack
With Tactics II allows “Misdirection”
Defensive Removed if requirements are no longer met
Doubles the units fortification bonus Requires: Council of Esus State Religion
Can Explore Rival Territory
Fall Further 0.50
Spell Extension I
Demon Slaying Enhances natural XP gain rate by 0.30
+40% vs. Demons Grants the Mobility I promotion to all summoned
Drill I Spell Extension II
1 Extra First Strike Chance
Grants the Mobility II promotion to all summoned
+10% Chance to do +5% damage to units
attacking this units stack
Drill II Stigmata
1 Extra First Strike
Grants the unit a percentage bonus equal to half
+10% Chance to do +5% damage to units
the Armageddon count
attacking this units stack
Drill III
+2 First Strike Chances Subdue Animal
Suffers 20% less collateral damage +25% vs. Animal Units
+10% Chance to do +5% damage to units Captures defeated Animal Units
attacking this units stack
Drill IV
+2 First Strikes Subdue Beasts
Suffers 20% less collateral damage
+25% vs. Beast Units
+10% vs. Mounted Units
Captures defeated Beast Units
+10% Chance to do +5% damage to units
attacking this units stack
Expanded Hull Sundred
+25% Resistance to Unholy damage
Grants the Stigmata promotion to all summoned
Fade Away Tactics I
Removed if requirements are no longer met
+5% Withdrawel Chance
Requires: Council of Esus State Religion
+15% Defensive Strength
+10% Withdrawel Chance

Fear Tactics II
+5% Withdrawel Chance
Causes Fear, scattering units in tiles it attacks
+20% Defensive Strength

Flanking I Tactics III

+10% Withdrawel Chance
+20% Withdrawel Chance
+30% Defensive Strength

Flanking II Twincast
+20% Withdrawel Chance Can cast an extra spell each turn

Removes Alive when aquired
Flanking III Immune to death magic
-50% Resistance to Holy damage
Immune to First Strikes
Immune to Poison damage
+10% Withdrawel Chance
+50% Resistance to Unholy damage
Immune to Fear
Units with this promotion are not alive
Fall Further 0.50
For the Horde
Undead Slaying
+40% vs. Undead

Woodsman I
Formation I +30% (Deep) Jungle Attack
+30% (Deep) Jungle Defense
+40% vs. Mounted Units
+30% (Ancient) Forest Attack
+30% (Ancient) Forest Defense
Woodsman II
Double Movement in (Deep) Jungle
Formation II Double Movement in (Ancient) Forest
+30% (Deep) Jungle Attack
+40% vs. Mounted Units
+30% (Deep) Jungle Defense
+30% (Ancient) Forest Attack
+30% (Ancient) Forest Defense

Fall Further 0.50
IX. Leader Traits

Arcane Organized Philosophical

Free Promotion Potency for Arcane -50% Civic Upkeep +100% Birth Rate
Units Double production speed of Courthouse Double production speed of Elder
Double production speed of Mages Guild and Lighthouse Council and Library
Aggressive Barbarian Defender

Free Promotion Combat I -10% Science Free Promotion Homeland

Double production speed of Shipyard, Leader starts at peace with the Double Production Speed of Palisade,
Siege Workshop and Stable Barbarians Archery Range, Fletcher and Walls
Charismatic Adaptive
+3 Health/City
Double production speed of Settler +1 Happy/City Allows the player to pick the trait of
Doubleproduction speed of Granary and -25XP needed for unit promotions their choice
+2 Culture/City
Three traits are generated randomly and
Double production speed of Carnival and +2 duration ofsummoned units
switch randomly during the game
Spiritual Conqueror
No Anarchy Captured cities build their original
+50% Wonder production
Free Promotion Potency and Mobility I civilizations units and buildings instead
Free Promotion Skilled I for Worker
for Disciple Units of the owning civilization
Double production speed of Temple and This ability does not allow the building
Double production speed of Forge
Pagan Temple of other civilizations heroes
Financial Agnostic
+1 on Plots with 2 Leader cannot adopt a state religion
Free Promotion Raider
Doubleproduction speed of Money Reduces the chance religions will spread
+100% gold from pillaging
Changer and Market to the leaders cities
Cold Blooded
Reduces level requirements to upgrade
Max. 1 tur Anarchy
+50 to starting gold Arcane units
No Upkeep Costs for Labor
-50% to upgrade costs Free promotion Ambition to Arcane
50% Faster production of Assassine

