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SELF-NURTURE: Top 7 Quick Things You Can Easily Do To Relieve Stress

1) Take a break: Taking a break is part of nurturing yourself. It's a cool way to recuperate. You don't have
to wait for a special holiday before you take a break or a vacation. You don't also have to wait until you
have a mental or emotional breakdown or burn out before you take a break from stressful situations.

2) Breathe: Taking deep breathes are quick and easy ways to relax your body and mind even while at
work. Deep breathing relaxes the muscles and increases oxygen and blood delivery to the brain and
other organs of the body. You could do Triangle Breathing exercises. An example if this is Take a deep
breathe or breathe in only through your nostrils for about 5 secs, then hold your breathe for about 3
secs and finally purse your lips and exhale or breathe out slowly only through your pursed lips. Repeat
this cycle for as much as you want.

3) Mindfulness practice: mindfulness is increasingly becoming popular. It involves living in the moment,
paying attention to what's going on here and now without thinking about the past or future;
experiencing all of your thoughts and emotions, accepting yourself without judgment. Meditation, deep
breathing are also part of mindfulness practices .

We can get so carried away with activities and meeting deadlines that we forget to live. Take notice of
your environment, pay attention to your meals.

Mindfulness helps you achieve a level of relaxation and helps increase your concentration and focus.

4) Go for a walk: taking a walk has this magical effect. It has a way of distracting you or disconnecting
from unnecessary thoughts. It's a good way to help declutter your mind. You could take a walk alone in
the cool hours of the evening ( this one works for me a lot) or with a loved one or even with a pet.

5) Spend time in nature: nature is so beautiful. The flowers, trees, watching the sunset, noticing the cool
breeze, the stars and so on. Spending time in nature helps you live in the moment.

Nature makes me of think of peace, love, serenity, innocence, purity. It helps me reflect a lot on beauty
and how wonderful God is in creating. It also helps me reflect on my life and how we will eventually
have to leave this world to be with our creator. Being conscious of this truth can help me live a more
fulfilling and impactful life. You could

6) Pray and meditate: prayer is an ongoing ritual and so is meditation. It usually involves separating
yourself from the crowd, the chaos, the chattering, the noise and focusing on your spirit man.
Quietening your mind and listening to your spirit.

Meditation keeps you relaxed and calm. You can get inspiration too. You can meditate on your own or in
groups. You can also meditate with or without scented candles.

7) Go for a good and relaxing work out

Other healthy ways to nurture yourself, and relax and recharge your mind and body may include:

1) Listen to a very nice music

2) Get a massage

3) Mindfully savor a cup of coffee or tea

4) call or visit a good friend

5) Have a warm bath

6) Sleep early with your phone away

7) Engage in any of your favourite hobby or activities. For example,

a) cook

b) work in the garden

c) wash the dishes

d) do the laundry

e) organize the house

f) read a good book

g) go shopping

h) go hiking/biking/sky diving

I) write an article or a blog post

J) Journal

K) play some indoor games

The list can go on and on

Personally, I love going for walks, meditation and listening to music.

How about you?

Please do let me know in the comments section below.

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