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In essence, to sustain is to continue our capacity to live life on this planet — to endure
— but because that definition doesn't quite encompass the full meaning behind
environmental sustainability,
A walk on the beach or a hike in the woods are reminders that our forests, coral reefs,
and even our deserts act as examples of sustainable systems. Oxygen, nitrogen, and
carbon are all regenerated and redistributed in invisible chemical cycles throughout the
world’s living (and not-so-living) systems, sustaining and adapting life since it first
Differing Definitions of Sustainability
Governments, industry, non-profits, and environmental agencies all have different
definitions of environmental sustainability and approaches to the issue. Generally, there
are three definitions of the practice.
Definition 1
Sustainability is the ability to meet the needs of the present without compromising the
ability of future generations to meet their own needs.This is the definition of
sustainability as created by the United Nations World Commission on Environment and
Definition 2
Sustainability is the capacity to improve the quality of human life while living within
the carrying capacity of the Earth’s supporting eco-systems.This definition has been
provided by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).
As populations have increased and we have relied on the earth's natural resources such
as minerals, petroleum, coal, gas and so on, the earth's natural ecosystems and creatures
(from birds to insects to mammals) have declined. We have changed the sacred balance
of nature as environmentalist David Suzuki puts it, which has had a negative impact on
both humans and other living systems.
Definition 3
Sustainability is about stabilizing the currently disruptive relationship between earth’s
two most complex systems—human culture and the living world..
Endure – suportar quite emcompass – englobar full – todo
Meaning – significado wood – floresta reminders – lembretes
World’s living – sistemas vivos since it – desde que este emerged – surgiram
Approaches – abordagens meet – atender need – necessidades
Improve – melhorar enviromental – meio ambiente while living enquanto vive
Carrying capacity – capacidade de carga relied – usarmos, retirarmos desruptive-
01 – o texto nos fala que sustenaible é nossa capacidade continuar nossa capacidade de
vida nesse planeta ou seja “to endure!” marque a opção que contém um verbo com
mesmo significado:
a) to survive b) to support c) to adopt d) to control e) to live
02 – são exemplos de sistemas sustentáveis:
a) coral b) forests c) reefs d) deserts e) all are corrects
03 – Are elementes regenerated in the in the enviroment;
a) oceans b) oxygen, nitrogen, carbon c) birds d) animals e) firw
04 – Segundo o texto existem 03 tipos de definições para sustentabilidade cada uma sob
o ponto de vista dos(as):
a) governments b) industries c)non-profits d) enviroments agencies e)all are corrects
05 – na primeira definição prioriza:
a) meet to needs without compromissing new generations
b) survive the species in the world
c) provide resourse a short period
d) to talk about wastes and poluition
e) the global warming
06 – Who created the first definition about Sustenaible:
a) the governments
c) enviromental agencies
c) United Nations World Commission on Environment and Development
d) the american enviromentalists
e) scientis all parto f the world
07 – The definition two talks about:
a) to improve the quality of human life
b) to improve the relations between men and nature
c) to recicle the habits
d) to coserve the ocean life
e) to reuse the resources
08 - Quem criou the second definition:
a) ONU
b) OEA
c) cruz vermelha
d) International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
e) the conference in Davos 2019
09 – A palavra chave para terceira definição para sustentabilidade é:
a) improve
b) stanilizing
c) recycle
d) reuse
e) creating

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