Cannot adopt religion

Religions will never passively spread in
your cities
Discovering a religious technology will
not found a Holy City in your Empire
Fall Further 0.50

1. Barbarians split into 3 separate factions - Demons, Savages and Animals

2. Animals are peaceful toward civs who have created "Nature's Revolt"
3. Savages are peaceful toward civs who have the original barbarian trait
4. Score Margin required for Savages to declare war on allies increased (now requires you to have double the second
place score)
5. Demons are peaceful toward Infernals, Sheaim under AV and civs who perform a certain costly ritual (significant
hammers, lose the city)
6. Demons will spawn from hell terrain tiles (including owned ones), in increasing numbers as hell terrain spreads
and AC rises.
7. The Four Horseman each have a single shot Immortal promotion.
8. All barbarian types can spawn in unowned or friendly owned tiles, including those that are visible.
9. Barbarians cannot move on the turn they spawn.
10. Animals will not enter your borders, but can move whilst inside them (before they were trapped if you expand onto
their tile). Will not attack cities.
11. Animal units belonging to the Animal civ will slowly grow in base strength the longer they are alive. Rate
dependant on difficulty.
12. Bonus strength from the Doviello Worldspell will be maintained when a wolf becomes a wolf-pack (through battle
or Wolf Mechanics).
13. Wolf-Packs can merge together (combines both empower levels and adds 2).
14. A Wolf Pack that exceeds Empower 5 gains 2 strength and resets back down to no Empower promotions.
15. Recon unit bonus vs animals based on their unitcombat. Handicap bonuses for low difficulty applied only against
Animal Civilization.
16. Barbarian trait civs (and other civs friendly to Barb-factions) can still explore lairs.
17. AI will explore lairs, and automated explore units will seek out lairs (still requires that you choose to explore).
18. Flavour Mod updated
19. Much improved speed of rendering for End of Winter, Hell Terrain, Wetland Spread and FlavourStart
20. Added Artisan's Workshop Building (allow Engineer Specialists, available at Construction)
21. Added Atelier (UB Artisan's Workshop for the Dural, additional culture bonus)
22. Added Tinkerer's Workshop (UB Artisan's Workshop for Luichurp, additional engineer slot)
23. Added Artisan's Enclave (UB Artisan's Workshop for Kuriotate)
24. Great Engineers can now build "Master" buildings.
25. Once one Master <TYPE> building exists on a team, they may be constructed normally
26. Added Master Smith building
27. Added Master Fletcher building
28. Added Master Rancher building
29. Added Master Outfitter building
30. Added Masters Hall building (requires all other master buildings)
31. Master <TYPE> buildings allow special promotions to be purchased for gold in cities that contain them
32. Added "Barbed Weapons" promotion (Master Equipment)
33. Added "Battle Mounts" promotion (Master Equipment)
34. Added "Blessed Armour" promotion (Master Equipment)
Fall Further 0.50
35. Added "Caltrops" promotion (Master Equipment)
36. Added "Cataphract Armour" promotion (Master Equipment)
37. Added "Climbing Kit" promotion (Master Equipment)
38. Added "Composite Bows" promotion (Master Equipment)
39. Added "Compound Bows" promotion (Master Equipment)
40. Added "Cursed Lances" promotion (Master Equipment)
41. Added "Cursed Weapons" promotion (Master Equipment)
42. Added "Deadly Traps" promotion (Master Equipment)
43. Added "Desert Gear" promotion (Master Equipment)
44. Added "Excellent Kit" promotion (Master Equipment)
45. Added "Excellent Tack" promotion (Master Equipment)
46. Added "Fast Horses" promotion (Master Equipment)
47. Added "Fine Bows" promotion (Master Equipment)
48. Added "Fine Kit" promotion (Master Equipment)
