Script 4 Ingles

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Paola Margarita Barceló


Daniel Felipe Grisales Morales

Sebastián rey santos




Agent: Good morning, thanks for calling Virgin Mobile. Talk to Daniel, how can I help you?

Client: Good morning, I want to cancel my cell phone plan because it is very expensive.
Agent: Tell me, sir, have you had any increase in your bill in the last few months?

Client: Yes, sir, I have been presenting my complaints to the company but until now I was able
to communicate with you and since they do not resolve me, I want to cancel my plan.

Agent: Very well, sir, let me help you. First of all, please send me the invoices in which this
problem has been evidenced by email.

Client: Okay, let me check, I already sent it.

Agent: Very well sir, apparently you had a decline in payments 4 months ago for which you
were sanctioned and what our company did was put the balance owed on current invoices.

Customer: BUT THAT IS AWESOME! Why didn’t you consult with me first and we could have
established a payment agreement?

Agent: Mr. The solution to your problem is just that, we can reduce the price of the invoices
where you can pay a little less and thus you have more comfort to pay.

Client: Tell me how much I owe and how much I would pay to see if I can continue with you.

Agent: Sir, until today, the overdue invoices are 200 dollars and you would be paying 20 dollars
a month apart from what you consume each month, do you agree, sir?

Client: Yes, it’s fine, it’s much more useful than how it was arriving, but where can I pay for it?
Please remind me.


The forms of payment that we currently handle are online directly to our bank accounts such
as Bancolombia, BBVA, Banco AV villas, Davivienda, PSE, WESTER UNION or you can pay within
our facilities by going to a service point.

Client: Well that’s fine, tomorrow I’ll pay some of what I owe, thank you.

Agent: Very well, sir, I confirm. Your current debt is 200 dollars, of which you will cancel 20
dollars a month, is that correct?

Client: Yes sir, that is correct.

Agent: Very well if not

If you have any other questions, it was a pleasure to assist you, remember that I speak with
Daniel Grisales from VIRGIN MOBILE, have a good day.

Client: Done.

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