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I believe that all of them are my strengths, even if they do not have the best
qualifications for being strong or ideal, because they all made me strong and the best
version of myself that I am today. I accept my flaws and weaknesses because they are
the source of my strength; this may appear to make me flawed, but being myself is the
best gift I can give myself.

Being imperfect makes me perfect; all of my qualifications can also be my weaknesses,
but I don't consider this a burden because I believe that weakness can be a source of
strength for some people, and I am one of them.


School is not just about assignments, answer, quizzes, stress and learning, School is also
an unexpected home that fosters non-blood related individuals who can still be referred
to as family. That's why I drew a common prank in school, a bag with stones in it, if you
don't know this prank is when you put a stone inside the bag of your classmate without
his noticing and without his consent, the stone causes the bag to get heavy and the
owner of the bag would be very confused to why his bag is heavy, this is a funny
memory from school and it will always be a unique and fun tale to tell.

Day 3

Loneliness is the most terrifying thing I don't want to experience; being lonely means
having to face the world on your own, without the support of others or someone
standing right beside you.

Everyone wants a taste of peace, and mine is the fresh air that makes my hair fly and
the sensation of sand in my feet; this is my definition of peace; a place where you can
only find serenity in, a runaway place.

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