49. Added "High Quality Bronze" promotion (Master Equipment)
50. Added "High Quality Steel" promotion (Master Equipment)
51. Added "Masterwork Weapon" promotion (Master Equipment)
52. Added "Horselord's Tack" promotion (Master Equipment)
53. Added "Ice Gear" promotion (Master Equipment)
54. Added "Clan Warpaint" promotion (Master Equipment)
55. Added "Mantraps" promotion (Master Equipment)
56. Added "March Wine" promotion (Master Equipment)
57. Added "Mazli Oiled Gear" promotion (Master Equipment)
58. Added "Mithril String" promotion (Master Equipment)
59. Added "Night Gear" promotion (Master Equipment)
60. Added "Pikes" promotion (Master Equipment)
61. Added "Plate Armour" promotion (Master Equipment)
62. Added "Poison Traps" promotion (Master Equipment)
63. Added "Sacred Horses" promotion (Master Equipment)
64. Added "Shadow Gear" promotion (Master Equipment)
65. Added "Slab Plate Armour" promotion (Master Equipment)
66. Added "Snow Gear" promotion (Master Equipment)
67. Added "Superior Horses" promotion (Master Equipment)
68. Added "Superior Kit" promotion (Master Equipment)
69. Added "Superior Tack" promotion (Master Equipment)
70. Added "Nightshade" promotion (Master Equipment)
71. Added "Windstone" promotion (Master Equipment)
72. Added "WoodsGearRecon" promotion (Master Equipment)
73. Added 5 Commercial Guilds - further non-resource oriented guilds to follow
74. Added "Farmers Guild" (food resources -> food, can build Farmer's Market for food resources -> commerce bonus)
75. Added "Kingfisher Brotherhood" (seafood resources -> food and commerce)
76. Added "Stonefire Guild" (building materials -> production and gold)
77. Added "Masquerade" (textile and luxury resources -> culture and commerce, required for carnivals, granted free in
Balseraph cities)
Fall Further 0.50
78. Added "Fabricaforma" (building materials -> production and culture)
79. Lair Exploration systems reworked - merge of Kael's and early FF (both based on Marnok's)
80. Added "Ambush" promotion - extra defensive strength within borders (Esus Only)
81. Added "Camisade" promotion - allows a weak ranged strike (Esus Only)
82. Added "Misdirection" promotion - maximises your withdrawal chance for one combat (Esus Only)
83. Added "Racketeering" promotions - first increases loot from pillage and reduces revolt chance, second removes
unit maintenance (Esus Only)
84. Added "Deceitful" promotion - prereq for some of the above (Esus Only)
85. Added "Freelancer" promotion - allows highly promoted units to ignore the National Unit cap, but may go off to
fight unexpectedly on their own (Esus Only)
86. All Esus Only promotions are lost if you abandon CoE state religion
87. Added "Tactics" promotion line - provide Defensive Strikes and Withdrawl Chance, as well as alternate/shorter
routes to some of the more popular promotions
88. Great People and Heroes are announced by popup with flavour text
89. Merged Flurry and Marksman unit for Ljosalfar - unit now has the abilities of both, available at Precision
(Machinery no longer needed at all)
90. Lairs will spawn randomly throughout the game
91. New Victory Condition - "Quick Religious" (requires less global religion)
92. New Victory Condition - "Quick Domination" (requires less land/population)
93. New Victory Condition - "Quick Cultural" (requires less culture)
94. All new victory conditions are mutually exclusive with their original versions
95. Fixed bug with OoS when attacking in MP games
96. Unitcombat type and religion shown on mouseover as icons before name.
97. Fixed issue with incorrect unitcombat types being assigned to some units
98. Gargoyles spawned by the guardian of Pristinus Pass will have slightly random strengths (generally weaker)
99. Bear Totem readded as UB for Chislev. -50% War weariness in city, +5% warweariness to enemies (cumulative)
