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May 2016, Volume 21, Number 5, pp.


Science & Society Editor

365 Crop Diversity: An Unexploited Festo Massawe, Sean Mayes, Susanne C. Brink
Treasure Trove for Food Security and Acga Cheng Trends Publisher
Paige Shaklee
Spotlights Journal Manager
369 Using Decoys to Detect Pathogens: Peter Moffett Jan Kastelein
An Integrated Approach Journal Administrators
Ria Otten
371 Decoy Engineering: The Next Step Jiorgos Kourelis, Patrick Scheffmann
in Resistance Breeding R.A.L. van der Hoorn,
and Daniela J. Sueldo Advisory Editorial Board
J.F. Allen, London, UK
E. Blumwald, Davis, USA
373 A Feed-Forward Regulation Sets Cell Barbara Berckmans J.J. Casal, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Fates in Roots and Rüdiger Simon J. Dangl, Chapel Hill, USA
C. Dean, Norwich, UK
Opinions R.A. Dixon, Ardmore, USA
376 Electrical Wiring and Long-Distance Rainer Hedrich, A.R. Fernie, Potsdam-Golm,
Plant Communication Vicenta Salvador-Recatalà, Germany
and Ingo Dreyer W. Gruissem, Zurich, Switzerland
M. Heil, Irapuato, Mexico
D. Inzé, Ghent, Belgium
388 Redox Regulation of Cytosolic Marten Moore, Nikolaj Gossmann, A. Larkum, Sydney, Australia
Translation in Plants and Karl-Josef Dietz O. Leyser, Cambridge, UK
C. Martin, Norwich, UK
398 Force-Driven Polymerization and Olivier Ali and Jan Traas S. McCormick, Albany, USA
Turgor-Induced Wall Expansion S. Merchant, Los Angeles, USA
R. Mittler, Reno, USA
410 Cooperative Extension: A Model Erica David, Kingsley W. Dixon, R. Mosher, Tuscon, USA
of Science–Practice Integration for and Myles H.M. Menz J. Parker, Cologne, Germany
Ecosystem Restoration M. Purugganan, New York, USA
E. Richards, Ithaca, USA
Feature Review J. Sheen, Boston, USA
418 Rootstocks: Diversity, Domestication, Emily J. Warschefsky, K. Shinozaki, Tsukuba, Japan
and Impacts on Shoot Phenotypes Laura L. Klein, Margaret H. Frank, S. Smeekens, Utrecht,
The Netherlands
Daniel H. Chitwood, V. Sundaresan, Davis, USA
Jason P. Londo, Y. Zhu, Beijing, China
Eric J.B. von Wettberg,
and Allison J. Miller Editorial Enquiries
Reviews Trends in Plant Science
438 Opportunities for Products of New Jan G. Schaart, Cell Press
Plant Breeding Techniques Clemens C.M. van de Wiel, 125, London Wall
London EC2Y 5AS, UK
Lambertus A.P. Lotz,
Tel: +44 (0)20 7424 4393
and Marinus J.M. Smulders E-mail:

450 Receptor Complex Mediated Yvonne Stahl

Regulation of Symplastic Traffic and Christine Faulkner

On The Cover: Grafting is an ancient agricultural practice that joins the root system
(rootstock) of one plant to the shoot (scion) of another to indirectly manipulate the scion
phenotype. While recent research has focused on scions, on pages 418–437 Allison
J. Miller and colleagues investigate developing areas of rootstock research, including
molecular interactions and rootstock microbiomes. With growing interest in perennial
crops as valuable components of sustainable agriculture, rootstocks provide one
mechanism by which to improve and expand woody perennial cultivation in a range of
environmental conditions. Cover design by Susanne C. Brink.

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