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To understand our discussion much more, I would like to incorporate today's theme of LOVE -
LEAD - SERVE to our topic "honing oneself before others". These three words are not designed
to be in a chronological manner. (Dili siya kailangan pasunod). It does not need to end in serve,
it can be in any order you wish to see fit.

When loving, you can lead and serve.

When leading, you can serve and love.
When serving, you can love and lead.

Remember these three phrases as we dig more to into it.

When loving, you can lead and serve.

Note that by means of "loving", it is not just towards a person. It could be passion. It
could be interests. Love has the potential to be a significant motivation that encourages
leadership and service. It frequently drives you to act and provide a good influence when you
truly love someone or something, whether it's a cause, a community, or the people around you.

Love fosters empathy, understanding, and an instinct to care for others, which inspires service.
You naturally desire to make a contribution to and foster the general well-being of someone or
something for whom you have a great deal of regard. Love may also contribute as a stimulus for
leadership. When you are passionate about a cause or have a clear vision of the future, you might
feel bound to take the initiative. Love gives you the will to uphold your principles and lead
others toward a shared objective. It gives you the capacity to uplift and encourage others,
establishing a sense of cooperation.

When leading, you can serve and love.

Leading -- having to work with people. Leading goes wrong if it is merely asserting
power and control, it is also providing guidance; it is about serving others and guiding them
towards a common purpose. Hence with leading, you can serve your people with guidance, and
you learn to love the true responsibility that lies in leading.

Effective leaders put in mind their followers, the people they lead. They actively listen, offer
encouragement, and cultivate an environment that promotes development, cooperation, and
achievement. Serving the people under your direction shows that you care about them and are
genuinely invested in their growth and fulfillment. Leadership offers a venue for the expression
of love. In a leadership setting, love entails creating respect, trust, and healthy connections
among team members. It entails valuing each person's special qualities and contributions and
encouraging an inclusive and encouraging environment. You can foster an atmosphere where
people feel respected, inspired, and encouraged to realize their full potential by leading with

When serving, you can love and lead.

From the word itself, you need to be in the service of someone or everyone.
One can only truly "serve" if one knows how to love because you cannot give your service with
an empty heart. Now, if you serve with love, you can be capable of leading.

Serving others may foster feeling of love and open doors for leadership. Service is a selfless
endeavor and a means of enriching the welfare of others. Serving others allows you to show
generosity compassion and support, all of which can promote love and leadership. In addition,
service may work as a springboard for leadership. By coordinating and overseeing activities, you
inevitably embrace a sense of leadership. Setting an example, encouraging cooperation, and
establishing a sense of purpose and direction are all aspects of leadership in the context of

Now that it is laid out, what is the relevance of it to our topic you may ask. It is because they all
share a thing in common. Loving, leading, and serving need honing. And above anyone else, you
must hone yourself first. So, for today's breakout session, here is "honing oneself before

Self-improvement and personal development are essential for honing yourself to become a better
leader, lover, and servant. It is crucial to develop one's leadership, love, and service skills if one
wants to actually have a beneficial influence on the world and the lives of others. Continuous
personal development, self-awareness and conscious growth are required for these three
interwoven features. Individuals may strengthen their capacity to lead with integrity, love
unreservedly, and serve passionately by making an investment in their own growth.

We must first hone ourselves if we are to love, serve, and lead others in a genuine way. It is only
by self-reflection, self-improvement, and self-awareness that we may develop into more
effective, compassionate, and effective individual. By making an investment in our own growth,
we build a strong foundation upon which to extend love, give service, and exercise leadership
that has a positive influence on the lives of people around us. We become influential as we
develop and grow, having an impact that extends far beyond ourselves.

--- MAIN TALK ---

Why do you need to put yourself before others?

Why should one's self must come first? Simple, because you are responsible of yourself.

Honing oneself should be viewed as a continuous process of growth and learning rather than as a
selfish endeavor. Individuals can improve their capacity to have an advantageous effect on
others' lives and to contribute to the welfare of their communities by actively seeking their own

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