100. Gallows readded as UB for Bannor. -50% war weariness in city, -10 crime rate, +10% military production, move to
Code of Laws
101. Machinist Shop readded as UB for Luichurp. As before.
102. Bowyer readded. As before.
103. Added Museum UB for Dural and Grigori (replaces Pagan Temple)
104. Korinna upgrading to Red/Black path is now announced.
105. Red/Black Paths no longer allow inappropriate promotions to be carried over.
106. "Add Population" enabled for True Pilgrims.
107. Quickened Promotion is now slow, long lasting XP booster.
108. Sickness Event for Scions fixed.
109. Haunted Lands cause several unique effects rather than simply giving a chance for the unit to betray.
110. Courage prevents "Shattered Nerve" and "Spooked" Haunted Land effects.
111. Most of Pelemoc's spells no longer return him to the capital, but have a casting delay.
112. Scions no longer have "God King" spawning modifier for Awakened.
113. Added "Horned Dread" unit (UU Beastmaster for Scions)
114. Reaching Creeper mechanic reworked.
115. Doomgivers have an improved "Infect Culture" ability.
Fall Further 0.50
116. Headless Promotion now available only to specific Scions units (Archer, Longbow, Crossbow, Marksman, Centeni,
Principes, Phalanx, Praetorian)
117. Weird Wrack spell requires Doomspinner promotion (given free to Doomsayers and Doomgivers).
118. Estranged lasts longer, but gives less chance of turning barbarian.
119. MP Gameoption added to log Random Numbers. Useful for further OoS debugging.
120. "For the Horde" grants you temporary control of all Orcish Barbarian units. Temporary units gained this way cost
no upkeep. Can pay to enlist each unit permanently.
121. Added State Names mechanic. Civilization names are determined by the civics and alignment of the Civ. (FiRE)
122. Challenge Gamemodes (Final 5, Increasing Difficulty, High to Low) now consider gamespeed.
123. Devout can upgrade to Vicar.
124. OoS Logging improved (allows for logging on computers set up to run multiple copies of civ)
125. Slow running Seven Pines behaviour removed (weakening demons/angels), retains Kael's functionality
126. Agnostic civs can cast Inquisition without State Religion
127. "Undead" is now simply a promotion rather than a race (allows for Undead Orcs, Undead Lizardmen etc)
128. Loyalty casting units can now "babysit" enraged units - if you cast Loyalty once and keep the caster with the
stack, the promotion will remain in place and the unit will not become AI Controlled.
129. Enraged units do not cost upkeep, are generally much more aggressive/reckless in their attacking and heal whilst
130. HN Units can now be grouped with other HN units.
131. Hill Giants are no longer "animals" - they may enter your lands freely. Also have a penalty to city attack.
132. Dawn of Man screen enhanced
133. Karrlson grants an Training XP rate bonus and increase the Training XP cap by 5 for himself and any unit
garrisoned in a city with him
134. Max Players is now 50.
135. Mithril Working and Mithril Weapons merged (Mithril Working). Cost is slightly higher than Mithril Working but
considerably less than Weapons.
136. Caminus Aureus readded. Requires Mithril Working. No longer provides +50% military production. Still provides
free Weaponsmith in all cities. Provides 1 Mithril resource.
137. Weaponsmith boosted to +25% Military Production. Still required for Phalanx.
138. Stephanos reduces city defense by 100% globally whilst alive.
139. Buboes reduces diplomacy levels globally between all leaders whilst still alive.
140. Yersinia reduces health by 5 globally.
141. Ar Moriendi reduces happiness by 5 globally.
142. Avatar of Wrath is Immortal (true immortal - must be killed twice in a single turn).
143. Workers are able to complete build tasks from game start, but at 10% of normal rate. Normal rate available with the
usual required tech.

Patch A

1. Fixed issue with Svartalfar settlers.

Fall Further 0.50
Patch B

Note: DLL originally posted in Patch B didn't contain some of the fixes listed (workboats etc) - Patch B merged into
Patch C

Patch C

1. Fixed issue regarding Kuriotate settlements

2. Fixed food requirement per population for Sacrifice the Weak
3. Fixed issue that allowed incorrect civs to build some rituals
4. Reordered some game options and victory conditions
5. Quotes for Global spells added
6. First world builder modifications added (allows cities to be designated settlements in WB)
7. Tracking TXT_KEY replaced
8. Issue with lair-spawned barbarians fixed (should no longer sometimes join your civ)
9. Fixed issue with Bradeline's well
10. Fixed negative results for scouts from tribal villages (scouts are also able to better avoid negatives in lairs, but are
not immune...)
11. Fixed varying workrates outside of borders.
12. Water animal spawn rates fixed.
13. Spirit Mill grants +1 Happiness in each city
14. Exchange is now Scions unique again
15. Patrian Bazaar and Exchange have increased foreign trade bonus
16. Maintenance gold saving displayed for courthouses
17. Scions spells that may start a war now do so again
18. DLL and Python updated to FfH Patch R.

Patch D

1. Fixed indentation error that could cause CvEventManager not to start properly (causes various things to work

Patch E

1. Lair Exploration will no longer spawn Death Knights at all.

2. Azer and Wraith demon barbarians will not spawn until higher techs achieved by players (Sorcery and Malevolent
Designs respectively) ("Barb spawn" is not Lair Explore results)
3. Time between Animal Escalation stages increased by 50% (slower rate of strength increase)
4. Demons take slightly longer to gain techs (they learn techs that players already have, the rate they do so was
5. Scions Exchange and Bazaar foreign trade route modifiers reduced signficantly.
6. Ghostwalkers no longer require Necromancy to cast Haunted Lands. Delay is 4 turns rather than 6.
7. Apocalypse will affect the Scions.
Fall Further 0.50
8. Savages spawning reworked. Will now spawn in groups of upto 6 (same number spawned as before, but they
travel around in "hordes").
9. Savages will spawn based on terrain type (Frostlings may spawn in tundra, Hill Giants tend to spawn in desert
10. Water animal spawn rate tweaked. You should get a few in any water over 100 tiles, but will need significantly
larger (based on difficulty) to get more than 5.
11. Improvements will no longer delete features incorrectly (Elves in Forest, Lizards in Jungle etc)
12. Lair boss result lists diluted (more chance of a special named version of a low level monster type - axeman/hunter
etc, but still possible to get larger enemies rarely)
13. Grace period at game start increased by 150% (period in which certain monsters will not appear in lairs - scaled by
14. Lair "BigGood" result list diluted - now has a chance to grant random items of "Mastercrafted Equipment", but less
chance to spawn Great People etc.
15. Several missing TXT_KEYs fixed.
16. Barbarian units from Lair Exploration will no longer sometimes join your civ (for real this time...)

Patch F

1. Units now display their Ranged Strength.

2. Unit Attribute Values displayed on the left, labels on the right (means that mass-promotions will cover up the
labels rather than the values)
3. Several TXT_KEY fixes
4. Giant Steadings and Graveyards can no longer be pillaged
5. Skeletons no longer "Melee" (balance issue with leveling, strength 4, adept summons - could potentially have +150%
strength from Combat 5 and Empower 5, + City Raider).
6. Frostling Archers and Wolfriders pushed further back in the tech tree - won't arrive so early.
7. AI much less likely to investigate lairs close to home, unless they are well defended (they don't care so much about
doing it on *your* doorstep though...)
8. Govannon can train the missing 3 spell spheres.
9. Units casting a delayed spell will show what spell they are casting.
10. Scions can no longer build "Shrine of the Champion" (they were getting to build it at various wrong times).
11. Accelerate spell fixed.
12. Typo in State Names fixed.
13. Creeper Mechanics reworked (slowed spawning, decreased life-cycle promotions duration, some Invisible)
14. Speed enhancement by running Dowsing only as required (thanks cde2006)
15. Scouts no longer have UNITAI_ATTACK (was an initial experiment and worked well - going to look at others as
discussed in the thread).
16. Temple of Gift replaces Emperor's Mark.
17. Scions have Fallow as a CivTrait rather than LeaderTrait.
18. Emperor's Dagger now only requires Level 2 (down from 6), but only 1 allowed (previously 2).
19. Alcinus is a little more random in his mood swings. Sometimes he'll snap out of his mood and become a loyal
citizen again, sometimes he'll get angry and go break things.
20. Awakened spawn rate adjusted (see Scions Documentation thread).
Fall Further 0.50
21. Awakened no longer given as Scions start unit. First Scion city has 2 population.
22. Ranged attack much more tightly linked to unit strength and promotions.
23. Added Archery promotion line. Linked to Drill promotions, allows increased Ranged Strength and Ranged Damage
Cap (high level archers are much more potent).
24. Maelstrom reduced to 30% cap (as in FfH).
25. Ranged caps for Archery units adjusted upward slightly.
26. Kithra Kyriel now has a ranged strike (as heroic horse archer).
27. Smoke -> Flames behaviour fixed.
28. Re-explorable lairs (epic lairs) fixed to regrow without being worked (still displays "City must work" for the first
29. AI more likely to flee their workers, even with defensive strength.
30. Korrina (Leader) can build Legates.
31. Korrina (Hero) gains XP slowly.
32. Legates have 15% conversion chance (down from 20%).
33. Doomsayer/Giver weaker outside of borders, stronger within.
34. Display added for Religion/Guild requirements on buildings.
35. Worker build costs without tech are now 4x instead of 10x. Forest/Jungle clearance has a flat rate and is not
increased by tech (needs a new field to work properly with techs).
36. Visible forest/jungle improvements mod from Monkeyfinger and Seven05 included (can still see trees on
Elven/Lizard towns/farms).
37. Carnival no longer requires Masquerade.
38. All theatres grant 2 happiness, no longer depends on Culture slider.
39. Added Grand Playhouse building. Requires Masquerade. Allows happiness from Culture Slider.
40. If running low on Memory for a graphical rebuild using Jean's quicker method, will use slower method instead to
prevent crashes/MAF.
41. Stasis disables Awakened spawning.
42. Unit artwork updated for FfH2 Patch t
43. Disabled Curse the Land and Mana Surge again (should have still been disabled).
44. Ranged attacks no longer reset your fortification time.
45. Fixed missing CoE icon.
46. GameOptions fixed - turns out that some are hardcoded from the EXE. (*grumble*)

Patch G

Note: Will break save games. Please start a "Play Now" game (or manually edit the config file) to clear all saved game
options, before playing.

1. Fixed prereqs for Archery promotions.

2. Fixed "Take <MagicItem>" spell buttons.
3. Fixed Austrin warrior artwork (had 2 Austrin and 1 Civ4 Warrior)
4. Level 1 Spell Sphere promotions grant 0.3 Passive XP Rate.
5. Spell Extension I grants 0.3 Passive XP Rate.
6. Channeling I and II increased by 0.1 Passive XP Rate each.
Fall Further 0.50
7. Great Library now gives 1 Free Sage (per FfH2 change). Also allows 2 Sage specialist slots.
8. Added Doviello melee UU's (per FfH2 change)
9. Cure Disease/Heal now require Medic2/3 (as per FfH change)
10. Grigori Medic, Dural Professor and Chislev Spirit Healer updated for #9
11. Meshabber and Mithril Golem costs reduced (as per FfH)
12. Manticores can fly (as per FfH)
13. Chalid can't use metal weapons (as per FfH)
14. Road building/Exploration discount fixed.
15. "Sticky" promotions fixed.

Patch H

Note: Will break save games.

1. Low memory fallback routine for terrain updates fixed.

2. Added recent FlavourMod features (forest lock softening etc).
3. Maintenance reduction buildings display the actual gold saved by construction.
4. Lair exploration results are generally validated against the unit exploring.
5. Cannot add immortal units to Flesh Golems.
6. Archos use Shaman (no Mage Guild required) instead of Mage Guild.
7. All Unique techs are now ERA_END, preventing them from being given in appropriately in advanced starts.
8. Scions visiting the Remnants of Patria will find a number of supplies rather than a Great Artist.
9. Barbarian stacks more prone to attacking cities.
10. Lair exploration results are generally validated against the unit exploring.
11. Equipment promotions are generally validated against the unit using them.
12. Ranged combat less dominated by combat strengths and includes a random element.
13. Ranged combat grants a small amount of XP (% can be modified using Global define XML).
14. General bug hunting and fixing.
15. Some stability improvements, still a work in progress (next version possibly includes a partial rewrite of some
features to help with this).
16. Religious-warrior units (Paladin, Eidolon, Crusaders, Paramanders, Revenants) gain access exclusive equipment
17. Added minCitiesConquered, minNumberVassals, fullCiv, minorCiv, isSovereign, isVassal, isColony, femaleLeader,
prereqLeader as prereqs for state names.
18. Added "Colony" and "Horde" as State Names.
19. Added ability to track the number of cities that have been conquered by a player in the DLL (may have other uses
later, especially for other modders).
20. General bug hunting and fixing.
21. Some stability improvements, still a work in progress (next version possibly includes a partial rewrite of some
features to help with this).
22. Scions spawn rate scales better with map size.
23. Mercenaries and Nilhorn Giants are no longer undead if acquired by Scions.
24. Link between luxury resources and awakened spawn rate tweaked.
Fall Further 0.50
25. Alcinus' Keep Death add-on only provides 1 death mana and now grants +2 XP for adepts.
26. Alcinus' Keep Ice add on replaced by Metamagic add on.
27. Schola Furio loses health/happy penalties, gains +4 beakers.
28. Fix for OoS due to Scions capital being founded.
29. Minor tweaks to Scions spells (Balefire, Draw Strength, Weird Wrack).
30. Tweaks to Barbarian logic.

Patch I

Note: Will break save games.

1. Masters Hall GP production bug fixed

2. Giant spiders may be promoted along five unique lines (two promotions in each)
3. Broodchamber added (created by returning high experience units to the nest, grants free promotions to spider units)
4. Kahdi are allowed to build champions.
5. Spider spawn rate increased.
6. Baby spider upgrade from combat chance increased (50% from 30%)
7. Archos cities with unhappy population have a chance to be called upon to "feed mother" (population control).
8. Pyre Zombies now only inflict retaliatory damage (when killed) upon the unit they fought
9. Pyre Zombies inflict collateral damage
10. Pyre Zombies gain +20% vs Melee and -40% vs Archery
11. Sheut Stone significantly increases retaliatory damage done by Pyre Zombie death explosion (extra damage is
Death damage)
12. Mother may order the Archos to conquer specific food resources from their neighbours (work in progress - current
reward is placeholder to test the actual quest)
13. Settler AI Improved.
14. Worker AI Improved.
15. Several bug fixes from unofficial patch and BetterAI (fixes, not features so far).
16. Melante (Scions Dark Councilor) gains "Polished Diplomat"
17. Pelemoc (Scions Dark Councilor) abilities reworked.
18. Giant spiders can consume a "meat resource" within their borders to supply a number of baby spiders quickly (AI
won't use unless they have a significant surplus of that resource and the resource is outside of city radius).
19. Experience setting in Python fixed for Mobius Witches, Thades, Hyborem and Basium.
20. Shamans can now build all new mana nodes properly
21. Units with duration cannot be added to a flesh golem
22. Autocracy, Tyranny and Dictatorship state names all require at least 2 cities (your initial city remains a "tribe")
23. Ancient Forests reduced to 25% defense bonus
24. Most FoL units gain +25% bonus attack/defense in Ancient Forest.
25. AI for teching significantly improved (will now prioritize commerce techs as empire grows, appropriate religious
techs and some civs/leaders follow a general plan for teching)
26. Alcinus will now switch to an aggressive AI when enraged.
27. Barbarian units will now correctly target and attack cities again.
Fall Further 0.50
Patch J

1. Fix for load/save bug (big thanks to MootPoint)

2. Fixed python exception related to Demon's Altar
3. Merged latest FlavourMod additions
a. Removed <CivilizationYieldType> tag from CIV4TerrainInfos
b. Removed <CivilizationYieldChange> tag group from CIV4TerrainInfos
c. Add: CIV4CivilizationInfos tag group: <FeatureHealthPercentChanges>
d. Add: CIV4CivilizationInfos tag group: <TerrainYieldChanges>
e. Add: CIV4CivilizationInfos tag group: <FeatureYieldChanges>
f. Add: Dawn of Men and Pedia entries (Improvements, Civilizations, Terrains) for the new tags
g. Add: Made normalization, the Founding AI and some other AIs consider the new tags
h. Change: Moved Lanun food bonus for Ocean and Coast from Buildings (Palace) to Civilization
i. Change: Illian, Infernal and Malakim Terrain Yield Changes moved from Terrain to Civilization
j. Change: Clan of Embers, Cualli, Mazatl, and Savages no longer affected by jungle unhealth
k. Change: Malakim get less Unhealth from Flood Plains and a Health Bonus from Oasis
l. Add: Flavour Info for Balseraphs (Dye, Silk, Cotton, Sheep)
m. Add: Isolation preference (start as far away from everybody else as possible)
n. Change: Sidar and Griogori gain preference for Isolation
o. Change: Marsh will only be added to maps without Marsh
p. Change: Improved algorithm for adding Marsh
q. Change: Food balancing does not to break intercontinental bonus trade groups
r. Change: Gave Marsh a 25% defense modifier
s. Add: Show message on food bar if activated Growth Control triggers
t. Fix: Growth Control stays active if city should grow beyond the happy cap
u. Add: Added some selected Civilization Infos to the Flag Mouse Over Help
v. Change: Revamped the Dawn of Man Screen (resized, centered, BtS bug fixed)
w. Change: Softened some Terrain and Feature restrictions on Bonus placement
x. Change: Allowed Forest to spread to Marsh Terrain
y. Fix: Pearls are no longer allowed for yield normalization
4. Venenum spiders can no longer also take Textus promotion.
Fall Further 0.50

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